The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

Danielle Searancke "Allowing spirit to guide you to Greatness"

Raechelle Embrey

Danielle Searancke: "Allowing spirit to guide you to greatness"

I am back this week with another super fun episode that I am so excited about because this week's guest has been a dear friend of mine for many years.  Welcome Danielle Searancke also known as the "Squamish medium."  Danielle is one of the spiritual entrepreneurs I met early on.  We collaborate, we work together & we support each other. 

Danielle has so much to offer in helping people wake up to their spiritual gifts and mediumship. She is great at helping people move through fears as they embark on that journey. 

She has her own podcast called Spirit School, and is the founder of her newly developed corporate location in beautiful Squamish which is called, “Spirit School.”

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did! 

Here are some of the topics we spoke about in this episode:

  • Facing the pressures of the online entrepreneur space as a fierce independent
  • Holding space in a relationship with someone who is somewhat spiritually skeptical, yet supportive
  • Big dreams are lifelong, not a series of quick short successes. 
  • The importance of refining your spiritual gifts so you can create an ultimate transformation.
  • Living the Manifestations you have declared
  • The importance of following your intuitive nudges
  • Why you need declare to spirit what you deeply desire and dream
  • Navigating the void in manifesting and business
  • Why taking the emotional and financial risk toward your dreams and goals is imperative 
  • Allowing your intuition and spirit to guide you to greatness

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Welcome to the Untamed Soul Podcast. I am your host, Raelle Embry, the founder of Radiant Vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive, energetic alchemist for you, your animals, and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration. Of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together we can become untamed. Hello everybody. I am back this week with another super fun episode that I am so excited because this week's guest has been a dear friend of mine for going on about four years. And, one of the people that I met very early on, and she's become such a close friend of mine, we collaborate, we work together. And she just has so much to offer in helping people wake up into their spiritual gifts, the mediumship, and really helping people move through fears as they like kind of embark on that journey. Her name is Danielle Sheran and she is also known as the Squamish medium, and she has her own podcast called Spirit School, and she has her own newly, newly developed. Actual location in Squamish, beautiful Squamish that is now this Spirit School like sort of corporate headquarters I guess, if you will. And so I will let Danielle introduce a little bit more about herself and her story. But first I just want you to share Sun, moon, and Rising. And if you know your human design, awesome. You know I do. Hi, Ray. Thank you for having me. I'm, I'm so excited to be here. So excited you have a podcast now as well. So welcome. Yes. Welcome to this podcast world. I'm so excited you are here. It's about time I was trying to tell Ray to name her podcast, Hey Ray, because that's how I always greet here. I'm like, Hey, Ray, we send over recordings to each other and she's like, Hey Ray, and it's like, I know. Hey Ray, I'm like, if you have a podcast, it just needs to be Hey Ray. Um, okay. So yes, my Sun Moon rising is, um, so my Virgo Sun, my Sagittarius moon, and my Scorpio rising at zero degrees. So there's definitely a lot of Libra Rising energy in there as well, which I've never really looked into. I need to look more into that. But I love being a Scorpio rising. I identify hard as it, so that's where I kind of lean towards. Um, my human design is a manifesting generator, which surprises no one who knows me. Um, and a four six profile. Oh, you got that sixth line? Yeah, I have it too. Yeah. So how I typically like to introduce myself is, you know, my name is Danielle Seran. I am Swampy Cree First Nations with Ancestry of York Factory First Nations. I'm in the mother of two young kids who are six and nine. I live in the gorgeous mountains and on the ocean of Squamish British Columbia with my babies, my rescue pup, and my skeptical yet supportive husband Nick. I love that. I can just imagine like here, like I always think about it because you know, my significant other we're moving in together and I'm like, now I've, I it's like it's all out, right? It's like when I pull out the tarot or I'm doing this or I'm doing, he is like, what are you doing now? I'm like, let me cleanse your aura. You need some p Sandos. And he is just like, he just laughs. He doesn't even, I think he is just along for the ride half the time. Yeah, it's gotta be, I, I wonder what it's like from their viewpoint.'cause I mean, me and my husband met. 17, 18, 19 years ago now working on a race car team together. Um, he built the race cars. I did all the logistics and marketing and like was the rally mama. And, um, you know, I changed so much after I discovered my mediumship abilities after our first child was born. And it's been such a. Huge transition for him to handle. Like it was obviously a huge transition for me to handle, but I'm like in it. But I only can imagine what it's like from the outside. Someone who met someone who was a tomboy, hiking up the mountains, like running marathons at the racetrack, and then all of a sudden a wife who wants to meditate all the time and works with pendulums and cards. And the first time I figured out a pendulum with my necklace. I'm like, watch this. So skeptical. Um, I wouldn't say he's cynical, but he's definitely a heavy, heavy, heavy skeptic. Like he still is not sure that mediumship is a thing, really. Um, it, it's wild. And I've been at this for 10 years now. I've been developing and I'm known in town. His colleagues are always like, what does your wife do? Like, does your wife do readings? And he's proud of what I do and like, you know what I've established, but he's still like, I don't know how it works. I don't know what she does. Like, Yeah, he's just so, um, he's a double Capricorn, right? So he, yeah. Well, I have a Capricorn moon, so I understand that because we can be very, and even though I do what I do sometimes, I'm like, is this really fricking real? Like, I don't know. It's still like the, the whole like, do, how do you deal with that? Because I know one of the things that I've seen is like a lot of times when people start in their spiritual journey, I have heard many numerous times where people think that all of a sudden they have to end a relationship because their partner isn't of the spiritual like nature that they desire to be. And balancing that. And I'm always like, you know, we don't, I always feel like we don't need that. And what the way that I look at is if I had somebody that was like me all the time. I don't think I would like it, honestly, because I like to go out into real world and experience realness and do those things that you're, you know, just kind of get gritty, you know, like with, with the humanity. I agree. I mean, if there's two spiritual people in our household, what would get done? I don't know. But he grounds me. You know, I really. I've, I've gone through different ebbs and flows with this because yeah, in some ways it would be so lovely to be supported at home to somebody who champions what I do, who understands what I do as, you know, doing this work, especially in, in grief,'cause I do death through low work as well, and mediumship working with grieving people and people who awoken to their gifts through, um, really hard life experiences. That seems to be a big wake up call for people. So it's like the, the holding space and the weight sometimes. Can be a lot. And so the downside of it is I don't really have someone in my home base who knows how to support and hold me in that way, but he holds down the family friend. He's a family man, and the kids, you know, he's obsessed with the kids. He always wants to be home with us. He's a great partner, a great life partner, and one of the ways that I personally have managed. My perspective of the relationship is I keep reminding myself he hasn't changed at all. He's still the nick I married. You know, we're celebrating 13 years married this year. He's the same guy. So I've had a lot of compassion for him.'cause I'm the one who's changed. Yeah. Drastically. Yeah. And so the fact that I have somebody who stands by me through all my changes, and as you know, entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart. It's all consuming. And he still stands by me like he's earned his place here. Right. Yeah. Well, and probably, I mean, I think that's one of the great things that I think about with heavy Capricorn energy when it's utilized as its like highest expression and in that vibration it's very grounding and it's so supportive. You know, like Capricorns get a lot of bad rap for a lot of things, but actually pretty intuitive, like way more intuitive than what people, and, but they see it and it's just a part of them. Right. It's very practical and, and I think that's very grounding for. It's probably really grounding for you, like even when you're only emotional rollercoaster to know like, well, he's not leaving me. I can be here and I can be moving through all this entrepreneurial, like BS and you know, I, I can trust that he's gonna show up and be there for me, you know? Yeah, well he's, yeah, and he's there for the kids, like he's there for like the house and stuff like that, so he takes a lot off my plate. Yeah. I am very lucky to have friendships like you and a couple really good friendships of people who really know what it's like to be an entrepreneur who know the pressures that we face. Again, the all consuming. Thoughts and thinking about it. So I have people who hold space for me and that I can talk to, um, that hold that role. I can't expect him to be everything for me. So what he does do is he really alleviates a lot of the home pressure for me and to gain, just being so present with the family. And just like being here for us. And that helps out a ton right now. Especially because we're still in the chaos of having young kids. Yeah. And your whole world is for them already on top of me creating a new baby through Spirit School, which continues to grow and evolve, you know? But I did have to like shed some tears, ask for some help to build the school.'cause he can build anything. I'm like, I need help. Like I need, right, right. Can you help me help right now? So when it comes down to it, because I'm so fiercely independent and I've always kind of been the lead of the family, everyone's always like, she's fine, she's doing great. And then I'll have moments where like, I'm not doing fine. I need help. And then they are always there to like step in. But I think people get surprised when they see that side of me, right? Because I'm like, no, that's me. I, that part of me exists very much. And. I might need a bit more than what I'm asking for because of that fierce independence that I have. Right? Which I don't know where that shows up astrologically, but I don't know my, maybe my north node cancer asking for help. I don't know. Yeah, it what, it's interesting you're north noticing cancer, but um, I think it's a combination of things and also how we grow up, how we're programmed and the conditioning that we have when we, when we grow up, because I relate to that a lot and like I feel that I don't even see myself through this lens and I was talking to. My, um, coach last week and I was just like, I don't understand it. It just seems like it's so easy for other pe I was in one of those modes, this like very frustrated, you know, the energy last week was a little bit wonky and just moving through a lot emotionally myself. And as we were talking about before we started the podcast about, you know, the pressures of entrepreneurship and you get to a certain point, it's like, are you gonna go forward? Are you gonna stay where you're at? Or like, What's the sustainability in it? We were having all kinds of conversation be before here and, and I was just like expressing this to her and she's like, Ray, do you realize that people look at you and they think that it's easy for you? Hmm. And that really, like, I just get chills as I say that. And I said, I don't, I've never saw myself through that lens. And she's like, You're in the top, like when you're at the point where you're at and you've been showing up and it's been sustainable and you've been at the income levels and maintaining that for the length that you know, you and I have. She's like, you're really in the top two to 3%. Yeah, I do this all the time. She's been doing this for five years. She's not gonna blow smoke up my ass. And she's like, and I think that that's something to give yourself credit for. Um, It's just like, but in that, like, I don't think people would realize that here. I, I was, and that's why I shared a post about my struggles because I have struggled with all of it, with the trust, with self-judgment, with judgment of others, with, you know, envy. I'm not really a jealous person, but like the envy of like, oh man, it's working for them. Like, why isn't it working for me? You know? I'm happy that it's working for them, but I'm just like, And just, you know, feeling that frustration of like wanting to move through your edge and, and your limitations and your barriers, but like not being able to get what you desire to create, you know, but that really landed because I think it takes a lot of strength to hold your vision for that amount of time when the amount of emotions that. We go through to achieve what we've even done, which a lot of people are like, that is freaking awesome. Like, I want, I want what you have. And then we're like, but, but it's like, you know, I know. And, and I hope more people are transparent about that part of it, because I agree, you know. It, it's such, it's so tricky. And I, I agree about that perspective. When I just hosted my first in-person retreat in April and I had 28 people come from around and during our closing circle, I was just asking people to share their highlights of the event. But of course it turned into like a love fest for me, which is always very uncomfortable for me. Yeah. That I'm like, that's not what I was asking for. But, um, this gentleman, Peyton, who came to the retreat, Said something to me that kind of like hit me, it like hit me like a ton of bricks. He said, you know, I know what you do. Like you're running this membership, like you have this online school and these programs. You just hosted a retreat and you're building a school. And I, I didn't realize until that moment, like, I am doing all of that, aren't I? Yeah. No wonder I feel. A little bit stretched thin right now, but I think sometimes we're, we're so in our vision and we're so living out the vision that we created not that long ago that you forget to stop and pause. I mean, that's when the thing that you constantly have to remind me of, like, Danielle, have you stopped and celebrated your open school? I'm like, no. I'm like, what am I doing here? Like, where am I going next? We're always kind of like in process of like, Pursuing that big dream. And I think that's how come we have the success. We do. I have a big dream and it's lifelong. It's not a quick hot minute, it's not a a quick success. It's like, no, I wanna be old and gray at my kitchen table, serving the world of spirit in this way. So because of that longevity and that, that vision, I do find myself. Really kind of like busy in the work and not as much slowing down to like, just say, Hey, like, look at what you've created. Um, and then look at that, those different perspectives of what this might look like from the outside. Because the last thing I want is people to see my path and be like, oh, you do some readings, you launch some courses, and you get to open up a school. Oh my gosh, no. Like the rejection, the emotions, the loss of sleep, the um, nervous system. Impact has been great in doing this work because again, that emotional roller rollercoaster that you talk about is, is real. And we probably go through all emotions in like a 48 hour cycle for sure. Doing this work. Oh. I, I mean, I'm glad you brought that up too'cause that's something we were just kind of, we were chatting before we hopped on here and that was one of the things that we were talking about that, you know, it is often easy, I think in, in the industry to think that you can just. Come up with your, your gifts or whatever that it is, and you're like, Hey, I have this, I think I have this or I want this, so I'm gonna start doing this. Whereas as like taking a step back and really refining that and spending time with that and honing it into like, well, what exactly is this doing for people? What am I doing for people? And like, how am I transforming their lives? And like, Really getting honest with yourself and clear about like where that power is. It doesn't mean like don't do it, but like you, you really have to spend time refining that and dialing in and like, what was that process like for you when you woke up? I mean,'cause it didn't just happen overnight, right? Like, Yeah. You know, I have found my life and I feel like I've been very lucky, like, and fortunate. I've also been very clear, and we talked about that clarity as well, right. My manifestation journey around this, what I have found as far as the pattern goes is I will make a declaration and two years later I'm living literally what I declared. Mm-hmm. But that journey in those two years, it doesn't feel like I'm working towards it. It's not until I'm there. I'm like, oh my God, I asked for this. Yeah. You know, like two years ago, It was during the pandemic, obviously like those years we're kind of blocking out right now. But I remember saying to my spirit team, I want to be a teacher that people travel from around the world to come learn from. Mm-hmm. Because I didn't wanna travel. I don't like flying in any way, shape or form. I'm a wreck on a plane. And so, Here I am two years later, I have a physical location school. My last retreat had people from Alberta and New Mexico, Australia, coming to Spirit School in Squamish, a tiny little mountain town in Squamish. And I'm like, I asked for this. Yeah. Like I literally asked for this and the manifestation a couple years ago when I was in corporate. I. It was to work in First Nations Healthcare, and I loved my work there. I never thought I would leave. I, I didn't find it until I was a full-time entrepreneur, but I found an old journal that has like a weekly calendar where I was trying to manifest my dream week of being a full-time entrepreneur doing the spirit work, and I literally, To the day was living the exact schedule that I put in that journal two years before. And for me, I'm a bit of a set it and forget it manifester, because I feel like if I too hyper-focus on something, I'm too attached to it and nothing moves when you're too attached to it. So I really think that when I reverse engineer how I've created what I've had, it's like I've literally, clearly declared to the world of spirit who are my agent. They are my algorithm. This is what I want. And in that energy of that clarity, For some reason over the next couple years, they're guiding me down this path, and it's me who has to answer all these different calls, right? Because I think they present everybody with different opportunities to follow, but a lot of people don't follow their intuition and these nudges and the the inspirations for whatever reason. I'm sure that's incredibly nuanced person to person, but. Um, I am already far exceeding my expectations of my life, so I'm like, there's, there's not a lot to lose. I'm like, yeah, like being a homeowner, like being in a marriage like two kids and like having some sort of stability with finances. Like that's not something I ever kind of thought for myself. So I'm kind of fearless a little bit in following different. Intuitions and nudges because it served me so well so far. Yeah. Yeah, it is. You said so much so like got on there.'cause I like the hyper focus on what we wanna shift or what we wanna create. That is so true and I'm glad you brought that up because it's something I have to really remind myself of because I tend to want to control a little bit more in the interim and every single time when I just say, Okay. I, I, this is what I want and I declare it and it's like intentional and it, and like my new motto recently has been, of course that's gonna happen for me. Of course that will, because. Look at everything else that's happened for me. And when, you know, even when it got really gritty and shitty, it was happening for a reason. You know, it was happening to keep me on the path. And if I would've gone those other ways and not had those obstacles or things taken away that really weren't going to benefit me in where I needed to go. And I think that trusting that process is really hard. I think even more as a spiritual entrepreneur, because we're here to help so many people. And so I do feel that we go through a lot more. I feel like we go through a lot more transformational, a lot more healing, and that is something we sign up to take on. Yeah. When we come into this, this world and we are signing up to like hold people energetically in this way, we have to be so committed to that transformational work and it can be heavy until. We sort of find a way for it to not be as much, but I do feel like the intensity, you know, of that often that I don't think that other people, I'm not saying that they don't, I'm not diminishing like what they've, we've gone through, but I was,'cause in my funk last week, and like my partner Ryan is like, I've never seen you like this and all. And I was like, you can't fix it. You've just gotta let me be here because I feel everything immensely. And that's what's happening right now. And. I don't normally allow myself to go to this level, you know?'cause it's like, okay, that happened. You know? You get resilient over time, but then eventually you're just like, all right, I've had enough. And sometimes it just takes a declaration of, I've had enough. And then you kind of shift your perspective around you're in that, in that sort of cesspool, like, I call it the funk, but it's not really funk. We can't bypass that. Like we can't, we can't just leave that because that's gonna come with us and then it really does block our potential. And I think that watching your journey, You have been. So, you know,'cause obviously we work closely together and stuff and, and we've known each other for a long time from a very intimate mastermind. So I've seen like your business just like, I mean, blow up, you know, I think we're only two people in that mastermind that might still be in. Which is crazy to think about. Yeah. That just so statistically there, I mean, it just shows you how hard it is to like stay the course all that time. But I think one of the things that I know, I don't think, one of the things I've admired so much about you is your like, Your ability to grab that vision and just hold it and you know that there's risks involved. You know that there, but you're like, no, this is where I'm being guided and I'm doing it. And to get to that level of like greatness, you know? Which I think you're great. I know to you it's probably like, you know, but it's like to get to that space, there is risk. It's not gonna be comfortable. And it's financial risk. It's emotional risk. It's your livelihood risk. I mean, there's some bigger, it just depends on what it is, but there's like always a risk to take that leap. But if you're unwilling to do that, it's like you don't ever get to that space and you, you've, to me, have been like, Somebody that I really like, I have like learned from that energy because I think it's really potent to like follow that course in even when it's like nothing's working. Like did I really mean to follow that vision? Like, yeah. And those are some of the bigger growing pains too. And the path of a teacher is a colorful one, like. I believe that those of us who will be called to teach, and I do think to some regard, we'll all be teachers in what we learn and share with our communities no matter how big or small the lessons that we have gathered on the path. But I do believe to teach, we have to be walking context. And that's a come I think like, you know, I, I'm been doing this four part money series from a social justice lens on, um, financial literacy and, you know, of course, The month before I'm teaching this class, like my finances completely like blow up in a very abundant, but like not great way too. Like I started struggling for the first time in like two years. Like, well, how are you gonna teach this from an embodied space if you don't go through all of these teachings in these lessons? And so I've noticed that pattern as well. I'm not sure if you have too, but like if you go to teach like a business class, all of a sudden you're, you're asked to sit in some discomfort in your business. And as an entrepreneur, I will have to say that that is one of the things that I think a lot of people who don't sustain the path have a hard time. Time with is that void time is the discomfort that you have to sit in while you wait and like, while you go through the things. And that is something that I still kind of struggle with. Um, you know, sitting in that discomfort of the in-between space. And when you create something, there's always like an awkward phase, like leaning into it. The lessons that we learned, but knowing that I have signed up as a teacher in this life and you know, I'm a Life Path nine, it totally fits in with my numerology as well. You know, I am willing to see my life as being more than just me and for me. And so like even last year I had my first ever reading and 10, well, I guess back then it was nine years where there was nothing around me. I've never. Felt nothing around me to the point where I said, you know what? Like, I just don't feel like this is gonna work today. And I was proud of myself for making that call and being in my integrity with it. But in my mind it's kind of twisted because I'm like, I can't wait to teach this. I cannot wait for this experience to show up in one of my classes next year. And I almost get excited for the rocky bits because I know that they're gonna be the most embodied and potent teachings in my body of work. And so, I've seen that now through going for it for 10 years, but make, make no mistake, I felt like a right victim my first five or six. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, why me? Like, why is this so hard? Everyone seems to be so cruisy. I'm like, well, because you're meant to teach. Yeah, right. When you are meant to teach, you're going to, you have to learn it. To teach it, you have to become the embodiment of it, and like, I don't. Teach anything. I don't, I mean, it took me forever just to even step into a teaching role. I was like, and you know, or even accepting that, or in mentorship and I, I held business mentorship and didn't even tell anybody about it for two years. It wasn't even on my website. It was like only people that worked with me got to know about it, you know, because I'm like, no, I need to make sure I am fully, fully integrated in this first, you know, probably a little extreme. But I also feel that when we were getting started, You've been 10 years. I've been six years with Radiant vibes, but I was a year with a mentor full on year, um, which I wasn't actually mentoring with. I was supposed to be in business with her, and she kind of disintegrated, like she was a really good example of somebody who had not done a lot of inner work because she, she really hadn't, she could not handle the capacity that she was and had like big vision, but just could not hold herself steady through that, that vision. And so ultimately we ended up terminating the contract because I just was not delivering and I worked at a, I had a grooming salon at the time that I owned and owned it up until just two years ago to a, well, yeah, December 31st, 2021, so about a year and a half ago. And I bought that when I was 27. I did that, but my gifts were always being utilized in that. I always knew I was. I was very, very intuitive. I knew I had very psychic gifts. I knew I could communicate with animals in a very unique way. I couldn't pinpoint it though. I couldn't like articulate it. I couldn't express it in that way. And so that's what she did is like, even though it didn't work out the way that I had hoped, the universe always says, Something else in store is that she helped me really refine it and dial it in and, and I love being able to do that for people now because I think when we get that guidance, it's like we can make it something different in its own expression. And then being able to do all the inner work for the entire time that we've been doing this is like, it's only helped me deepen. Deep in like my animal communication sessions, they go so deep. The, the healings that I have, like you've been working with me for a while, so I'm sure you can see the evolution of even those and like how it is a process and it is a journey of like continuously sticking with it, doing your own evolution and your own inner work. But we didn't have all this awareness when we were starting. Like it was just kind of, you know, get out there, speak, share. We didn't have like, People talking about all these, you know, and it kind of got away from that for a while too. But the shadow work wasn't as talked about, the inner child work, the, the wounded. We weren't as trauma informed, you know, and, and so this as a collective, we've evolved in so much. So there is a lot of awareness. And if you're willing, there is, but I think still to people like. You know that aren't entrepreneur like, I don't know. Not everybody's aware of that. When I share some of this with Ryan or somebody that doesn't even know anything or around the spiritual space, it's like they're like, I have no idea what you're talking about. What does that mean? It's so hard out there in the muggle world, I feel like during the pandemic, I had this cute little bubble launched my school like. I think three weeks into the pandemic. And so I gotta spend two years in a very curated spiritual space. And then now I'm kind of out in the world talking to banks about loans, like applying for grants. And I'm like talking to like these core, I'm like, I forgot how to talk to the regular world. Like they probably think I'm absolutely nuts. And people just look at me with their jaws open. They're like, You're so honest, like you're so vulnerable. I'm like, you have to be. You have to be. But just to kind of echo what you were saying at the beginning of that, like I too, that's more, that's actually the downfall of most of my mentors of the past have been who have, who are not doing this work anymore, um, has been the lack of the willingness to do the inner work. Like this work is humbling with a capital H It doesn't always go right and it doesn't always go as you expect. Um, and. It, it can be really humbling. Some, sometimes, and so I feel like some people have a hard time, um, with those not so pretty sides of this work. And you have to be able to accept the good with the not so great and equal balance or else what are you doing if you're just here to take wins and take the Ws, it's gonna be pretty short path, right? Mm-hmm. So that's, that's actually what I have seen in the past too. And when I first started developing, by the way, I actually didn't know until 2020 that you could develop online. When I had podcast listeners contact me saying, Hey, can you mentor me? Can you do this? I'm like, we'll try. And I experimented. So my limitations to, and they're not limitations I developed exactly as I should have been, but I had one teacher. I drove 300, I'm, I'm gonna do Miles'cause I'm sure most people are Americans who are listening to this. But like, I drove 250 miles once a month round trip to attend a development circle with one teacher, the same 12 people. Um, that was how small my world was before the pandemic, when it actually opened up to like the online space. And I started taking online mentorship with some of, you know, the teachers that I really respected that I never thought I would have a chance to work with. And so it's been fun as a teacher. Trying to create this space online that I didn't have access to. So it was a very small worldview for me, and I only had that one teacher, and she wouldn't let you study with anyone else while you were studying under her. So it was very, um, I don't even know how to say it. It's just like a bit of a small worldview when it came to the space. Yeah. And even that's like, no, no offense to her, but very gatekeeping. Right? And now, I mean, that was a lot of people that would mentor the, and I've heard this many times. I think a lot of people have gotten away with that. Like where they say, if you're working with me, you can't work with anybody else. You know? And, and I, I mean, I understand it to a certain degree, but I also was very similar. So, I mean, since I was. I guess around 19 I got introduced to a local spiritual community and they were all twice my age, right? So I was like the baby of the, of the community, and it was just really cool for me because I. I, that's how I learned my art of energy clearing and energy healing. And I've refined that over the time. So it's like this. And now we do frequency attunement and we, it's a constant evolution of getting to that depth. But that, I mean, I was like 21 when I started doing that and working with somebody on a regular and like we'd have our little healing circles and we'd practice and move energy and you know, had they not seen that in me, I probably wouldn't have. Really knowing that there was something special about that, you know, that that was really truthfully, uh, that's so funny. Fly. Oh my god. You guys can't see this, but there's like this freaking fly that keeps flying around and like, it literally just covered up the camera. You just sat on the camera just like showing me it's button belly. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Oh, that was so funny. Um, Yeah, but it was, it's it that was like, and I feel like I miss a lot of that, but like you said, it's very eye-opening what you can do in the online space, and I think it's opened up so much opportunity and career point for people. But that's why I love what you're doing, is you're bringing back that like core community to your spirit school and your actual location. So, mm-hmm. I just wanna like make it very clear because sometimes I get confused. I now know everything that Danielle offers, but it was very confusing for me at first. So, um, Danielle, it's like she actually has a physical center in Squamish now, and it is going to be community based and she has hosted different, like weekend long workshops and. Has different people coming out there, like through the year and, um, I don't know, maybe I'll be out there at some point and then we'll, you know, but she does, she's, she's bringing that like spiritual community back into the realness, into the physical contact. And I feel like that's so needed right now. And I mean, even I've been like, I have been so like, um, like involved with. Business. I mean, Saturn's moving through my sixth house. Everything is like business. Rattle your nervous system, make all your investments, but get nothing back yet until like, you know, you've basically like leveled out and then it comes back. Right. I'll be in my, it'll be the, it's, I'm starting to reap the benefits of that, but, Silly and I'm called to like get out there. And even when we've been looking for a house, I've been very clear, like with, with my manifestation, connecting with my intentions around that, that I want to be closer in, I want more real community and to bring back some of that spiritual community. If it's something I have to kind of step into and do, like, I'm willing to do that as well, even though it's uncomfortable, but, I also wanna mention too,'cause you brought up like your, how you were teaching this financial course and you had financial issues. Okay. The reason why Danielle had financial issues is because she invested a lot of money into creating her spirit school. So I just wanna be very clear, like she took a huge risk and that's what we were talking about. I think that's so important for people to understand and for you to also like, Like it's, I, I mean, I was just, wow. Like, holy crap. She, she has this vision and I have a couple other people that I've worked with who have just taken massive leaps and it was really scary and they hit rock bottom and they lost money in the process. But then like, I mean, I have one client that's doing it and she's making six figures a month, you know, because Wow. Of this. And she really, she, but she had a mo, I mean, It was hard. Yeah. And she did lose a lot of money in the process to get there, but she kept that trust. And I think you like, I just wanna, I wanna share that. Yeah. Because it's not that you had financial issues because of. Negligence or something like that. It's like you were really like leaning into your dream and you took the risk and you heard the nudge, and it's something that you felt so strong in your heart, in your body, in your soul, that was streaming through you. That was a clear like, I've got to do this, and that's the energy that it takes. And I put it all on red. I, I really, really did. And I created, you know, a lot of success. I could have just quietly stayed in my bedroom and just accumulated, accumulated, accumulated. But I really wanted, after planning my retreat, I was like, I wanna be with people again. And I wanna, Sit with people and hug them. And you need six hugs a day to stay. Well, by the way, if you ever meet me in person, that's gonna be one of the first things I say to you as I hug you. Um, because I love hugging people and I love people. I really do. I work for the spirit world, but my love for humanity runs so deep, and I don't think anyone who's ever worked with me. Would deny that. And even the way I teach mediumship is honoring our humanity while we are developing spiritually. And so, yeah, it was a big risk. And I also, if anyone's been following me for a while, know that I have a high brand standard that I'm unwilling to sacrifice. And I'm not even that fancy of a person, but I have to stop saying that'cause I think I am fancy if you look at that scream behind bougie, but it's. I wanted to make sure I had a beautiful space for people to come visit. Like my workshop next weekend, I'm bringing my mentor in from Scotland and the first five registrants were from California. And so I wanted to make sure that when I was building Spirit school, it was a place that I would feel good about bringing people home, like to be here and visit. And I can't do anything about the Squamish accommodations, everyone, but I can say that when you come visit Spirit School, it it, it's a vibe. In itself and the direction I gave my, my designer was Hogwarts elevated. So, you know, did I have to go as big or bad here? Probably not. And believe it or not, what I have here is a scale back version of what, what you wanted. But it was so important to me. And I think the environment, whether it's the people that we surround ourselves with, or the rooms that we choose to work in really matter. When we're doing this work energetically, and so I wanted to make sure that felt really in alignment. And yeah, it's a, it's a beautiful space and I'm really, really proud of it and I'm finally, Recovering from the craziness of seven years. I didn't even have running water when I got this place. We had to put in the water, the bathrooms, like everything. I've never done anything like it, and it took everything out of me like energetically, mentally. It took everything outta me. And so I know that it's going to be a valuable space for the spiritually curious, and I'm so looking forward to the future of this place, but it, it was one of the hardest years of my life putting this place together. Yeah, and like moving through that even emotionally and sticking with the vision of that as you navigated those highs and lows. And that was something we were talking about earlier too, is like, you know, it is a big vision. You know, and, and holding yourself in that space where you, you can't, it's like you've, you've had a couple of successful workshops, you know, but like you mentioned, they're like, well, it wasn't as much as I wanted, but it's, it's still, to me, I'm like, that's great because I think that turnout's awesome for something just starting, you know? Um, it really is. And as those seeds. Like really catch up and then your energy catches up to the vision. And I, I feel like we're sort of, what we're mentioning is like sometimes when you're, when you're in between, it's like it's going good, but it's not going like how you saw it in that vision, right. Yet it just takes time for our body to catch up, for our emotions, to catch up, for our energy, to catch up to that vision. Because who we are in that vision is like an elevated, it's a truly an elevated. Person. It's, it's an elevated consciousness of our existence. And so like getting into that space is like, and staying in that and like holding yourself to the void, that's the hard part is like realizing, yes, I had that vision and not giving up on it and, and being even at times, like, I think we all want to give up on it, but it's just remembering actually this is what I saw and this is what I believe in, and I, you truly do. I think you're one of the most. Amazing people at supporting people at seeing people, wanting people to shine. I mean, I can, like you left me the most beautiful video testimonial that has actually landed me like two, one-to-one clients, by the way, because they're like, that video testimonial was amazing and I mean, I opened it up and I was like, Oh my God, I can't believe she thinks this about me. This is amazing. And like your willingness to do that. And it's something I, I mean, I love promoting people, but it's so interesting how a lot of people can't even receive it, you know? And they have a hard time with it. But you willingness to see, you see the goodness. I can definitely have this like, And I think it's my cap, my my Capricorn and I'm also aqua a lot of Aquarius and we just have a no BSS radar a lot of the times and like yeah, so, but you see through it and you're so supportive to anybody and I think you're like the perfect with anybody's coming in. It's like I wanna start in the spiritual world and I wanna start with my spiritual gifts and like I need to start somewhere. I don't know what it is. Like you're the perfect person for that because you really do see everybody so equally in that sense, and that's an amazing. I think it's an amazing attribute that's just not seen too much in this world anymore, you know? Or at all. Thank you. And I appreciate that. And I didn't know that about the testimonial. I, I was, it was the day of my photo shoot, so I was like, you know what? Well I have my hair and makeup professionally done. I am gonna be rerecording this testimonial. So I looked very glammed as well. But you know what you just said and it's hard. Like I can give it, but I have a hard time receiving. It's, um, Something that I really struggle with. Again, cancer North Node probably has something to do with that. Mm-hmm. Right. But my team reflected this to me actually just last week. They said to me like, you truly do not judge people like that. Like I just have the ability to see people's higher selves and like their potential. The downside of that, the shadow side of that is I'm constantly. Blindsided by people because it shocks me every time. Um, it just absolutely shocks me and I'm like, I didn't, I didn't see that. And sometimes my team will have to be like, yeah, they were actually really difficult. I'm like, were they, were they though? I just f accept people as they come. And that's the first thing. If you ever sit in a circle with me, I have people look at each other and you just say, I accept you exactly as you come. And I think that that level of acceptance of just exactly how I am at that moment, at that time, like I've always wanted to have that level of acceptance. And so the only way I can feel that is to give it to other people without restriction. And make no mistake though, I mean the Virgo side of me though, if you burn the bridge, it's, it's fucking done. Yeah, it's done rising. There's no recovery. And so like that is, you know, there is a shadow quality to that. Yeah. Just like blindly believing people. And I'm, I am like that. I do need some discord because I need, my mom is that checker for me. You know, like I'll send my mom like a story and she'll be like, well, and she'll give me a different perspective.'cause I just like believe kind of what people are presenting to me because I don't like doubting, you know? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's hard'cause I think acceptance with the Arab discernment is hard because like you have to have discernment'cause you just don't know. And like, I, like you have been so open to people in the past and I think some of that just coming from, like you said, that sense of just wanting to belong, you know, wanting to feel like I belong somewhere. And you know, growing up from like the background that it did with just. A lot, a high, high functioning alcoholic father who was pretty absent emotionally. My mother was mentally ill. It was very challenging. She was not nice. Like, it's like, where did I, I had to grow up really young. Um, and so playing out some of those patterns, which I think are just like karmic patterns that we're here to work through until we ultimately come to that sense of, of self within our, in ourselves. But I did the same thing, and it wasn't until this year. My 45th year of my life. And I don't know what it was like, it was something about turning 45 and, and it was, it started with getting my nails done. I never got my nails done, and I always picked up my cuticles. I've been looking at your nails. I'm like, when did Reagan get her nails done? So you go on. I'm like, Okay, so it's newer. Okay. Yes. Go on. Well, my birthday, but these are bright pink and I noticed like clients in Zoom videos are always looking at my nails now because they're probably wondering and I'm like, they're probably wondering when I start getting my nails done, I wonder,'cause if you could see Ray right now she just worked dough. She's supposed to go bike riding again and then there's like these flash nails, my nail, my fancy nails nail. I, I was a chronic cuticle P picker and I like would literally annihilate my nails and. And I could not stop, and I just, and I was, I never really was self secure, like insecure, but all of a sudden I became, and it was very clear, like, if you really love yourself, you would not do that. Yeah. And so it was, I just asked, what can I do? And this is crazy. My, my guide said, go get your nails done. So I'm like, really? I hate having anything on my nails. That's not the solution. But now they have this new thing called a dip, and you can go do it, and they file it down so you don't feel like you have any, it feels very normal, natural. Anyways, long story short, that was like the moment when I got my nails done that it was like, I had a couple situations happen with some friends and things locally, and it was like, you know what? You're 45. You don't have this freaking time to waste like you're here to do. Great things and you will do great things, and we're all here to do great things. And I don't, I never will put myself above anybody I work with. It is all like, we are here equal always, but I can't let anybody bring me off of that equality anymore. Like I can't. And, and that means, and we talked about who you surround yourself with, cutting out anybody, even if it was me that I felt that way around them, it wasn't them doing it. That's still something for me to reflect on and look at. But that energy doesn't change. It doesn't really shift, so you've gotta kind of like separate yourself from the patterning and stuff. And, and so this year, my 45th year, I was like, I've had clean out your bullshit radar Ray, like no more, no more. And it's been very liberating, a little intense at times because I've never thought I would ever be so direct about, you know, Me, like speaking my needs, speaking to even the universe, like this is what I want. Or like even when I'm pissed off at the universe, like, what the fuck? You know? Oh, we were friends. Like just a shade coming in. So, oh my gosh, I love this and I love you so much. And so where do you want like. Where can we direct people to come into your world right now?'cause you have a lot of different things going on, you know, as we all do once, we've been doing this for a while, so I know, and it's, it's more, I mean, right. I used to be the kind of entrepreneur. I would only launch one thing at a time.'cause I'm like, whoa, like one thing at. Uh, time and that did very well for a very long time. But I'm starting to realize that people want a couple different choices, right? I've had somebody say like, you don't wanna go into a grocery store and just have bread available like you wanna have. The milk and the eggs and stuff. So I'm like, okay, yeah, I get that. So I do have a lot more going on now than I used to. Um, but yeah, my podcast is a great way to start Spirit School Podcast, um, by Squamish Medium baby, put in Spirit School, come up for sure. I've been podcasting since 2018 and my whole career has been built off of podcasting because I chose in my podcast to choose that vulnerable route and start talking about the shadowy side of the development path. The. Personal development side though, right? Where it's like, yeah, when do you feel good enough? Like what happens if you have like a fumbling reading? And I started to share my stories more intimately about my journey. I pretty much cracked open my development journal. So that podcast is continuing. It still launches almost every week. I'm kind of consistent still. Um, spirit School Podcast and that eventually morphed into the Spirit School, school online. So I still run my beginner and advancing mediumship programs. Um, the beginner one is starting again in fall and I have my membership, which is, you know, I celebrating three years on August 1st, the Spear School Collective. I have people who have been in there since day one. We have a great retention rate averaging about a year and a half. Um, because people like to stick around. I do a lot of teaching in their practice circles. It's like the most consistent thing that I do in my business. And, you know, it's 111 bucks a month. It comes with like a lot of different things. Um, so those are kind of the online things. And I do impromptu workshops, like as inspired, which are always found on my Instagram. Typically. Um, Squamish medium on Instagram. Or gain my website, squamish'cause I have so much on my homepage. I actually, I have a calendar now. I saw everything bio. You can just click on it and then it's like in person, um, or, you know, online. And I do host one big retreat every single year here in British Columbia, in the mountains. That's already half sold out for next year. But, um, we'll be opening up that registration next week and then, um, in person. At Spear School here, I'm gonna be doing development days, um, different workshops with international collaborators. I've had people from Australia, Scotland's coming UK in September, hopefully Arkansas in 2024. We will see. I just love, I know someone who lives in Arkansas. I know. Like, everybody was like, so where in Arkansas? And how'd you get there? I'm like, I followed the court's mind. No, I'm not. I I, that's when we became friends is when you popped in your car, you're like, I am traveling around. I'm gonna find my next home. And that's when we, we met Was when you were like on that road trip? Yeah. Okay. Yeah. It was awesome. Three years, but it's been three years. Yeah. But anyways, yeah, it's. Yeah. Oh, I dunno if you have any listeners in Squamish, but if you're in Squamish, yes, I'll be definitely Yes. They're, are they good? They're okay. Perfect. Yeah, they're, they're like through your community, like we have a lot of like crossover all that. Yeah, crossover and stuff. So, um, but through Canada, a lot in Australia and stuff too, which is cool. Um, so her, your. Your intro mediumship program is called The Initiation, correct? Yeah. And she has the initiation 1.0. And then if you wanna go to the second level 2.0, just so if anybody's interested in that, that's what it's actually called. And her retreat, um, F y I, I'm really trying to get out there to this one because she just had the first one and I know. At least a dozen people that went to this retreat. And when I was watching all of the stuff come up on Instagram of the during and the after, and just like all the comradery, the spiritual connection, the support, Danielle literally hosted this retreat by herself. She had some help, but like, She was the person. Usually when you're putting 28 people like you were like probably having other people work with you, and as Danielle always delivers, it was just next level. All of the, the feelings that came through the pictures, I just thought I missed out. I thought it was just I, me, I thought it was literally specifically just for mediumship and. But it wasn't, there was this whole huge, you know, connection piece. And so if you're thinking about, if you really want spiritual community, that is the number one thing. I, I have clients that have been there. I have a lot of friends that have been there. And the one thing that they said, it was like so much community, I. So much connection where people really felt rooted to like their, their, there was even a guy there, but like the sisterhood of like past, like their soul tribe, you know? They really felt like they found their people. So I just really, I, I specifically wanna build that up because I, I feel like that is, that was next level, seeing that. And the funny thing is it was the easiest thing for me to put together. Like yeah, like right. I already have stuff for next year's retreat, like I'm already buying it and like it's in my storage room, like, I loved putting together that retreat and they actually weren't available for three more years, but they loved us so much. They had us doing readings for their cleaning staff, their kitchen staff. They're like, my kitchen staff just lost their mom. Can you do reading? I'm like, does any medium here wanna give a reading right now? And like we were literally. Reading for the staff and they actually made space for us to come back next summer. They were like, when do you wanna come? I'm like, summer baby.'cause it was snowing in April there, and some of my American clients have never seen snow, so they were like in their glory. But I'm like, okay, we just had seven months of winter. I'm like, I'm ready for some warmth. So we're doing it in June next year. And I gotta just say it was my, It was one of the most magical experiences in my life, and I cannot wait. Yeah. For next time. Yeah. It's like you late about it. I, you even, I think the Monday after everything was done on the Tuesday, you sent me a voice memo. You're like, oh my God, this is it. I love this. And, and it got me more excited because when we did that retreat that you're, one of your clients came to, I think two of your clients actually came to it. It was like a similar feeling, like it wasn't a sleep, sleep, eat, sleep, eat, stay situation. But it was so reassuring to me like you can create that cohesive sense of community authentically in two days. Yeah. And it really does feed into the fact that people are yearning for community right now. Like, we we're so done trying to thrive on our own. We need to be in community. We need to go back to the way we were. Yeah. Um, right. And so I have a lot to say on that, but yeah. Funny about the retreat, and this is the last thing. I know you're trying to wrap this up and I No, we're good. Like I don't, like, I feel like we could just Yeah, I know, but I didn't tell anyone what we were doing at the retreats. Yeah, you didn't, that's why I just assumed it was medium shit. I know. And it's not because I didn't know what we were going to do. It was just like, I don't know. I just knew what we were gonna do and I got, I, I worked. You know, because I'm a reconnecting indigenous person because of the residential school system, I knew I had permission from my elders in spirit to share some of those indigenous teachings now. And I almost like was initiated myself into being able to share.'cause I did work for our people for almost a decade and got to connect in with elders and I had my own elder for a while. And you know, my own grandmother in spirit, who has been one of the biggest teachers for me in mediumship from this heaven side. And I didn't realize until a couple years ago, she was totally into this stuff and my dad didn't tell me till quite a few years. Um, ago that that was the case, and I found that to be fascinating. So a lot of it was, you know, indigenous teachings connecting in with the land, um, earth medicine, which I think the spiritual community could really use a bit more of because we didn't come all this way from heaven to like not connect in with this amazing planet and all the incredible beings that are on it. So it was so. Affirming for me it was like one of my favorite things in the world. So I have the next two years booked and yeah, it's just, um, I just love it so much. No, I agree with that and that people ask, that really is what drew me to Arkansas. It was the land.'cause I have very much connect with land and energy of the land. I, I've, I even have done land clearings in my practice. It's like something that I'm very. The nature with the animals and that raw like wildness of in, it's, when we connect with that, it's like that's when you really will know where you're at. You know? And it does bring forth other connections. And I feel like when the land is very spiritually activating, it does bring forth a lot of connection with other people. And surprisingly, there's a lot of that narc and solid's, a very connecting place. Like people are so nice here, it's like ridiculous. It looks beautiful. It's really cool. But, um, well, I'm so glad you have all these offers because, I'm not a fan of one offer at a time because I think it rattles our nervous system too much and you have way more magic to share than one thing, and at this point of your evolution and your journey, and I just am so glad this conversation is like, Just fills my heart and I'm so glad to have you on here that the time you finally worked, I really wanted you to be like my first or second guest, but you had so much going on that I was like, I am not gonna send this her way.'cause I don't even want her to blink an eye or feel bad for saying no or like, not that, you know, but I just, I would never say no to you. Right. I know. That's what I'm like, yeah, I get it. Yes. Even if I like, and I'm like, I'm gonna wait till it's like nice and spacious for her. And so, um, I will put all of your links, everybody. So check out the show notes. Um, Danielle's very active on Instagram and um, shares a lot of content, and her podcast is wonderful. So if that's like the best ways to start in her world and her community, I get lots of, lots of great feedback around that as well. So thank you Danielle. Thank you, Ray. Thank you for having me on.