The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

Eclipse Portal is wide open & active!

October 14, 2023 Raechelle Embrey

Episode 10: Eclipse Portal is wide open & active!

This Solar Eclipse/New Moon occurs in the sign of Libra.  This eclipse can be considered the second of several cosmic nudges toward creating a better balance between “me and us.” This set focuses on new beginnings related to our relationships with others and ourselves.  This energy is surrounded by big changes, emotions, and releases and endings. 

In this episode, I talk about:

  • The current solar eclipse &  the new moon in Libra
  • Other energies we are working through in addition to the eclipse energies
  • What eclipse cycles are and how they impact us 
  • How these energies impact our animals
  • Energetic themes that we are collectively and individually working through
  • How you can personally work with this energy in a healthy way
  • Holding presence with resurfacing wounds

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Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together we can become untamed. Hello, hello, happy eclipse vibes. We are here in this eclipse portal that has been active for a couple of weeks, but we are in it today, a Saturday, October 14th at 9 42, as I'm recording this. And, uh, this, this is really potent energy that we've been working with. Um, And this current solar eclipse is at the new moon in Libra. So we've got a lot of like, there's also a lot of different other transits that are happening right now that are making this even more intense than, than a typical, solar eclipse. And so, Oh my gosh, just kind of like breathing into it as I'm sipping my coffee or drinking some water and just like, it's really still outside. There's like a. Stillness and,, we had an opportunity here where I'm at in northwest Arkansas to be able to see 60 percent of the eclipse, but it's really cloudy today. There's just like a stillness in the air. It's just very, very, very interesting. And,, I feel like it's really important to share a little bit about what eclipses are in particular this um, solar eclipse as we're in it. And an eclipse is like sort of like a more potent lunation of a new moon or full moon. So a solar eclipse is at the new moon, which we'll focus on that. And so depending on where an eclipse falls in your chart, it can have like extra potent energy for you. And regardless, it's like a collective thing as well. So even if you aren't feeling the potency, like there's chances are that there's many people around you that are feeling that potency. A lot of people tend to sort of fear these eclipses,, and the eclipse cycles because they often bring out sort of crisis, very stressful, events that are basically, you know, significant events of change. Um, they. Are really tied to changing circumstances and with solar eclipses, it's almost like casting a shadow over. So I just feel like they're a little heavier, um, a little bit more dense, you know, but I always feel like it's really important to remember that whilst eclipses are tied to changing circumstances, we are usually the ones as individuals to precipitate or attract changes because our inner guidance on also our Spiritual guidance, universal guidance knows that we need it for our growth for evolution. And so we are meant to be progressive by nature. And sometimes we might stay in situations that are really kind of making us weighed down and heavy or holding on to things longer. And that are a similar, similar kind of like. You know, heaviness, but deep down inside. We know that there is a change that's necessary for our growth. Um, one thing that I always find really interesting about this particular fall eclipse portals as I've been doing this work with, um, animal communication for over seven years is that. This one is really, really heavy with that kind of like ties into the loss of our animals. And so, um, this week in particular, I've had several, uh, close to seven, yeah, seven urgent sessions this week. And, um, two of them have been with people just feeling really extreme physical symptoms, which I feel is more tied to Pluto are, um, sort of. The planet of death and rebirth and transformation, it is stationing direct. And so there's been a physical, you know, um, sensation. I think for some of us that are really sensitive to energies, we can feel that physically in the way of like migraines, interrupted sleep, because it really messes with our circadian rhythm. And this particular eclipse is doing that as well. And so today, October 14th, um, it will officially be around 1 55 Eastern time, and it's at 21 degrees of the sign of Libra. So, and the interesting thing about eclipse. Cycles is we really, it's, it's, it's about the change over the next six months, really. But this one is interesting. This one is actually an even more potent,, longer term. It's like a five year change. So the things that are being activated in this particular solar eclipse, where you're feeling these, um, The change in your life where you're feeling it, you know, is really, it's not like the change. Some of the changes might be happening right now in the ways of loss,, and deeper releases, but it's actually supporting you for the next five years. Okay. Um, so this is really long term changes in the works and some of the things that. I feel collectively we're focusing on with this one as it pertains to the sign of Libra is focusing on matters related to interdependence within partnerships, partnerships and how we relate to like autonomy, our, our autonomy and unity at the same time. Um, a lot of emphasis on boundaries, personal boundaries, boundaries in relationship. Um, Sort of like this release and codependence as well, like really getting to a deeper root of codependent patterns and how they are synergistically playing out and, and not just like what we think of traditional codependency, but it's the people pleasing. It's where we're really dependent on external validation. perhaps like basing our worth on the amount of money in our bank accounts, you know, are the amount of success that we have, the accolades we achieve. So it's like a very external, you know, base. And so I feel like this is offering a really, um, collectively an opportunity to really dive into the inner self and be very resourced in the way that we view ourselves, the lens of which we see ourselves, um, versus. And having that true act of self love that is independent from those external factors. And so, uh, it's, it's really interesting to me how this is really playing out and bringing some balance into these aspects of, of this particular, cycle. And we will have a, another eclipse. So just a little bit about this. I call it like the eclipse portal, and I feel like we feel eclipse energies. You know, some people say six weeks, four weeks, two weeks, you know, I really feel like it depends on where it hits you personally, but definitely for two weeks up to an eclipse, we will feel the change. We'll be aware of the changes that are happening for me. This has been really around some deeper emotional things that have come to the surface. So. With this particular, because of the Plutonian aspects, there's a depth to it. And Pluto,, with, with its activation in this, this new moon solar eclipse is like, it's kind of bringing up an opportunity. So there might be something that is really triggering to you that I'm sorry about my voice. I'm always like this in the mornings, but And with Pluto, it could be something outside of you, um, through another situation or circumstance that you might be involved in that could be bringing up a deeper wound that you've maybe processed some, but there's still some like depth there. There's still some healing there. So it can feel really raw. There's, and there's also some aspects to Chiron, which is sort of like the wounded healer in our lives. And both of these Chiron and Pluto can be very intense planetary energies to work with. Um, because they do bring up some deeper wounding and they're really, especially chiron. So it can feel very sensitive. It can feel like very vulnerable, very tender as we're kind of these, these wounds are coming up for us to face in this finality. But the beautiful thing about it is like the wounds are coming up for us to look at them and be with them and sit with them in their totality, not to run from them, not to avoid them, not to react to them, to simply receive. Respond to the energy within our bodies, the emotional frequency, which is bringing in that energy into our bodies to simply respond and be with it and sit with it and let whatever emotion comes up. Um, especially over the last week, there's been a lot of like anger moving through, you know, frustration moving through. We're easing on that a little bit, but you know, where there's that anger is like that sense of like, this is where personally I don't feel. You know, respected, or maybe it's a situation that you have no control of that anchors you, right? Of the way that, you know, people are doing things in the world, you know, that really we don't have much control of. So there's, there's a lot of that, that's been moving through. Our collective over the last week. And then as we move into this portal, it's like sitting that anger is now exposing the wounds within us that are very vulnerable and very tender. I know for me, this has really come up,, around the loss of my father. That was last September, early September, but I've been in such a. A year of so much change that my nervous system has been in that, like, go change, go change. And so whilst I dealt with the initial grief and everything and moved through that, there was so many other changes in that, uh, loss. You know, my stepmother actually, um, stopped talking to me and my sisters. We weren't allowed to go into his home and, and even gain a hat or even one little part of a belonging to him. And we were simply just cut off, you know, and that was so tough, but I didn't want to have all this anger projected out at the situation. But what I did was sort of suppress some of that anger around my stepmom doing that. Um, which is totally fine. Sometimes we, we deal with it when we have to deal with it. Right. When it's the right time to deal with it for us. But what happened is that my sister came to visit and I haven't seen her since my dad's memorial life last year celebration of life. And so she came into town and it was just kind of like that familiar family feeling those deep roots that all sudden I was able to really relax and, and, and these These, these emotions really started to surface within me. I became very tender by the end of the week, you know, and, um, had moments where I just couldn't stop crying. And for about four days, I just, it was so vulnerable and even really feeling, you know, sort of some final, like moments of deep sadness around the loss of my rhythm that's been two months ago, like I'm still going to feel that loss, right. But it was, it was really this whole, um, internal wave. That came up where those wounds really resurfaced. And it was like, holy cow. And so the opportunity is to really sit with them and be with them and allow whatever feeling emerges to emerge and just know, like, you don't have to do anything about it. You don't have to analyze it. You don't have to figure it out. It's literally about collectively. We're really learning how to be present with what we're feeling, with what we're sensing, with where our emotional, um, With where our emotional world is and understanding like that emotion is always feeding energy. And, and so as we work with the, the energy and the emotions, and we can really shift and change and create spaciousness in our body, which opens us up to growth, you know, forward growth, which is. It's more illuminated at our higher self. So it's like a higher, higher frequency of growth, right? It's getting us more on the path of like where we are really being called to move forward into in any area of your life, wherever that lands, it could even be the emotional maturity, you know, and it could be the emotional intelligence that doesn't necessarily have to be the path of like your career or your relationships or, you know, um, whatever else that it is, you know, it could be anything. Sometimes it's really just about your internal world. So for me, that's where that's been. And I share that story because if you're feeling that it's going to feel extra, extra tender, but just know like, it's coming up for you to really sit with it. So you can release it and create space in your body. And when we hold onto these wounds, when we hold onto them, and we're really like stuffing them, repressing. And we don't realize like we're doing it half the time, you know, most of the time we don't. Um, but when we are doing that, it's actually, it's, it dysregulates our nervous system and we start to operate more and more and more out of dysregulation and fear comes through and we feel very unsafe. In the world and our bodies, because there's these deep triggers, these deep wounds that are there that are just like ready and waiting to come up. And when we are not allowing for them to come up, we further perpetuate that feeling of unsafety. And so it's really, really important to allow those things to come up. And I feel like with this particular activation, with this particular eclipse portal. You know, we're going to be moving through this two more weeks as a lunar eclipse. And then we're going to be feeling this energy for like a month after that. So we are in it. Um, and so as we're, as we're navigating this, eclipses are like, really like the most intense times of change through the year. We typically have two major eclipse cycles in a year. Um, typically, and, you know, they really are big. big huge times of change and big releases and sort of, um, it can be really triggering, right? Because in the change, in these times of releases, it's, um, it's triggering because, you know, when sometimes when we have to release something. It can be very deeply painful, you know, um, and several people are moving through deep losses of animals and it's like a lot of them are older, but it's come up all of a sudden, like, oh, wow. Okay. Yeah. This is, this is time, you know? So it's like deep, deep, just deeply activated, you know, and that is so sad, but these releases. With the animals are actually needed, you know, because they're, they're one either physically suffering to the point that the quality of life is just not as good, but they're, you know, also for the animal and for the person, the spaciousness that the body has when it gets released, you know, and the spirit. And also sometimes we. are giving so much of our world to a certain circumstance, right? And that it doesn't offer any spaciousness for the next phase, right? And so I know that's kind of hard for some people to grasp, but it is the reality. Things have to Um, be released. Like, for example, with my father, he, it was very sudden how it all started. He was very young, in my opinion, I mean, it was like he was 70. We were getting ready to travel on a trip to Nashville for 70th birthday. This all started on a 70th birthday and it just navigated over the course of four months. But what I've learned is like after. Moving through this last year, you know, I've particularly been in cycles through my family of major judgments, a lot of favoritism, constantly having to face rejection, abandonment, constantly bringing up core wounds of my not enough ness, like that is a very big core wound of mine, of not feeling and being enough that I faced, and like deep fears of rejection. With his release into spirit, it was. As if, and this isn't to say, I mean, my dad, if you met him, he was very kind, but it was the dynamic in our family, right? It was a lot emotionally. And so with his release, my mom had passed away 10 years ago. My grandmother passed away a year prior to that. And so it was this whole generation and all this. All this release of these parts of my family unit that were very triggering, triggering, but yet these were like the roots. It's like, oh wow, you have no parents now. You have no grandparents, right? Those big deep roots are now gone. But when they're gone, when those roots were gone for me, it was those wounds also. We're gone. I knew not that they were gone, but I knew I didn't have to face those. And so it brought about big transformation in my world and my personal relationship. So anywhere where I was like facing that are constantly chasing or people pleasing or, you know, giving my energy to the wrong people, the wrong clients that just were not, it wasn't feeling like a reciprocal building, you know, A togetherness. It was that all shifted in my world, you know, and so that's sort of what I share with you because that that release for him was just before the big eclipse portal last year and the fall. And so these are the types of things that sometimes death can bring about and it does bring about. Rebirth and transformation and really beautiful insights. Um, I had a session with an animal and spirit the other day, and I shared a post on my Instagram about this, um, because it was just so beautiful and it was, uh, what the message that came through. And this is, this is like where it's like, the wisdom is wiser, you know. And so, you know, being able to connect, bring this connection with this human and her animal and spirit was, uh, truly really amazing. And one of the things that he, he was just saying through that was about this, um, If only you saw yourself through the lens that I saw you, you are perfect. You are radiant. And I, I might be botching up the words a little bit, but the message was like that. And he went on to further say, you will never know the impact you have on anybody for simply being you. So in other words, We don't know who or what we impact when we're in our authentic space of true, free self expression. You know, when we are fully expressed as ourselves and we give ourselves that freedom and we do the healing so that we can be vulnerable enough to be self expressed and be in our own individual autonomy and in our own. Relationship with ourself that we can show up and do that. And by doing that, it's like, we don't understand. We'll never know the impact that we'll have on another. Like you could be in the car with an Uber driver and just your energy. When you're in that fully, you know, aligned space of the self. It doesn't mean you're perfect. It doesn't mean you don't have wounds. It doesn't mean any of that. It's, it's the recognition of those things and they come up and just being able to sit with it and not react and just being in your body and just feeling comfortable in your skin and feeling the lightness and getting out of the mind. And, you know, just kind of like being in the present and all of those things and the self healing and the self growth. It's like, when we do that, our energy is really healing just by being around. Like you are so impactful in that space. Like it literally it's like ripple effects, you know? Um, and it becomes magnetic and it becomes healing just by your presence. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to be anything. And so I loved that message that came through. And that's just an example of like how through these. Deep endings that there can be really profound soul growth that happens, you know, and it doesn't mean we still grieve. We're still going to move through those growing pains, right? But there is an opportunity here. And so I just love that. I love that reflection and I love that, that message. And so, yeah, we're, we're in it. This eclipse portal is really active and it feels like, to me, I've been having really restless sleep until last night. Um, it's like really affecting my circadian rhythms, but a lot of times these intense energies do for me, uh, they can some, two of my clients had really bad migraines, you know, It's, it's kind of like some physical things coming up. So, but what I feel like it's been very ungrounding. It's kind of feels like an electric surge, like almost like I described it and a post of like a vortex of lightning speed of accelerated transformation and change. It's feels shaky, but also liberating at the same time. And so we can expect big emotions, big releases, big triggers, major revelations, um, you know, people and animals are feeling this big time. It's a lot of processing, a lot of self reflection. Again, those old wounds are being opened wide up for us to have an opportunity to heal through them one final time. It's an opportune time to take inventory of what habits, patterns, and emotions are not allowing us to flourish because the way that this is working with. With the nodes, which we'll get into that, but the nodes, the way that this is working with those is like, it's really an opportunity for, you know, some deep patterning, you know, especially like ancestral generational and some habits that are kind of really bad habits, you know, and to be released permanently. And there's a lightness in that because these are habits or patterns. Emotional patterns, whatever it is, you know, behavioral, whatever, that are really keeping us from being able to really flourish into this. Where our soul deeply desires us to go. And if this is you, you will know exactly what it is. You will know, you know, as I'm saying this, you'll be like, Oh shit, that's what I got to release. You know? And so it takes a lot of self reflection to be able to look at ourselves with compassion, with a compassionate lens, without beating up on ourself, without shaming ourselves about these patterns. It's just the emergence of them, the revelation of them and just saying, okay, I see you. I see how this has supported me. I see how this has kept me safe, but actually that safety is not really in my best interest. Where's my best interest and where I'm actually safer is in this next phase, this next evolution. And so it is a permanency. This energy has a permanency to it. Typically in eclipses, when they're endings, they are permanent endings. If you have a relationship ending, it's. It's probably going to be permanent, you know, it's probably not going to circle back around, you know, uh, it's, it's just really interesting how that happens., and again, this, I feel like it's always eclipses, especially with the solar eclipse, I feel is sort of a gateway of change of an ease of transition with our animals, humans too. But for me in the animal world, I see it. And I, I just, it, it, it comes up big time. And the other thing that you could expect is like major revelations that will lead to sort of a cutting edge transformation and the death of an old identity. So like these ego deaths, like things that we feel like really, um, kept us in a space of like recognition or validation. That's like the ego, the old ego. So it's a death of the way that we've like identified with ourselves, uh, in particular, and within our relationships and how that, how that like is impacted in the relationships. Thank you. You can expect a lot of conversations around these topics. Um, Mercury is a planet of communication and how it's placed with this, this Libra aspects is really going to be bringing up a lot of communication around this. And it's not something you have to solve in a day. You can kind of have a little conversation and, and then have another conversation a day later or two days later, it's more like bringing things up that are coming up to the surface, giving them time to process and integrate. And then being able to give yourself time to stand back and look at your emotions from a larger lens, from a larger perspective. I always say, um, things not to do. Don't fester in your emotions until you're reactive. Um, get out, get these emotions out, journal them, speak them out into a voice recording. If you have a friend that you can trust that it's okay for you to kind of like dump some of this without being like toxic, you know, um, doing that, uh, meditation just to get an outside viewpoint of those emotions. Um, cause when we fester in them, that's reacting, trying to control what is happening is reactive energy. So if you're feeling like, Oh my gosh, this is out of control. I got to like, hold onto this or keep this from happening. That's actually reacting. We can't control what's happening. If the ultimate thing is surrender to what is happening and know that this is for, you might not know why now, but it is for your higher growth. The other thing that these eclipse cycles, especially this one with the plutonium aspects is like, there can be a tendency to sort of project onto others, our feelings, um, and our emotions. You know, we can project it onto others versus like sitting in our own sort of messiness, you know, and again, when we project that's reacting. So it is a bit of a reactive energy where we might want to try to control and protect, project our discomfort onto others. Things I always say to do. In these intense cycles is to stand back and look at your emotions from that larger lens. That's responding surrender to the process and allow yourself to feel and be messy. It's okay to be messy where you put such perfectionistic stand, like standards on ourselves that it's like, nobody is okay being messy and you're, you're allowed to be messy. And that is acceptance, having compassion for yourself and your process as well as others in their process. That is non judgment. So exuding responding acceptance. Non judgment is like really, really beautiful use of this energy, remembering everybody's in their process. So if you're kind of looking at somebody like, I don't know what the fuck is going on with them, but something's going on, like really intense, just know, like, they're probably feeling some stuff, you know, have, have compassion for everybody's messiness so that we can have that even for ourselves. You know, it's, it's time that we kind of like. Leave this like state of always having to be perfectly emotionally solid and stable. And this emotional intelligence era is like amazing, but it's also put this like really harsh, like, Oh, we have to be in this like really, um, like. Like heavily, um, what's the word that I'm looking for? Like, uh, the standard, you know, this heavy standard of emotionally intelligent. I, I know how to respond all the time to my emotions. It's just such bullshit. Like sometimes we just don't, and it's okay if you end up being a little bitchy or whatever. And it's like about time. I'm not saying that we have to accept. Toxicity and abuse, but nobody's exempt from, from those feelings. And then we put this harshness on ourselves or it builds up into anger, resentment, frustration. It's like, sometimes like you might sound a little bitchy, you know, it's not. Again, this isn't to say, or make, make exceptions to say that you can do this all the time, but just having that compassion, if it like slips up and you're like, oh my God, I can't believe it was just like that. Like, it's okay. You know,, so this is just a really supportive energy of initiating changes that are necessary and need to happen so that we can continue evolving and growing on our path of highest illumination. And sometimes that change does come with great sadness, but there are gifts in this change. If we really allow this sadness. Whatever's there, you know, the anger, if we're present with it, the anger will lead you to where, what is there, what, what needs to come up to the surface, right? What needs to be instilled, what needs to be shifted and changed. So is resentment. Again, those are signs. They're clues like where you're resentful is probably like where you have had poor boundaries with yourself and with others. And, so just kind of knowing like those things are just going to come up right now and, and to be able to hold deep presence with our wounds and understand that we can be safe within them. In fact, when we're safe within them, they no longer hold, they don't hold Us bound by them. We actually stop reacting from them because we're so present with them that we understand when they're coming up. Uh, they don't own us or control us. They're part of us. And they're great teachers of wisdom. If we're brave enough to hold steady and stay present to witness what they're sharing with us, which is really, really beautiful. And,, I think this is also a really opportune time to dive into your inner child. You know, when we have those deep wounds, they're coming from the past. They're like, as I shared about my father and, and these feelings of rejection and the not enough ness. And I had a really deep healing session and some of this was coming through and it was like this opportunity to really dive deeper behind. Some of my emotional patterning and being able to like give to that child what I did not get from my parents, you know, and really being able to sit with that. And it doesn't have to be deep or elongated. It's just the acknowledgement of like, Ooh, this is coming up right now. I see where I'm been reacting in my life by this wound. So I'm going to hold presence and I'm going to feel like. The pain of that and be okay feeling that. And then also give myself what I should have gotten as a child, because those are the type of things that are coming up at the time. It's where you didn't get what you needed, right. And those, in those spaces. So I share this with you with so much love. And, you know, if you are one where this is really hitting in your chart, like really hitting landing, um, and it's, you can. Figure this out by looking at your chart. You can go to astro. com. They have free astrology charts there. And so you can look at like where the Libra energy is. And, some of this is also, I feel really intense with Capricorn placements as well, because of Pluto stationing direct and Capricorn. So you can look at where those areas are in your chart and, uh, And kind of see like how that's impacting. And of course, if this is something that you're feeling really just dysregulated about, and you need more guidance, please get in touch and we can set up a session and sort of dive in and create some healing and, get some intuitive guidance from, from not only your, your astrology chart, but from your, your spirit team and the universe and see what we can sort of shift around and bring clarity to. So yeah. Be in this tender space if you're feeling it and if you're feeling the need to just go out and you're not tender, but you want to go out and sort of just run and be free. Just go do it. Do whatever is best for you during this time and sending you lots of love. Bye. Hey, untamed listeners, I am so appreciative that you took time out of your day to spend with me. I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as I did, and I would love your support for this podcast. I would be so appreciative of a positive review. This helps promote the podcast. And push up the algorithm so more people can find me as a special thanks when you leave a review, take a screenshot of the review and send it to me to at Ray radiant vibes on Instagram. I will send you a 20 percent coupon code that is good for any single session or a 200 discount for my clarify and embody mentorship containers. Yep, that's right. You heard it right here. Thank you so much for being a part of my world and I'll see you next time