The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

Christy Avis: Human Design, Initiations, & Energetic Alignment

Raechelle Embrey, Christy Avis

I have been so excited to release this episode!

So many of you have been curious about Human Design and how it can support you on your path of alignment. 

This episode is for you!

 Christy is a genius within the realm of Human Design.  

She is a Sag rising, Leo Sun & Scorpio Moon and a 5/1 mani gen who leads the brand Aligned Ascension. 

Christy is a business strategist, human design, and energetics coach. She helps women step into more wealth, more awakening, and businesses they love.

As a student of Astrology, not much made sense to me in the world of Human Design. I felt so limited by it--- that is, until I met Christy. 

I have been in several of Christy's courses and I have to say hands down-- she is phenomenal

Her channel is so clear when it comes to Human Design & why would it not be with a beautiful Scorpio Moon!

You do not want to miss this episode!

You can find more about Christy on her IG page here:

Christy Avis

and through her podast here:

Aligned Ascension


Check out Christy's current offerings here:

Connect with me at:
IG: @raechelleembrey

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Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together, we can become untamed. Hey everybody, I Have been like sitting on like pins and needles with excitement about today's guest. And I'm like, so excited to introduce you to her. Christy Avis, she is a company brand, you know, business, whatever you want to call it, it's called Aligned Ascension and she's a business strategy. Human design and energetics coach. She helps women step into more wealth, more awakening and businesses that they love. She also works with people that aren't necessarily in the business, but just want to understand themselves and see themselves through a unique lens of human design. And I have. Been around in Christie's world for many years. Um, probably from when you were really early on in, in your, in, in the human design world. And one of the things that I love about the way that you have kind of come back out, because for a while you weren't really around. And then all of a sudden you're popping up on my Instagram and it's like, I'm getting a newsletter. I'm like, Oh my gosh, I remember her. I remember her, you know, and you have come out and this amazing way. Of being so embodied in human design. And I feel like you're so tapped in intuitively and a very unique way where I really kind of had a little bit of a disdain for the limitation that comes along with human design and the lack of, uh, depth that many people are coming through it with. And then when I took your, I can't remember which I think it was the three line, whatever one it was first. I've been in like every. Course that you have launched over the last, probably six months since I found you. And I'm just like, I listened to them again and again. Cause it has been to me, very empowering because they're with like my human design, it feel, it can feel like a lot of limitation. I'm a three, six, uh, generator. And with a three line and the six line, when you go and read about it online, it just, it feels limiting. It feels like, Oh, how can you move past that? You know? And so one of the things that I love that you have done as you've, Taken what I have, like the three, six and given me so much like depth and understanding and empowerment myself and the way that I lead. Um, So, um, I'm so grateful that you accepted my invite to come on here because what you've done for me has been truly, truly like, I, it's been mind blowing shifting and it's quick for me. So I love this. I love you. I'm so glad to have you here. And if you want to just share a little bit about yourself. What even human design is to you? Like even your sun, moon and rising, if you want to a little bit about your profile as well. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much. It's such an honor to be here. I am so, so, so excited. So yeah. Um, I I am in the world of human design obviously and really have this interesting take in the world of human design because I really exactly like you said do not like to see human design through the lens of limitation. It's really about like seeing our human design and in the earlier stages when we understand our design. We're able to use it as a permission slip and go, Oh, okay. That's why I do this, or that's why I do this. But I find that if we stay in that permission slip energy, what happens is, is it puts us in a box and it doesn't allow us to be expanded by our design. And I really do see human design as this system that a lot of people have applied limitation to, but I see it as limitless, right? And so it really is this system of. Expanding and empowering ourselves to be in our deepest level of alignment, not led from the mind, right? That's really what the purpose of human design is. And it shows us where our gifts are, it shows us where our growth is, it shows us how to work with our own energy system. And it's really, really powerful because it combines all of these systems. It combines astrology, the Chinese I Ching, the chakra system, the Kabbalah, the quantum physics. It is so powerful and it really is at its purest frequency. a path back to ourselves, right? And our power. And so I, I'm so excited to have this conversation today. And I am a five, one manifesting generator, sacral authority, and I'm also a Leo sun, Scorpio moon and Sagittarius rising. So I'm just like all the energy, all the fire and very, very excited to be here. Thank you. Yeah, I love it. It's so you, when you talk about it with The lens through the lens of astrology. That is how I started to connect with human design in a different way. I didn't realize you could look at it through the chart. And to me, that just makes so much sense. It was like, Oh, okay. I see this. And I could connect with different frequencies of like black moon lily through that and different energies that I couldn't see on the body graph because the body graph itself didn't land for me. And, um, and this is something I'm still really I feel like a lot of people listening would be like, yeah, what is that body graph? Anyways, you know, um, and I'd love to hear from that. Yeah, totally. So the body graph is a really powerful way of getting like the visual interpretation of your design and of your chart. So it's almost like an astrology chart and it's very cool because human design is it Accounts for the birth time and it's a very specific science of differentiation, but it also accounts for conditioning, right? So it's not an exact science. It has this ability to be interpreted through the unique conditioning that an individual has, but it's not like a personality test. It's not like you change based on like how you're feeling that day. Your chart is your chart. And so within the body graph, it has the ability to see like, what is your type? What is your profile? Because there are four types within human design with one having a subtype. And then there's also the ability to see like, what are my defined centers? My Undefined centers. What channels do I have? What gates do I have? It goes very, very, very deep. And I recommend for somebody who's just looking at their chart, it can be very overwhelming if you're brand new to human design. So the places that I have people start with is what is your type? What is your strategy? What is your authority and what is your profile? Do you want to share a little bit about the types from your perspective? Yeah. So. I would love to. So within human design, we have these different types and these, the types really do show us how our energy interacts uniquely with other people and with ourselves and how we're most meant to be most in alignment. And so within our types, we have the manifester, we have the projector, we have the generator, the manifesting generator, and the reflector. And so there's obviously different percentages of what. The population is for each type, but that's not something I encourage people to get lost in because even though there's more generators than there are reflectors, there's no indicator of how special or unique a person is based on what percentage they are. We are all deeply, deeply, deeply unique. And that's something that's really, really important to remember in terms of human design and looking at your type. So for example, I'm going to just briefly go into each of the different types. So. Like if you're a projector, my partner's a projector, that's the person who's really meant to be like this intuitive guide. This is the person who's like the advisor who is very, very much in this energy of seeing other people on a deep level. So they have very penetrating auras. They're not meant to work in the same way as gens and mani gens with defined sacred roles. Like that's something where projectors have this really, really deep ability. To see other people. And so like if we talk about generators, generators are 35 percent of the population ish, right? There's an ish about that because sometimes it's like 0. 00 whatever. And then we have new people born and we have more generic, like it, it does fluctuate slightly, but that being said, generators are, and this is something that can kind of drive me crazy in the human design world is people say generators are like the workers. And I'm like, Well, yes, but for their own goals for what lights them up. Right. And that's something we see very heavily in society is a lot of co opting of generator and manifesting generator energy and then projectors manifestors and reflectors are all trying to make sense of like, why can't I work in the same way? Why does it feel like my energy. Yeah. soul is not being honored in this space. Oh, I don't fit in. Right. And so within generators, generators are on the path of mastery. And when they work towards something they love, they have so much energy for that thing, right? They're really these life of the party people who are meant to activate other people. So. When we talk about the types, there's also manifesting generators, which is kind of like a subcategory of generators, uh, manifesting generator is still a generator. Right? And so this is another 35 ish percent of the population. And when we talk about manifesting generators, they're like generators, but they tend to be more like, Oh, I'm going to skip steps. Oh, I'm going to move really fast. Oh, I'm going to go over here and do this thing and go over here and do this thing. And it's very much not going to make sense, right? It's not going to make sense to the people who are watching. It's not going to make sense to the manifesting generator, but manifesting generators, when they follow their yes and follow their no. And they're very in tune with like, what's right for them. They're going to create a unique path that has not been created before that really expands. What's possible for other people they are really path pavers and so one of the things that many gens do is sometimes they skip steps, which is great in some cases and gets them into trouble in others, right? So then we have like the manifestos manifestos are 9 percent of the population and manifestos are really kind of this energy of being big channels having big action to initiate within their lives. They have, and when I say big action, I don't mean like exerting, exerting, exerting. What they have is they have the ability to really bring in new ideas and initiate things that have not been. been done before. They have this very clear channel when they're aligned in their design, where they'll get these big ideas. One of the things the manifesto has to watch for is overdoing it, over exerting and not being connected to self. Because if they're not connected to self, they're not going to hear these intuitions, right? And if they're making themselves small and doubting these intuitions. It's not going to come through. So manifestors really are here to bring a lot of big ideas forward. And then we have the reflectors. They're about 1 percent of the population and reflectors are very powerful mirrors. They're like the sages and they reflect. Reflect energy back to us both individually and collectively so reflectors are absorbing all of this energy and interpreting it and really give us the ability to see exactly where we're at, where we're in a good frequency where we're in a low frequency and they are just like, so powerful at understanding individual and collective energy and they're almost like with it. This is an interesting interpretation, but yeah. As a reflector, it's almost like systems thinking, but in energy. So they're systems energetic, where they understand how things connect, how things work, and they're able to bring that energy forward. For them, environment is super, super important because, as a reflector, if you're around people and environments and energies that don't feel good, you're really, really going to be impacted by that. By that. So that's kind of a brief overview of the different types, but it's really, really powerful to have that baseline understanding of how you move and how you work and some of the shadows that can come up for the different types. Yeah. I love just even in that it's like the way that you explain it is so it's like you can feel it because reflectors is one that I always want because they're all open centers. Right. Which yeah. And, and that to me is such a fascinating energy because it's like, almost like they're moving that energy all the time so we can see why environment. And one of the things with the reflectors that I have read is like, Oh, For them to make decisions. It's like, I'm just waiting 30, a 30 day cycle, but that feels so limiting too. I don't know. What do you feel? My interpretation for reflectors. And I've actually worked with a few reflectors in my time, which has been such an honor, but that is not necessarily true, right? Oftentimes they're there. And this is the thing when it comes to the sampling of their strategy of sampling for 28 days within the moon cycle. What happens is, is they don't actually have to wait 28 days for all decisions. What they're looking for is they're looking for a sampling of the highs, the lows, the yeses, the nos, the different types of energy that comes up through the lunar cycle. And that kind of depends on where they're at. So with smaller decisions, they won't even have to run through their lunar cycle. You don't want somebody waiting 28 days to determine what they want to wear. Right. Or like if, if this, if this person's aligned, but when they're making bigger decisions, what I aim for, for a reflector is that cool, calm, clear, neutral. Energy of knowing after giving themselves time to sample. So sometimes they can come to their knowing after seven days. Sometimes it does take a full 28 days. Sometimes it'll come after two or three days. Sometimes it'll come after 15 days. It's about the sampling and giving them themselves the time to kind of step back and tune into what's going on. What are the possibilities here? How am I feeling? And when they're tuning into the possibilities, what I see the universe doing is kind of rearranging the pieces behind the scenes to work in their highest alignment. And so when they rush, it actually is kind of counterproductive for them when they actually give themselves time, they move much faster. Yeah. I like that makes, to me, that makes so much more. Sense energetically as like knowing how humans work. And it's like, who wants to wait 28 days? Like, I mean, sometimes, yeah, like you said, a bigger decision perhaps, you know, but even with like, like my fiance, he's a manage him with an emotional authority. And so like, from my understanding, like the authority is like helping you make decisions for anybody, like in listening. It's like, when we're speaking about strategy or authority, it's like your way of making decisions in the simplest form, would you say that? Yep. Yep, exactly. So your strategy is really how you are going to interact and know like what your yes and your no is. Your authority is gonna, your authority is more your yes and your no. Your strategy is how you're interacting with the world. So that's where you're gonna be like responding or waiting for the invitation. Those kinds of things. Yeah. And I loved, cause I took your, uh, course on the sacred as generators that are here, which many of my community are generators. I feel like we kind of like, I had manage ends to I'm projectors actually. Um, there's a lot of those in my world. And so I find it so interesting even like, okay, with the manage and it's like, yes, they, a lot of, it seems like a lot of have the emotional. Authority like, yeah. Yeah. So I would say about 50 percent of people have emotional authorities. That is increasing as more and more people are born. We are having more and more emotional authorities come through. Isn't that interesting? Collective. It's very interesting. Collectively, we're getting to a place where emotions are definitely going to be honored more and there's going to be a lot more emotional intelligence. Eventually, like the way human design works, non emotional authorities are going to be fading out over a longer period of time. Interesting. Yeah. Cause I have, I'm, I'm not, I mean, I'm an open, I'm totally open right there. And so that was something that I had to really work with because like, if he's in an emotional wave, it's like very easy for me to hold that in, you know, and being a very high Libra frequency and somebody that works and, you know, Moves energy all the time. It's like, no, no, no, that can't come in. I cannot move this for you. You've got to be in your emotional way. Like, you know, and writing that out and recognizing like, okay, he's just in this emotional way. That's not like it's, and he'll say often, like, well, I have emotions. I have emotions. I'm like, I know, I know. That is so funny. My partner is also an emotional authority. So when he's going through something, I can be a little bit more like, cool, chill as a cucumber when I'm by myself. But when he's going through a wave, I'm amplifying that wave. I'm like, what's going on? Why are we sad? Why are you frustrated with it? Why are you beating up on yourself and all the things, you know? But even with that, with the emotional wave, um, you know, and I loved how you explained this and, uh, the, with the sacral authority and that for generators and manage ends, because it's like, even at their core manage and they still have that sacral response. You know, it's like still whatever is there. It's like, you don't have to necessarily ride a wave of emotion for some people say it's 24 hours and they don't make a decision for 24 hours or whatever, but. I don't, it's like, I feel that even with that, it's like, sometimes, yeah, you need to wait. Like if it's a real time, you are going to wait in an emotional place. I mean, but I will do that if I'm really triggered or some things in me, it's like not the best time to be like making a decision about this, you know, let that kind of ride out. And. And so I loved how you explained is like they still manage and still come back to the sacral authority, which is that inner knowing that deeper inner knowing, yeah, any, anyone who's a gen or a mani gen who has that emotional authority, it's really cool because the sacral is going to be there. Back that up. So that's going to be like your, your yes or your no coming from your sacral. And so sometimes I've seen people wait for 24 to 48 hours during their emotional wave. And sometimes there's factors external or within the chart that actually dictate that they wait a little bit longer or wait a little bit less time, but. This is not an exact science, right? And it really does lead from the interpretation of like, what's in highest alignment for me as an individual now. So, and I'm a sacral authority and there are some decisions where I actually do need to sample the energy. And I do need to give myself a little bit of time to respond because I need to tune into, is this because I'm excited or this is because I can sustain this and I love what I'm doing. And this is a long term solution for me. Yeah. Yeah. And, you know, for with the sacral. response for me. I have such a defined spleen. I know you have that there. And it's like all the channels coming off of it and that spleen through the sacral. And I would read about it. So for anybody listening, if you're a generator and you have a defined sacral, it's like your strategy of like informing you, like through life decisions, what's right for you. It's like, And you're saying, well, it doesn't really make sense to me of like a yes or no, because you'll read. And it's like, ask yourself yes or no questions. Ask yourself like what, have somebody ask you things or whatever. That didn't necessarily work for me. Sometimes it's like a clear, like, you know, Ryan will laugh because it's like, what do you want for dinner? Do you want. Chinese. No, it's like, you know, when it's like that, I'll make a face or whatever. And he's like, okay, got it. Well, clear, you know, but then there's other times where, especially when it comes to my business and you know, like I do a lot of soul activations, which are deep energy attunements and frequency alignment and clearing. And, um, Those I find come more from, like, I can't rely on that. Like, is this a yes or is this a no? Because it comes from, I feel like that comes from that spleen, like, space of just this deep, like, I could be wrong, but it feels like it's more of an intuitive thing. And sometimes it's like, Getting these ideas of what to move forward in my business. It's not necessarily from there It's just like a whisper that comes through and it's like, oh I better grab it And then it's like then it starts to light up that sacred And the cloth like as long as I grab it in that moment and I lean into it And really truly I'm open to it and say yes to the yeses, like you said in the, uh, I'm like, Oh my gosh, I say no to so many yeses, you know? And it's like, since then starting to say yes to the yeses, it's, it's even like with anything that I launch or want to do, it's like, I might not know exactly how that's going to be at the moment, but I've got to grab it, let it be in my body. And then it's just all of a sudden, the more that I just hop into it, it's like, I'll create the landing page. I'll create the link for people to sign up. I'll all of a sudden it's like, Oh, I know where this is going. I know where this is going. And it's just trusting in that process. Totally. And it's, it's so fascinating because I get that as well. And it's cool because the spleen will back up the sacral or vice versa. You'll get that whisper. You'll get that knowing you'll get that yes or that no. And then the sacral will get lit up. It works both ways, but that makes a lot of sense because when I look at your chart, you've got almost all of your fear gates within your spleen actually activated. So when you get that whisper, this could be the shadow side of the conditioning that could possibly come up with your, within your chart, you're going to go straight up to your head and your undefined Ajna. If you listen to those fears, which is going to make the sacral response more confusing. It's going to be like, is this right? Is this wrong? And that's where we go into logic. And when we're, when we're talking about this, And in terms of human design, we never actually want to make decisions from our mind for anybody who's listening. And so that's what we've been conditioned into is like, what's the pros and cons list? What's the yeses and the nos, even mental projectors, they're not making decisions from the mind. They're actually doing a clearing and then they're going to have their knowing. So what human design's purpose really is, is to give us a knowing beat. On what we can see beyond the logic, beyond the shoulds, beyond the half dues, and actually tune into what is right for me and what is leading me on my path of highest alignment. And that's one of those things where when people talk about the path of highest alignment and the path of least resistance, that doesn't always mean easy. Like there's a lot of ease that can come in, but sometimes it's. It is going to challenge us in that growth like I know you and I were talking before we hit record and one of the things that can come up within my chart was like the energy of being seen and that can be scary. And that's something that my chart in its highest frequency has continually led me into is this energy of. Overcoming that conditioning. And so for anybody who's listening and following your human design, yes, it's going to lead you on the path of your least resistance, but sometimes it's going to lead you through deconditioning something within yourself that no longer serves like the fear of being seen or the fear of speaking your voice, things like that. So I just, I love that. Yeah. And the course I'm like, I have your chart like imprinted in my mind because I'm like you with human design, I'm this way with astrology. And I just think about your Leo sun and all your Leo energy and the eighth house. And then your Scorpio moon, which is like, yeah, of course, I don't really want to be seen in this, but that sun just gets illuminated and shines such a bright light and to anything that it touches when you do do that through that Leo energy. And it's like, really helps. shine a light on the darkness of the Scorpio moon and Scorpio energy that you actually carry as an unconscious frequency. And it's interesting how this all overplay like it's, it's wild how it overlays into, um, human design and astrology is like, I, even through as I worked with it enough, it's like, I can start to see, Oh, I can see why Pluto and the ascendant could be like a three line energy because you're constantly transforming or Pluto in the Senate could be the six line energy of what I have magnifying that. I don't know. I go down the rabbit hole with all of this, but. I love it. I'm going to come back to like, cause you mentioned around the fears of, of like the spleen and that is something that I feel like so many people can relate to and on a lot of ways. But I mean, I really got in my own way around that of like, what if it doesn't work? What if I can't have this? What if I don't find the great love that I want? What if I don't, you know? And there, there was so much what if, and I still created amazing things in my life, even with that massive fear. But I didn't try, like it, I have to make, and this is where I feel like what you're saying is like, it's a conscious effort. I have to be so aware. Of my thoughts because of having that open Ajna of knowing like, what is, what are the beliefs? Where am I operating from? Am I just in self sabotage mode? Because like, I just, you know, am getting in my way because it's like, I feel like the fear, if we don't, aren't, So conscious of that unconscious shadow there. It's like, have truly burned things down, sabotage so many things. Cause it's like, it's not for me. It's for everybody else. It's not, you know, it's like all deep conditioning that mostly probably from my past, you know, childhood trauma, all this stuff that we are. You know, sent reflected back to us, you know, our voice doesn't matter. Our purpose doesn't matter. Our, you know, like, don't be unique. I mean, I'm a high Aquarius active. I've got like four and that planets and Aquarius, and then also a lot, my 11th house. So it's like, I'm weird, you know, it's like, I just come out with like things and it's like, and then it's like, you don't feel like you belong. So these are because you co create these experiences with that. I would love to share, for you to share a little bit about that, of like how we co create these experiences in these, like either in the highest octave or the lowest octave, in the shadow or the illumination of it. Totally. And there's, there, it's interesting because there's so many different expressions and there's so many different levels of consciousness that applies to human design, but I have seen it as like a map. Right. And it's been very cool because when I tune into the map, I, if I see that I have a defined sacral, then what I can do is I can start to tune into like, what is the highest frequency expression and what is the lowest frequency expression? What is the shadow of that? And how can I start to see that shadow within my life? It, it One of the biggest things that happens within human design is the deconditioning process where you start to tune into the question of not just, Oh, cool. I'm a sacred authority. What is my yes? And what is my no? But it goes deeper than that. And every single part of our chart shows us where there's high frequencies and low frequency expressions. And so when we talk about deconditioning, it's the ability to see one's self. Accurately, right. And so what this does is this can be very challenging for a lot of people because in the deconditioning process, it's synonymous with shadow work. And so in deconditioning, what your ego wants to do is it wants to stay in a state of sameness. So oftentimes, if there's any conditioning around shame or guilt or perfectionism, it's harder to see you. What you want to decondition because your ego won't actually let you see things within yourself that are quote unquote undesirable. Like if I'm self sabotaging, my ego is going to protect me from seeing that because there's a reason why I'm self sabotaging. So my biggest thing when it comes to the high frequencies and the low frequencies is a, is a big level of awareness and a lack of judgment. That is the most important thing because if we're judging the things that we see within ourselves, we're actually not going to be able to see more because then our body and system is going to go, Oh, it's unsafe for me to see things within myself because I have a huge emotional reaction to when I'm in a low frequency and start to judge myself. So the biggest thing with deconditioning is awareness with neutrality. And so when I bring that level of neutrality there, then I get to start to see my human design. As a map for seeing myself and seeing myself more accurately and seeing where with my undefined head if I go into overthinking with my undefined wealth center, if there's any worthiness things coming up or over giving or trying to prove myself in order to be worthy. It's really, really powerful. And so in the deconditioning process, you bring this deep level of awareness with neutrality, and then you start to Create systems for yourself of knowing when what it feels like somatically within your body when you're overthinking what it feels like somatically in your body when you're buying into the fears of your spleen, those kinds of things. So it's, it's really, really, really powerful for somebody to actually know. And it's such a good point of activation for somebody to go into their chart and start to really move through these layers and these levels of consciousness and see where we're self sabotaging, where we're keeping ourselves stuck. Because sometimes that's such a big question that the ego's like, we're fine, everything's fine. But when you have this map of like, oh, I know the high frequency and low frequency of being a one line, then all of a sudden I can bring this self doubt Inquisition through and this really deep level of contemplation and start to ask myself, where does this show up within my life? If I'm certain that I'm not in the low frequency of being a one line, how can I remove that certainty and look at it even more objectively to see what may be hidden unconsciously? Yeah. Yeah, totally. And I feel like for me, the way that I really work with human design, and this is what I tell everybody, even with astrology is the same thing. It's like, it's like one thing at a time, just sit with like one energy at a time. Like, don't go into all of it because you just overload your mind and, and, and body, honestly. And the whole point is to like, let this shift energy in your body, let this like activate, let this like transform, let it like, You know, transmute and come into, you know, continuously rising into the higher octave of it. And it's like, I did that with my, my son, my conscious son with a 13. I, I was like, that sucks. I have a con, I have this gate of listening and the 13, like, like in my conscious son of my purpose, like, but what it did is I, I sat with it and, and went like, really sitting with the frequency of it is like listening. Okay, well, what do I do like in my life and just about everything is I'm always listening to energy. I'm actually quite quiet and my day to day life I'm in a lot of contemplation and listen to the energy current naturally it just moves through me. And so it's like, and then I realized, oh, It was actually really great to see myself through that lens because it was like, Oh, this is my gift of moving energy. This is why I'm good at using tools like human design or astrology and then taking that, and then I have my own modality of like energy work. That's a energy clearing. It's my soul activations. Um, and then taking people into that next frequency and really pulling in things that they're, they're needing in this moment. spiritual way that brings it to the body. And it's like, that is also like that 13, because I'm always listening to the frequency, to the underlying current when I'm present. And what I realized before, why I didn't like that is because I wasn't actually being present. I was talking to talk, talking to be validated, talking to just. Be seen sometimes, or sort of vying for that attention in a way that was coming more from that ego. And so it was like, yeah, no wonder. I didn't really like that. Cause I was like, what I'm supposed to shut up. Like, no way. I'm going to acquire some mercury at talk. You know, even in the talking though, when I'm present and when I'm still, it's channels that energy through me. And then it comes through my voice and through my words as a channel. So it's. So like when you sit with this and you really start to kind of, like you said, look at it from just awareness, from just a contemplative space, it's, it's, it, it really truly is amazing how you can start to see yourself through a new lens and One of the things, because I'm really passionate about Black Moon Lilith, I had to just look at where she was in your chart really quick, too. Because that helped me put many pieces together in human design as well. And I, this was my first experience, truly, it wasn't actually through the lens of astrology, it was through the lens of human design. And when I realized about Black Moon Lilith, where she sits, it's like, There's two, two aspects to her, which I'm not going to go into all the details today about it. But anyways, both of mine are smacked in between Jupiter and depending on like, what, whether you're Placidus or whole sign, it's like, it can be in 10th house or ninth house. It's, it, it, What it did was give me a really deep understanding. I feel like a lot of people will relate to this, the story a little bit of why in my life, there was a lot of wounded feminine that came through. Like, so I would constantly bring in relationships with, with women where I was like bullied, where I was scrutinized. And there's always it didn't happen necessarily right away. It happened as they got to knew me and I have a lot of power, a lot of leadership and, and my human design chart, um, and, and in my astrological chart, but in particular, it's like the human design really helped me leverage that a lot. Um, and so. Anyways, as I would like start to just kind of be more of myself and, and stepping into this leadership is like, I don't really care what anybody does. I mean, I, I really don't, I've no, like, I'm not here to like push on you what I do, like, I'm just, I'm just a person that goes and moves, you know, and that's what I do. And I just feel very passionately about shifting the collective, you know, helping us just really rise together and stuff. So. And it's like, women would get, if they were not integrated in themselves, they would get triggered. And so it was like, the door would just shut. It would just like, close on me. And, you know, and when I kind of saw this through the lens of human design, it was like, oh shit. And I naturally trigger people because I think the gates that they're sitting in in human design is like, Is like, there's an energy and a frequency in me that kind of, that can trigger people. It's like, I can just sit here and just be myself. And if somebody is not in their truth, as somebody is not integrated into who they are, it's like, they're going to feel this. And I could be doing nothing besides drinking a sip of wine and laying back. And they're just like. Triggered as fuck in the inside. And I'm like, I don't know what's going on. Next thing you know, they're completely repelled by me. And, and I've had this with my closest friendships. So it was very traumatizing to me to reopen back up to women. And, you know, because this went all the way up until like two years ago, you know, when that was sort of last straw, when I was like, okay, I'm done dancing in this frequency universe, like. No more. I just like, just don't even hand to me. Don't even open this gate. I'm not even seeing these women in their power. And it's like, now I see it so quick. And it's like, it's not, it's not that I'm disrespectful. It's just like, no, I can't play in that energy. Like I really, and so it was just another way of being able to see like, where, like, I took that one inside as there was something wrong with me. You know, there was something that I was doing that was hurting people that was making people feel this way. And when, and certainly if I was doing that, that would be something for me to reflect on, but I'm not, I'm a, I'm a beautiful, amazing friend. Like, and I know this, you know, it's like, why I'm so loyal. I'm so giving, I'm so kind, you know? And then when you see something like that, it's such a frequency. And I think that's why I love human design and in this way in particular, because it really shows you just these frequencies that were emanating outwardly and why certain people might respond to it or be completely repelled to it. And it's not necessarily anything that you're doing wrong. You know, Yes, I love everything you said there like yes yes yes to the embodiment yes to like using human design to find like these specific things, and that's such a powerful experience because I really do feel like. When you have these consistent experiences of something like this, you're able to actually see what's your side of the fence and what somebody else's side of the fence is, right? And it's so powerful. I completely relate with that experience because I'm, I have a five line. I am very much the person Who you either love me or you hate me and that's okay, right? And that's something it took me a while to embrace where there was a lot of like playing in safety and playing in like What is everybody going to agree with and now as I understand the different levels of consciousness, it's like There's, there's absolutely going to be people who disagree with me, there's absolutely going to be people who dislike me. And so when I was able to embrace that, like you said, it's this energy of like, oh, I'm actually no longer available for any level of shame or n Kind of just like am I wrong? Am I the person who's like Any of that and there while there is this level of inquisition within me of like how can I? Bring my truth through in a really powerful way And always have that level of self inquiry It gives you this ability to see where you previously were playing in shadow and for me it was like just suppression of voice and not speaking truth because what if you know And it's, it's been a really, really powerful experience. And I also love how you talked about embodiment because I also have a one line. I love the information. I love learning about things. And when I first learned about human design all those years ago, I really went down the rabbit hole, like you said, and it didn't result in embodiment. And I wanted human design to change my life, but I wasn't present. Right. And so when I started getting present and this is for all human design types, Everybody, the more present you are, you can actually listen to the biofeedback responses you're getting from your body. But if you intellectualize human design and you just learn about it for the sake of learning a cool fact, it won't change your life. And it's exactly what you said. You can hear it and you can feel it when you're embodied in it, when you're present, when you're listening, when you're willing to see things within yourself. Yeah. Yeah. It's fascinating. It's so cool. And like, for me with that experience too, it, I think it's smashed right in between my Jupiter too, which Jupiter is just going to expand that. So if I'm like in this shame spiral of what's wrong with me, why do these women keep leaving that? And I like desperately love my sisters. I love my sisterhood. I love my women friends. It's like, it's such a big part of my life for me. And, um, it just like, it, it, It's going to blow that up. It's going to magnify that and then only bring more of that in. And I continued to like drop down from leadership around it. And I was continually to dim my light every time this happened. And in this impact of my business, truthfully, in this business, I've had other businesses where I didn't quite matter, but with this particular, with the businesses that we have, like. And we're very energetic beings. It's like we operate and move very different ways than, you know, many of the population, I feel like, you know, it's just like, so our energy is everything. And so when I'm in this, that space, it's like people can't find me, they can't find that potency. And I'm just going to attract more of that lower vibrational energy continuously, even in my clients, you know, and sometimes I did, sometimes I didn't, and it doesn't mean every single person was like that, but it definitely amplified and rippled over even into the men that I was meeting. Bringing into my life when I was dating and all the things, you know, and it's just. To me. So fascinating how we can look at this and even like for you, I just have to speak to this. Cause your black men Lilith is in Gemini and you were talking about fear of speaking and speaking your truth. I think you, it was, was it last week you shared a post about when you went on and, and you, I'll let you tell that story. Cause you're going to tell it better than me. I'm trying to recap it, but this is the perfect expression of like where you're at of. Moving because black men Lilith and Gemini is deeply this deep fear of speaking deep speaking your truth and your words and your manage on with that throat energy like you're here to speak right and it's like, um, and and so but when you have, it's like the scrutiny scrutiny will come up this very like external judgment. Particularly, probably from women because she is the feminine, you know, archetype, primarily one of the dark feminine archetypes within us that we all have. And so, it's like, when I see her in Gemini, it's like I always see fear speaking because it's like, in this lifetime or past lifetimes, it's like, deep. Like you are punished for speaking your truth. You are literally like somehow rejected scrutinize judge. And so it's like, it creates that energy of your body. It's like unsafe to speak my truth. And now you're in the, like, you're, you're like empowering her energy. You're really using her and in this true way to lead through your words, through your truth, which is to me, so cool to see that. And you do it like with your words. I mean, you're just such a powerful speaker, you know? Thank you. Yes. And it's such a huge energy and it makes so much sense for the fact that it's in Gemini because one of the things that I, I, I had always been the person who suppressed my voice, especially within like my conditioning. I grew up in an unsafe environment. So speaking out meant Like the threat of being physically or emotionally in a space where it was just not good. Right. And so that was a pattern that played out in my jobs. I would mirror people to stay safe. And it was really interesting because as I entered the world of entrepreneurship and became an entrepreneur, I had one of my worst fears come to life, which was the energy of being canceled, right. And cancel culture. And I had always been the person who I didn't realize this and this is something that can be very subconscious. We can be playing it safe in the things that we're saying and saying things that we know won't trigger another person. But what, there's a shadow side to that where we're not seen, right? When we're always playing it safe, we're not seen. And so I remember I went on the internet and I, um, created a post. This was really early on in my business. I was. I'm so excited because I entered this giveaway and I won and I won a thousand dollars so I went to my Facebook and I was like so excited and I was sharing about it and I was like, this is from all the energy work I've been doing this is all of the things and I ended up it felt like such a post that was like, yeah, this is a safe post. Share like nobody's gonna disagree with me and a multi million dollar coach came and commented on it And it doesn't really like the things she said doesn't really matter But I felt this energy of like, oh, I'm being shut down. Oh, I'm being triggered and it was this energy of like Oh, well, what would you say to a woman who was? In this position because it was basically calling out that I was like toxic positivity or whatever So I kind of answered and responded and was like, oh this post isn't about that And the next day I woke up and this person had done a live video on their platforms about me and This was right when I woke up. Guys, don't check social media first thing when you wake up. No, don't do it first thing in the morning. Yeah, exactly. And I remember going and seeing this and seeing hundreds of people who had watched this and hundreds of comments saying, This person's dangerous. This person's awful to the industry and just like reading these things and it was the scariest thing I had ever experienced and I remember like my face turned bright red. I was crying. I felt so wronged because I was like These people don't even know me. They don't even know who I am and they're saying these things and I was like Am I wrong? Am I bad? Am I awful? Like I started questioning myself And so I have this really powerful moment and it feels very much like a Lilith moment right where I went and jumped on my mini trampoline because I was trying to move the energy and I was like Why, why is this happening? And I was talking to my partner at that point in time. I was talking to my coach. I was talking to my sister. I was like, look at what happened. And they were all like, this woman's crazy. Like, you don't have to worry about this, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Yeah. I, I just. Matter because it was what you. Yeah, exactly. It was such an activation. And I went and jumped on this mini trampoline and I was like, what is coming up here? Why is this so activating? And I started objectively looking at it, even though I was like crying and And I was like, the fear coming up here is that I am bad, that I am wrong. And one of the things that I realized in that moment was like, it doesn't matter if a million people say that I am the best, that I've changed their life, that I, my work is powerful until I believe that I am okay, I'm gonna be okay no matter what, and I can back myself, I can know my heart, I can know that I care about people, I can know that this was something that was misinterpreted by someone else, then I am not gonna feel okay, and so that was like this really alchemical moment for me. Right. Transitioned into a higher frequency. And now I look back at it and I'm like, thank you. Right. Thank you for activating that within me. And it's right to your point where we continue to attract these things in that are like initiations, right? I would say like an initiation. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Are you going to influence yourself or are you gonna like really step in and take, take full control and move forward regardless of like what other people might think, you know? Yeah, totally. And from that space, it's just like, there's a lot of powerful lessons and energy in these initiations. And what, what I learned from that is like, Oh, it doesn't matter how powerful you are. politically correct, you say something, how like perfect it is. There are going to be people who disagree. Can I hold my truth when they agree and when they don't? And that was the question. And it really was an initiation. And I find that like, when we have these continual patterns show up in our life, they're meant to call us into a deeper level of personal power. They're meant to call us into a deeper level of remembering the truth of who we are. When it feels like the matrix and the illusion is shouting the opposite. Yeah. Yeah. It's so, and it's like, if you hadn't have risen through that and move through it and continue to show up, it's almost like you most likely, I mean, obviously we can't predict us, but most likely we'll, you're going to. Well, this is truth. I'm just going to say this is truth. It's like we will continue to bring those similar experiences through and through until we just finally say no. You know, it's like with me, with this, with what I experienced, like if I continued to dim my light and do all the things and then finally it was just like, you know what, I'm done playing with this energy. I don't want it anymore. And yes, that was hard because for about, you know, eight months, it was very lonely. And then at the same time I was processing the loss of my father, the loss of these friendships was like getting engaged to the man of my, like, you know, dreams and all the things. And it's like, I didn't really have, I had some people to celebrate that with, but then there was like this whole core women that I just really had to let go. And so it's like, you move through that, that, and it's like, I feel there's so much power in that just to come home to your own worthiness and your own value and, and, and how you respect yourself. And that's one of the things that I feel, you know, I think astrology has a different, to me, I see astrology as like such Energy and like a, a very, like, you can ground it down into the body, but I feel like with human design, it's much more like it is in the body, you know, it really brings us back into this relationship and this harmony of our body. And to be able to see myself through the lens of like, well, you're here to lead, like, you know, this, right. And you've felt this, but it's like, to be able to really see that it's like, and these are initiations that are like, how are you really, are you really going to do this? Are you, are you going to keep stopping every time somebody comes in your personal life that's like, you know, makes you feel less than and that's really up to me to change, you know, or it's just going to keep patterning it and that's what people have a hard time with, you know, they have a hard time with that. That like hard line in the sand of like, I'm not doing this anymore. And so it's like, they fear that loneliness. They fear that void of like the just complete uncertainty of like, will I make new friends? Will I have this? Will I do this? And I mean, I guess I just got to the point where it was like, I may never make another friend, but I'm so not willing to even have that in my life anymore anyways. And so I would rather feel lonely than feel triggered as fuck all the time, you know, cause that's just not fun, you know, Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying. And it's really interesting because as people who have big desires were called through big initiations, like the, the initiations are big. When you say I'm claiming this amount of money, or I'm claiming these types of relationships, or I'm claiming this level of impact on the world is anything that is not a match to that. As soon as you declare that desire, It gets louder and you really start to see it and it's, it's really powerful because when you can see it as an initiation and I've been through so many similar initiations where I have done, I have said like, okay, I'm no longer available for this line in the sand, regardless of the fear. And I find that In the process of awakening and in the process of becoming more conscious human beings our ability to let go And to not create these strict rigid like am I going to be okay? Am I not going to be okay and actually follow the truth of the energy is our ability to Be more enlightened human beings and move through the ascension process The more we cling to what is the more we prevent what is coming from dropping into our reality You Yeah, that's so like, I just feel that my body is those words. It's like, yeah, totally. Like it's, that's like so much of what keeps many people in limitation, you know, and from joy and happiness and bringing this back even to like our types. It's like, you know, for me as a generator, it's, I have a Capricorn moon. I fricking like to work, you know, I just do, you know, but I also realize with certain, like I've gate 29 Saturn's there. It's like, I have to be really careful of what I say yes to, because I will follow through with that commitment. And now I'm learning, like, it's okay to break commitments. Like if it's not in alignment, it's okay. You know, there's certain things it's like always following, like, what is lighting me up? And sometimes something might light me up in the moment. And then I move forward with it. I'm like, this is not. What I want to be doing. Totally, totally, totally. Yep. Then this is just where we get to like bring more power to ourselves of like, yeah, is this something that I really want to be doing? And it's like honoring ourselves in those desires and what we want and are like how we feel and our bodies and, and really bringing. And this is what I feel like so many people do is they keep it all up in the head and mind and they're not really coming down and the human design is so good at bringing you into that full body connection of putting these pieces all together. Totally. I so agree. And it's, it's been really like powerful because especially for people who are a little bit more masculine, a little bit more scientific, literally me, I love, I love the system. Yeah, exactly. It's kind of like, and as I've explored human design more, the gene keys has come through with the gene keys feels like a more feminine art and a more feminine magic, but I needed the kind of almost masculine aspect of human design to really ground me in. So I felt like, okay, my mind feels chill. I get it. Now I can bring it into the body, but it also allowed me to eventually start applying feminine energetics to human design, where it became more of like this, this open science kind of vibe. Yeah. And glad you brought up the gene keys because that was, I feel like people listening are probably going to be a little bit more into some of them more logic, masculine, I know, but it's many very intuitive. And so if like, when I was reading a lot about human design and getting into the basic human design, when I had basic human design readings, it just was like, eh, that's basic. You know, when I got into the gene keys, it's funny because I have it always on my desktop, the, the gene keys book. Like, I'm looking right at it. So it's like, that is actually what I reference all the time more than anything else. Because I feel like that to me speaks more to like the, the, like the energy of it to me, the spirituality of it. And, and really we're here at a higher purpose, you know? Um, yeah, I agree. Yeah. So I know we're getting, I want to be mindful and I, I, I could like dive so deep into this. Um, and you've gone through so much already. One of the things that I want to hit on is the way that you use this and in business as well, because one of, I think your beautiful talents is using human design and the way that we show up, like, you know, and, For anybody listening, Christy has several courses, classes, masterclasses, workshops, whatever you want to call them. Um, the ones that I highly, that I've taken that I can personally vouch for, for anybody who is a manager or a generator is like off the hook. Like if you want to understand your, it's, I've never heard anybody speak to it like that. It, it, and this is why I am like so passionate about having you here. Cause it's like, Nobody that I've ever tapped into and I I'm one that will do a lot of digging to find the truth of it You know, yes, eventually it'll come through and the truth will come through but it helped me understand that so much So I highly recommend do you have that these and then also i'll speak to these first your your line master classes for the profile lines, which we didn't really get to get into but You know, if you go on and you look up your human design and you see, like, for me, I'm a three, six. So I took her three line masterclass called the eight girl, and then the sixth line for the role model. And it's, they're, they're so worth it. Like, so diving into the, uh, uh, uh, if you're a generator manager and then into the profile lines, are you selling those independently at this point? Or So they are being sold independently at this point. And we're going to be going into another launch of aha at some point this year. So I'm very, very excited about that. Yeah, it's, and I got it before you did it publicly. So I just dove into the modules and everything. So I think I bought it on like a bundle that you had going or whatever. And I was like, And I'm so glad I did it. Um, and the profile line is just to have a deeper understanding of those play. I think those are such great places to start with like your authority, you know, your type, and then the profile lines. And then I just want to really hit, cause you have HC codex coming up with right to codex. And this to me is something that I'm really passionate about in the online space. As for those of you listening who are entrepreneurs, or even if you're not, you know, what we consume is, is. We've got to be so aware of the marketing and there's so much of like, get into the human mind of psychology, get it. And yes, there's some of that that to understand, but when we're only like marketing from that lens, to me, it feels very manipulative and it's not actually like, um, And I'll say like, it's not using our gifts and talents to the best of our abilities to shine through. And so I'm really excited about HD codecs about bringing into the profile lines altogether. And I think you're doing the whole combination of like the different like types too, like one, like three, six and right. And my Yeah, so in the I have two things upcoming I have the next level which is the combination of the profiles and then I have the hd content codex and It's very much that it's exactly what you said where there's a lot of marketing right now That's following this formula and that formula and how to get into the psychology And I love that The psychology I love human psychology, but when we only look from the lens of human of psychology and when we only look through the lens of the formula, we miss our magic. We miss our magnetism. We miss people feeling us and going into this is the person for me. And I really feel like when we bring our human design through we transcend it. Algorithms. We transcend trends. We transcend the energy of what's everybody else doing. I have to copy that. I have to emulate that because when you tap into your human design, you step out of the frequency of emulation and you step into the frequency of leadership and there's something so powerful to be said about somebody who is a trailblazer and a leader. That's not an expiring, an expiring frequency. That is an inspiring frequency where people come in and they're like, this is the person for me. And that's something that's been very important to me on my journey is not just applying a formula or not just saying, here's the three ways to do this, or here's the five things that you need, or here's the 10 things you're doing wrong. It's like, I want people to feel me. Within the brand because when they feel me and they feel that five line, they feel that one line, they feel my embodiment. That's when people connect with us. And I feel like that's something that's going to become even more important in the online space because there's so many people entering the world of entrepreneurship. Businesses there's quote unquote, so many, so much saturated markets, but I don't believe in that because when I'm in tune with myself, I transcend the frequency of competition and I just trail blaze. And that's really what the HT content codex is about. I'm so passionate about it. Yeah, I can't wait. I'm really excited for it. And I also feel just for like, you know, for Consumers, you know, people like in this, they get really inundated around it. And, and we spoke about this prior to is like those of us that have the open Ajna, which is in our head, it's like the open energy center there. It's like, you will have a natural tendency to take in things that are just aren't yours and amplify it. And it does make things really muddy. And for me, this happened. Yeah. a lot where I was giving my power away about the right way to do it. You know, my Capricorn moon, the six line, wanting to get it all perfect, wanting to get it all right. And not embodying my three line. I'm just like, go experiment, go just go for it. You know? Um, and so I was like really putting myself in this box and then what happened is like, yeah, my business has had success, but it wasn't. What I desired. And I wasn't actually being able to, I wasn't the fullest expression of like, what I was, what I do was not coming through and having this awareness now with a six line in particular, so much of like me for sharing about what I do comes from my store, my own stories, my own experience, and bearing that in the way of like how I've. Use Black Moon Lilith to come through, right. If I just went on and spoke about, you know, uh, energy currents and astrology, first of all, I find it extremely boring. I don't care about it. And like, it's like, and then when I was forcing myself, Oh, I got to talk about every full moon, every new moon and every astrological current. It's like, I talk about the ones that speak through me, you know, because I'm so intuitive. It's like, what is speaking through me? And if I feel it, I'm going to go on and speak about it. And, and, and it lands and so. It's like what I, and I've personally been in situations where people are just good marketers. And I put a reel about this the other day and it was like very edgy for me, but I'm like, I don't care. Like this needs to be spoken to. It's like, just because somebody is a good marketer does not mean that they're a good coach, a good mentor, a good spiritual lag. It means they're a good marketer. So it's like, if you want to learn marketing in that way, go to them. But most of us listening here, our energy, like we're very highly responsive and to respond. Responsive, intuitively, intuitively, ah, my words, it's like very responsive, intuitively and energetically. And so oftentimes that's not going to really land. And I've been in containers where I'm like, what the hell is this? This is not what I thought it was. This is not, you are not who you pretended to be. You are a really good marketer and not somebody that can hold space for the depth that we have in this space. You know, I know exactly what you mean. And it's really, and this is why I love human design because it gives us almost this deeper level of discernment of like, what is a yes and what is a no beyond someone's marketing. Right. And that's something that has been very powerful for me is like, even if someone says all of the right things, and I hope people have this level of discernment when they come into my world too, even if I say all the right things, is the person joining? Am I joining from a frequency of fear? And trying to find the secret and trying to find the answer and believing I'm wrong or am I Purchasing am I joining are people purchasing and joining from this frequency of I'm good I'm powerful and this is going to expand my power And so that level of internal inquiry really has gotten me into the space where I can hold this really beautiful duality and this is something I hope for everyone and usually there will be Initiations Here for this is holding the duality of yes, there's things to learn. And also I'm good and I'm powerful. And I have a knowing within myself. I find that when we don't have that, I'm good, I'm powerful. I have a knowing within myself. What can happen is all of a sudden there's this seeking that can come from a lower frequency expression. And this is so Such a beautiful way to like, bring back that conversation of high frequencies and low frequencies where there's this low frequency expression of, I don't know what I'm doing, things are not working. And so then all of a sudden we're more susceptible to marketing that isn't actually in alignment for us. And being somebody who's been in the business world, and I think most of us who have been in the business world, we've made aligned purchases and we've also made misaligned purchases. Right. And it's a really, I, I. Oh, I've always seen it through the lens of when I choose something that's misaligned. I do this very deep level of self inquiry and I'm like, what did I still gain? What lessons did I see? Where did I give away my power? Where did I believe that I wasn't enough? And it's given me this ability to hold this really beautiful duality. Because one of the things we do have to understand, especially as people who are energy healers and understand energy is we can be. In in spiral dynamics, there's the concept of being at a level of green consciousness. And so within that, we are very honest. We care about being very impactful for people. And sometimes at the lower frequencies of orange, which is very material, it's very individualized. It's very much like, how do we hit the money goals? How do we hit the numbers? And sometimes there is this energy of manipulation that can come through in the lower frequencies of orange. As people who are green, how can we understand that level of consciousness so we can be more in this energy of protection but open heart? That's really this, this, this interesting duality that we hold as people who are sensitive to energy. Yeah, yeah, I love that. It's, it's definitely something that, um, is that I've been really passionate about around shifting this and I've been somebody who is definitely, and it's like looking at where, why did I purchase this? What was the energy that I had when I purchased this? And typically it was in the energy if it wasn't aligned of like, I don't have the answers. They have the answer. Like I'm right. They're doing it wrong. Like they know what it is. And it's like, even in spiritual healing, um, and it's not, if it's not even around business, it's like having this, you know, do we, are we seeing ourselves in our power? Are we seeing ourselves as like, Oh, well, she knows the answer. I'm going to work with Ray because she knows the answer. I'm going to work with Christie because she, She's going to get me to this path of joy and, and abundance and like clear all this stuff. And it's like, no, like it's, it's so disempowering from that place. It's like, you just got to come to it as like, do I feel expansive with this person? And so I've just been more savvy as many of us are of like spending time, but even still like, um, sometimes that doesn't even work. And, and people are really good at, because sometimes they see it as just money and it's like, they can be really good at it, you know, around that. But. Anyways, so you have the next level coming up. I didn't know about that. Um, I don't think I, I know I'm in HC Codex cause I got in it after the sixth line, but I did not know about next level. So I need to know about that. And I think I'm announcing that one on my stories today or tomorrow officially. So I'm very excited about that. When does that come out? So that one, everything is starting in June. So both of these things are going to be starting in June, which is so, so, so exciting. So I'm just, I'm very lit up about, about all of it. Awesome. Cause this will be out next week. So everybody, okay. So for those that want to connect with you, you're on Instagram. I know that, but you also mentioned you have a free Facebook group that I didn't know you had to have a channel. So tell everybody all these things. So you have, you do a lot of free things. I do. I, I, I love my Instagram. That's a really powerful place to connect with me. It's at Christie Avis. And like you scroll through the posts there, you're getting a lot of things that will help you like embody your design, understand energetics. It's a, such a powerful space. I also have a free Facebook group, aligned Ascension for spiritual entrepreneurs. And that is a space where I have all of my free masterclasses. It's, it's just, it's. Kind of like this library where you can tune in and learn about your design. You can learn about energetics. You can learn about business. And it's been a space that's grown and evolved with my business. So it's really fun to go and look at the videos that were too done two years ago. And you're like, Whoa, this is a completely different Christy now. It's such a fun space. And I also am on Tik TOK. I, I have, that's where I'm going to. Be posting my more generalized content that isn't more related to business. So that's a really good place to just come in and get a really energetic aspect of human design, where it's very like, let's apply this instead of let's just learn facts. Right. Awesome. I love this. Your excitement is so much fun for me to be in and just like the way that you share, the way that you speak. And I am just so grateful for you taking the time today to come on and share your knowledge and your depth because it's really, I'm hoping, my hope is that people listening are going to like dive into this in a fun way that's going to feel really expansive for them. And, um, definitely if you guys do this, like. Hop into her line, the, the, the line masterclasses, cause they will literally shift the way that you think about yourself and, and show up. It's, it's amazing. So so much for having me on the podcast. This was like such an incredibly expansive conversation. I appreciate you. And this has been amazing. Thank you. Yes. Thank you. 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