The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
What is up with the current energy?
We have been in some potent energy portals and our bodies need integration & rest for all that has been coming through.
These energies are preparing you for the eclipse season ahead--- take a listen and let me know how this resonates.
For info on:
Reclaim Her <> Empower Her, click here
Connect with me at:
IG: @raechelleembrey
Through the end of January, you can grab your first month in The Temple Collective for only $55!
If it’s not the right fit, you can cancel anytime, but still gain access to a portal of thousands of dollars in energetic soul activations, along with an entire library of astrology and energetics to binge on.
Even if you cancel, this is still a pretty damn good steal!
the first 5 people who become annual members within that first month will receive a 45-minute 1:1 Astro Activation session with me (valued at $350).
As an annual member ($186/month), you unlock 2 months for free and gain free access to all my masterclasses throughout the year!
The Temple unlocks:
🔮 2-3 astrology downloads each week
🔮 Workshops and exclusive discounts on 1:1 offerings
🔮 Masterclasses, monthly energetic soul activations, monthly Q&A, and a group hot seat call every month!
This is the space to recalibrate, align, and expand, and I can't wait for you to step in and start this journey with me.
Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together, we can become untamed. Hello, beautiful souls that are here listening in the now moment I'm recording this on Monday, March 11th. I plan to just go right in and upload it. And hello to all of you that are listening later down the road as you find this episode. So I wanted to Just hop on here briefly and share a little bit about what is going on energetically, because I feel that many of us are feeling just a sense of strong, ungroundedness, strong, unsettled energy. And it kind of is like taking us out of our body, but what we really need to do is be coming back into our body. And one of the things that I feel like is going to be really important right now as we're moving through this entire next month. We are in the eclipse portal. We have been navigating a couple of intense energies around the planet Uranus. And we will also be doing that again in, in, um, April when Uranus comes up with, uh, Jupiter. So this is really just interesting energy because Uranus has been squaring the planet Mars and that was on March 9th. So we were feeling it a couple of days before and we're still feeling it today on the Monday. We're kind of getting over it a little bit, but these transits are. Like Uranus is a very, um, if you're not familiar with Uranian energy, it can be very destabilizing to your body and to your nervous system. Uranus comes in and it comes in with quick jolts of just like energy of, of like aha of light bulb moments of awareness and change. and activity. And it's very mental, like it's, it can be very in the mind, but it's also a really, I feel like just a highly channeled frequency of a planet, of an energy that comes through us. And so it can, Really on like, if somebody has a high Uranian energy and they're in their astrological chart, they could feel like a lot of tingling in their body at different times. I feel this. I have a lot of Aquarius energy, even though Aquarius is not Uranus, it is ruled by the planet Uranus. And so there is a lot of that energy in my body. That moves. I also have uranus in the second house, which can do that. Um, is it's in the body and it can feel like restlessness. I can feel just this call to really do something. And where it's squaring is in this Mars energy, which is the, the action that we take, but it's this feeling of like, We want to do something, but we can't, and we don't quite know how to take action, but we're getting these big aha moments and it can create like a big impulse. It can almost, um, escalate into an urge to like really break free from any perceived limitation as well. And. These ones are really hard because when Mars square Uranus, it's just energy. You can't predict. There's nothing you can do about it. Some of these other squares, like if you get into plutonium energy and by squares, I mean tensions, big tensions, you can sort of prepare and plan for some discomfort. What I feel like so much because of this energy with this uranium energy and, uh, when Chiron became conjunct with the South Node back in February, it's like, and, and if you don't know these planets, don't worry about it. Just listen to the words. I always tell people, listen to the energy. And so what has happened is like, there was this big clearing where we kind of were in a little bit of a inner body hibernation mode. I wouldn't say it was full blown for some of you. It might be like this, but I wouldn't say it was full blown. Like I can't be around anybody. I just got to crawl under the blankets and hide. It was like this deep, like, I need all the information, all the stuff that's coming up from the surface. That's been stuffed down for lifetimes, for generations, the wounds, like everything, just, I need space for it to come up so I can see it and recognize it and release it because it's no longer serving me. In fact, with this Uranian energy, it's creating limitation. It's creating barriers. I can't emerge out of this. And like, I'm being asked to like, Just break free from the shackles. And I shared a post on my Instagram, which was like photos. And, and I love using photos for this because it invokes energy. And it's like, what do you feel? And several of these images were breaking free from shackles, breaking free from change, like bowing our head down to the earth and just giving like. Uh, surrendering entirely. It's like, this is my experience. I came here to be this and co create with these energies and I have co created enough and the healing is done and I get to release it. I don't need to operate behind this energy anymore. And so we've had this like Uranian energy coming in and just being like, okay, you get to release it. You get to let go of it. And if not, it's kind of this feeling of. Awakening change and we're coming up into a clip season. So I'm, I felt so compelled to come on here and share this because it's almost like the sense of pay attention to what's been happening in the last few weeks. Pay attention to the revelations. And when I say wounds, it doesn't always have to be catastrophic. You know, this could be something like maybe you had a very overly strict parent that has created constraints and created too much self control in yourself that has made you fear, you know, other people not doing it right, not being enough. Maybe it's a deeper layer of like a worthiness wound. Um, And maybe it's a fear for me. It's been like this deep fear of taking up so much space because when I was young, when I took up space, when I did express myself, when I did laugh, I was actually told to silence myself. I was told children are meant to be seen, not heard. There was no room for play. I had to grow up at a very young age and, and I didn't get that like inner child nurturance. And so there is this strong feeling of like, it is safe to take up space. It's safe to speak. It's safe to. You know, be a catalyst in this world and to lead other people and to do that, I have to be fully like in my body and fully self expressed. And that takes a lot of courage and a lot of bravery. And that, so when there's something that you really want to do in this world, and I always say like, and this could be with anything, whether it's love, whether it's entrepreneurship, but I'll reference this, whatever it is that you want to do. If you want to find the great partner, if you want to find the, okay. The dive into the entrepreneurial world, like all of your shit is going to come up that is blocking you from doing it. If you're doing it in a way that's super healthy, and you're trying to connect with that divine, like desired, uh, love a relationship or that divine desired entrepreneur journey, whatever it is that you are doing. So for example, like one of the things that I know I'm very passionate about is helping people activate their voice, women in particular, helping women clear generational karma, generational patterns that either affect them in their own body, their relationship to themselves, their relationship to others, or their relationship with their business. Because all of these things have direct impact on all of that, you know? And I mean, it doesn't matter. It's like, if it's money, if it's whatever, these, these, these, These energies create deep inference around what we foresee as possibility. And so for me, like I've had to really step into deepening. I've always been an expressive person, but deepening even more expression. And I feel like this started last year. Quite a bit. Just launching this podcast and sharing and speaking. And then when I'm working through something energetically, I kind of slink back and I'm not, I first, I was like, I'm going to put all this, I'm going to make sure I have the podcast out. I'm going to make sure I do one episode a week and do all this stuff. And it's like, that's actually not how I roll. I roll through energy. And I had to honor that and listen to that because like, I get energetic, Spurts of this is when it feels right to co-create, to collaborate, to create in the space and in the season. And it's when it's invoking something in me and it's when my throat shock was really clear. It's when I've done a lot of clearing and it comes up. But I feel like from this energy is like kind of removing the last barriers there. You know, it's, it's. And for me having to step into more self expression, more like visibility, because I truly want to lead an, an energy based movement for women who are really here to transform and lead themselves, and find their voice so that they can express and become fully expressed and create healthy boundaries and energetic standards for themselves and, and have no fear of social Speaking what it is and not fearing like resentment, not fearing rage and anger and not fearing speaking up when they're being disrespected or they need to speak their truth or honor something in themselves with another. And so this really plays out in business quite a bit. And I swear entrepreneurship, especially spiritual entrepreneurship, but entrepreneurship at this day and age, if you were in the online space, this is. A place that will trigger every wound you have ever had. It's like crazy. If you weren't in this, there's so much that I probably never would have known about myself, never would have needed to know other than if I wanted to have a healthier relationship, because I truly feel like all these things trickle across my mind. All the spaces in our lives, whether it's your career, whether it's your business, whether it's your relationship with another, whether it's your relationship with women, with men, with yourself, with money, with what's possible with the infinite, with the quantum, with the divine, with the universe, with God, with the goddess within it is all the same. So it's just natural that it's going to express itself more prominent in one area more than another. And for me, it's It's definitely within what I do, because I'm so deeply passionate of being in service to the people in my community, the people that are, are not yet to even know of me, you know, and I want them to find me and feel like, Oh, this woman speaks my language. This hits a layer in me. And to do that, it's like, you have to be so convicted in what you're doing that like you just have to release all judgment, all negative inner critic, all fear of perception. All like, and have such strong belief and value in yourself that it like literally shifts the tone in your voice. And because this is what I want to help so many do, and even our animals, you know, it's like, I do the same with animal communication. There's a common thread between all of the things that I work with people on. And the common thread is basically, it's, it's speaking. It's soul activation through your expression, through your voice, through being who you are, through being your unique energy, through being your unique energetic imprint. And to do that, I have been given many scenarios over the last year, because I really wanted to deepen this experience for people. I wanted to reach more people. And it was like, and I, and I want to work with so many women, you know, where it's like, I see it and I'm like, Oh, this work would be so powerful and potent for them. And. And for me to do that, it's like, I have to be so strong in my body and so strong and my presence and strong in my voice and strong in my words. And that is for anybody. If you wish to co create, you have to shift so much energy within that. It's like, it creates such a strong presence that you start to co create eight from different standards, from different external experiences. And you start to align with different people, almost different energies. And this is what this, this Energy. I feel like over the last week has really invoked in us the last couple of weeks actually is to see like, where are we dimming our light? Where are we not co creating in the way that we deeply desire? Where are we not even honoring what we deeply desire and why it's almost like, it's not even where it's, it's kind of like, well, what is the why behind that? And what are we fearing in that? Why do we think is, is possible? And so it's really this deepening of desire and this deepening of shadow work, but it's working hand in hand. So it's no longer like shadow work just to be in the shadow. Like y'all, we get to clear stuff quick right now with this energy. So if things are coming up, if your resistance, it's there, it's quick. It's good. It's giving you answers. If you're remembering a memory and you're like, Ooh, I don't like that. That didn't feel good. Let it just breathe through you. Breathe into it. Give it love, give it compassion. And you know, the thing is, is like no thought belief or story behind resistance is wrong. It's all a result of conditioning experience, past life, trauma, generational patterning. And you are always in the direct receiving of your desires or clearing resistance. That is necessary to be ready for your desires. And when resistance pops up, it's just like, it's like acknowledgement as a portal for you to get to move through this, clearing the unconscious or the shadow happens in the awareness of it in the moment. And sometimes it's just the awareness alone that allows us to clear it. And sometimes we have to sit with it. What is this revealing to me? What is this showing to me? And the thing that I really Come to with this as like over the last week, it was just so clear for me. If something is not in support of me feeling expanded and generative within my desires and in my body, I want to go into the shadow within my body and find the limitations so that I can start to co create different circumstances in my reality, in my external world. And we have to shift that energy in the body. First, if you are doing all the mind stuff, you're in the mind. And as a woman, as a divine feminine, as a goddess, we all are, you have to go into your body first and clear. You got to get out of your mind. You cannot co create entirely. You could probably create some good things. I've done it before with my mind alone, but until you get into the body and you really dive in and your full show, full presence to your body as a sacred temple. As a sacred space that holds the answers to everything, that is where you find limitation. And that is where you start to release and feel expansive. And then when you clear it from your body, it's like this aha way of existing new patterns, new pathways, and then things that are supportive of your desires, people that are supportive of your energy, people that mirror back the beauty and you start to come around. And so it's this, it's like right now it is this. It's this time where any thoughts, beliefs, or stories that you have, they're not supportive of this. There is a shadow and it's time to clear them. It's time to dive into the unconscious and be fully present. So this is the thing too, is that the energy of Uranus, it, it, because it can feel so discomforting to people who are not familiar with Uranian energy, it can knock you out. It can make you feel exhausted because this is a catalyst for change. And it's bringing in wisdom. It's bringing in these divine downloads for you to, to guide you, to help you awaken, to dismantle a little bit, to shake it up within you. And so that you can find where there's restriction so that you can really tune into this. And I feel like Uranian energy is like such a divine channel, right? So tune into this channeling of energy that is bringing so much awareness to you. And really illuminating where things are, are needed to shift, but these downloads can be really intense on the body, like electrical tingling, numbing, like I was saying early on the podcast. So it is. It's, it can, you might feel exhausted. You might feel really tired. And a lot of people think this is because of Pisces energy. And somewhat it is with the Pisces new moon of wanting to go within, but a lot of this actually has to do with this high. intense uranium energy that's been coming through and that south node and chiron because it's asking us to bring up all that it what is not what feels heavy what feels difficult what feels hard and then like why why does it feel heavy why does it feel difficult why does it feel And what are the thoughts and beliefs and stories that are coming up that aren't serving you that make it hard, you know, and what are, where do we feel limited and constricted around our desires? Is it perfectionism? Is it time limitation on what's possible? Is it people pleasing? Is it not believing? Is it comparison? Thinking it can only happen to others and not me? Am I not good enough? Is this as good as it gets? Is there a worthiness wound coming up? Is there, um, like a lot of energy around your mother wound, your father wound? Like there's so much that this could be. And it's just a beautiful time to completely transform a lot of this. And as we get into eclipse season, where there's not surrender, you're going to feel it intensify. You're going to feel it come up even more because if you've been in my world long enough, you know, that eclipses are, are, are big awakening cycles of endings. And we need these they're necessary. They're necessary cycles that happen roughly around six months. It's every six months and it's just to close out and release what is not here for our benefit. What is not here for our highest and most abundant timeline so that we can pull in the new energy. And we're sort of in like a little mini portal of it right now, where with this uranium energy, it's like, is this really for you? Is this not for you? So how have you been operating in a space that is just. You know, draining your nervous system truthfully. And I feel like this is, this will be talked about a lot more about nervous system regulation, about how we have become as women. So adrenally fatigued, exhausted, tired, we are, we have been playing out in this paradigm for so long that we are burnt out and our bodies need deep replenishing. Our bodies need to, to clear and release what is not. Ours and we as women are being called so highly so divinely to tune into our body and really recognize what energy is ours, what beliefs are ours, what stories are ours, what isn't, and what's true because Honestly, y'all nine times out of 10, what we believe is possible, what we believe about ourselves. It's not truth. It's not truth. And when we can have this awareness that it's not truth, then we can table it to the side. But this takes conscious shifting and continually making energetic changes on a day to day basis. And. Like when we start to do that, we start to see, Oh, there's that limiter. There's that constraint. I see it. I know you're there. You know what? And you're not truth. I'm going to table you to the side. And the more that we do this, the more that we bring awareness to this, the more that we see these things playing. Uh, then we start to dismantle this and do different thoughts, different patterns, different behaviors. And then our external reality starts to dance a little differently. We start to play with different energies. We start co creating with what it is that we want. And here is the other thing too, that I love about Uranian energy is it lets you know that anything is possible and it might feel discomforting, but it's letting you know it's because I deeply want you to have this and you have been holding on to this other thing for way too long, or this behavior, this thought that to me, these are really around thoughts, stories, beliefs that have been encoded in our bodies. Um, and sometimes that goes with, you know, yeah, maybe the relationship, maybe the job, maybe the clients. Maybe the offers, you know, and I mean, here's the thing is we go through multiple deaths and rebirths all through life. Like there's not just one spiritual awakening, one grandiose moment. You have many. And I have just been in one of the most intense ones over the last year and a half with so many intense transits in my chart. And I truly believe that those of us that go through that, we have to go through it so that we can serve so that we can guide so that we can lead and help. And that is something I'm so passionate about. So, you know, I don't love to like, I never want to invoke fear and anybody around any of this. What I want to do is bring support. What I want to do is bring you the awareness of like, why am I so freaking exhausted right now? Because your body is doing deep, deep work, deep, deep healing that has been lifetimes. Lifetimes and it's ready, it's tired, it's ready to release it. It's ready. And it's ready for you to tap into your soul's expression, to your soul's divination, and really claim all that it is that you want and, and be willing to go for it, be willing to brighten your light so bright that your aura just is just so magnetic and potent. And our bodies are craving this with this connection with our soul. And so I have several podcasts that are going to come up and be released. And I feel like One of them, you guys are just going to love Alex, Alexandria. Yes. I think I said Alexandria Kenyon. I I'm not the best with names and just, but I did pronounce it right at the start of this podcast. Phenomenal. You guys are going to love her. There's several other, I have Brooke Housley, who's just a really beautiful energy lightworker as well. And I feel like there's so much to witness and be shared in these podcasts. I have a couple of people that I've personally mentored with me. They're going to be on and how they have moved and, and shifted through different energies and, and are out here, like paving the path and doing their thing and, and tapping into soul expression. And, and yeah, it's just beautiful. So I'm really excited about. What is going to be released? Um, just first, I do want to talk about an offer that I have coming up actually to, and, um, well, three, we're going to talk the temple. First of all, if you have heard me talking at all on social or within emails, I can't describe the energy of this container. It is so awesome. And if you want to dive deeper into the work that I shared about on this podcast today, The temple is where to do it because I was live on Saturday with a soul activation and a shatter shadow and desire deepening process. I took everybody through a process of transformation. And then we went into soul activation where we deepened it in the body. We cleared and we pulled in and we really brought in these frequencies into the body. Everybody was just saying afterwards, how light they felt, how Amazing. They felt and just, yeah, the whole point was to like, do this, clear this. So you can become more magnetic. And again, like this is something you can come back again and again and again. It's a very unique process of mine that I shared within the group. And the more you do it, the simpler it gets. And that group is 222 per month. It is a collaboration with Jenny Kahn and I, and we have decided that. We are going to cap the space out. So we at currently have five spaces left. This is a membership designed portal. So basically come in for a month. You can leave. There's no obligation. You can come in for a month, stay for a year, no obligation, no constraints. Really? This is really just a space for women to come in, feel safe, be seen, take up space, shine your light. And be witnessed and receive healing, receive activation, be witnessed and receive guidance. We actually are having hot seat coaching in this. I mean, it is really for the price. It, you couldn't, no mentorship is going to come at this, at this phenomenal of a price and it's awesome. And so that is where you can dive in. For this particular exercise and be, and just a safe community of women of beautiful souls that are there just all deepening into their bodies and deepening into sisterhood. It's really, really beautiful. The other thing that I have coming up is a, it's a really small, intimate. Group program. I have not been stepping into groups and I deeply want to, because I feel like there's so much power in them. I personally was recently in a group experience, which had the most profound impact on me of my entire life. I've never had anything like this be so healing and so amazing. And so this is what led me to do this group immersion. And this is going to be, like I said, just a small intimate space. I haven't put a number on it. I'm just kind of waiting for the people to come in and, um, And some of the spaces have already been filled, uh, but it's called reclaim her, empower her. And it's a four month. I'm calling it an online retreat because it's literally a space to nourish your voice, nourish your soul, reclaim all the parts of you that you've lost your truth, your voice, your expression, your power, your purpose, and empower your soul's expression so that you can create the business you deeply desire. So if you are an entrepreneur, an emerging entrepreneur, or you're an existing entrepreneur where you've just. hit like the, the wall and you're feeling so stuck and stagnant and drained energetically. This is where I'm going to go and combined, astrology, energetics, energy work, frequency attunement, all of this transformative. Work that I do and really simplify it. It is going to be phenomenal. It is really for the woman that wants to lead with energy and empower with soul activation. So she can create the business. She deeply desires. We're going to break through those limiting beliefs, those shackles, those chains, those barriers, the energetic patterns that are keeping you small or keeping you from even stepping into leading with you. And it's, it's really just going to be. I'm really excited about it because to me, this is my entire process and lived experience of trying it all. And only to come back to, I lead with energy. And there's so many women out there that do this with business. And we've been told we are wrong. And I'm just like, basically here to reclaim it all and say, we are not wrong. There is multiple ways to lead and here we can own it and we can claim it and we can co create eight in this way. I'm going into energetics of so many things, like from social media, offers, creation, voice, speaking, your body, the tone of your voice, unconscious shadows that are there. And through the lens of karmic astrology, we will be able to release generational patterns and karma that you're still seeing. Standing in and it's a process, right? So this is a beautiful, I love this container. I'm super excited about it. If you have any interest in it, I'll drop the link below. So you can check it out on my website, DM me. If you're unsure, just, just let me know. I'd love to hop on a quick call with you and see if it's the right fit, but I'm really excited about it. And then the other thing is Empress Empress right now currently is my high level one to one mentorship. And this is for the woman who has been really in her space and is just ready to completely shift and lead more with energy. Here's the thing though, is as we lead through energy strategy follows in any area of our life. And I just want. People to really lead by their own energy so that they are creating businesses that feel nourished, that feel expansive, that feel like it's part of their life, that lights their heart on fire. It's like your soul's expression just coming down through you. And when we get into our unique frequency. And we get out of the hustle and we get out of the shoulds. What happens is ultimately the pathways to money and stability and personal power all open up. And so I'm really excited about this. The way that I've created, this is a six month commitment and you will get my unlimited intuitive guidance and tens of support belief partnership. You'll have. Voxer access, which is a really cool app where we can communicate back and forth. I've been in a space recently that was just so impactful. And eventually I would love for this to go into a hybrid where it will be a group container as more women come into it. I just, I'm loving leading a mentorship and this is where I just know I'm meant to go right now in my business. Um, of course you guys. Always connect with me for the animals. I'm here for you and your animals. Always, always people ask me that. It's just that where my soul is needing to be expressed right now is through these other, you know, through the soul activation and the temple and, and Empress and reclaim her and power her. But. I'm always here for the animals. I just might not speak or share about it as much, but people still connect with me all the time. I fricking love it. I love the women coming into my world right now. There's been a few men, even with the animal communication, it's, it's just as potent as anything else. So I am here for it all. And so with that, I'm going to let you go. I love you. I can't wait to hear what you think about this episode and the episodes to come up. And. Please get in touch. Even if you just have just a minor question about my offers, I am here. I'm not like, I'm just, Oh, I love, I just love connecting with people. Honestly. I really do. Hey, untamed listeners, I am so appreciative that you took time out of your day to spend with me. I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as I did, and I would love your support for this podcast. I would be so appreciative of a positive review. This helps promote the podcast. and push up the algorithm. So more people can find me as a special thanks. When you leave a review, take a screenshot of the review and send it to me to at Ray radiant vibes on Instagram. I will send you a 20 percent coupon code that is good for any single session or a 200 discount for my clarify and embody mentorship containers. Yep, that's right. You heard it right here. Thank you so much for being a part of my world and I'll see you next time