The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

New Season! Wisdom from my 2023 Journey & New offers for you and your animals!

January 16, 2024 Raechelle Embrey

I am back! In this episode, I share my reflections after moving through a year of grief, change & transformation.  Call it another spiritual awakening, call it a dark night of the soul.  Nonetheless, 2023 cracked me wide open and now I am on the other side.  =

In this episode, I share my experience and wisdom on:

  • Grief, death & transformation
  • Releasing Generational Energetic Imprints
  • Redefining Success
  • Energetics of Acceptance & Comparison
  • Shifting Identities
  • Difficult Astrological Placements & how they are here to empower you
  • Sincere Gratitude
  • My upcoming offers on Animal Communication
  • New Mentorship experience, called “EmpowerHER”

Connect with me at:
IG: @raechelleembrey

Join my spiritual ascension community, called "The Temple"
A sacred community devoted to spiritual liberation, healing sisterhood, and returning to wholeness:

The Temple!

Book a 60-minute 1:1 Astro Activation Session with me!

Astro Activation

∞ ʀᴇᴄʟᴀɪᴍ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪꜱᴅᴏᴍ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴅɪᴠɪɴᴇ ꜰᴇᴍᴍᴇ ∞


Explore "High Priestess"

An intimate 6-month mastermind for the woman who is ready to reclaim & empower her soul's expression & become the spiritual leader in her life & her business!

High Priestess

Not sure where to start? Book a connection call!
Connection call!

Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together we can become untamed. Hello, Radiant Vibes community, beautiful people. Oh my gosh, I've taken a break here for a bit and just really kind of in my cocooning for the winter and the holiday season and been taking a good amount of time to get clear in my body, get clear in my mind, get clear in my heart and And just where I really wanted to see myself moving forward in 2024. And I've been taking a lot of time for some ritual for some deep, clearing and cleansing that I feel was extremely necessary. And as I started to take the slow down back in the month of October and kind of detached from everything. And I realized that. One of the things that I've been doing was moving through in a very hustle like mode. That is typically how I move through life. I do have a lot of willpower. I have a lot of, grit and I do like to accomplish things and achieve things. However, in the past when I've done it, I had done it without attachment to outcomes. I was just doing it because I loved it. Things because they lit my heart on fire and, and I genuinely love helping. I love guiding people and, animals through transformation, through healing, through, you know, reconnection with soul and, guiding us into our unique energetic blueprints. But I kinda, I have to admit, like part of me. I was so attached to, how am I going to make this work so that I can gain more, whether that was like more connections, more money, more clients, more this, I got very focused on these sort of metrics and, you know, even how to share things on, on social media and what to do. And for those of you that are entrepreneurs in my community, you know, I do. Focus a good bit on business. And I feel that this is a really candid conversation that I want to open up because I think that many of us can go down that route. It's, it's like, we lose that connection of when we first started this. That was like, Oh my God, I'm just ready to do this. I'll help anybody. I don't even care. It would be great to make some money, but you know what? I just want to help. And then as we get farther along and we start to get that, you know, gratification and, and that receive the success and receive abundance for this, it's like, we sometimes want to grow bigger, and, and grow more. And which is totally natural and, and our birthright, like, why wouldn't we, why wouldn't we want to expand and create more reach, you know? but for me, it, I started to kind of get really hard on myself because I was attaching myself to too many things that meant nothing about my success. I was attaching myself to, uh, my self worth started to become attached to, you know, am I achieving this goal? And if I'm not, there must be something wrong with how I'm doing this, how I'm moving this, what am I saying? What am I sharing? And really ultimately I lost. This connection to when I had first started and even over the last five years prior to 2023., I was so convicted. I just believed everything I did was going to work. And I truly believed that. And I started to get into this pattern of like, nothing I do is working, nothing, nothing I do is holding. And so I, my receiving channel was starting to close down. And this is really interesting because one might think, Oh, she's stuck in lack. She's stuck in scarcity. And I was for sure. And this brought up, like, I feel like we have different lack and scarcity codes. We can be at one level in our life and in experience, no lack or no scarcity, one level of love, one level of wealth, one level of money, one level of career. Right. And then we can, when we go to that next level, we can suddenly experience. A new level of lack of scarcity of emotional like fears, you know, fears that come up that we didn't, we thought, Oh, I worked through that. But it's like we're being asked to raise up, in this applies to every area of your life, whether that's love, whether that's a joy frequency, whether that's, friendships expanding and friendships and connections and collaborations, like when you want to expand and the depth of these frequencies and and the different experiences of life, different fears are going to come up around scarcity and lack and lack and scarcity don't just have to do with money, they have to do With anything that is of receiving. So when I talk about receivership and receiving and receivership channel, what I mean is like the channel that basically comes down and through your crown chakra into your body that is connected galactic channel. It's like intergalactic down and into your heart and truly receiving, allowing the goodness to land in your body, allowing the goodness to land in your life and allowing yourself to truly experience the goodness. Be in the goodness. And so many of us, we're like, Oh, this bad thing happened. This bad thing happened. And we don't spend enough time. We spend so much time focusing on the bad things that happen that we don't spend enough time in the goodness of life and that experience that we're really truly here to, to co create with and. I feel like this is something that happened for, and the ways that this happened, it was like, okay, I got the great love that I just totally dreamt of with this man that, you know, is so good to me. And I never thought that this type of connection would be so easy that I would have that. Right. I never thought I could even give love this easily. Right. So there were many ways that this started to. Trigger different energies within me of, Oh, is something going to happen to him? Is something going to happen to us? Can I trust him? Can I fully trust this connection? and then when I moved forward and we bought this house there became all this fear around money. You know, is there enough money to support us in this? And we were taking a risk. We still had two other houses moving. And, and it was, it started to kind of feel like. Even though I was doing these really expensive things, all these other fears started to come in and ways of like, am I going to truly be supported in this way? I find this interesting because this is how we can really truly block receivership. We can block how we receive the goodness of life by having these fears sort of guide us and, and be like the guiding post of how much we still continue to push and, and truly. Push into the experience of the joy. So, what I've had to do is look back because I started to feel melancholic about life. I started to feel, I don't know, like detached from the experience. And I did go through a lot of change over the last year. In particular, and I feel for me, one of the things I really want to highlight here is about the energy of grief and I lost my dad. Many of you know this. I've spoken about this back in September of 2022 along with that loss also came with a lot of other heartaches and a lot of other processing and along with that loss was truly the end of a lot of generational Things that had happened. And so I had to really dive into what am I going to do with this because it was as if for the first time I didn't have any of the, projections from the mother, this rejection from my father, even like my grandmother had passed away a year before there and judgments around that. And for the first time, I didn't have this energy within the family that I had to deal with. my existing family members are all loving. So it's like this deep attachment to how the family treated me and how I showed up to the world. I had to really dive into the way that I was Identifying so much to how my family projected onto me and how I was showing up into the world. And I also had to give myself permission to experience more joy and life than they ever allowed themselves to do. And that's a sneaky way that this energy of scarcity will come in., it's tricky because it's not like, Oh, everything is scarce. It's like, it's not. Um, around, Oh, like money is so scarce. It's more in the happiness of scars and because they didn't ever experience it. How could I do that? You know, and it's so interesting because what my, my guides have shown to me and presented to me, through my inner work and reflection around this, it's not each of our ancestors leave imprints in this world. I found myself connecting with my mom a lot and she's of light frequency. Now she's been passed away for 12 years. We have a really beautiful loving relationship and spirit. And I hadn't gotten there with my dad yet. There was still a lot of, uh, forgiveness. There was a lot of acceptance I had to go through. And one of the things I had to really look at was how much. I now would never have the opportunity to show him all that I was doing was good. So I started to put all this pressure on myself to do all this, do all this. And, and, achieve all this external success and, and gauging my success and satisfaction on those external measures to the point where I was giving my power away, seeking guidance where like, I really shouldn't have. And this is really vulnerable for me to share, but. you know, I, I worked with a mentor that was just of not good alignment and I'm just so thankful that as that happened, my energy was already shifting. So the universe brought forward conversation around that, that allowed that person to exit my life. Thank God. And I was just like, thank you. Thank you. Thank you universe over and over again. But it's just an example of how, when we're not in our power, when we're looking for answers outside of ourselves so much and doubting ourselves that we can bring in misaligned, friendships, misaligned mentors, misaligned spiritual teachers, and that experience reflected back to me, the importance of having friends. Such high integrity, spiritual teachers in this world, because there's a lot of people out there that are doing this work and, you know, not holding a lot of integrity, or maybe they don't have all the tools that they say that they do and helping people move through the shadow work and do the deep inner work and move the resistance and fears and traumas and all these things and understand how deeply these energetics are so tied to our past experience. When I realized how much of this energy, that this pressure that I was putting on myself was about the fact that like, I never would get my father's acceptance again. That was so powerful. It was like, I was doing all this stuff to get this acceptance, to be acceptable. And prior to his, his death and sickness, I was not showing up this way, you know, but this energy came in that was like, you'll never get the opportunity. Again, it's gone. And because I never got my dad's acceptance in life, I caught it, but not in the ways that you really need it. Right. Or I really needed it. And the way that would have been super supportive for me as a daughter, and to have emotional connection and to feel emotionally supported, I didn't get that. And I had to grow up really fast. And so there was always a lot of pressure to do more because that is the way that He saw me as a successful as, and that's how he identified to other people. Oh, here's my daughter. She's so successful. Here's my daughter. She has all this,, he didn't even know what I did half the time, but you know, when I had the grooming salon, it was like, I had the grooming salon, I had radiant vibes. You know, I've always had these other things going on that. He could share with other people of, my success and when I competed and trained with the dogs and I was, you know, did really well in that, it was like, here she is, here's the successful, you know? And so I realized after his death, Oh my God, I've been doing this to still get that acceptance. I don't have to do it anymore. I can release it and be free from it. And I started to really tap into. What is behind all of this energy? What's behind all this push? What's behind all this pressure? And when I started understanding how much of that was tied to these energies, and I'm not just talking like these are subtle energies that until you're sitting in contemplation with yourself, or you you're working with somebody who understands energetics and how much that Energy is literally stored in the cells of your body that your body is always responding from the state until we get the awareness and can shift it and change it. And I can't tell you how much this was affecting me personally. Like I had gained weight. I had to re identify with the way that I viewed my body. There was a lot of different energies that were brought forward around, friendships I had been attracting through my life. How those had to really honestly just peel away because I was always in this like chase of acceptance. And so. What I did brought me acceptance, how I showed up, brought me acceptance. And so I was basically in this energy where I had to sit here full heartedly and say, I accept you no matter what I accept you and your body, no matter what I accept you, Ray, for everything that you are and. And it was just so interesting how the universe and yeah, the divine and source just started to really shift things around in my world and, remove misaligned. There were clients that were misaligned for me. There were friendships that were misaligned. None of these were bad people. They were misaligned because I had been in an energy of, of wanting to save people of wanting to, help so deeply. And wanting to, you know, scale my business so that I could be more acceptable. And when I realized the energy that it was coming from and opposed to the feeling that I wanted to experience, that is what shifted me. And that's what really took me into this deep integration over the last few months. And so I come here now after three months of just like. Who am I? Because the first part of the year, I thought it was a certain person. And then I just didn't want to identify with that anymore. And so I had to grieve her. I had to hold her with compassion. I had to forgive her, cultivate deep forgiveness and some choices that I made around even like that mentor that I chose or not trusting myself when I, as a spiritual teacher talk about self trust talk about self respect, but now I talk about it in such a deeper way that it is so embodied in me of like, I know without a doubt. And there's so another thing that I was moving through was comparison, but not in a way of jealousy or envy. It was in a way of that will never happen to me. That only happens for them. I can't do that because this is how it's always been, or. You know, um, gosh, they've already done it. So I can't do it. Uh, and this is like coming with creating new offers for anybody in the community to experience. I was putting people on a pedestal almost. So I was putting other people that I thought were quote unquote, better than me or knew more or had more. And I was kind of pedestaling them. Right. That's just like projection of myself, of what I thought that they had or who they were of their experience, which isn't fair to them. It's also not fair to me because I was constantly demeaning myself and diminishing my own gifts and my own abilities. And y'all, I never went through this. It's up until the loss of my dad. So this literally is how grief, death and transformation will move through you. I also was moving through, I have been moving through a Pluto transit coming up to my mercury all year. It's been touching it on my natal mercury all year, all year. For those of you that don't know what Pluto is, it is the planet of death and transformation. It rules my ascendant. It sits on my ascendant too in my natal chart. So I'm naturally going through a lot of death and rebirth and transformation in my life. I naturally will do this. This is part of it, which can be hard. I've had to accept that of like, this is who I am, but it's also what makes me a powerful creator of my life. It's what makes me a powerful healer. It's what makes me a gifted teacher and spiritual mentor. And it's also like where I get a lot of my psychic abilities from and, and business abilities and how I can help support so many people the way that I do. So it's a beautiful gift, but it can also be like. Kind of hell on wheels, you know, so I started diving more into this Pluto complex within my chart for understanding, not to intellectualize for understanding of who I was and who I came here to be and how I could work more potently with this energy. And as I dove deeper into it, I realized I also had a Hades moon, which is there between the rising and Pluto. And it's basically like an aspect between Pluto and your moon. Okay. So mine is on my rising with Pluto. In my moon, so it could be a square. It can be within a couple degrees of Pluto and your moon together. It can also be a Scorpio moon. It could be your moon in the eighth house. So if you don't know what this is, I'm going to have a beautiful astrologer on next episode, who's going to go more into depth about the Hades moon and, and explain that more depth, but just so you know, it led me into this deeper exploration of how deeply. Like the, the mother wound was for me and with the squaring my Capricorn moon, the father wound was within me and how much it was showing up as like this, this little girl that was wounded, that was still seeking that love, that appreciation, that admiration the acceptance, the sense of belonging of her father and of her mother, that. She never really got for who she was. I got it for external measures. So I had to release this, like this chasing for external measures and identifying my wealth, which I believe wealth is energetic at this point. I don't refer to it as money. I refer to it as the abundance factor of like, so I had to release this, that. My happiness didn't matter about my status. It didn't matter about my body. It didn't matter about my business. It didn't matter how many clients I had about the money in my bank account, about how many things I achieved. And as a Capricorn moon, for any of you guys that have this and are listening, this is a huge Capricorn moon thing. You know, we have to release that. It can also relate to other moon signs. So if this relates to you,, it's not only a Capricorn moon, but it can. Relate to other moon signs. And so this is a real thing that we have to move through. And this is where I feel like astrology can be so empowering because I not delve into that. That was such a key aha moment for me in a half hour, half hour of listening to a recording about this. About how it pertained to my chart, I literally broke down in tears of like, Oh my God, I feel so loved and so seen right now about something that I didn't realize was the pattern. That was a pattern that I was operating from and showing up in and the whole thing I was being cracked open to do. Was to feel it all so that I could experience it all experience life experience the depth of the pain but also simultaneously experience the depth of the joy and have this duality happening constantly in my life and with deep acceptance of knowing that and truly to love myself and sink into the most deepest act of self love and transform that into the deepest act of self compassion and truly sit and forgive myself for where I'd acted out in this way, you know, um, from different angles in my life throughout my whole life and give myself space to grieve this and process this. After that moment, I just remember so specifically, I literally cried for like 45 minutes and I just wrapped my arms around my body and I just held myself and gave myself the biggest hug and I said, you're going to be okay. I love you so much and you're going to be okay. And that wisdom. Literally transformed from there, all of my experiences and day by day, I started to reclaim myself. I started to rediscover myself only this time. It was from the lens of like, it's not attached to what my body looked like. I have been through lots of body dysmorphia. I have it and that will do it. And trauma,, and, not all these, not identifying by all these other things. I just said, I release it all. I let go it all. And you know what, I'm starting from a clean slate. And I had been watching the universe. You know, move through these energies and release these humans from my life, it was really interesting to witness because at the time it was like scared and now I feel so free. I'm like, thank God because I just don't want to carry that energy further into my life. You know, uh, I'm really here for a more depth of experience. I'm here for the depth and, and that's the depth of, of joy. Okay. And that's the depth. of pain as well. And I know that I can be cracked wide open and I know that I can survive and I will be okay and that it is safe to feel that way. And the more that I allow myself to feel that and express it, the more I allow myself to deepen my appreciation and my gratitude for all of the good in life. And so I, I went deep into gratitude, but not your typical gratitude practice. I went into deep gratitude of thank you. Yes, for everything. I set it to the point of like every little thing that would come in. Even I, like I got a refund check from the, from the utility bill, it was like 52 and 57 cents. And it was like, thank you. Yes. There's money coming to me. My relationship with Ryan every good thing that he did, he does good things for me all the time. And it just started to go, thank you. Yes. And even with my dad and his death and the experience in my life, it was like all those experiences. Thank you. Yes. To the connections I now have. And as these people started to fall away, these beautiful connections emerged almost immediately. It was like, I was immediately. Gifted something beautiful because I stood in my power because I shared my truth because I spoke my truth and I stopped giving my power away to other people to external experiences to my own freaking mind, and it's been just a really amazing experience that has led me to deepening how I want to share things through. Radiant vibes this year and where I want to reconnect more with. And one of those things is the animal communication aspect of my business. It is a true gift. And I don't know why this is something I want to sit with a little bit more that I haven't appreciated my gift as much as I could. And so I had to sink into that. Like, thank you. Yes. Like, God, this is. This is an extraordinary gift and I do it through energetics. And I do it in a way that brings about so much connection between humans and animals to where the animals feel seen the humans feel seen. And we bridge this gap and we, it's more like a coaching experience, right? I realized this, like I work with people and, and then being able to work with these senior animals and. I give them this, energy clearing and, and give people clarity when they're so confused or when somebody is feeling like I just can't help my animal. And, and I just don't know what to do. And then when you get to share with them, my gosh, you've done so much. Think about what would have been happening if. That your animal didn't even have the care that you've been giving, sometimes there's genetic predispositions. Sometimes there's just simply things we can't change we can do the best that we can, but they just can't change. Earlier this year, I taught a course on the art of animal communication and being able to share that wisdom with people and put that out into the ethers was really magical for me and hear it back, but I just didn't have enough appreciation for it. And now I do. I'm so grateful for it. I've been deepening into my own practice and reconnecting with this. And. One of the things I feel very inspired to start to share more is a connection call. So I am going to offer the connection call and we'll see how it goes. I feel excited about it, but it's, it's going to be a call where. I'm not sure how many people open it up to. I might just judge it based on the people in the group, but I'm thinking around 10 people to come on and it's 111 for each call. It's not a membership. It's nothing like that. If you want to hop on the call, you can hop on the call. You can either witness and observe other people, or for those of you who have experiences with your animals that you want to share about with me and get intuitive guidance and intuitive wisdom around. If those of you have questions about animal communication, I will share my wisdom and guidance around that, how you can deepen your experience with that. If you have questions about energy clearing. It was literally anything to do with animals that it, whether it's your own animal or you're deepening your experience and knowledge with animal communication, this isn't necessarily mentorship. So I want to be clear about that. If you want mentorship with me, that's a different experience, but this is a great learning space because what I found is that so many of the calls that I do with people, there are similar energetics. that each person and animal are all navigating at different phases of their life, whether it's end of life, whether it's, your animal getting older, whether it's, you know, you're, you're in performance sports, agility, obedience, hurting, or you have a show dog, there's mindset. But what people don't realize is that it's a similar mindset through all of it. we can all take tidbits of all of this information and relay it out into our experience. So I think it's going to be a really great learning container. Um, I've been nervous about putting it out there. I don't know why. But I am excited to put it out there and watch it grow and see who comes in. I feel that it's going to be. Validating for anybody that comes into the container, because I think you're all going to realize some of the experience, some of the fears, and a lot of the energies that you move through regarding your animals is so similar to each other that you're going to feel seen and held and supported, not only by me, but by community. And so if that is something that interests you, I will drop the link in, the show notes, and I'll be sharing an email out soon. I also have a new one to one eight week mentorship happening. It's called empower her. It's eight straight weeks. And the reason why it's eight straight weeks is because I realized that I am here to help you move quick. I'm here to help you move through resistance quick, move through fear quick. I'm never hard on you. I don't have expectations on you. I'm here to hold you through energy. Whatever it is that's coming to the table, you bring the conversations through. The table, we'll dive into your astrology, we'll dive into energetics of you, we'll do soul activations, which are gonna be based on the conversations that we have to help you clear and, elevate your frequency and, and, and through the soul, and ultimately to create the life that you truly desire and lead you on that path. So if you're interested in that, get in touch with me directly. It's gonna be powerful and very transformative, but. Oh, it's going to be good. If you are a person who has been in business and you're, you're finding it really hard to speak your truth, to share your wisdom, to feel really connected to your offers or your clients, or maybe wondering like, why, why am I doing this? And you want to go to more depth and get deeper. This is for you. If you are the person who has been struggling in her relationships, and maybe you want to have more intimacy in your relationships and your friendships, maybe even, if this is happening and you own a business, you want the same intimacy in your business. This is for you. This is where we're going to go into the energetics behind whatever is happening. Whatever it is that you're experiencing, we're going to go through the limitations. We're going to go to. Through the beliefs, we're going to go through the stories. We're going to clear, we're going to rewrite, we're going to do deep identity work on this for whatever it is that you are here looking to transform. And so there are specific techniques that are used, and it's going to be really defined to your personal experience, but. Trust me, it's going to be good. I'm really excited to announce that. So get in touch if that speaks to you and stay tuned for more, so much more the podcast this season, I already talked about Vika Bradford. I have a couple other amazing people coming on here talking about, psychic energetic tools, like psychic alchemy, this is like deep, deep, like protection, deep clearing for our aura. That one's going to be really good. Having somebody come on and speak about abundance and wealth from frequency, not from a, uh, what's in your bank account. What does your life look like? This is like true wealth frequency. Felt in your body, true abundance, frequency felt in your body. So there's so many others that I already have lined up. And of course, you'll get your solo episodes with me. There's so much that I could speak on and riff on right now. I want to finalize this by saying to you, it doesn't matter where you are. You are never, ever too far behind, too disconnected to just start finding that connection. No matter who you are, no matter what you experience, whether it's anxiety, whether it's lack of clarity, whether it's. You just want to dive deeper into your spiritual gifts, whether you have this dream, but you just don't know if it can happen. And maybe you're 45 and you've waited all your life to do it. And maybe you feel like it's too late. Like it's never too late to start. It's never too late to pick up another tool to dive into learning about yourself and discovering who you are so that you can deepen your connection with. All that you're here to experience and the people you're here to connect with because your friendships, your relationships, your business, they all want you. They want you, the truth of you and your entire expression, your uniqueness to show up fully every single day. And that is how we can start to become more intimate with ourselves. And so I leave you with this and I send you guys so much love. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally. If you have questions about the offers that I spoke about in this podcast or anything else that I shared about of my experience of my story, because I'm pretty sure many of you can relate because there's so much that we moved through in 2023, as we shift into this energy and Pluto's going into Aquarius this year, it's just going to be, we're going to have a lot of illumination here, y'all. So love you. Thank you. Bye. Hey, untamed listeners, I am so appreciative that you took time out of your day to spend with me. I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as I did, and I would love your support for this podcast. I would be so appreciative of a positive review. This helps promote the podcast. And push up the algorithm so more people can find me as a special thanks when you leave a review, take a screenshot of the review and send it to me to at Ray radiant vibes on Instagram. I will send you a 20 percent coupon code that is good for any single session or a 200 discount for my clarify and embody mentorship containers. Yep, that's right. You heard it right here. Thank you so much for being a part of my world and I'll see you next time