The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
Liberating the Dark Femme & Healing the Sister Wound
There is a huge energetic shift happening collectively. I have been feeling it for the last year and a half and have been through many initiations in preparation for this new wave of leadership & liberating the feminine.
If this episode speaks to you and you would like to get on my waitlist for:
Liberate: Resurrecting the Dark Femme
This class will begin MID-July and will be a 3-part series with Q & A. Space is limited.
Get on the waitlist to be the first to heart all the deets & receive a few extra bonuses!
Connect with me at:
IG: @raechelleembrey
Through the end of January, you can grab your first month in The Temple Collective for only $55!
If it’s not the right fit, you can cancel anytime, but still gain access to a portal of thousands of dollars in energetic soul activations, along with an entire library of astrology and energetics to binge on.
Even if you cancel, this is still a pretty damn good steal!
the first 5 people who become annual members within that first month will receive a 45-minute 1:1 Astro Activation session with me (valued at $350).
As an annual member ($186/month), you unlock 2 months for free and gain free access to all my masterclasses throughout the year!
The Temple unlocks:
🔮 2-3 astrology downloads each week
🔮 Workshops and exclusive discounts on 1:1 offerings
🔮 Masterclasses, monthly energetic soul activations, monthly Q&A, and a group hot seat call every month!
This is the space to recalibrate, align, and expand, and I can't wait for you to step in and start this journey with me.
Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive, energetic alchemist for you, your animals, and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together, we can become untamed. Hello, beautiful souls. I am so glad to come forward with a solo episode, which I have not done in a while. And while I love collaborating with other beautiful humans, I get all these downloads that are often in the most random times, you know, and as it is today, it's Sunday, June 9th. And here I am this morning. With so much energy shifting, I feel like so many of us are in this. big awakening, big ascension where our channels are opening, our gifts are going deeper, you know, healing does not take as long as it used to be. I used to hold sessions for an hour in healings and it's like, People are moving energy quicker. They're ascending quicker. Like we don't need to be in the density of this old three D like earth dense, like energy healing, all the things to the energy, moving the healing, taking years and like being stuck in this vortex of like, I, I, I'm still healing. I'm still healing. I'm still healing. And it's like, I just feel. There are so many portals of energy, especially in this reckoning of the feminine that's opening up, which has been a huge shift for me within my business over the last year within Radiant Vibes. If you're listening and you've been in my world and you've been noticing the offers that come out and, um, how the temple is being hosted and the community and the sisterhood and It's been moving through there. And then, you know, I have a upcoming series called liberate, which is devoted to resurrecting the dark femme and where we've been hiding so much of our truth, where we've been hiding our gifts, where we don't honor the intensity of our intuition, the power of us as women, as individuals. This has just been for centuries, just centuries, you know, and I had this, like this sensation of feeling all of my ancestors. It was like the number seven just coming through so strong. Um, some of this was prompted by something that I was listening to as well, which was just amazing. And I love when we're prompted and we get to listen to something that invites in a different energy. So we get to see life through a different lens, see ourselves through a different lens, see what we're co creating through a different lens. And I just love this,, imagery that came through of like seeing my lineage going seven, Generations back because often all I can see is like my mother and my grandmother and the wounding that was there But I don't see the power that was also there and this was a notion of like Really giving my mom her power even though There was quite a, a very destructive relationship and her as a human, she was very wounded, but it was like this feeling of like, no, give her her power because that's really where those wounds were coming from, from her fear, feeling powerless. In her life and not being able to get her power back. And likewise with my grandmothers. And then I just started going on. I don't know the names of all going back to great, great grandparents and four and five and six, seven generations. But I started to feel into that energy. And what was interesting is that when I got to this. The seven, the seventh generation back is where I started to feel power again. Like it was almost like I saw that, that woman, seven generations back. So bright in, in her power. And it's, it, just prompted this deep feeling of like being able to come back and allow that power of that particular woman to come all the way through these generations and like, where. We did lose our power as women and I speak so much to the witch wound to the mother wound to the sister wounds, and these all come back to like this part of where we were conditioned into such deep patriarchy where that. You know, through religion, through stigma, through judgment, through rejection, through abandonment, of the feminine, of that, that powerful, intuitive woman that has these powers, which any of you in this community do, And it's like where we had to start hiding it away, where we had to stuff it all down, where we couldn't speak about it, share about it, speak our truth. We couldn't be that luminous woman that we deeply desired. And what we don't realize is that even six, five, four, three, two generations back, our DNA of us as this person was still carried out in that woman. Like we were already in the DNA of these people that are behind us, that was already going to express itself. And it, it just really made me realize how much we are in such a beautiful, amazing times with Pluto and Aquarius. Yet it's going to go back a little bit back into Capricorn later this year, just for a short time. It'll bring a little bit of discomfort and, and where, you know, we're still operating in some old patriarchal paradigms and where it's, it's time to shift. And yes, we're not going to just hop into this new way of being. It's going to be something that's going to collectively happen over time, but it just made me realize how we are in such a unique time that we as women and even the masculine, like the divine masculine in this earth gets to really bring our power back. We get to source our power back to Emotions to feelings, to sensuality, to being the divine feminine, to reclaiming all the parts of ourselves that we've abandoned, that we've left behind, that in our lineage got abandoned and rejected and prosecuted and left behind. And we truly get to heal this and we get to clear this. Um, I just see so much sisterhood coming together. I see so much happening and which is why all of my containers have been opening up into community of this community sisterhood support because it's, I have seen how powerful it is, um, in the temple last week and Jenny and I were holding a group call and we were talking about the energies and the themes that we were feeling at the moment. Which get to be. And so when we got into the one to one shares and the space where the women that were on the call got to share what they're moving through and receive insight, one of the women that I've, she's been in my world for years and she's just a beautiful, lovely, lovely, lovely human being. And she has. Um, and she's just moved through so much and the strength in her is just it's otherworldly, I mean truly just an amazing person and if she's hearing this, she will know exactly who she is and to watch her journey and to witness her has been a gift and honor to me over all of these years and then seeing her in this new space, you know, and at first she had a little bit of resistance as most women do when they come into community, they fear it, and this is because women have been taught and conditioned to fear the presence of themselves and other women because of the deep scarcity that we have had to experience in fending for our lives for generations and generations and generations. And, and it's like, This having to work so hard to make life good. And then in many generations behind us, it's like, no matter how hard they worked, the life was still not good. It was still challenging. It was still, we have to fear that our food is not provided. That love is not here. We have to. Be out there like slaving away for whatever little bit that they could have or be provided for. And for many of us, what I found is in this lifetime that's played out in earlier, years. And as we get to sort of release that and move through that, we get to start to create safety once again with our sisters, where we don't have to be in competition, where we don't have to fear them judging us. Projecting and being jealous, we're being so called to see each other and so much power and, so much strength and the resilience that we've all had to create and cultivate to make beautiful things happen in our world. What I see is that the more that we come together in these sisterhood circles and we share the truth of our vulnerability and we get to be witnessed is like. It is creating this massive ascension, quickening, a quickening of this reclamation of the divine feminine. And as we step into spaces like this, where we're truly safe and we are not giving our power away, thinking somebody else has the answers where we are in spaces that we are being guided to be self led, where we're being guided to release these. Spiritual BS, principles that keep us small, that keep us dimming our light, that keep us in fear, that keep us in the mind, that keep us in logic, and then we connect with each other through our energy to the earth, to the mother in the earth and to our own divine mother and our own divine father. So much. Gets to move energetically. And as this beautiful soul was sharing, and she had no idea as she started to share that she would feel this. It's like, she has been searching for joy and searching for pleasure and how can I create more of this? How can I have more of this? And one of the things that she had to do was come home to herself and be reminded of who she was before all of the, Difficulties of life and the challenges hit her, all the loss, all the pain and, you know, all the things that she moved through in her, in her world. And then as she was reminded of who that person, who that woman was, who that child was, she got to connect with her and bring her into her body. And it was this deep remembrance of, Oh, this is who I am at my core. I have come home. This is who I am. This is what coming home is. This is what wholeness is. This is what joy is. This is what ease is. And it was like all these, masks, of the drive of the success of, achieving and the perfectionism and all of these different things that, she was hiding. This innocence behind. It's like, she still is all those things. They are not what makes her. And it was this deep recognition of, yes, I am successful in my career. I am a bad ass woman that makes shit happen. I, I can, I know I like I can make anything happen. I know my body is a walking miracle. I know all these things. And likewise. I get to be those things without identifying to them. Like they are not my identity. They do not make up my inherently wholeness, my worth. They do not make up how I'm seen. Like that is not who it is. And it was just this untangling of any conditioning where her worth, her value, her deservingness of love, her like meeting approval from anybody outside of her. She all of a sudden just started to see no, that comes from me. And it was beautiful to witness this because as she was speaking, tears started rolling down her face, and she wasn't expecting that. And she thought, I wasn't expecting to be sad, but what I saw were tears of joy and tears of truth. Tears of her soul's truth of, this is who I am. And she felt it. She felt it. She didn't, Just see it in the mind. She didn't just want it. She didn't need it. She wasn't still in this desiring to have it She brought it into her body and she felt it and when we feel that power within us when we feel that reconnection to the innocence to the divinity within us and When we get to be in that, there is a sensation that moves through us that's like, joy. That is the joy. It's like, Oh my God, here it is. Here it is. The one thing I've been seeking outside of myself. And now I'm feeling it within me. And that is the reclamation. That's the joy. It's the liberation that we're in. And this is why I speak to Black Moon Lilith so often and why Persephone has come into me as well. And she's now a core guide of mine and happening behind the scenes with all of you guys. She has been channeling through me like crazy and hecate and I'll soon be talking more about Eris and these, um, other, you know, feminine archetypes that You know, where like Persephone is not just a myth or just not just a placement in my chart at this point in my natal chart, she is a true guide for me and it feels that, you know, really reconnecting with the dark femme and what she is, who she is. What that looks like and being able to have complete acceptance of where we've been hiding, where we've been judging, where we've been in competition, where we've been in such deep scarcity, where we've had to close our hearts off to our sisters, to our mothers, to our ancestors. And it's like, just like that thought of me going back these generations with my, my parents and being able to see my mother in power. It was so. interesting to me because I've always just seen her as wounded, as sick, because that was the 3D imprint, you know, that's what was here. And as I've untangled from that 3D imprint that she's left here on this earth and started to rise in my own power, and it's like I'm liberating myself from that imprint, from that part of my DNA, it's shifting, it's moving, it's no longer a part of And whilst there's still some, some, I'm releasing them every time I start to see her in her power and now it's like my next step is really going to be my paternal grandmother, you know, to see her in her power and why she was the way that she was, but not from a place of like, I need to understand. You know, why she judged, why she rejected, why she, you know, um, created such separation in the family. I don't need to see that. I, I really only want to see her in her power of this is what it would feel like if there wasn't those themes, those underlying themes. And as I am moving through that energy, and this is still something I, And moving through. So I'm sure this is going to be more to share, but these are the types of energies that I'm going to be sharing and liberate it's it. And this is what I'm going to be speaking more and more to in the temple and, and empower her, which is the four month energetic immersion for the entrepreneurs in my community who really want to run business and move through business, through the energy that they are through solid energetics, but also through the divine feminine. It's like, we don't have to do business in this old paradigm. We really don't we're, we're done with that. And this is where we go. If you go deeper and Empress, this is for anybody who just wants to nourish. You know, truly nourish the fuck out of themselves. It's like, if you want to really create this, like connection with life and the depth and, and be initiated into, you know, the truth of who you are, your soul's truth, the divine, the mother within you, the goddess within you, it's like, that is where we really are going deeper. And it's all about honoring, honoring our energetic cycles, honoring the energy that we are honoring, the energy that we came from, and being able to pull these. The truth, you know, the soul's truth down into us and it's like then we get to show up in such different ways and like we There's so much shifting you guys happening and I've just been feeling this and I I know why last year was such a difficult year Because it was an initiation and I was being called to rise up. I was being asked to like clear truly clear and Any tendril of low or vibrational energy is aware. I was still playing in limitations, still playing in small, and I'm still being initiated in that. And I'm seeing this daily. I'm seeing this daily all the time because I, the universe, God, the divine has a different plan for me. And I felt it, but I didn't know what it was. It was like, where's this going? And so there was still a deep exploration of that. And now it's like, I can see where it's going. I totally see it. And And it is in spiritual leadership. It's in spiritual mentorship. It's in, you know, the feminine energetics and being able to reclaim what that truly is because there's so much talk about what that is. But yet I see so many women claiming this, but in this isn't in a judgmental way, it's in a way of like, I want to show them a different way. A lot of people in the spiritual communities like claim that they're leading in this feminine way, but they're, it's actually still quite a wounded space and they're doing it, but they're doing it from a very like, um, or still in a very, uh, masculine, patriarchal paradigm that isn't. It's still keeping parts of them hidden and I see it. I can see it. They don't see it. They might feel it, you know, and this is where I just want to come in and be able to say, let's just clear this all. And, and like, and I see such separation for me from anybody. That is in manipulation that is in control and still operating from those ways. And I see this a lot and in spiritual communities, I see this a lot in the business communities and the coaching communities that I'm, you know, such a big part of with what I do. And it's just become so obvious, the separation, you know, there are those of us that have been in this big initiation over the last few years, because we've been. Being been we have been being prepped for these moments this year next year in the years ahead and it's it's really truly bringing in that true matriarch energy and so I mean if you're listening in some of this language confuses you don't worry just feel the energy of it just feel what that is because this is where we're going and there there truly is going to be such a liberation which is why I have I have called my upcoming, uh, call it a workshop series, a masterclass series, whatever you will call it, um, happening in July. And I'm so excited about it, uh, because I'm getting married this weekend, this next coming weekend. So there's a big initiation happening there. Um, I, I just feel so much opening up. I'll be facilitating in a retreat for the next week, um, after my wedding. And it just feels like, yeah, just so much moving through me. And I just think that that's just going to be the most perfect time to move into this liberation and hold this series with Black Moon Lilith, Hecate, Persephone, where we are going to dive into their energetics and the dark femme and how, uh, We have been holding back in our intuition, how we've been hiding, how we have been conditioned that going into the darkness, going into the void is supposed to be so deeply painful. But yet what it is, is it is an initiation for our Ascension truly. And we need those spaces. And, uh, that's where Persephone gets to come in and guide us into the dark void and then come into the light. And. And honoring these cycles where we go through that. And as we start to honor those, those cycles get to be quicker and we get to be more free of them. We still will have them. Um, and then Hecate walking alongside us as that matriarch, as that guide and showing us where our true power is and where we've been dimming our light, where we've been keeping small, where we're not stepping into. True, um, spiritual leadership with ourselves, with our businesses. And it doesn't matter. You don't need a business to be in my community, as you all know, but it's, it's truly like in every area of our life. And Black Moon Lilith is, she, to me is the true, like. Essence of the dark femme, the healer of healers when it comes to this because she shows us where we've been rejected, where we've rejected ourselves, where we're rejecting others, where we're projecting this onto spaces, where we're self abandoning, where we've been abandoned, where we're abandoning others, you know, and she really res, like, resurrects and reclaims the mother within us. She is the sanctuary, the safe haven that brings this connection to the sisterhood, and she found me. Truly three, three years ago, um, my life has not been the same since, and as my connection with her deepens, so does her voice. So does her message. So does the healing that she brings. And so this is where we're going to go into these three different energies. And what they're speaking to us. And then I will hold space for Q and a, and the series where you're going to be able to have direct interaction with me around how this plays out for you personally, through your astrological sacred codes. Um, and also. Through my intuition of how I see this playing out as well. And I will, you will have many activations during this, many soul activations, because this is really going to be a journey and to clearing this at a cellular level, clearing and shifting this in your DNA and this reconnection to your lineage in the most powerful, potent way. And so if that speaks to you, I've had the waitlist forming. I'm going to drop the waitlist under the link here in, in this, uh, podcast episode, and I just have so much to share you guys. I'm so excited for what is ahead. And I love you guys so much. And, um, when you get on the waitlist, I'm going to have all the details. I feel like it's going to come right after the wedding of like the dates. Um, and, and how this is going to be, I already know what it's going to be about. It's been streaming through me for months. So I already know the whole context of this, but I'll have more, um, clarity around the dates and I'll have some early bird, uh, specials and bonuses for anybody that's on that wait list. So I highly suggest you get on there because this is going to be a limited capacity because of the one to one support that I'm going to be offering in the space. So it's not something that I'm going to be like. you know, holding for 40 people to come into. So, um, yeah, so I just, I just, when you're on the wait list, you'll be the first to get all the dates and, um, and register before the spaces fill. So I love you guys. I so love you guys. I am so activated right now in this energy and the initiations, the clearing, the purging. There's been so much that I just couldn't speak for hours on this right now, but I will leave you with this on the Sunday. And I'm going to go right in and release this right now. Um, in, in the podcast. So, uh, Let me know if you have any questions, connect with me, share your experiences, you know, DM me, let me know if this invoked anything within you, if this inspired some reconnection for you and maybe seeing yourself and your ancestors in a different lens that we can start to celebrate them and bring their power through us in these moments.