The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at https://www.raeradiantvibes.com/
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
Elise Padilla: From Type A to Intuitive: The Savvy Entrepreneur's Journey
This episode is so special to me. Elise is an absolutely beautiful human being. She spent a year in mentorship with me and was so willing to share all of what she moved through so she could step into faith & trust while manifesting big dreams.
Elise never hesitated and she moved. She walked through fear, she moved with spirit and is now the owner of a beautiful retreat center.
I don’t care if you are an entrepreneur or not, I am sure you will find this episode relatable in so many ways.
In this Episode, Elise and I talk about:
- Her experience in a year-long mentorship with me to create a business she deeply desired.
- How she blended her existing business & her intuitive gifts.
- How she moved from fear to faith & trust.
- Her journey of opening up to spirit, intuition and manifesting a retreat center.
- How we both moved through religious trauma, judgment and shame
- Energetic boundaries in sessions.
- Trusting, funding & manifesting her dreams.
You can find Elise on IG @elisepadillamentorship
And her website with her retreats, workshops and intuitive coaching is:
If you would like to connect with me about mentorship or sessions, here are the ways you can do so:
Empress: High Touch 1:1 Mentorship for the women is done moving from logic and ready to shift into high frequency and authenticity.
Reclaim Her <> Empower Her: An Intimate group immersion beginning mid-April for the woman who deeply wants to activate her voice so she can create an authentic brand & business that lights her heart on fire.
Astro Activation: Astrological Recoding session for the human who is ready to dive into their sacred karma so they can release what no longer serves them and understand more about their purpose, desires, and clear energies keeping them creating the same reality again and again.
Connect with Rae:
Work with Rae:
Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together, we can become untamed. Hey, I'm tame listeners. This is a really special episode. And at least Padilla was in mentorship with me for about a year, maybe a little bit more than a year. And she's no longer in mentorship, but I love this story because she is just a beautiful example of a lovely entrepreneur who was already doing it. Really amazing and successful things within her current business, but felt the call felt the call of wanting to lead her life through a more intuitive based way of existing. And she knew she had gifts. She knew she had something special. And she took that initiative, embarked on her journey, started out with a mutual friend of ours. Learning about mediumship, Danielle Serank, who is a phenomenal teacher and getting women together through mediumship and exposing them to that and teaching them. And she began there and knew she wanted to take that a step further and Bridging that into her current and existing business. So during our year together, we moved through so much around Elise, stepping into authentic expression, activating her voice, really bringing in feminine expression and leadership into her, into her body. And then how to actually bring her intuitive gifts and abilities into her existing business and start coaching, start intuitively coaching a lot of type a women who are just mirror images of herself over the years and allowing them to be exposed to intuitive ways of living. And then existing within their businesses. And so Elise is doing phenomenal work in this world. She actually has her own special little retreat center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Now, this all happened during our time together and she hosts workshops and classes and is beginning to do some retreats coming up this year in 2024. And I really feel like you're going to find this episode. So inspiring. We talked about religious trauma as well, because of the Both of us having long backgrounds of high exposure to really suppressive religion and dealing with the trauma and the shame around that as you step into an intuitive being and, and you have to bring your voice out and start sharing about what you do. So take a listen, let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear from you, but regardless, I know anybody will find this episode so inspiring. I love you and bye. Hello, Radiant Vibes community. I am so excited to introduce to you a very special guest who has been in my world for a little over a year, I guess at this point. And, um, she has been in mentorship with me, uh, with her business. And then she started out personally through a six week. Blended, coaching program that I had and then decided she wanted to go all in. And the interesting thing about this guest, her name is Elise Padilla is that I didn't even know she existed in my world and she booked. And I was like, who is this person that just booked, you know, a six week, you know, soul activation package bundle at the time I was calling it calibrate. And I'd never even known who she was and she just booked she and then from there she was like I'm going into longer term mentorship with you. And she stayed in that mentorship for about a year. And, um, and I love this story. story about her because I feel like it shows when you know what you want, you do it. And she really is a woman. I feel who knows how to take the lead in her life and knows how to make decisions and really is a true sovereign energetic leader for herself. And she is so extraordinary. She, she's very multifaceted. She actually runs two different layers of businesses and what she's done over the last year has been able to take what her original business was, rebel leadership, and that basically was business development, nonprofit. Working with, she also does some side gigs where she works with women and social justice and advocating for them where other people in the government or whatnot might not do that for them. And now she has her own Elise Padilla consulting, which is where she has blended her intuitive abilities, which are brilliant and her mediumship abilities all into coaching women in business and really helping them. Blend the masculine and feminine energies in their world so that they can start to get out of the masculine, the heavy masculine paradigm where they're just work, work, work, and, and have very, very strategic and moving into a more of intuitive way of being and existing in the world. So thank you, Elise, for joining me here. I'm so excited for you to share your story and just share a little bit about you. I. Feel I hit those. Okay. But I know there's so much more that you could go into detail about, you know, your journey and to bringing intuitive, your intuitive work into the world. I do remember. Very clearly you and I having the same Capricorn Aquarius influence and being able to meld in that energy because that's like can be intense and yeah, I'm sure we can speak more about that too. So anyways, go ahead and share a little bit about your story, who you are and your journey and to bring in your intuitive abilities into the world. Thank you so much for having me. It's amazing to sit here with you in this capacity because I feel like before you, I wouldn't have even known where to go. So this is all accolades to you that I'm here today and able to share with the more streamlined message of the work that I do and the impact I hope to have. Um, yeah, so you got it all pretty summarized in the biography. Um, I always had intuitive abilities and this psychic sense. just never really used it. You know, there's a lot of layers that come into it. It wasn't really the fad. There's a lot of religious trauma that can be associated with that culturally, but my family was really open to it. Um, so I'm blessed about that. And just through my journey, it was like realizing that I had the sense that others didn't. That I could kind of have this knowing and this understanding. And so learning about that and being able to implement it into the work that truly is of my heart. And like you mentioned, I do social justice work. I'd love to focus on work, nonprofits, specifically those mental health substance use recovery. I am a woman with lived experience. I have my own journey in mental health substance misuse because of the mental health. And so really bringing all of that to the table to say, I have experience in life. I have lived a life. And. I've gone to school, read the books, wrote the reports. So you don't have to. So now come sit with me. Let's talk about some of the pitfalls, some of the fun, some of the lessons I've learned and develop a really good strategy based on the individual. You know, how can we ignite the passion that's in your heart, the social justice movements, the nonprofit, the entrepreneurship, and really marry that with the serenity of the soul. They don't have to be mutually exclusive. You can have a passion and a drive for a mission, but you can also have serenity and calm in your external world, making sure that you're grounded in that peace, that you're going out and changing the world, but then you're coming home every day and putting your feet in the grass and finding that grounded serenity within yourself to go on another day. I love that you always speak so eloquently. And I, I, I know from the very beginning, I was just like, you will have no problem explaining what you do because when you are in the flow, and I feel like this is one of the things that makes you so good at serving and helping the women that you do, because. You really had to learn to let go, let go of your voice, let go of like how it appeared and, and really tap into that uniqueness, especially that Aquarius uniqueness and using that Capricorn to ground all that energy and put it into words. And when you speak, you just, It flows and it's, it's so, so good to listen to it. And, um, I love also that you're so willing to share your journey and with anxiety and recovering from that, substance use in trying to control that because I feel like that is something that Is not talked about the messiness behind all of this. Right. And you are somebody that, you know, looking at you surface level is like, she has got it all together, you know, and she's totally, she's in her zone. You are also a two five generator sacral. So with that five line, it can certainly have that projection of she's going to save me. She's got it all control under control. And being that, with that Capricorn energy coming down and like, yeah, she's, she's together. And I'd love for you to talk more about that, if you feel comfortable, because I feel like one of the things that is totally, you know, you get on social media, you get into life and it's all appearance based of, and it's, look so neat and tidy. And I don't feel enough people really address the messiness, you know, in, in a clear way. That's not like so over vulnerable. Right. And I feel like you would be such a clear channel to share more about that. Oh, absolutely. I mean, that's the premise of, I feel like the theme of my life was finding that authenticity and finding the voice again, and now being able to support people in doing that. Because for us, a lot of times, especially with social media, think of it like they, I mean, there's so many analogies, right? The iceberg, you just see the tip of the iceberg and you don't know what's going on underneath the waters. Or you see the duck swimming in the pond and he looks so calm and serene, but you don't see the little feet paddling like wild underneath. I think that is setting us all up for failure because we don't see the struggles. And so even in my own path, for a long time, I just trucked through. If everybody thought that I had it together because of the way that I put myself out and perceive, you know, let them perceive me, then I was good. Like, as long as people thought I had it together. All was well. Not knowing that underneath I was crumbling. I've been through compassion fatigue, I've been through burnout, I've been through all of the things many times because of that belief that I had to have the facade up of having it together. And it was about 2018, I was dying my hair, I had very, Thick ethnic Latina hair. Gorgeous hair. Gorgeous. And having to color it. I've colored it since I was in my early twenties because being so thick and dark, there are grays there. And socially, we don't want people to think we're aging outside of when we should. So I would color it and dye it. And 2018, I still dye in the bathroom and I knew the husband was going to tell me about it. And it was just one of those moments that like, why am I doing this? I don't like it. I don't like spending the money. I'm not going to go to a salon and pay for it. I'm literally doing this to keep up the facade. And so at that point, I realized I'm letting my silver grow out. And it was a year process that was really vulnerable, but it allowed me to say, why am I doing things for other people that are taking energetically from me? That hold no water for me. It doesn't matter to me. So that led me on the path of saying, Who am I? What am I doing? And how can I show people that I'm going to be authentic and it's safe for them to be authentic as well. And to know the woes of the world. It's not easy being an entrepreneur. You know that. It's not easy being a woman in the world. It's not easy in any of the things that we have decided to step in and do. Why not show other women that we are making it work? We're working through it and we're not trying for the perfection. We're trying for the authenticity of what we do and you were so pivotal in helping me understand that. You know, pushing me, Elise, give me more. Give me more. Just record it. Just record the Instagram. Just do it. And it was hard. And you were so patient in allowing me to do it in my time, but I came back to you and was like, Oh, I did reels. And those aren't hard. It's not hard for people to see me. I thought I had to have my lashes done. I thought I had to have my hair. Good. I thought I had to have a script. No. Just show it how it is. And those are the ones that I get the most reception on. And that's why I love doing this work is it's like giving women a platform to say, who are you? Show me who you really are the dirty, the funny, the uncomfortable. Show me all of that because we can build from that. That's when we see your skills. That's when we see your blessings and your gifts is when you show us who you really are. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. And I feel like the way that so much is portrayed in social media creates a lot of comparison in that way of like how you're saying, I felt like I had to have my lashes done or this done. And one of the ways that I really moved through that earlier on was I purposely found women who maybe had more plump bodies, you know, who were, Maybe not, you know, aesthetically like the blonde, you know, because a lot of what you see, you know, and what is portrayed and what is showed is like people that are so put together, absolutely gorgeous, thin, skinny, and it can create a lot of this like, I have to look a certain way, you know, I have to show up a certain way or talk about money a certain way. And it's like, and it, it, it really creates a lot of shame and comparison, I feel like. And that's one of the things that I love moving people through because it's something that I've personally really struggled with, you know, very challenging for me to do that, which most people would be like, no you, but it's like, yeah, it took a long time to say. I'm gonna, I still move through it when I'm, especially because I share some direct truths where it's like, Oh, how's this going to land? Is this it? And those are the moments that I say, it doesn't matter. These are the ones you just got to post. This is what you got to share. And like you said, those are the ones that they land with the right people. It might not land for everybody. And that's something else that I've learned is like, I don't really care. How many views or how many, whatever I'm speaking to the people like yourself that I didn't even know were watching me. I didn't even know where in my world and like, and I feel like that's sort of the, the beauty of it is like when you sort of take this, like, you know, character off of it of like, I have to do it for this and this and this, whereas like, you just get to do this because You have passion for it, you enjoy it and you wanna share, you know, your message, then it gets to be more and flow and more fun and you release all this other stuff and this pressure cooker that like sits on people of really moving through that. And so that leads me to, because I was remembering earlier on in your, in your journey as you really tapped into the medium shift. This was after the six weeks and you were like, okay, I'm going into mentorship with you and You were really worried about how, like the judgment of like appearing to blend this into your existing business. And, um, Elise has a really successful late rebel leadership is, is it's booming. She gets these contracts that will, I hope you don't mind me sharing a little bit about it because it's, amazing to me where she has this, like with that Capricorn moon and that visionary, and then grounding this energy in she's a. Uncanny ability to somehow manifest these contracts out of thin air that helps support her. And I feel like this is really important because so many people want to just kind of move into this spiritual business without having the grounds So when you don't have your ground, like the ground stable underneath of you and other income or some sort of savings to float this, then it puts a lot of scarcity into your current business. And you are then operating out of fear at dysregulated nervous system. And you're putting pressure on your business that it doesn't get the chance to create. It doesn't get the chance to really. Come to fruition through you, which is an evolution over time. And then when we're restricting it, we're kind of putting all this force. And you are such a good example of somebody that like really did take the time and you had these contracts that would come in, I think one was like, I just manifested a 50, 000 contract or I can't, there were several over the course of the year, I think you had like three different ones coming through. So, and then you would subcontract out to other people so that it didn't fall out all onto you. And then you. You just really worked with how to delegate those energies. And you're still doing that, which helps you be able to continue doing what you love. And in that time, I'm going to go back to that, actually, I want to know how you so had so much faith in those. Manifestations are in that support because that is one thing that I think a lot of people lack is the faith that I will be supported as I do this and you were so convicted like I just know what's going to happen. And I didn't just wake up one day saying, Oh, all things are going to be mine. Let me put them out like a Christmas list to Santa. Faith and confidence come from doing, and that's something I would say that's wonderful with in the coaching and in, you know, the business development, entrepreneur development is just having that confidence and the faith to step forward. Because I had that guidance when I was in my nonprofit, like in school, we had to do an internship and I had a leader who had this poster on his wall and I always carried the quote with me. And I even found it to put in my office. And it says, when you've come to the place, to the end of everything that you've ever known, and you're standing at the edge. Of everything that you can see and all the stands before you as darkness. Faith is knowing one of two things that when you step out into the darkness, you'll be given something to stand on or you'll be taught how to fly. And that's what I tell myself every time something comes up is, you know what? I have faith that this is going to do well because my intuition tells me, my spirit tells me everything says that this is how it should feel. And so I'm going to go with it. And the more that I go with it and trust myself and have that faith and the confidence, it pans out. And that makes it easier for the next time. To say, okay, I think I can have this faith. And you know, I speak completely out of privilege too. I have an amazing husband who helps with bills and I have, you know, education behind me that allows me to be preferential in the work that I do and things like that. So I don't want to discount that in any way. It's just lent into this belief that I have in this faith, that I have in this confidence, uh, stepping through because what's yours is already predestined. It's just a matter of you finding it for yourself, right? If we're continuing to try and fit into the clothes of other people, we're never going to find our own style. And so it's that repeated need to say, okay, is this a societal expectation? Is this a belief that was put in me some way? How does it feel? If it doesn't feel natural, how do I step away from that? Having the faith that I'm stepping away from what I know and from what I'm being told, but I'm stepping into something greater. And it was stepping into that something greater that it was like, Oh, this feels so much better. I feel so much more comfortable in myself and now I can move into doing things that I need confidence for because I'm me. Case in point, in undergraduate, I had to take public speaking and I got a C Like I scraped by, oh my gosh, the skin of my teeth. And you know, they were telling me, social work on a one on one basis is great for you, maybe not public speaking. Now. I speak to thousands in person, online, I do trainings nationally, I've done things internationally, and I love being on stage and speaking to people. Which you wouldn't think getting a C minus in public speaking in college, because they wanted me to do it in their style. They wanted me to have talking points. They wanted me to structure. Whereas I flow, I believe spirit channels through me. And so anything that I need to say, of course I prepare, I know my statistics. I know where I'm going, but there are things that come, not just from me and from knowing that come from spirit. And so I have to be open to that. And by trying to be boxed into a public speaking course, didn't work. Authenticity, knowing my flow. and trusting myself that whatever I do, I do from the spirit and I do with integrity, it's meant to be heard, allows me to just stand up, and a lot of times you have to pull the microphone from me. Because I stepped into my authenticity instead of believing what others told me I was going to be or not be. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. That's so much of your Aquarian energy flowing through of like, I'm not going to be boxed in. It's like, this is when it's used to like, really be at the higher octave of just being a rebel without a cause. Like being a rebel with a cause of, no, you're not going to tell me I can't do that. You're not going to box me into this way. I'm going to do this. And you spoke. And I want to highlight this because the word you said so many times, how should it feel if it doesn't feel you spoke to that feeling. And I feel that is the one thing that people really miss when it comes to, you know, sort of manifesting things at a thin air or, you know, trusting your intuition or wanting to step into a new venture. There's, there's the difference between excitement Excitement and fear can feel so similar in the body. So it's really important to discern. Is this because I'm excited? Is this because I'm scared? And if I'm scared, is it just because I don't know what this is and I don't know how it's going to feel, but trusting that, that initial intuition and you, you hit this. So, You're probably, probably explained it better than I'm going to right now, but like really like, how does it feel to you? Does it feel in alignment and your body when it downloads, like, what does that feel like? And also taking into like the manifestations that we want to create or whatever it is that we want to create, it's like, Tapping into the feeling of that, because when you're into the feeling of it, you're taking logic out, you're taking the how out. And you're just remembering, I want to feel this way. I want to feel this way when I experienced it. So. It's like when I'm in sessions with people, I want to feel that I'm holding so much space for them that they feel seen, that they feel heard, that they feel safe enough to share what it is that their biggest resistance is, because I've been on the other side of that, where I was told in a blink of an eye, you've just got to go over that, you've got to get over that, and that does not feel good to hear, when you were being vulnerable and you were trying to share, So like, those are things that I took into my business and you spoke about those feelings and those bigger manifestations of like, I, I want to feel like I have trust. So, okay. You want to feel like you have trust. You have the trust, right? So you kind of tap into those feelings. And I just love that. It was so inspirational to hear you, hear you speak to these, Especially the things that you've had to move through and, and the challenges along the way. Which brings me into my next thing is as you blended, I was kind of hit on this and I had to go back and retract, but as you started to really put your gifts, you were really dabbling. You were good at experimenting and exploring and you started to realize where some of the heavier mediumship, you would start to feel really drained afterwards. Right. And I can't remember, I think it was mostly mediumship, right. At that time. Yeah. And so you were offering to a lot of people and sometimes going over time and, and kind of just exploring with that. I want you to share what that felt like to you as you were doing that and how you made the shift because I could share it, but I want you to tell it from your story because a lot of people as they're getting into this have this struggle of when I go into sessions, whether it's the astrology, whether it's, you know, intuitive healing or intuitive, whatever it is, mediumship that they come out feeling so drained. Yeah. That's not something that they really teach you about in the books. Right. Is that how, you know, kind of the depletion that can come if you're not preparing. Yeah. So I was doing mediumship and it's so funny because when I started We had to do in the incubator that I was in, we just started day one, doing readings for each other. And I was like, wait, I thought we were going to do some books or reading or something. Like you're literally going to make me read people. And you know, that was confidence building, right? Is you're going to do it. So step out and do it. That's how you build your craft. And so I jumped in and it was so easy. I don't want to say easy, but it just came so naturally to me to see things, to feel things, and to know things that my readings were from day one, very deep, um, and helped identify barriers or things that we didn't, that my sitters didn't usually see were happening. And we were able to bring those kind of to the forefront. And, you know, people stepping in because it's mediumship, having spirits step in and share that information and messages was so beautiful that I wanted to give it to everyone. And I wanted to give it to the full capacity. And what I learned was that as I was giving, giving, giving, I wanted to make my sitter happy and I wanted for them to feel fulfilled. Right? Because they were doing an exchange from me. It turned in, towards the end, into money. And so I wanted to give them the full bang for their buck. And so what I was doing is I was pulling everything that I could from myself to give to my sitter. To say, There. You paid me. I gave you every piece of spiritual wisdom that was channeled to me from you. And they would leave happy after two hours. And I would be so depleted. The next morning I would wake up in panic attacks. I would deal with it for a week at a time. I remember it was hard. Yeah. Yeah. It was really hard. And it was those times that having someone to see things outside of your perspective, like an amazing coach, like Ray to say, you know, I think you're giving too much. What's that about? And we really talked together about the money wounds. I was uncomfortable accepting money. So I wanted to give above and beyond what I thought Mm hmm. And the people pleaser in me coming from a culture and family of codependence. I wanted them to be happy and to like me and to say that I had value because of what I gave to them. And so I was giving way too much. And so in talking that and exploring that with you was incredibly powerful. And I had to come up with ways that I could ground, you know, we talked about copal, we talked about sage, the, the smokes that can help clear us about sitting outside and just getting myself back together, grounding, recentering, and knowing when to stop in a reading to say, you know what? This is when I feel energetically complete and I'm not going to push it any more than that. I know I can, but there's no need. Spirit saying, if you want to come up with something else, we can find something, but we feel comfortable leaving here. And I'd learned to listen to myself but ultimately listen to spirit as it was coming to me, like I'm supposed to do. And now I do. A max 45 minutes. But I feel like so much comes in that time that it's beautiful. It's perfect. But I had to deal with my underlying beliefs. Because I was allowing myself to get depleted and to get hurt from it. And it wasn't becoming this energizing, beautiful healing space that I had intended it to be. Yeah. Yeah, it is. It's like, it was just kind of moving through us. It's so good to have you reflect this also having this conversation. I realized why, you know, spirit source pulled this Together now because it's like you being able to reflect to me what I gave to you also is really beautiful and healing for me to hear this in this moment. Honestly, to know that, you know, yeah, okay. This is really like what I, what I do and what, you know, the gift and that, but also knowing. That, you were still your own sovereign being. You almost quit. You were almost like, I don't think I can do this. This is not. And it was just like, okay, well, let's just backtrack. We don't need to force it. We don't need to make this anything. Let's just figure out what is the deeper healing in this to move through. Whether you ever do it again, it doesn't matter, but there's something here for you to explore. That's probably going to Carry over into anything else that you do, you know, ultimately, and you were such a willing participant. You were like, okay. At first you're like, no, but then you just were so great at going deep and getting behind there as you opened up and felt safe to do that and safe to explore that without having this like pressure put on you to move at a certain pace, to be at a certain, you know, flow with it and I, I feel that, when people start to put money onto offerings is when this stuff really comes out. And so many of our gifted humans stay in this free. Like exchange for way, way, way too long. And it's out of fear. It's out of fear. Can I deliver? Will they be happy? Well, if they were happy with the free, like they're going to be happy with the money. And honestly, I always feel like when you put money, that just makes you say, how can I give more value then? But not from a people placing way, but like, I want to go deeper. I want to explore my gifts deeper. What is it that I'm really here to do? And you did that. And then you started to shift around. Actually, I don't think I want to deliver in that way. That's not how I want to do it. And I've been in session with you. Anybody that mentors with me, hold space and do session, because I feel like that's one of the hardest things that you can do is do that for like your, your coach or your mentor. And, um, but when you do that, you realize. Oh, that was like the hardest thing. So this other stuff will be easier. You know, it'll be so much easier. And I was just blown away. I remember your session going in into it. And that was earlier on in your journey. So I can only imagine the evolution of it now. And you were so in mode. And I remember specifically that day, um, something had happened with the schedules. And you were away, and I think you maybe mis, mistook the time or something and you were like, No, no, no, it's okay. You didn't have your cards. You didn't have things that you typically prepared. And I had already been trying to say, maybe just, do you need that? I love using cards. You know, I refer to Tarot for guidance. I love it. But I don't feel when our receiving channel is open, whether it's receivership for our intuition, when it's receivership for money, for abundance, for love, for joy, any of it. But when that channel is open, you don't need those to refer to because it's like wide open. Right. And I remember that day it was so by accident. And so you just were like, no, I'm going to do it. You had no time to prepare really, other than just pulling in. And as you went through everything and it was so perfect. And then from that day on, you realize I don't need that. I, this was cool. I just went in and yours was so much more intuitive. It, there wasn't much mediumship that came through at all. And it was brilliant and beautiful. And then it was just kind of like the messages that came through were so clear. And. I just loved how that happened and how like the universe completely coordinated that so perfectly. It's like, no release is really going to let go of perfection today. For real. Yeah, that was, we were in a cabin at my aunt's house and I thought we were just going to do a regular business. Like, meeting session, you know, together. And yeah. And you had forewarned me the session before you said, next time we're going to do a sitting. And I was like, cool, completely forgot. We got together and you were like, well, are you ready for our sitting? And it was the, Oh crap moment. But yeah, I mean, sink or swim, you know, that's where the confidence and the faith comes from is being able to do it because honestly, I've failed at things. And once you fail at things, you're like, That wasn't so bad. Like they didn't kick me out of society. I haven't been ostracized from all things. You know, my husband and kids don't want to run away. It was just a misstep. And now I know how to do better. And it was such an amazing lesson. So that's what I figured because you create such safe space that it was like, let's just do it. Let's see what comes. This is a great time to test it. And when it came through, I That was an invaluable experience because it built my confidence so much to show me that you don't need your stones, you don't need your reading room, you don't need the sage, you don't need the cards. Those things can help you, but you have the words inside of you, you have all that you need. And I remember We had, I, I, the only part I remember is we had a dog come through from your childhood. Oh, right. Yeah. And it sat at my feet the whole and kept my little white American Eskimo. That's right. And I told you I'm trying to read, but your dog just wants me to pet her constantly. And so I was reading while petting like an energetic spiritual dog, which when you think about it is interesting, but. We just went with it and felt it and it connected and that's now how I vibe. And that's the beauty of the work that you do and that we do in helping people in these modalities. Like it's my commercial for Radiant Vibes and for Ray. But sometimes, ultimately, all that we need is someone to believe in us when we don't believe in ourselves, when we can't believe in ourselves. But we know that there is a purpose. We know that we are being guided to something. We just need someone to hold our hand and say, I know you're scared. I know you don't want to take the next step, but look, I'm right here. I'm holding your hand and I promise you there's a reason for this. Let's just go through it together. And that's, that's incredible. Yeah. Where else do you get that? I don't know. You're so inspirational hearing you talk. It's like, sometimes we just need somebody to believe in ourselves and we don't, I mean, which is so true. And, and there's this kind of like helping you gently just regulate your nervous system, move through the process. Be where you are with acceptance and full acceptance, but also know, like, here's the vision, like, let's keep tapping into this vision, regardless of where you're at now. And, and you went through a lot during that year of, as you evolved and you had to move through like a lot of different, I feel like one of the things that comes to mind is, uh, judgment, external judgment. Do you feel comfortable sharing about that? Oh, I feel comfortable sharing about anything. It's just that you're comfortable hearing it. She's going to tell you anything. Um, yeah. Judgment judgment came from a lot of areas. Like I said, early on, my family was pretty accepting of the whole psychic mediumship. I had a great grandmother who was a really prominent healer in the community. So for us, it wasn't really quick. Anything terrible. Yeah. Can you tell people about your heritage really quick? Yeah. Absolutely. So I am Chicana, Latina, and I say it very ambiguously like that because my family is from New Mexico. It's where we live now and we're as far back as we can find, you know, within this area we came from. So I am a perfect blend of mestizos. So I am Mexican, I am European Spanish, and I am indigenous native because of the land we live on. Right. It's, it wasn't Mexico when my family was here, it wasn't the United States when my family was here. It was. the land. And so in that, You'll learn of one of the beauties of New Mexico is we were very isolated as a people because we were explorers. And so we didn't have access to religion in the way that we see it now. We didn't have access to health care the way that we do now. It was communities of people living by the river, farming, gathering, growing, and trying to make a life in a new country, in a new land, having traveled so far. And so we had to create these things ourselves. So we created hybrids of religion that include Catholicism, Christianity, Native beliefs, same thing with health care. And so all of it merged together because this is what the villages had to keep the people going. And so my great great grandmother comes from the Apache nation and she was a healer. So she delivered babies. She sat by those that had passed, you know, or as they were passing, she did all of the different remedios. So the remedies For the soul for the body that were needed and my dad sat with her as he was growing up knowing these things And unfortunately she passed before being able to pass it down to us. But through her spirit, we all feel it. It's always been here. We've always had the visions. Yeah. It's just innate in my soul to want to give these things from the earth, from spirit to people because it helped us along the way. Right. My, my lineage literally survived by these beliefs. And so that's something that I came back into was saying, you know, Western medicine doesn't serve me. The medical model doesn't always serve me. Yes, there are benefits to it. I completely understand, but there are some other things that my soul needs. that I can't find in the emergency room. And what did my grandmother do in that time? When there was soul sickness, when there was susto, which is like anxiety, like a shock to the soul, because I don't want to get on medications. And so going to healers, they tell you about rosemary, about prayer, about different traditions that can be done to help heal the body and the soul. And so taking those things on, it was just innate in me, who I was. And so now being able to come around and find that there's less judgment associated with that nowadays, than my parents had to deal with, than my grandparents had to deal with, because there's a lot less religious persecution from that lens. And so, you know, the judgment comes from people who totally buy into Contemporary beliefs now in Western medicine and not in the traditional beliefs or judgment from religious persecution. I have a lot of religious trauma, you know, it's something we connected on of what are they going to say? They're going to say i'm not a god that god doesn't want me to do these things when you look into it Directly from any type of religious upbringing that you want to say. These are gifts That were common. And so it got turned around in patriarchy consumers and capitalism to say if it doesn't benefit an institution, then you don't do it. But we're switching away from that and saying there's so much more to it and we can tie it in and it's not scary. And I had to confront that. and put myself out there on social media to Catholic family and friends saying, Hey, I'm a psychic medium and I'm doing readings. I was so scared of what they were going to say in the backlash, but you know what? Those that need to stay quiet, stay quiet. And those that are drawn to my light have come out in droves to be drawn to my light. And I have to just let that be, you know, my great grandmother and doing her healing. She wasn't afraid of the judgment. It wasn't always good that she had to deal with, but she knew her purpose. Yeah. I feel her around you so much as you're talking, just like her spirit coming through and just like, yeah, kind of moving through that. I'm glad you hit, cause I was gonna, I'm glad you hit on the religious. Persecution as well, or that, that trauma moving through, because I feel that's something yet you've mentioned, we did connect on and I grow up very heavy Jehovah's witness influence. And so there was like, you know, a lot, I was told consistently, I was communicating with the devil or like astrology was like demonistic, you know? And so as a kid, you hear these things and you come into this world with these gifts and you're drawn to, you know, like. Crystals in nature for the energy and you feel so much. And then you see these things and it's like, then you're told it really lands in your body. And so it makes it a lot harder. I always feel like if I didn't have that. That constant stigma coming at me, even into adult years that I would have started this a lot earlier in my, in my time, you know, I feel like I was kind of a late bloomer in it. And I didn't start this until my, I guess, 37 was when I officially launched radiant vibes, but that's, you know, it's been eight years now, but I had had this vision my whole fricking life, you know, and I still did whatever was socially acceptable, you know. As opposed to this not being, but you are right, this is, we are moving in a different direction. And, you know, I always bring this back. I feel like as Pluto goes into Aquarius here, this, we're moving through it. And so it's shifting and, uh, tomorrow actually will officially be in Aquarius. And so it's, we're feeling that, and it's going to shift a lot of the trajectory around that as all, all of this from the last decade, like, Especially with as been in Pluto and Capricorn, just kind of disintegrating those old structures that just don't, you know, serve where collectively we're here to go. Um, so you hit on so many things there. So I want to shift gears a little bit because we, we talked about like the judgment and sort of like the fear and, and moving through this. And one of the things, You did mention that you said you did say, I just want to hit this one thing before you said, uh, as far as your manifestation, you said, yes, I come from privilege and yes, I have a husband that helps me, but I do want to land on it is privilege. Yeah. I feel like now, especially now having a partner that helps him, like, Oh my God, this is like, I totally forgot what this felt like. You know, it's like, I actually have time and space, but one of the things though, our mind. If we still let those sort of fears and beliefs and stories, and we don't ever truly tackle what it is that we believe of why things won't happen, or it will never come, or that could never happen for me, or I don't have this, or I don't have this certification, or this, so I can't do that. If we don't actually go to those underlying beliefs and those core stories that we're telling ourselves, it would not matter. What privilege you have, it just wouldn't matter. You just would still land in that. And I feel like that's a really important thing to kind of like pull from that because sometimes we can, especially somebody like you, it's like kind of say, well, I had this, you know, cause you're so giving and so kind with your energy. It's like, oh, and being able to support. And then I do feel like it's important to acknowledge your strength in that because you were so willing to dive into the work, you know, also that. It just made you appreciate what you had even more appreciate the privilege because I've worked with so many people over the years where they couldn't even appreciate what they had in that way, you know, and I feel like that's a gift that you you have in yourself. So I just I wanted to highlight that because it's not something that everyone And then just shifting gears. So over the course of the year, you, you, you move through things. And as you started to really move through some of these like deeper underlying beliefs and energies and moving through the energetics that you needed to, to step into. One of the things that I love that you did is one of your dreams and your visions, you started to tap back into, which was holding and having a. I'm going to call it retreat center, but I might be botching the language, but I think it was, that's what you, I want the center where people can gather and you did it. And so, and you're doing it and you, so at least has, and I'm going to let you share about it because I'm going to botch up the language, but, and you're doing lots of activities and fun things there and you plan to host a lot of it. So share about that. Cause I think that was the one vision that you really were like, I want to do this. Yeah, totally. So when I started, I stepped into more wanting to embrace my intuitive gifts and to learn more, it took a lot for me to find community. Like I said, you know, we talked about judgment and shame and all these different things that It's hard to just post and say, Hey, I'm looking for someone to teach me how to be a better psychic or how to use my intuition or what those conversations weren't happening around me. And so I looked and I had gotten into this kind of learning path, um, through a podcast and just listening to the podcast and to the host that was on it. She was so relatable and so authentic that it was like, I can do this too. And I wanted that. That was Danielle's. Yeah. Squamish medium. She's incredible. And so I followed her and I saw the things she was doing, and I just wanted to be a part of that world. I wanted to be there and soak it in and absorb it and have somewhere that I could just go learn and get books and ask the questions. But there was nowhere around me that I could find. And so it was like, well, you know, if you can't find it, create it. And so there are small communities in Albuquerque that I'm finding now where we live, but ultimately just. When I was looking for what would fulfill my heart, I had a vision and it was of this compound, like a commune. It was cluster of buildings surrounded by a gate that we could practice Qigong outside. We could do intuitive reading practice inside. We could hold all of these events and come together in this community. And I told my husband, and he is so amazing that he's gotten to the point where he's like, okay, if you saw it, it's going to happen. So let's just figure out how we're going to do it. And so he was amazing and I'm glad that you got to walk with me through this journey because the way that it happened, there's no way that it wouldn't happen if it wasn't preordained. If it wasn't meant to be. I told you I wanted the center. I dreamt about the center and I saw it so clearly needed the money for it. So then I was approached by somebody in my community, a colleague who said, Hey, we had someone jump out of a contract at the last minute. Would you like to do it? The thing is you need to get space. You need a physical location. And it was like, Oh, so wait, you're going to give me a contract. That's going to pay me to get a physical location. And I just had a dream, a vision about the location I'm supposed to get. And they signed off. They gave me a contract. This was a big contract you were talking about over a conversation. I got a 45, 000 contract and it was beautiful. And so I found a realtor and I was like, this is the space I want. I see it. And we looked and looked and looked and he was like, woman, I don't know what you're looking for, but I can't find it. And so we just kind of let it be. And I was actually went to a retreat with Danielle, the Squamish medium in Canada. And it was, I loved it. I had so much growth and I, it was validation for me that this is what I needed to create for others, that it was so beautiful. And I shouldn't have to go to Canada as amazing as it was going. I shouldn't have to go that far to find community. And so in that time, you know, Danielle was teaching us about manifestation and we were just talking about practicing even further. And so I said, I want this space. I know what it is. I know what it looks like. And I know the budget that I have. Universe, bring it to me. By the end of that day, I had found a space and it's two small Adobe buildings on a compound in Old Town, New Mexico, Albuquerque, which is a very spiritual place. And it was within my budget and they were ready to lease that month. They had just had somebody clear out and were ready for me. I walked onto the property with the realtor and I told him, this is it. I don't need to know anymore. This is what I saw in my dream. And I know this is the place I'm supposed to be. Got the contract ran through a month. It was a month that we had to provide this service. And then they paid me out the contract. So that covered my rent for the building for a year. And then the owners came to us a little while later and said, you know, we're thinking of selling. Would you consider continuing your lease for a year, right? Like trial drive this place who gets to do that, try it out. And then we'd consider going into contract. We'll give you a price now for the buildings that are on the property for the entire compound in old town, which is very lucrative property. And they said, we give you first, right? Just let us know the summer, if you'd like to purchase. And so I'm manifesting the money now for it to come through, but we are holding groups. We do, um, Burning Intentions, which is a candle making class. And so there are many places to sell candles for all of the things, right? For abundance, for clarity. That's great, but I want to show people how to do it themselves. You can do it. Fulfill your own intention within this candle. Let's talk about how we do it, how we find the space, and the things we use. And so we do burning intentions, we do intuition in tea. So you come and you just blindly play with tea and say, I like this one. This resonates with me. Yep. My body likes this one. And then we look it up and look at the properties of the tea and create your own unique blend based on you and what your intuition needed. It's so funny. I did it. And the three herbs, flowers that I found were actually three that I grow in my yard. Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. It was chamomile, lavender, and peppermint. And I made it, looked at it and I was like, Oh gosh, I hadn't smelled them. I didn't know what they were. I just knew that they felt good through a jar. Turns out I grow them here, which is awesome. Right shows the point. And so we do community groups. We do intuitive development. And I'm also also starting now to plan. We're going to do a retreat. New Mexico is a very spiritual place. There are many vortices around, you know, people know about Taos, about Santa Fe. And so there's some really beautiful places that I don't think even we as locals get to experience. And so we're going to start doing these intuitive retreats. You come out, we all meet up in Albuquerque, touch base there, and then we get to travel through the state. together going to the Santuario de Chimayo, which is one of the oldest churches in the country. And it was built on very holy land. You get to go and we get to spend time there, you know, and so you get this guided curated tour of the spiritual places. We go up to Taos, you know, there's the Taos hum, there's vortices there. What can we do and how can we access that? And what can we take away from it to the places that we go back to? And so just helping people find the connection, right? I see my, tech business, the technical assistance, I do the nonprofit as being like the muscles on the body. But the spirituality is like the fascia, the fascia holds the muscles in the bone together, holds the tendons and the ligaments in place. And so you can't have one without the other. Yes, you want to strengthen the muscle, but you want to also want to release the fascia because it gets too tight, and then limits the use of the muscle. And so blending those two things and having the center now, I just gives me a place to continue to grow myself and then to bring others, you know, of other like hearted souls to the same place. Oh, I love this. I just feel it's. You know, so much conviction to your belief, your vision of doing this and then moving through everything that you did and just finding the clarity and like the, the ambition and the drive to have such faith and also keep seeking and searching and just believe and how, when you did that, it's like following those breadcrumbs, following the little tidbits and. Even like I remember, yeah, your story of going to Danielle's retreat and going like, I, it's almost like I gave you permission to say that might've been another, uh, event that you did, but it was like this, uh, permission. I think you went to spirit school too, at one point, right? So that was the same one. Yeah. Oh, it was the same one. Okay. Yeah. Um, I didn't know if you went to the big retreat. That she did. Okay. So the spirit school one, and it was almost like being in there. It was like a permission slip of like, yes, I can do this too. Not a permission slip, but like a, a clarifier and expander. It was an expander of like, yes, I get to do this too. And so it cemented that vision and just being able to just. Put it out to the universe and trust and, and release time. Like so often, I think that's one thing that we get so attached to timelines. And when we're attached to time, we start getting into too much predictability. We start kind of squashing our vision. We start trying to make it a certain way. It's like, this is a beautiful example of like really staying true to what it is, but releasing when it's going to happen, just knowing it's going to happen, releasing how it's going to happen. Following the nuggets and being in the energy of like, then you find the how, because if you're kind of going into that, it's like, here's the, how it'll reveal itself to you just through that trust. And you're bringing so much of your heritage and your culture into this, which is just amazing. And I've been to New Mexico it's stunning. And the energy there is just. It was so healing and so grounding for me. And so I'm super interested in some of these retreat experiences that you're doing, I just love the land there, you know, it's, it's really healing and to be able to do it with some other community and people like mine, it sounds really fun. so let's lead into, before we finalize how you're sort of blending, you do a lot of leadership coaching, you've done a ton of leadership coaching. in corporate. And I feel like what you did is you realized over the time is like, I don't need to keep that first. It was like, I'm going to keep them separate. And it's like, no, I don't need to do that. I'm just, at least Padilla, I'm doing this. I'm putting myself out here. I'm creating my own Instagram page around this. I'm doing this and I get to blend leadership with intuitive coaching. and bringing all of this in together. And so things are really taking off. We talked before, before this podcast, and you're starting to get some longer term coaching. I don't know if you call it coaching or mentorship containers. Um, and so I want you to share a little bit about that journey of like blending these two, two, Seemingly different, but not really. I remember saying, no, these women are going to want to work with you this way. I promise, like be brave, try to share it with them. But I just felt like there would be so many women there that would start to come into this realm of your world and really create it. Mm hmm. Yeah, that's the beauty of it. And so, yeah, coming into this, you know, I had the moneymaker. I had the masculine side of, I knew things, I went to school. So I have a master's in business administration and non profit leadership. I have a master's in social work for leadership and administration. You know, I did all of the things that you check the boxes. I read the books, I wrote the reports and things like that. And so I wanted to, you know, To continue to use that, I put a lot of time and money into it, but then this whole intuitive thing came up and it just felt so much more natural. So it was like, okay, do I leave the work I've trained for to do the work that's kind of innate in my soul? How do I let one go? Because one pays the bills, the other doesn't pay anything yet, but it feels good. And so that was part of the work that we did together was trying to figure those two things out. And do I let one go? And for a while there, I thought, you know, the education, like everything that I've done before was of the world and it was draining me. So I wanted to let it go, but opportunities kept coming and it still felt good to do the work. So just creating this hybrid that kind of created itself is I just kept doing the work. I just, even though I was unsure and I couldn't classify it, I couldn't put it in a box. That's counterintuitive to who I am here. I am trying to put myself in a box. When you know, I know, I was never made to be in a box. And so trying to, like, I was trying to make it look like something externally that I didn't understand internally. And so I just kept marching. I just kept going with it. And I would find these common themes. And so now, Like I said, my whole byline is igniting the passion of the heart while maintaining the serenity of the soul. And I can do that no matter what work I do. I can do that through the leadership coaching with these individuals who are wanting to start nonprofits, right? They have a passion, but we tend to get incredibly burned out in the nonprofit field. It can be a very toxic place. So I help guide them through that. I have people who are starting businesses, but don't have the confidence. They don't feel like they have the confidence to step forward. I get to step in and help them ignite that passion, right? Maintaining the serenity of the soul by saying you can do it. It's just about trying. Again, I will be here to believe in you when you don't think you can believe in yourself. One day you're going to look back and realize you had everything that you needed to reach this point. It was just nice to have someone to walk with you and talk with you along the way. And so that's how it just became natural. And so I didn't have to say, Oh, well, I do technical assistance for nonprofits and leaders. And I teach this and I do spiritual work and I'm a medium psychic. No, I bring it all together. And I say, I reach out to, to, um, individuals who have the capacity to be more who want to be more. And I'm here to help amplify the light. I'm not giving you anything that you didn't come to me with. I'm just helping you. clear out the weeds, polish up the crystals and to say, ah, there you are. That's where you are. I just had to help you find yourself because you were there all along. Yeah. Yeah. And it's a, and by doing it the way that you've done as it makes it not so black and white. I feel so often we think it's gotta be this way or that way and we can't blend this or that. You know, do need to be separate in our businesses, obviously with your not for profit contracts, you're not going to go sharing with the government about your coaching, you know, but there are women in there. There are corporate women. There are people who have come to you and you're, you're helping them sort of. Move through some of these energies and what you've done with a lot of the not not for profit over time is the advocacy for that and really cleaning things up. And that's some of the contract work that you do do is like cleaning up the loopholes, cleaning up the energy leagues, cleaning up the messiness and trying to support it so that it isn't so taxing on the people that are, you know, working there on the employees and And so, you know, in so many ways you are blending what you do in that capacity, because you are using your intuition to guide you to all of that probably always did, you know, not without realizing it, and then coming into this other space and it's, you know, helping support people and see their vision and do it in such a grounded way that. It's feel safe for somebody that is heavy in their masculine to come in and let go and be received in that way. And that's that Capricorn moon energy coming down and helping women with business. And this is like, you know, I, I wished I had, I should have pulled up your whole chart because there's so much more, I think your, your Mercury is also in Capricorn. So the way that you speak, you're, you're very fluent with your words, you find your words and you're going to be like a But then using that Aquarius energy at a You know, it's like, I want to do this vision with you and your community that you're doing and creating and coming from the earth with all this earthy energy that you have in your chart and then bringing these earth elements and these traditional, that's very Capricorn, traditional, you know, elements of your heritage there and the community that you're creating. Um, You know, I, you know, I always reflect things back to astrology because I feel like, you know, when we use these as like power, like points of power, we can really leverage that and see ourselves through a different energy and a different lens of awareness. And you were just so inspirational. Your story is amazing. You've are, I feel. exemplify somebody that has really moved through a lot in life and been through a lot and so willing to share your experience and to help empower other people so that they can move through similar things and release especially for those of us like you and I that are You're really type a and, and come from this past of pressure, pressure, pressure, and still have to fight that, still have to work with that, you know, of like, Nope, wait, what am I doing here? I'm not going to do this to myself here. You know, and you, you've allowed yourself to bloom and you, I just, you succeed in anything. I just, I've known that about you. I always will. And so I'm just really excited about you and your vision and where you're going, because it's been, and it, it, at this moment, like, At least just so you guys know, she's not in mentorship with me. She was there for the whole last year. And this is what I feel like is so cool to witness somebody in their journey from the very beginning. And then like a whole year later, seeing where she is. And so, so often we get caught up and at least mentioned on this as like, we get caught up on like the instant gratification of like, I want it now it's not happening quick enough. And I feel like she's such a good. This is true leadership right here in witness of like, it's not in, you know, we have to let go of that instant gratification and keep moving forward and, and keep sticking away with our vision and move through the crunchy moments and do that. And then coming out on the other side and her practices did business is just really, really starting to take off and doing things that really fill her heart with so much joy as she has this other component that supports her. And, and this, her new business is totally supporting her too. And we'll. Even more so maybe one day, maybe next year, who knows, maybe you let go of the government stuff, who knows, but it's just always really cool to, to see this. And, um, yeah, do you have, so really quick, I'll have all of her highlights in, in the podcast notes, but do you have any final words that you want to share to anybody who is on this journey of, you know, and feeling remember at the beginning when it was so confusing and so like, how do I even do this? You know, any kind of like points of inspiration or things, uh, words that you might want to share with them? Yeah, absolutely. We talked a lot about faith earlier. So one of the things that a mentor taught me was do not make decisions out of fear. Never, never, never. You can make decisions based on research. You've done everything else, but don't. step away from your growth because you're fearful. That is not a reason. And so I've, I've taken that truthfully. I've kept it as a major piece of my life is I don't operate out of fear and I refuse to make decisions out of fear. And if that means I have to step away for a minute to find what the decision should be, then that's fine. Um, but I'm not going to let that hold me back. And then the quote that drives me, it's pelo cuelo. He's an amazing author and it's when the heart truly wants something the universe conspires to make it happen. I love that I remember that and I hold that and in the times that I think that I am going to make decisions based on fear. I just remind myself, my heart truly desires this. It's for the greater good. And I know, I know that right now the universe is conspiring to make it happen for me. Uh, I love that. You are so inspirational. So I just, I'm so glad. Yeah. I'm just so grateful and honored that you were my role model. And of course I You're always welcome back. Um, It's just like, I'm so, it's just been so awesome for me to like witness your journey and your strength and your conviction and, and seeing you move through it for move forward into all these new layers and new spaces in your life. And I'm so excited to see what's ahead for you and how it will continue to shift. And thank you so much for your time here. So, so appreciative of this. And, uh, thank you. Yeah, absolutely. I refuse to say I do it all on my own and I stand on the shoulders of giants. And you are one of those giants that has helped me see things much clearer. I owe that to you. Ah, thank you. I'm going to cry. I'm just a big crowd at the heart. Thank you so much, Elise. Thank you. Hey, untamed listeners, I am so appreciative that you took time out of your day to spend with me. I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as I did, and I would love your support for this podcast. I would be so appreciative of a positive review. This helps promote the podcast. and push up the algorithm. So more people can find me as a special thanks. When you leave a review, take a screenshot of the review and send it to me to at Ray radiant vibes on Instagram. I will send you a 20 percent coupon code that is good for any single session or a 200 discount for my clarify and embody mentorship containers. Yep, that's right. You heard it right here. Thank you so much for being a part of my world and I'll see you next time