The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

Amanda Barnett: Reclaiming power through embracing your unique energy

August 11, 2023 Raechelle Embrey, Amanda Barnett

Amanda and I met a couple of months ago when we connected through her dog Harold for an animal communication session. Amanda is just a fascinating individual that I feel so blessed to have connected with!

She is so multifaceted and has established an incredibly unique business, Barney and Flow. She is able to incorporate holistic practices, focus on the cosmic Trinity, authenticity, and well-being, play in the quantum field, and work with a lot of self-sovereignty. 

She also has a BSS in psychology and is a certified emotion code practitioner and a human design guide incorporating the gene keys, astrocartography, and traditional Hellenistic and modern astrology.

She focuses on mindful meditation, somatic breath work, and trauma-informed nervous system training. So as you can tell from everything that I've already shared, she is a plethora of knowledge.  I am really excited to tap into her wisdom in this episode and let you guys get an opportunity to be in her energy.

In this episode Amanda and I chat about:

  • Finding a wholistic approach to nervous system dysregulation.
  • Being strong enough in her own capacity to understand how to move the energy while working with others.
  • Rebelling against having a niche
  • Becoming your own healer
  • Reclaiming power through embracing your unique energy
  • Practicing good emotional hygeine
  • Navigating challenging aspects of karma and detriments in astrology
  • Deconditioning from societal expectations
  • Working with the Healy- Microcurrent Therapy

You can connect with Amanda on her website and learn more about The Collective at:

IG: @barneyandflow

Connect with me at:
IG: @raechelleembrey

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Hello. Hello, today I'm so excited to introduce Amanda B. Barnett. Amanda and I met a couple of months ago when we connected through her dog Harold, uh, for an animal communication and. We actually connected through the Healy, which we'll get into, and then led into animal communication. And Amanda is just a fascinating individual. She is so multifaceted and has established this amazing business where I. She is able to incorporate holistic practices, focus on cosmic Trinity, authenticity, wellbeing, playing in the con quantum field, and working with a lot of self sovereignty. She also has a BSS in psychology and is a certified emotion code practitioner and a human design guide incorporating the gene keys, astrocartography, and traditional Hellenistic and modern astrology. She is got a focus with mindful meditation, somatics breath work, trauma-informed nervous system training, and her business is called Barney and Flow. So as you can tell, like just from everything that I've already shared, she is just a plethora of knowledge that I am really excited to tap into her wisdom today and let you guys get a. Experience of what she has to share and offer to the world. So Amanda, why don't you start by sharing a little bit about Barney and Flow, and I always like for people to introduce their, sun, moon and rising and because you're also very involved in human design, a little bit about that for you as well. Alright, well thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here. Well, I'm a Scorpio Sun Aries moon cancer rising. I started studying astrology through the back door of human design and probably six or seven years before that for like a decade. I thought I was a cancer Moon. Aries rising backwards for a really long time. I'm a two four emotional generator in human design my business kind of came to be. So I've had a few careers. I worked in the N F L and I worked in film for 14 years and I was always kind of. I studied psychology in college because I was pre-law at the time because I had one of those families that was kind of like, be a doctor or a lawyer. Like those are the choices. And so I was on that path and I graduated from high school a year early and I went to college and I like did all the pre-law stuff and I started applying to law schools and then I was like, I don't even wanna, I. Do this. And psychology was like the most liberal arts I could go in the college I was in.'cause my college was like very science and engineering mechanics focused. So, um, so I, I was like not sure what I wanted to do next and I got an opportunity to work in the N F L. And then from the opportunity to work in the N F L I got an opportunity to go and like live in Los Angeles and work in film and. The whole time I was like always obsessed with wellness. Like it started out studying nutrition in college and I was just always reading stuff and like filtering and stuff. And then, um, in my early twenties, I guess when I was in LA I had like, I. One could call a nervous breakdown. Like I was just like, I started having severe panic attacks before anyone was really having a conversation about anxiety, openly. Like it was very much mm-hmm. Still a closeted thing that you didn't talk about. And I didn't know anyone that had anxiety. Um, my family were not people that like discussed mental health really. Like, it just was like, um, like a real. Kind of isolating moment of like not understanding what was happening to me and not really having a community to discuss it with. And, um, I just, it kind of snowballed until like I was, I would have, I would have anxiety all the time. I like had, um, real nervous system dysregulation and I was really trying to find. A path for me that felt more holistic. Mm-hmm. And so, um, I started going to acupuncture and I went to my first meditation training. And I mean, I could not, I. Even sit with my body, like we would like start to go to our breath. And I was like, Nope, I'm gonna, I was like freaking out. And so I would just, I would sit and I would focus on the sound of traffic outside and like it almost sounds like waves if you're questioning to it. Yeah. You know, and I would just focus on anything outside of myself, but that was kind of my first foray into something more than nutrition. Like I'd moved, I grew up in the south. I'd moved to Los Angeles and like I study astrocartography, so I moved along my sunline in my early twenties, which was like a perfect line to travel along for like self-discovery. At that time, like it was like I finally got to open up and like start to become who I was always supposed to be, but it kind of like, Like, um, put myself in little boxes to kind of fit in in where I was. Um, and so meditation was really the first thing that I was like, oh, like I was like dipping my toe in other areas of wellness that weren't just like I. Mainstream nutrition. You know, I was starting to branch out and man, did that open up like a whole From then it was like, I got certified in Reiki and I like, you know, it just like, it snowballs. Like sometimes once you get into that world, like you're just like, it's like a kid in a candy store and you're just like, what else can I study? Yeah. Um, and it also saved my life. Like meditation and mindfulness definitely saved my life. Um, As well as my dog that you helped me communicate with because he, he was there like during some of the darkest times in my life and taking care of him was something that kept me going. You know, they're like little, little beings that require attention and sometimes you need something outside of yourself to focus on.'cause for really like, 10 plus years. I was on a like wellbeing journey of like realizing that I was a sponge, that I like, took in everything around me, that I was like processing the pain of the world and I didn't know how to filter that and I didn't know how to control it. And I, and honestly, like the more I got into doing wellness for other people, the worst that got in a way because then I was trying to hold space for people and I really wasn't. Strong enough in my own capacity yet to do that or to understand how to move the energy through. So I just kept kind of looking for more tools and looking for more tools until I just amassed this massive toolbox. And probably 10 years ago, um, I don't know, I'm terrible at time, maybe seven or eight years ago, I discovered human design. And for a long time I had been like, I need to niche. I need to niche. I'm all over the place. I like have all these things I'm interested in and every time I take a business training, they're telling me I have to niche down and I don't wanna go down. Like I'm not interested in being niche. I'm interested in like how I can find like the most utilitarian tools that we can use and combine them for holistic wellbeing. Not just focusing on one thing, but then when I found human design, it was like, oh, like I feel like I can take this huge toolbox of breath work and meditation and movement, and I can filter it through this lens of human design that is like specific to individuals. It's not, oh, one diet works for everybody, or one way of exercise works for everybody, or one way of marketing works for everybody. It's like unique to each person's authent, authenticity, and. That was when I was finally like, I, this, I'm not going to niche down, I refuse, and I'm going to like filter it all through this lens of like, how can we be like the most authentic expression of our truth. And have the most sovereignty because I really think we're moving past to this kind of guru mentality. And there's no problem with having a guru if you have a guru, um, if it's a healthy relationship, you know. But I really think we're moving into a paradigm of like, you are your healer. You are your best guide. You have access to intuition. We don't need gatekeepers. And so the more I can like give power back to people through their own uniqueness. That's, that's what I love to do. Yeah. I love that you said that so well, and I, it's something that I feel like you and I really resonate with and our messaging and how we put it out there is like really giving people their power back and just even, you know, taking away from all of the spiritual BSS that has been shoved down people's throats half the time of like, you know, certain things have the way that you manifest, which manifesting and spirituality are so like, so. Intertwined and it's like, this is how you have to be or this is the way that it is. And it does create a lot of anxiety for people in general because one of the things, one, when people come to me, a lot of the times they're, they've been thinking they're doing it all wrong, or they have to be thinking a certain way or being a certain way. And it's like you get to be you, you know, you really do get to be you. And, and I mean like it. You just looking at how you've grown in your business and obviously you had a lot going on and in your internal world and you still manifested a lot and grew spiritually and still like were able to create a lot of amazing things and I feel like that's something that people need to understand is like you can. Still kind of be a hot mess, you know? And like be working through all of that and still create amazing things because it's your experience that really led you to create all of that. And had you not learned everything that you did, it's like, where would that, where would that have come from? Where would that have been born from? You know, it's like, so you really had to kind of be messy, you know, in that, in that timeframe or, and, and move through all of that to be where you're at now, which is like a perfect example of like, This is who you are and this is what you're here to help other people do. And I think it's really cool that you took a lot of that and you mentioned how your energy wasn't strong enough in capacity and holding that. And I, I also feel like that's something that, you know, especially as like emerging entrepreneurs in the spiritual world, like you can be entrepreneur and. One facet, but then you can be entrepreneur in the spiritual world where you're like, you are helping people so much energetically. And I don't think some of us realize who are very deeply empathic or energetically aware or moving energy, like something I do is move energy. It's like what I'm doing a lot, you know? And. Even I've been to the point where like I thought, oh no, I'm, I'm not taking this outside of my sessions. I'm not taking anybody on. And then come to the point where it's like, holy hell, yes, I have been, and, and not only there, but in my relationships and like having to kind of like hit the floor a little bit with that because it, it does, like you have to cultivate a certain amount of capacity to do a lot of capacity to do that or find a way like you did in your collective that's like, Bringing all of the information there so that you're not immersed in their energetic space, which is just amazing that you were able to kind of like really channel that into like such a, that's like your superpower and you put it in there and bringing it out to the world that way. So, Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a lot hygiene too. Like I was talking to someone about it the other day and like when I used to leave breathwork sessions and I would have someone on my table having a total adult temper tantrum. Mm-hmm. Which is great because we need those as adults, we need the catharsis. You know, we don't have that like opportunity very often to like, Just fucking let go, like really let go. Um, and I think it's so, so important. Um, but I would not practice good emotional hygiene around it. You know, I would tell myself, I'm gonna do a group of sessions with people and then I'm gonna like go do my run and I'm gonna do my salt bath and I'm gonna do my, and then I'd be exhausted at the end of the day and I'd be like, I'm gonna eat some food and watch a movie because I can't. And then it just like piles in because you're not like doing the things that you need. To clear it and I, it's still something I'm working on all the time is like trying to figure out how to shore up my boundaries and like when I work with clients, or even when I'm on like big group calls with Healy, like I need to put on general protection on my Healy because I'm just sponging up, you know? Yeah. Um, and I do think it's like a really, it's really important, like as space holders that we take care of ourselves. Mm-hmm. Um, I also think like, yeah, I've built a business, but it took me time. And one of the things that I talk about a lot is this idea that like if you do this number of things that people talk about, then you're gonna have success and it's gonna just pop off and it's gonna be amazing. And there are stories like that. But for a lot of us, It's a, not a grind, but it's like it's a building of foundations. You know, I'm a generator and it takes me time to build foundations of things, and we do not all have the same cosmic blueprint. You know, like some of us came in with cosmic blueprints that are like, A little bit coast, a little bit coasting on the coattails of like whatever karma we have in our past, you know? And it's really beautiful and I'm so happy for those people. I don't have one of those charts, like I definitely have a chart. Yeah. We've both seen each other's charts and they're pretty, like, they're intense. Yeah. I think you said to me when you did your, your reading with me, you said, um, I think you're the first person I've met that had one just as intense as I did. Yeah. Yeah. And that's a really real thing because you hear a lot of manifestation. Coaches say, oh, you just need to do X, Y, Z, and if you're not getting what you want, then you're not doing it right. And that's such bss, like so many people come in with. Certain challenges and energies that we need to learn from and that need to be transmuted. I mean, the ruler of my career is in detriment. That literally says like, that thing is under-resourced and there are delays in that area of your life, and like you need to figure out. I need to figure out how that energy wants to move in my life and how to honor that energy. Because really those spaces of like the most challenges and the most wounding and the most kind of hardship at the beginning are like our secret sauce. You know, they get to, they get to be like these like huge, amazing spaces of expansion when we can like, Understand that that's our unique way of doing things and honor it, rather than being like, oh, well, I must not feel like I'm worthy enough, or I must not feel like I'm like in the right mindset all the time, and all of that stuff matters. It's not like it doesn't matter at all, but I just don't like this blanketed like. If you're not doing it, if you're not getting what you want, then you're just not doing it right. You may have some karma that you're working out, you may have some energetics in your chart that you need to transmute. Um, you may need some to, to transform some shadows into gifts. You know, like, um, it's an individual, it's an individual path, and we all have like our, our unique path to walk. Yeah. Yeah. And I think that, especially with, you know,'cause I, and I recently came into human design. I mean, I was exposed to it way long ago, but the person that I sat with, it just didn't resonate. And I had, um, a recent, like, I guess about a year ago, a really good friend of mine, she doesn't do it anymore, but she was offered me this just so I could see myself through a different lens. And she's just like, you just. Goes to the depths of it, you know, and is just so talented. And I feel like after having your session, A session with you as well and things that you really reflected back to me. And it's like some of it, like at Capricorn Moon, like I knew, but one of the things that I was moving, coming to you is like a struggle for me is really stepping into that leadership and the idea of that. And that's been something that I've always been in a place of like leadership, but never looked at myself as that. Right. And it was, and I found it hard to really own that role and, and you reflecting back some of the patterns and I. As, as somebody that's like had a lot of this work and to be with somebody that can actually reflect things back to me that I've never seen, it always really stands out to me and I feel like because that is, I. What people need. They need to be able to see themselves through an entirely new lens sometimes because we are so blocked and restricted when it comes to ourselves, even though we can be told certain things. And it's like taking that information that you said to me and it's like, and you were, you know, some of it was pretty direct, like, I mean, whether you want to or not, put on your big girl pants'cause you're here to be a leader, you know? And it's like, so start doing it. And it was almost as if that was the permission slip to just start. Writing and creating and sharing like in more direct ways because it's like, you know, this is what I have to work through. That is part of the journey of doing that is like, okay, I'm gonna have to show up as this even though it's really uncomfortable and I'm, I don't really feel like, uh, but like this is part of my, this is part of what I'm here to work through and it is slower moving and that can feel really frustrating to people who don't. Want to exude that patience. You know, I have a Capricorn moon and I'm very comfortable with Saturn energy, so it's like slow moving is okay, but I'm to the point in my life where it's like, okay, you're fricking 45 girl. Like you've gotta like, let's go now. Like, and other people would think it's not really that slow moving, but I just have bigger lot of aspirations, you know? And so it's like to get to those things, I knew that there was. Different things that I had to really start to just break down into small pieces. And the way that you were able to reflect that back was really helpful to me because it really broke it down into like tangible ways that I could like bite it down in a day and then go like, okay, that I, and I listened to that recording probably five times. Because I got like a different, and I don't do that. I don't listen to people's stuff. I really don't. So it's like, but it, it landed so well, and I think because you also understand, because of your experience, how hard some of those. Moving through those shadowy parts are, you know, and how to like break that down for people. That's in a helpful way that they can really take those because of your personal experience and you're able to reflect that back to somebody in a very powerful way that can help them change easier, if that makes sense. You know? Yeah. Yeah. I think, I mean, manageable bites is everything and utilitarian is everything. Like I'm definitely not the kind of. Reader who's like, let me just tell you all the beautiful things about yourself. Yeah. I'm like, let's roll up our sleeves and see what work we can do. You know, like, I wanna know like what we can do, like what we can use, what we can, um, shift and amplify to like create the change that people want in their lives. And I think sometimes traditional Hellenistic astrology can come off a little bit harsher than modern astrology. There's a little bit of like, A little bit in modern astrology sometimes, and I think it's always good to look at the the positive sides of things, but sometimes things just have. A low vibration or sometimes you're going through a transit and it's just gonna be tough. Yeah. And it's like, I think it's helpful to know like, Hey, this is gonna be like a little tough right now, and like, here's how we can work with it. Mm-hmm. Not like, let's just ignore the fact this thing is coming at you. You know? It's like, it's not helpful I think to not know the truth of things. And I think it can be really validating to people who felt like, Why does this feel like a struggle bus to be like, okay, well here's the struggle bus in your chart, and like let's figure out how we can like create ease there because it's possible. Like our charts are a snapshot and an imprint for sure. And yes, they're karmic and yes, there's faded aspects to them, but we have agency. Mm-hmm. That's the thing that we see. And a lot of times that plays out early in our life. Then we get to decide how we react to that, how we continue to, how our perspective around it continues to shift or not. Mm-hmm. Like if we have some kind of challenge early in life because we've got our moon conjunct Saturn and it just kinda stays with us, and we don't then transmute that later in our life and we just keep living from the limiting beliefs that that karmic pattern created, then it's gonna keep reverberating. But we don't have to do that. We can see that and then we can be like, okay, this is how it, how it played out. Here's what I can do to change those limiting beliefs now and to shift that energy and to create something better for myself. So I think we always have agency. And then I do think like permission slip is what I hear most often when it comes to human design especially. Yeah. Like people feel, I think about that the most and'cause I've done so much with astrology, but the human design. I think that's the per like Yeah, it's like between your, your reading and while I was reading it was like the permission slip, you know? Yeah. And seeing those like shadowy energies and like yeah, I could have just stayed with this kind of funky thing for a really long time and said, well, I'm just a victim to it and I. There's a couple different things between both of your sessions that came through, but I was like, no, I'm gonna use that. This is what, yeah, I'm probably gonna trigger a lot of people, and that's what I'm here to do though. And if they're not ready for that, then that's okay, but I'm gonna just be okay and sit back and have the discernment of that. Like, oh, okay, I see what's happening and not make it about myself anymore, and shame myself and constantly be looking at, well, what's wrong with me? You know, there must be something wrong with me. And it's like, it's just an energy that I carry and it's gonna be there. And that can be. If you look at that in a liberating way, and then it's like also looking at what I do with my business. That's what I do, is I help people change. You know? I help people move through massive shifts in their life and change, and it's gonna be gentle provoking, you know? And if they're not ready for it, it's gonna feel like shit on their end. You know? It's just like where I go, oh, I don't like that. I don't wanna do that to people. But it's kind of like an energy, it's just there. You can't like, you know, It's like gentle nudges, you know? Yeah. And, and yeah, it's all energy. Like, it's all like, we all carry all the archetypes, you know, and it, and they have different expressions and different, um, distillations and different. Like ways of operating consistently, or not operating consistently, depending on like our definition, but it's all energy. It all wants to go somewhere. So if we figure out like, okay, and it all has a high and a low vibration, every single thing in our chart, the challenging and the good. So if we can figure out how to channel that energy, then it doesn't run us. We run it, you know, and that's like really what we wanna be doing. And I think. It feels like a permission slip because people are not really, it's not about me telling people who they are, it's about reminding them, you know, like human design is a remembering, you know, deep in your soul who you are. But like we go through so much societal conditioning, pounded and compounded on top of us that we like, forget that, like limitless nugget that lives inside, you know? So it's really like, A deep remembering of who you came here to be. And I'm just here to like remind you.'cause sometimes it's like helpful to have outside perspective. I get my own readings even though I, I read because I like to hear someone else's perspective, you know? Yeah, totally. So how do you take this all, because I am too, two questions, but I'm gonna start with this one. How do you take this all, because you mentioned. You know, being, working in the quantum and like what is your idea of what that is and then how do you take all of what you do and create the energy shifting through that, that lens. Hmm. Well, I think I. There's a lot of directions I could go with this. I know. This is the good one. I mean, I think I first started like contemplating work in the Quantum when I discovered like works by like Joe Dispenza and Lipton and people who were like starting to talk about that and the ways in which, I mean, There's a lot of people out there that will tell you like, oh, like this is a new way of manifesting. Manifesting is manifesting. You know, like we all have unique. Ways of doing it. We all have unique wounds, like depending on even like the gates that you have defined in your self-centered, that tells you like what wounds you need to transmute for yourself to magnetize the life that you want.'cause our magnetic monopole lives in our self-center. So if you have Gate 13 and your self-center, then forgiveness is important for you. If you're living your life from a space of like holding on to resentment, that's getting in your way of being able to manifest. Um, even though forgiveness and you just hit it, I'm like, oh, of course. Thank you Spirit team. I hear it already coming through because like, it's, yeah, I've like, the last week it's like forgiveness and resentment. It's just like, yeah, you've gotta get rid of that, right? You've gotta, you've gotta move that energy and it's just been a fear, so it's like, that's what it is, you know? But, but as soon as I recognize it, it's like, Things really opened up because it was becoming an energetic block for some, some things that I was trying to bring in in my life. So here, this is just a perfect example of how like everything always comes through. I'm like, okay, I hear you guys anyway. That's hilarious. I know. I literally just pulled that gate out of my ass. So I love that. Um, but yeah, it's just, you know, this idea that. That we are 99.9 to the 13th percent energy, and we're like so focused on what we do in the material world. Mm-hmm. And I tend to agree with, with, um, With the folks that are like, you know, it's about 85% your vibration and like 15% the actions that you take. Yeah. And that doesn't mean that we don't need to take action. I think that we do. I don't think that, I don't subscribe to this. Like let's just sit back and like surrender and everything's gonna come to us. Like we do need to move the needle forward by taking action. But some of that action is like working on your vibration. Like if you are. Vibrating not in alignment with what you're calling in, then it's, it's not gonna come. So Joe Dispenses work and like doing his kind of meditations and then discovering Jose Silva. I mean Jose Silva was teaching like decades ago. Yeah. Similar concepts of like playing, I mean, he calls it mind control, but he's playing in the quantum, right? He's like figuring out how to. How to create visualizations and how to give those visualizations to, to the source, to quantum energy and have solutions come to you. Um, there are loads of people who've been talking about these things for decades, upon decades. Upon decades. And I think really when I started working with the Healy was like adding a layer onto that. That was like, So much deeper, but so much simpler at the same time. Um, and we, yeah, Ray and I actually met because she was following me for human design, and then I said I was gonna do like a block of free flower essence. Um, yeah. For people, one of them, Hey, I'm on board. I don't know. Yeah, it literally called you online too. I didn't even find you on Instagram. I found you. I was trying to find something on human design and I found your website and then subscribe to your newsletter, and I think that was the only one that even opened up to this point, and I was like, This sounds really cool. I need to figure out what this frequency thing is with flat,'cause I'm such a geek with flower essences, like I'm, yeah, just love them. So it was kind of cool. But anyways, and it was so fun'cause I did like a dozen of them back to back and everybody's jaws hit the floor. Like it was just like, because the Healey is like a way to communicate with your subconscious and to like travel through the quantum and to collapse time and space and. And you can use it like it is a frequency technology that you can use. Like do you wanna explain a little bit about what it is because Yeah. So like, it is kind of like a funny, so Marcus Mke who created the time waiver back in the day, like a lot of the stuff was buried. So, um, frequency has existed and frequency machines have existed and they've been used. I'm gonna be careful of my words, um, here in America because. We have to be, unfortunately, but they were used to bring harmony to a lot of conditions and dis-ease in the body. Well, I've had resonance things done when I've been to homeopathic practitioners and stuff. Right. It would be a long, yeah. Similar. Okay. Yeah, but I mean, like the FDA's been trying to shut down homeopathy for like, I don't even know how long at this point. Like the US loves to shut down things that. That threatened big pharma, basically, you know. Um, so around the eighties, the A m A, the American Medical Association, like got rid of frequency. They were like, basically said that if doctors were using frequency homeopathy or herbal medicine, they would kick them out of the a m a. So all of that stuff got buried in favor of. Building, you know, pharma and like coming from the space of like, your body is a physical chemical body and chemicals are what you use to treat your body. Um, but the reality is our body is electric. Like our, it all works on an electrical system. Our fascia is a motherboard inside of our body. It's also like the scaffolding of our body. Like people say, like our bones hold us up, but if we didn't have fascia, we would be just like a pile of bones and organs, like it's our fascia that is, Everything that like creates our form. And then like if you go to acupuncture and you get a needle in your liver point, it travels along your liver meridian through your fascia network and the waters of your body and your fascia is crystalline water. So it's all traveling through water, um, to create harmony in your liver. You know? So Marcus created this device, the time waiver, that that was like a bigger device that like practitioners used and treated people, but they wanted to create something that worked. That was like a personal size, and Ryan are both wearing our hees right now. It's like literally on my, I got one on my sweater, I$2,700. Like a crazy person. It was like, I'm getting it. I'm cadet, but I like love. Tools and like I am, I don't know. And it's actually, I mean, I use it not as regular as am as Amanda does, but, and she's, she's way into it and reps it. I just love it as a tool and um, I use it on my dogs. I use it on myself and run it like probably five. I'm really bad on the weekends, but during the week it's easy'cause I'm like here and I have it running and it's been. Really amazing to see the energetic shifts that it's helped me with alongside all the other things. So, but yeah, same for me. It's been a lot. I mean, I have had a lot of physical stuff going on in my body that it's helped with, but. Also just like capacity, like I feel like, like when we were talking earlier about holding space for clients, I feel like now at the end of the day, I have a tool that like helps me dump it. Like it helps me release it if I need to like run care for myself.'cause I need a gentle hug from the universe after like holding space from everybody else all day. I can do that. Like I can use it for what I need. It's also like, Created more intention around like, because there's, I mean, there's so many, we could do an entire episode on this. Yeah. But there's so many things for like your physical, mental, emotional health, but then there's like an entire manifestation module that like helps you tap into your subconscious and your shadows so that you can see what's getting in your way, and then you can actually vibrate that frequency to yourself to like bring yourself from where you are now to where you wanna go. Like clearing the obstacles in between. It's just. It is like Marcus Mke was a quantum physicist and he also left. Like the world basically for 12 years to go be a Vedic monk. Like it is a perfect harmony of spirit and science. Mm-hmm. And that to me is like playing in the quantum, you know, they say like, the minute you turn the heal on, you're like tapping into the quantum. So like, set your intention so that you know, the, the cab knows where it's going basically. You know, like tell the driver what's up. Even though you can like run a program, you're like, it's like an ally. You're not turning over your agency to it. You're like working with it. To support all the other tools that I use. Like I use it when I'm doing breath work. I use it when I'm doing meditation. I use it when I'm coaching clients. I use it with coaching clients. Like it just supports all the things. Like I really want everyone to have one in their life.'cause I think it's so. It's, everything I do is like a tool for sovereignty, and this is a tool for sovereignty, you know? Yeah. Because this isn't gonna go on YouTube, on video, but, um, it's basically just this little device and you can just like clip it on. And it's also got coils just for anybody listening. So like, it's a little tiny device, like two inches by two inches, and it just, you know, you can use coils around your wrist, but I usually just use this. I just use this thing, Amanda probably knows what it is. I just call it the thing, gimme the thing, and I run programs and I'm like, I don't even know what I'm doing. Okay. That one seems good. And it's got like a little app in there that it's like you can scan for what you need and then send in the frequency of that. And I think just as far as like in the Quantum, like for like resonance, I like it because just like, I mean, I do. A ton of energy clearing and frequency attunement in my practice. And so it's such a big part of what I do with everybody, with everything that I do, and I do it with myself. So like having this together, it reminds me of so much of that because what you're doing is like, you're shifting your resonance. So like you start to attract more of what you need, like what you're. Resonant with and what you need to increase your frequency. Right? And so it's like that's what all of this does. It's like the more that you use these tools, it's kind of like it's, it's, and that's why I'm so obsessed with them because I just find that like with the heal or doing my own, I mean, I just basically do my own energy clearing and frequency of tumor. And I have one person that I go to for some healings and, but I just. Like for me, the way that I do it and the way that I channel it is really powerful and that's just the way that I like it. And I think any, all of these things, it's just the whole point is to be able to, like, if you really wanna shift in your life and you have to, you have to really work with your energetic vibration on a day-to-day basis. And to a lot of people that feels like work, you know, for Amanda and I who have this, like, this is what we're here to do. Like this is just normal way of life. But it becomes fun because you start to get, to really see what you can shift and play with. And I look at it more like a, a little playing field. Like, Ooh, okay. Oh wait, forgiveness and resentment's coming up. Okay, I can totally work with that. Who do I need to forgive? Right. Yeah, my dad, you know, and I just know right away and it's like, let me work with that. Let me sit with that. Let me process what's underneath that I haven't processed emotionally. And then use things like the heal and energy, uh, clearing and, and attune my frequency so that in my external world. And it's so crazy how those things happen. Like I start working with that and my kid do not, I'm like out and I'm getting like invites to go everywhere. I'm like, Okay. You know, his, his estate closes, like things close out. We, the house finally moves through. We find out from, like we're buying a house. We find out from that, that goes through with ease. And I'm like, that was not supposed to be quite that easy. But it was, you know, and so it's just like I'm sharing this as an experience of like, this is how when you start to shift these shadowy parts of ourselves and you're reaching out, then suddenly, like you become. In a vibrational alignment of like what you want, even though you're still like, you can still have, like, there's still parts of me that have some resentment, right? There's still things that I still need to move through, but it doesn't mean you can't create really great things. So anyways. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. We even, I'm staying with a friend right now in LA and she's like redoing her house and we were having like some construction hurdles with, and like painter hurdles and things. So we put her house in the Healy as a client. She coached it to be like, everything's like going with ease and like everything's finishing ahead of schedule. I'm like, since then everything's been going much easier. I had a friend do that too. She's like trying to put a driveway in in Tennessee and they were coming up against all these like, you know, construction issues and she like, Coach did in her heal and now everything's like moving forward. It's just we're all energy. Everything around us is energy. Um, and Ray usually just uses it with the coil, but with the wristbands, they're microcurrent. So you're not just like getting a frequency like. Say, Ray was talking about forgiving her dad, like while she was like doing a meditation to think about forgiving her dad, she could run the release program on the Healy with the intention of like letting that go. Um, if she was doing on a microcurrent, then she's literally increasing the cellular voltage of her cells. Like all dis-ease, all inflammation comes from a decrease in the voltage of our cells. So you're literally like, Benjamin buttoning yourself, basically, you know, you're like, I think I need to oils more now. I was just doing it. The microcurrent. Yeah. You're just like increasing your voltage of your cells. You're increasing your a t p production by like 500% in your mitochondria function. And then there are all these crazy programs that are actually like, I don't like the word anti-aging, but they are, you know, I like graceful aging because I'm a graceful in my, in my forties. But, um, Yeah, it's like it's so much support for holistically, which is how I try to think about everything like the collective has like. You know, human design and astrology, but then it has like movement classes to integrate that. Like how do you embody the thing that you're thinking about or talking about, you know, um, energetic toolboxes for embodying the energy of that thing. It's just like we wanna approach things from a holistic space and we can get, so, myself included, I'm a total book quarter, but we can get into all the spaces of like, just learning, learning, learning, learning, learning and like, Putting something down and I'll do the exercises later, you know, and like not actually integrating the wisdom. So I'm all for the things that we can like really weave into the fabric of our being, you know? Yeah. I'm so glad you brought that up too. And, um, because there is, I think that it's been a trend, you know, because of all of this insight coming up and awareness and probably through, you know, social media because we're being able to share like, um, all these things with, you know, human design and, and astrology and then how you can take all of that and put it towards this and energy healing and like how there's been so much awareness of working with the quantum field or you know, like I call it quantum or astral and you know, there's just been so many. Cool things that we can play with and timeline bend, like timeline shifting and like, you know, reality bending and like moving through all this stuff. But it's really just comes down to like being intentional about it. The thing is, is like none of it really works. It, it can work some, I don't wanna say not gonna work at all, but I feel like until you really do embody the parts of who you are, And what you want and down to like your desires and get really honest with you about that, with yourself, about that, you know, like what you want. So many people, you ask them like, what, what would, what's, what do you want? What's your desire? And they don't even know, or they know that they're just afraid to say it'cause they're just like, Who am I, you know, to say that or want that. And it's, but that's where you give your power back and you own those things and then you can start shifting your energy to be in, in alignment with that. I mean, anything is really possible, but like you were saying earlier, it's like sometimes for certain people it might just be, I. We do have to work out a lot of things, you know, and little kinks and it might be a little slower progress. It doesn't progression, it doesn't mean you never get it, it's just there's acceptance in that of Right. Okay. I mean, for me it's, I think that's one of the things it's like, it's so frustrating because of being a three six generator. I've been told by every, that's why did not like human design at first, because they told me with my sixth line, I wouldn't mature or get that maturation thing until 50 and I was just like, Screw that. And because I think it was like 37, I'm like, I don't wanna wait 13 years for that to happen. This is bss. Like I worked hard, you know? It's like now I'm like, okay, fine. And then I think just being able to. Recognize I still created great things, but that gets me excited to know like, oh wow. Like when I'm like, and especially even having a Capricorn moon, it's like a lot of your success does come a little bit later in life because you are working through all that Saturn stuff and, and I'm seeing it all now, you know? And I shifted that around. I think human design has helped that with the generators, like not really. Success is like what is satisfying? Like what feels really satisfying to me versus what is success? Like, it's like does this feel satisfying or is it not? You know, and we look at things with such a lens of, you know, very traditional, like, you know, Success and this, and having to have all of these things and, and versus like really taking a step back and saying like, well, what do I really, what do I really, really want? And how can I get there? Because what you want is a part of you and like, what are the things that I could really embody within myself as I'm doing all these, learning all these things and studying all these things and taking this down to the little bite-sized pieces and really like being intentional daily. Okay. What it. What does today, what does today bring me? And where am I gonna like really focus that in? And that is something I've had to work hard at because I just practicing better emotional hygiene with that and not overwhelming myself with all of the things to change or all of the things to. Fix or whatever you want to, you know how we do. It's like, gotta fix this because this is not working, or this is taking too long, you know? And it's like, you don't have to fix anything. You just get a B, you know? And that's really freeing when you get to look at it like that. Oh, I get to just be, you know. But it's, yeah. Yeah. I think one of the most important things you just said is like, Well, one, like, not like we go at our own pace, you know, each of us has our own pace as far as like how things unfold, and also like the importance of defining what success means to each of us because there is so, so, so, so much conditioning in the world about what we think that's supposed to look like. You know, I'm 43 years old, I've never been married. Um, I wasn't like, I don't wanna be married, but it's never been like at the forefront of what I needed at the time. Like, I've always been fairly independent, but like, I love having a partner. Um, I did not want kids. I knew that very early on. And there's like many stories in the world about like, you're not really a woman if you're not a mother. You know, like there's something missing. Like, what's wrong with you if you don't want that? Mm-hmm. Um, I don't own a house. Like I'm, I've been nomad for the past three years, you know, like there are so many, I'm still constantly defining what success looks for me and constantly shedding the comparison syndrome that we all get into of like, oh, I'm 43, like, I should be here, right? I should have this much money in my IRA account and I should, you know what? It's just like there's so much of that BSS out there, and each of us has to define what success looks like for you. And I had just had a reading with someone yesterday who like, Her health is dependent on her feeling free. She does not need to amass material things. Her health would be affected by her actually like having a bunch of stuff, like she needs to feel like. And she's also been like no madding for the past three years. And it's not because either one of us is comfortable doing that. I'm not like, oh, I love being a nomad, but I haven't figured out where I wanna be yet. And I'm allowing myself to feel into that rather than forcing myself to make a decision because. It's been enough time of me trying, you know, like Right, right. But it's hard to stay in that space of discomfort and be like, okay, no, I'm gonna sit here and wait until I have something to respond to. That feels like a yes instead of. Trying to force myself to make a decision because I'm 43 and I've been doing this for three years, and at some point I gotta like put down some roots because that's what people do. You know, like there's just so many ideas about so many things and I think it's really important that we each like figure out what's right for each of us. And also the sixth line, like she's, it's funny because the reading I was doing yesterday, she was a sixth line and she was like, uh, I. It doesn't mean that like no success happens before you're 50. It just means after your Chiron return, there's like a new layer of wisdom that unfolds. Just like, you know, there are a lot of astrologers, myself, somewhat included, that believes like, we're not really adult. I mean, I still don't feel like I'm adulting, like, what even is that? But, um, that we don't really start like. Adulting until after our Saturn return. You know, that's like a marker in a, in life for like, now you're really,'cause I get so many young people pre their Saturn return who are like, what's my purpose? And I'm like, dude, just live your life. You don't need to have it figured out right now. Um, and I think purpose is like a buzzword that's like taken on too much. Energy lately, but, um, but for the six lines, it's like, you know, now between 30 and 50 you're in this stage of like, you've learned a lot of lessons and you're like integrating all of that wisdom and you're sharing from that space. But then after the age of 50, like what's possible then, you know, when you've like really integrated it and you're really in this embodied experiential role model. You know, wisdom, energy, that's not quite crone, but like getting into that energy of like the beautiful, wise woman. Yeah. That's great. I mean, I think with six lines, there has to be like a little bit of like trusting in the process of your dreams, you know, because they can take time to unfold and like not giving up on things. Yeah. But I think it's really beautiful and it's also six, so it's like the most evolved, you know? Yeah, and having the three like before that and just understanding that, that's just what I'm here to do is learn. But I, I really like those things when I found them out. I, because business, I just like business, right? I mean, I've just done it. So that's, I apply so much and it's taught me the most about myself, so it's easy for me to reflect that back into it. Everybody has to take this and apply it to business, right? You can apply it to so many things. And I have applied it to other things in my life, like emotional intelligence and awareness because that didn't come easy for me. I had to go through a lot of experiences and relationships to cultivate that. And you know, I think having that awareness of like that three line of like having to learn through a lot of relationships. I've also got Libra Ascendant and North Node and Libra in the 12th and the spiritual connection in Pluto, conjunct my ascendant. I am. Definitely here to transform through relationships that that is very hard to accept, especially when you know, you just want love and belonging and acceptance, you know? So badly is like a lot of that, you know where that comes from and, but it's really about honoring yourself and just knowing like, it's okay. Like it's okay to say no to these things or move through this and learn through this. And, and there's no really wrong choice other than if you're putting yourself in like really, really, you know, abusive things. But even then it's like learning through that, you know, and, and teaching yourself like, what is that? And giving yourself that empowerment. But it is, it is. It's like there's so much a part of me that I know, like I don't even talk about this much, but I'll share it now because there's so much a part of me that I feel, um, like I could have taken all of this and there are days where I am just like, Really like, can I just have it easy? I mean, I was telling Ryan last week, I was like, Ryan, you really pick somebody. You, you pick somebody that just goes through it all. And of course he is, you know, a cancer rising Scorpio son and he is or and he is got a Leo moon. I know. He's like, so he is like, it's okay babe. I think this is what's happening here. And. You just gotta feel it and it's okay. I see. You're just processing it. And he just knows like what I'm, he doesn't tell me what I'm feeling, but he gets it and he is just like, it's, it's totally okay. And I'm like, but it's not okay. I don't wanna be feeling like that. It's too much. So it's just one of those things that, but that is part of my path and. I feel like on the days when it's really tough like that and I am moving through a lot of energy or moving through a lot of emotion or you know, really in that transformative process or, you know, my 100th millionth spiritual awakening or whatever, you know, it's like, it kind of remembering I wouldn't be where I'm at and it, that like trickles out, you know? And so I wouldn't have any bit of where I'm at in where like any of it. Had I not gone through all of that and learned from those experiences and moved through that, and I think that that's where we get to take our power back from those and say, yeah, I, I kind of did choose a lot to move through at a soul level in this lifetime and probably clearing out the most karma of a lot of lifetimes, you know, who knows? But it's, that's, that can be heavy. But we can turn it around and take our power back from that and use that in our own, like in our own evolution. So yeah, that's really beautiful. I mean, I think, you know, there are some of us more than others. For sure. But we're all here to learn through relationships. You know, like I have a two line in my profile. I actually have Gate 44 in my conscious son, which in the old aching says, do not marry this woman. Which I think is, um, but it's basically like an energy of like, you're just gonna keep repeating these patterns until you stop repeating these patterns, you know? And, um, but. There's this, you know, I, I spent a lot of time in my twenties being like, I'm not gonna be like, I'm not ready for my part, my person, person, you know, I'm just gonna like, have fun because I have all this work to do on myself. Mm-hmm. And like, you know, I've talked about this in other podcasts on my podcast, I think, where it's like this idea that like the monk on the mountain can like, Yeah, do a lot of work towards his enlightenment when there's no reflections. Mm-hmm. But like when we have to be in relationship or like with our family or even on social media, like all of those relationships are such reflections of the work that we need to do. And without them we're like missing out on the deeper layers, you know, even if it's your friendships or whatever it is. Like I think those are always like our. Our biggest paths for growth. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I agree with you on that. And it's like you can, you can stay out of it and you can choose never to date or never go out there and you know, because it does reflect so much back to you, you know? And. You know, if you're constantly attracting the same type of people or in the same type of toxic relationship, like there's one common denominator, and that's yourself. And that can be a hard pill to swallow for a lot of people because they don't understand that, you know? But eventually, if you ever wanna break it, you have to look. It doesn't mean that you're accountable for all of it, but you know it. I mean, people, other people are accountable for their reactions, but you do have to take your own personal. Sovereignty in those and really figure out, okay, what do I need to shift in me to, to really break free from this and no longer attract this type of person so that I'm not even in alignment with that? And it's, that can be a hard pill to swallow and a hard thing to move through. I know for me, when I first had to move, like recognize that I get probably around my Saturn return. And then all through my thirties and still kind of dismantling that in my forties. I feel like I've finally gotten to that, like, that really solid part, you know, where it's like, okay, like the, the people in my life, they're so good and I love who comes into my world now. You know, it's, it just, it's everybody's. Really in a good vibration. And if they're not, it's just, it, it almost is repelling. You just can't even, it's like, yeah, that just doesn't even feel right. It just kind of repels. You don't even have to do anything. It just, they'll just go away kind of almost, you know? Which is, which is neat. So I feel like we could talk like all day and, um, that's so much of this'cause we both are very like, Multifaceted people and I didn't even get to talk about that, about being so like multifaceted in what you do. But for anybody that wants to check out Amanda, she is got a really awesome, it is a community, right? I just wanna be sure that I'm a,'cause I'm in there. But it's like community, like an actual, like kind of like a membership community, your collective. It's a membership, it's a d i Y. It's a journey like you take on your own. There's lots of different pathways through and like learning about human design and learning about astrology and like then integrating that through fascia movement and like deconditioning support and vibrational alignment support, manifestation support. But it's like a journey that you, that you take on your own, on your own self-study. Um, and then there are like journeys within the popup like we're doing. Um, the harvest summer of prosperity, which is a month long journey inside the collective starting July 15th. And that's like something that's always included with membership. Mm-hmm. So it's like opportunities to like connect to community that's inside of there, um, and like go on a guided journey and then those journeys live inside the collective for people to take. In their own time as well. So yeah, it's really cool. I'm in there and I go in there probably about twice a month and dabble. I wish I had more time to,'cause there's so much, you know, and I wanna really sit with what it is and, and absorb it. But it's so fascinating. She's on Instagram and I'll put all of your stuff, your website and anything. Um, is there anything that you wanna talk about that you've got going on right now outside of the collective? We talked about the Healy too, and if you guys are interested in that, she's. Uh, your go-to person for that. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. You can find that stuff on my website. Um, yeah. Just the collective and one-to-one sessions I do. And, uh, trying to think the journey, the prosperity journey this summer. Um, Find me on. Yeah, find me on the socials. Yeah, I have my own podcast. You can find me there too, right? Your podcast, maybe something else's gonna be on my podcast. Yes. Her podcast Barney and Flo. I knew there was something else. I'll put all this in in the links below. And, um, yeah, and we'll, we'll talk more about like my journey with Ray when I have her on my podcast. But I do wanna say like, um, It's interesting that we're doing this today. So Ray and I met in the most synchronistic of timing, um, before I even knew how much I was going to need her. And I honestly don't know where I would be without her. So I lost my little guy, um, at the end of April and he was, I. My fur soulmate for sure. He went everywhere with me. He was strapped to my back on tops of mountains and in canoes with me in the middle of waters and like everywhere in between, I was never without him. And everybody who knew me was like worried for the day that I would lose Harold. Yeah, yeah. Um, and without Ray's communication, like her validation of like me knowing. That something was wrong and like having vets tell me nothing was wrong. Um, and then the communication around the end of his life and like helping me make those decisions and help with his transition. Like I haven't revisited those recordings yet, but I. I'm gonna get emotional. Yeah, I know. But I know that I will treasure them. And then she booked this podcast on what would've been his 14th birthday. So, um, I've been a grief puddle all day, but this has been like a welcome distraction. Um, I got up and like put my big girl pants on and said, I'm gonna go on the podcast, but I'm just, I'm so, so, so, so grateful. If you stumbled upon this podcast and you need, um, and you have a little fur friend, I cannot. Even put into words how much my time with Ray has meant to me, so, Aw, thank you. It's so sweet. It's good to hear. I have to, I have to, I have to let it sink. See, this is like my part. It is like receiving that too, because it's, you know, but yeah, I mean, seriously, I don't think I would be a functioning human if I didn't have that communi, if I didn't have that communication with him at the end. I don't know where I would be. It. It was. Priceless. Yeah. So please do receive it. Yes. Thank you. Thank you so much. And thank you for being on here, especially today. But I feel like Harold like somehow brought us together and then even like he is like, mom's gonna need this, and here we are, Harold. Exactly. Exactly. So cool. Thanks for having me. Yes, yes, Amanda. Thanks so much.