The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
Jaclyn Shaw: Trusting in the Unknown & Shifting Belief Codes
I am so excited about this new episode!
It is not every day that you collide paths with someone authentic, embodied, and genuine in the work they share with women across the world.
Jak Shaw is THE mentor who empowered me to see the truth of who I am as a woman, a spiritual leader, and a mentor!
She is a 7 Figure mentor + spiritual teacher, who is here to activate your voice, your power, your truth.
She is known for taking her clients to the depths of their sacred wisdom and guiding them to a state of pure embodiment. I can say that in 6 months of mentorship with her, this is exactly what happened to me.
She leads women to develop a deep trust within themselves, and unapologetically show up to lead in their power and quantum leap.
She has been guiding women in re-wiring their belief codes for years. Her devotion to belief code work is what allows women to access new pathways and new portals of creation. She believes that it is the work behind the scenes that allows them to play in the quantum essence.
We dive deep into so many topics, including her work with "Belief Codes, the power of mentorship, breaking free from illusions and untruths, her spiritual truths & her relationship with god.
I share my story of what life was like before connecting with Jak and after working with her for 6 months!
Jak is a channel.
She is a creator.
She is a true visionary.
She is the embodiment of her divine femme.
You do not want to miss this impactful episode!
Be sure to follow her on Instagram and snag her BELIEF CODES bundle (currently $144)
Rae on The Jaclyn Shaw Show
Belief Codes Bundle (time sensitive)
Connect w/ Jak:
Connect with me at:
IG: @raechelleembrey
Through the end of January, you can grab your first month in The Temple Collective for only $55!
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This is the space to recalibrate, align, and expand, and I can't wait for you to step in and start this journey with me.
Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together, we can become untamed. Hello everybody. I am so excited. I've like been like pins and needles for this the whole week, like so excited to have today's guest on the podcast who has been somebody who has truly helped me see who I am and helped me liberate from so many limitations, like conditioning and experiences in my world. For those of you have listened to this, you know, I have a Capricorn one of the Hardest wounds of a Capricorn Moon is to really be able to see themselves in their life. They're very hard on themselves and they can oftentimes identify so much with their experiences as if like something's being taken away from them. And one of the things that this particular person, Jack Shaw, who was my mentor for the last 6th since December, Up until just the, the very beginning while still my mentor, I consider you still, it's like still, um, that doesn't end and, um, has helped me to do is really see where I was holding beliefs about myself, what was possible. Where I was keeping myself stuck in limitation in the most transformative way. And she is truly a beautiful soul. I just love her so much. And a little bit about her. She has a seven figure mentor, spiritual teacher who is here to activate your voice, your power, your truth. She is known for taking our clients to the depths of their sacred wisdom and guiding them to a state of pure embodiment through her work, clients develop a deep trust within themselves. Unapologetically show up to lead in their power and quantum leave and I love this because even Since like I've been out of devoted the things that have integrated in me As I go back and listen to even like the voxer messages It's like I need to hear something of jack to like activate I don't know what it is because they're all in their saved all beard, you know, so I just press play and let what comes in and And it's always something that just resonates and helps just like bring me closer to my soul's knowing and my soul's truth and the transformations has happened to me internally. And the, what I'm able to believe in now, as far as the infinite, as far as what is possible is it's just life changing. And so I'm so excited for you to share your magic and your wisdom and yeah, just see where this goes today. Oh my gosh, thank you. I'm so happy to be here and have this conversation with you and to bring it to your podcast. Like everything, I feel like all the conversations you and I have are always so powerful and expansive. Like I have just loved our work together over the past like six or seven months that we've been in mentorship spaces. I love hearing and knowing that you continue to listen to the Voxers beyond. And this is something, you know, I do often share. With people on within mentorship. It's like, it's going to continue to transform beyond the space that we're even in the space together. Like this has been my experiences with powerful mentorship and that really like aligned mentorship. That's not, I'm going to say not so much about the mentor herself, but it's like, again, the space, like for me, I feel as a mentor, I'm here to guide you in your own wisdom, like back to that truth within you. And so. for you to continue to listen to the Voxer messages that we shared. Like, again, it's going to be resonant for wherever you're going, because it's not just like, again, what I have to offer you. It's like what I have to offer you in that remembrance of who you are. Yeah. Yeah. I love it. And so for everybody listening, Jack has, is new to astrology, new ish. Um, we just did a deep dive on her podcast, which she'll share with her and her chart, which was. So much fun. And, uh, just a little bit about her. She's an Aquarius sun, a Saj moon and a Taurus rising. And to me, she's just such like such the embodiment of that Saj moon of that visionary of that truth seeker of. really even healing and cultivating such a beautiful relationship with the universe, with God and getting to the truth. Like, I think I saw something in your stories yesterday. I think it was yesterday or the day before where you even said, it's just, I'm, I'm like obsessed. with, with finding these deeper truths of humanity, you know, and that is such like that sad energy being expressed in such a high, high frequency. So cool. Like I, I love all that you shared with me so far about my chart. And like I had shared with you and, and I, to be honest, why I feel like I've never really explored a deep dive in astrology, even though I've had a couple astrology readings. before in the past, like it just felt like kind of like very fun and playful. Um, I tend to see a lot of like limitation brought like astrology being shared through the lens of limitation, which I am just like not here for limitation in any way, shape or form. And so I loved as you started like within my mastermind would like kind of feel things for me and share things. And then we just did this deep dive. And like, I love the lens in which you look at and bring in astrology because it feels just such a like an expansion frequency for me. Like when the more you've shared with me on my chart, like the more fire it brings for me, I'm like more like, let's go, let's do this energy. Yeah, it ignites you. And that I mean, truthfully, that's what you've done for me with human design, because I feel like I've shared this where I feel like it kept me in limitations. Like I don't want to, you know, having defined spleen and I have all but one gate. Like completely, you know, defined as well. And you read about that and it's like being stuck in so much fear and all this. And yeah, that explains a lot, but how can I move past that? Like, I don't want to live my life like that, you know, it, because it can be really dismantling or even, you know, the line six, which I feel you it's, it's, it's, It's unconscious for me. I'm a three, six and for being around you with a six being, it is your conscious, right? Like, no, it's unconscious for me to, yeah, I'm a four, six. Yeah. But you've tapped into it so amazingly and, and truthfully, there's just not much out there that is liberating for a line six and human design or three, six profile, you know, in that way. And it's, it's this, you read about it as it's like always being in this, like, like Life of turbulence and experiences and calling these things. But what I love about the six line, and actually when we were in devoted mastermind, I think all but one had six line and, and, and I feel like what you did was really give me the empowerment to claim leader, to claim. Mentor to claim guide to even take back my relationship as the healer because I denied that for a long time because I was like, I don't want to have that weight. I don't want to have that responsibility that feels heavy, but It's so much of the crux of what I do. And it's even saying, like, I used to say it was all my spirit guys, it was all this. And now it's, they're even like, thank God we're just fractals of you, right? This is all you and being able to be in your energy and share this about the line six has been, I mean, I just feel like line six is. They are so misunderstood and to be able to bring in that power. And I know you just had a line six mastermind as well, that I'm sure there was a lot of embody as well. Oh my gosh, in the line six mastermind, it was, it was so incredible. And one thing I just had this conversation this morning, actually with a client who is in the line six mastermind and she's just moved into my transcendence mastermind. And we were having a session this morning and what you just said there about line sixes. I had this big conversation about like responsibility and often what I think for a lot of line sixes and and where they can get stuck is like taking on responsibility for what other people perceive and I had a lot of people it was fascinating when I was launching this mastermind. People saying like, Oh, is this like line six going to get me off the rooftop? And I was like, what do you mean off the roof? I was like, let's like, you're stuck on this roof. Like, where are you stuck on this roof? And it was like fascinating to how many people ask me this. And I was like, well, if I bring this into how I see it, it's like, I just invite people to come to the rooftop. Like I don't try to come down off the rooftop. Like a line six is very much a witness and an observer, a sacred witness. And really we. bring in a lot of wisdom through our lived experiences and what we see and perceive. And I was like, Oh, I invite people up to the rooftop. And from this place where it's like, not taking that responsibility for what they see or experience, but my responsibility is to myself. Like my responsibility is to keep moving. My responsibility is to go first. My responsibility is to follow the soul nudges because that's when I activate the role model frequency, which all line sixes are here to do. Like I then get to be. the role model for others. And so, so interesting just to even to hear you say that, because like for me, how I've experienced being a line six, I'm like, I've never even, I want to say I've never even seen the negative lens of a line six. I think just a line six energy is so powerful and so like extraordinary that I'm like, yeah, like let's go line six. Yeah. Yeah. And that's how I felt after being, I was like, I just can't read about human design anymore. Although I will say one of the things that I loved with human design that got me into it a little bit more was looking at it through the lens of the astrology, not the body graph. And then I could really pull in some of the things that I know with more of the cosmic. Wisdom, but then being in with, with your container, it's really, and even it's like, I love how you say it's like, even if you're not aligned six, but you resonate with this, it's still part of you, you know, it's still part of me. And it's like, sometimes, you know, I think it can be really challenging cause we get stuck in these, like this lens of difficult experiences for me. By the time I got to your container, it was like, I do not know what's happening, but like things are just being stripped away and my life and that continue to happen, I feel like it's finally like. leveling out, which I can think knowing my astrology transits, but that doesn't help me heal through it. You know, cause I need, I needed some, something outside of me. And I do believe that sometimes a lot of the times, especially when we don't know where we're going, we're not comfortable in uncertainty or like life starts lifing and things are stripped away and there's big periods of loss, whether that's relationships or, or money. Or like our businesses, like transforming into something new where we're like, I don't know where this is going. And it's very scary. And, uh, I mean, by the time I got to you, my nervous system was so dysregulated, my hormones were a mess. Like everything was just a mess. I'm like, I don't know who the fuck I am. Like, I just can't, you know, I just, I'm not sure where I'm going or what I'm doing. And I feel like what happened during this time is like understanding how much this was such an initiation for me to get, like, when I said. To the universe. I'm ready. I'm ready for more. I didn't know that ready for more meant I've got to go through it for a bit. You know, I was just like, yeah, just give me more money. Give me more clients. I'm ready to reach more people. And it was like, and I feel like those of us that are are on are on more of a spiritual path and spiritual journey. We are going to have more of these experiences, you know, to, so that we can continue to, you know, Go to that next level. Yeah. And I mean, what I'd say there, it's like, when we make some bold declarations, like I'm ready for more and we mean it. And we're like, you know, we're in this energy of like, I am ready for more. I'm available for more. We often don't recognize that we're like, And I'm like ready to, to work in whatever way that comes. And so when you say there's things that come forward that are being stripped away, it's like, when you're in that, like true call of ready for more, you're going to be shown where there's illusions in your energy field, where you're not seeing things where there's been, you know, maybe an unwillingness, you know, to bring forth and so it can get very. Uncomfortable, you know, it can get very uncomfortable for me. It was like very much, I was very much showing like where I've hid my voice, you know, where I've, you know, shut things down in that sense. And I think, you know, one of the biggest things that I do in work with my clients is actually allow them to not only feel safe in the unknown, but to actually feel. activated in the unknown. Like as soon as you say the word certainty there, it's like when we can feel safe in the uncertainty, it's like the unknown for me is where my soul actually now fully comes alive. And for a long time, of course it felt uncomfortable. Like I don't want to be here in this place of unknown. And truly like that's where the realm of magic and miracles exists. If we can master our energetics in the unknown. Yeah, yeah. And that was where I was at. Cause I was, I felt like I was good at it before. And then it just kept going and going and going. And it was just like, okay. And I just remember like, you know, things that you would say and just share and around, this is just, you're cultivating more capacity. You're, you're really learning how to like hold so much and, and hold yourself steady because like, this is going to initiate you into that next step. Phase of whatever that might be. And like, now it's so funny because we're having this conversation about uncertainty again, as I just, even this morning, I was like, I said to myself, uncertainty is now my new playground. It's like, yeah, it's a play here. And that was not my relationship with it at the start of it. And I think one of the things that I'd love for you to talk more about is like your work with belief codes, because that was really potent and seeing these. Like you said, the untruths and illusions. I mean, because, and I think we go through, it's when we're in the initial initiation, whether it's like, you're starting your business, whether you're, going through something challenging in life, whatever it is, it's like, it can feel like, okay, I'm moving through this. And you get through like one layer and you're like, okay, I'm good. I'm free of this. And then if you are a person that deeply desires more. that more is going to come with more of these initiations and awarenesses of it. And it's like, and I feel like how you work with belief codes and these phases of like the different layers is pretty outstanding. It's like another level. Yeah, I mean, I'd love to tap in and dive into that conversation around belief codes. I feel like first, I feel really just called to also share in this topic of like, you know, mastering the energetics and the unknown. For me, it's all always going to start like even before we get to the belief codes with like harnessing your personal power. And so really operating from within and not having your Personal power be based on anything outside of you. So it means like all of a sudden, there's an experience that feels uncomfortable or that doesn't feel good, or that feels hard or heartbreaking. Well, if that makes everything in your world and your belief about self collapse, we've got to like build up this and really like cultivate this personal power within you. And for me, it's to the point where you're willing for like, To be here for the full human experience as well as the full like soul journey and because when you are again when you're calling in big things when you're calling in more clients more money a thriving business like love like when you when you're calling in big things you're. You know, for me, this willing, there's like a willing and an unwilling energy. It's like, I'm willing to experience all of it. Like if I'm willing to hold big wealth and success, like I'm also willing to hold the failure on the way, the judgment on the way, the moments where it feels like everything's crashing and not working. I think sometimes we're like, I just want to be here for the Rainbow and butterfly experiences, but that's not what life is like, yes, it is. And we also experience things that are challenging and uncomfortable and that bring up fear because we're human. And so it's like, can I see myself in, in my humanness, not judge myself, not shame myself, not, you know, feel guilty because I have the human fears or thoughts or moments, but ultimately within that. Can I stand in my power and my remembrance of who I am in this like deep conviction and knowing and I'd say this is the biggest thing for me in belief code work is coming into this like true depth of knowing within yourself and so it's almost funny that I like called it belief codes because what it truly is is to shift from belief in this like Cross my fingers, hope, wish for it, energy into like knowing, like knowing who you are, knowing what you're here for. Knowing is what creates the experience. And when I say knowing it is, I want to make this so clear. It's not a knowing in your mind. It's like, actually, can you allow yourself to get so far out of your mind to experience this knowing in your soul, in your being? Yeah. That it like, it's just like, permeates the body then, then the body knows it. It's like, and to me, that's really embodiment of that, you know? Gosh, as you were speaking, it's like, I can see how when I came to you, and yes, it was a lot with business and where I was at, and, and I was also coming out of a A very odd mentorship experience where like two months in, I was completely gaslighted and I was told I was uncoachable. And it was a very bizarre experience because it came to me out of left field. And, and so I when we were starting, I was just getting some final resolution that's took a lot to drag out, but I was no, I was not comfortable being in that space. I just was like, I cannot be here. And even the human that I was like three years ago, I would have taken two years ago, maybe even a year prior to that, I would have taken it so personally of like, wow, there's something wrong with me. You know, and shamed myself in that experience, but I knew in that moment there wasn't. And then when I started working with you, I just wanted to like, not even start that container with that energy. But I remember that morning I had gotten something and it was so on my heart. And I was, I don't want somebody to see me this way. Again, I don't want somebody to see me in this experience and this negative experience. And I feel like when I started with you, I just felt so safe. I just remember that first call just like, okay, I can finally freaking relax. I can get this stuff out because I might get emotional speaking about it right now because I had not had that, you know, and so much of my experience was, it was healing that. Through relationships and friendships. And we've talked on your podcast about the Libra energy. And that is like, it was all for me to finally come into my personal power, even that experience, because I was like giving my power away, thinking that,, to be a mentorship meant that they had the answer that they were going to help get me out of this, like whatever was happening internally with me. But really like the only, I'm the only person that can do that. But there is a really beautiful expansion that happens when you're with somebody where you feel safe, where you feel seen, and they start to bring an energy where you get to see yourself through a new lens. And like, I just remember in that very first call, that's how it happened. It was like, you, you had asked me like, what, what, Like where were you at at the start of this? And I, I already knew cause I dove into it, but hearing somebody bring that in just felt so validating to where it was like, I can release all shame around this, you know, and, and not hold this. Yeah. And I think this is so important what you just said there too, in the sense of like, when we. Look at somebody else to,, save or fix this is why for me, it's so important within mentorship. I'm helping you harness your own power, bringing forth that wisdom within you. And as you were talking, I remember this. And this experience was like years and years and years ago, I can think back in 2018 or something like this for me, 2019, maybe like this was a while ago. I had this woman come to me to work with me and it was really around like healing within her relationship. And she was like, I'm just in this like deep dark hole. And I've been here for three years. And she's like, and I've been to like all the therapists and this and that. And she was like, are you going to like, be able to drag me out of this dark hole? And I was like, Absolutely not. Like, like, it was just like, like in the sense that I said it to her with such, you know, grace and compassion, but I was like, I'm not here to like pull you out of this dark hole, but I'm going to lead you into a place where like you yourself are going to walk out of that dark hole that you feel that you're in. And honestly, like, I mean, this was just such an incredible experience because she We worked together for six weeks and she sent me a message like the week after she went for, um, lunch with her dad. And she's like, my dad like, just wants to like, you know, like, you gave him his child back. And I was like, oh wow. Oh, like, you know, and I'm getting emotional, like remembering this. He's like, yeah. He's like, I have like my daughter back. And I was like, like, this is what happens when we aren't looking for somebody else. I mean, to, to come in and be that savior. And we recognize like we get to be our own savior. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, and there was so much that through the belief code work of being able to take it deeper and it's impacted even like the way that I worked with it but not, I think I had to go through such an intense experience to work with it at a deeper layer to really see because I just couldn't see my blind spots I couldn't see them. And really I did want somebody to like, Tell me the blind spots, you know, like this is where it's at and not necessarily I like looking back, but I feel like, you know, I just in over time, I'm just somebody that like didn't use enough discernment, you know, I didn't sit back and observe long enough. And, um, I just wanted that closeness or that connection or whatever, healing, like a mother wound through some of this, that I didn't get that, like, nurture and set devotion. But really it's like, it did have to come from me, you know, the entire time. Well, this piece there that you said too, is like, just like wanting to see, you know, wanting to see, and that willingness to see like this for me is really the, like such a powerful piece of the belief code work too, is the awareness. People ask me all the time, how do you shift frequencies so quickly? how does it move so fast for you? And it's all through awareness, truly it's like, when I recognize that there's an untruth that I'll say, living in my energy field, when there's that repeated story or pattern or, limitation, that limiting thought belief, because it comes from maybe past evidence that I've have or past experiences, or stories that were handed down for me from my parents. Like when I can bring that into such. a level of awareness, bring this in so that I'm willing to see it. Well, then once I've seen the untruth in it, of course I have that fear because this is all I've ever known. Or of course I have that thought that, that it's not going to work because my experience before was, it's not going to work. So of course I have that thought, but that thought is a lie. Like that thought isn't truth. And so when I can bring it into awareness, I'm willing to see the lies that I believe that I, tell myself that I believe when I'm willing to see these untruths, then when that thought comes in again, it's like, wait a second that's the thing we're recoding here. So like that thoughts alive. It's not what I'm going to choose to guide me right here. It's not what I'm going to choose to hang on to or believe or embody. That thought's not true that that belief is not true so I can release it again without shame or guilt because that's where I think people often happen it's like, okay, they're doing this work. And then all of a sudden they have that old thought pattern come in again like, Oh, I fucked it all up, you know, like, Oh my gosh, I just did it wrong. I was on such a good track. And then I had that fear come in. And now I'm not going to be an energetic match for this thing. And it's like, actually, can you just be like, I'm a human, I had a human thought I had a human fear because I'm a human, not make it mean anything, release it, not compound it with like the shame for having that thought or feeling and just like, yeah, but thoughts and untruth. And like, I'm available for something else now. Yeah. Yeah. And I, I mean, like, I was so deep in it at like the start of things. And so I feel like there, it takes like a very special person to like hold people as they sort that out. Because so many, and I do want to bring more awareness to this because there are so many people that are out there and, you know, and I, I hate to say it like this, but unfortunately it is like claiming to be spiritual leaders, claiming to be spiritual teachers, claiming to be these, that healers and all of those, but they actually can't even regulate themselves when a client is bringing like the depth of them there because they just feel like it's, it's unfortunately, it feels like it's. It's kind of more about them than it is the person, um, and I'm seeing a lot of that. I think it's going to clean up. I always speak about this as Pluto's in Aquarius and it's, it's going to clean up and it is already cleaning up. And I think that there's more and more awareness and discernment happening where. You know, authenticity is going to be valued over anything else and, you know, helping people come into that space. And, and, and it's like, people want, they really, what I've noticed is like, when I started this 10 years ago, people wanted to go somewhat deep. But only as deep as like we collectively knew, you know, yeah. And collectively, there's just been such an evolution. And what I see now is people are so ready to go deep, but in that, in that deep space is just a huge vulnerability, you know, and for me, that vulnerability was very much the rejection wound, you know, just like, am I going to be rejected here? If I lean into the space, am I, am I, And also cultivating my trust back into the universe and, and like your relationship and how you've killed that with God and the way that you move, which I want you to share about as well, because it's your take on this is so amazing. And then that has helped me be like, right, you, you lost that along the way, you know, but it was always here because at the start of, I always had it, you know, and then for whatever reason. There was just this time in my life that was about four years. Well, if you look at astrologically, you can see the transits that were happening. There were many things happening, you know, but I went through so much loss. I mean, just so much in short amount of times and so much change and so much just movement and deep healing. And it was when you were talking about taking your personal powers, like I did this first in relationship with the masculine in my life. Where the relationships I was calling in were just basically, I was looking at them almost like a father. You know, are they going to take care of me? Are they, are they going to save me? Uh, are they going to validate me? Am I going to get their approval? And I had called in this one particular relationship who, who was very high Sagittarius. And Sagittarius can get like, we were, as we were sharing on your podcast, they can get a little dogmatic in their truth. They can feel almost like anything that threatens their beliefs is like very dismal. It's scary. They're like, can't, they can't deal with it. And I didn't find out for like four months into this relationship, I fell madly in love with this person. And four months into this relationship that he was just a very devoted Methodist, very religious. And here I am. Spiritually. And he was just like, I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can do it. And it just cracked me open. Like I was like, here I am in this experience where I am so ready to elevate myself and so ready to be seen. And, and this happened. And what I did is as that relationship ended, I gave so much of my power away to, to him, to the story that I hid. I just hid again. I went back into hiding. I still served. I still worked. I had a ton of clients. So it wasn't like, My business failed, but it took four or five months to really recover from that. And then in that recovery, you know, I learned so much of like, yeah, you, this is, you, you need to really work on this. Like why you're seeking these dynamics, like why you're co creating with us. And so I healed that so amazingly with the masculine. It was like calling Ryan years later, it was just like amazing for me and like all my intensity and everything is like awesome., but I hadn't healed it in my business. And as you were saying that with the power is like, Oh, there's that. And then, yes, I had not healed this within my business. And I was still chasing the external validation, you know, still wanting all that. And so I did have to crack open so I could feel it all so that I could start to come back into myself and like validate myself, validate my purpose, validate, you know, who I was and my mission and my vision and totally release like any ego that was involved in there. Thank you Oh my gosh, I feel like what you're sharing here too, I think that this is like a huge collective like shift happening as well, you know, when you said that there's, you know, before people were willing to go deep, but like, it's like a different level of deep right now. I feel like what I've seen. Over the past few years. And I would, I would say, this is even true for myself. You know, I had a previous business and business partnership. And then about two years ago, I embarked on launching my personal brand. And I think that there's a lot of, there has been a lot of, you know, talk about leading in, uh, Feminine energetics and a lot of people who lead in and live in very feminine energetics in their life and their relationships, but not in their businesses yet. And this is where I feel there's a massive shift happening. And I, and I remember for myself, like, I really, truly felt. In my previous business that I was leading so much in feminine energetics because it shifted so much from how I led when I was like fully in the masculine, you know, and so I was like, I think this is what it feels like to lead in feminine energy. Like this feels incredible, but like there was a whole other layer of like me really leading, like fully my business in feminine energy, which was beyond like, just like being in life in feminine energy, if that makes sense. No, totally. Like it's, I mean, it's just, it was making me think of like somebody, even yesterday, um, when I hosted the experience was talking about, I've just, I'm, I'm just, I'm, I'm stuck in force and I'm trying to like make it happen and make it work because, you know, when things start stripping away, it's like, we grasp, we want to grasp and it's natural to want to go into that masculine, like I'm going to force it. I'm going to control it. I'm going to like, you know, and then we just like, Become so rigid. And so for me, it was like, no wonder like income slowed down. No wonder, you know, everything, I mean, it was even more than the business that with the money stuff, it was just like, Holy cow. Like I have not been in any experience like that, where I was so outsourced financially, you know, but then again, it was like, you know, being able to be with somebody that could like witness that happening is like. It's going to come back. It's just like, you have to go through this to hold the capacity of like receiving even that much money in holding even more. It's just, yeah. Yeah. One thing that I feel like we're really being like called to recode right now, is that receiving frequency? Like, can I receive, because I receive not based on my doing, not based on my giving, which is often such an uncomfortable one for people, you know, it's like, wait, You can just receive money because you can receive money and it cannot be attached to your worthiness. It cannot be attached to your doing how many times you've shown up on Instagram this month or ran a free thing. And it's like, for me, I keep these channels very separate and very clear and very clean. Like I give because I give, I do because I do, I receive because I receive, and I don't create any formula where it's like, My giving plus my doing equals my receiving. And like, this is what I mean when I say, I feel like there's just this like deeper feminine energy that many leaders and entrepreneurs are feeling like, just like strong in this sense, when I say strong, it's like being fully who we are, like standing in this deep conviction of our worth and our knowing. Leading from our magic, our medicine, like this essence that we carry, like activating our voices, like, yes, standing in our power and doing, but only doing from aligned states of doing, and really being in this frequency of allowance, you know, being allowance receiving, and to me, like, this is, this is where all of the magic exists. Yeah. When we can allow ourselves to like truly lead from this place without that force and push and like need to make happen. And when I say that there's a big difference in like need to make happen and this like forcing energy. Then I mean, for me, everything's created in my business by like, literally like just listening to my soul. And it's like fully soul led and being so willing to not deny my soul. And so there's lots of times where my soul leads me in ways that make absolutely no sense, but it's like this willingness. And then that comes in, you know, when we. Talked earlier in this podcast about like being in the unknown. Well, I can trust so deeply when I'm in the unknown, which I feel like the majority of the time we're in the realm of the unknown, to be honest, 95%, probably 99%. It's like, it's like you have certainty for like a bleep of a moment. Yeah. But it's like, I feel like I can trust so deeply in the unknown because Yes, I trust and believe that the universe is conspiring in my favor, that God's conspiring in my favor, because I'm also conspiring in my favor. And so it'd be a lot harder to trust in those moments of unknown if it was like, well, I felt this intuition, but I didn't listen, or I had the soul nudge, but then fear came in and I retracted. Or I did that, like, you know, I'd be like, well, of course the unknown feels scary because I didn't do the things I felt called to do. So where did I invite God to meet me? I didn't like invite him to meet me in the playground where it's like, I'm ready. Let's go. I'm willing, like, let's do this thing. But for me, it's like, Hey, like. I feel like there's such a deep trust in Spirit, God, like this energy supporting me, because I'm like, if I'm showing up to do my part, like, there's just no way that I could believe that the story's gonna end any other way than, like, the desires that I want coming into existence in this human realm. Yeah. I love that. Yeah. Cause that was really what I needed to feel. I needed to be tapped back into that, to that universal, like source, like God frequency. And I, I've not like, even it's like, okay, I feel it as very strong goddess energy within me. And just like. That's which has led me into more of just the divine femme and what that is, is like people use this all the time, but it's like, I mean, the divine femme is really like, it's bringing up all these parts, like the parts, like I feel I suppress the bigness, the too much, the big emotions, the rawness, the vulnerable, like, you know, I can be an intense person, you know, it's like, it like can, but I'm also intense and like joy and passion and love and like all the things. But then, you know, like when I go through these, like, You know, I guess the generator laws where you're kind of pulling back, you know, and in healing cycles, what I would do is perpetuate them. And it would be so intense. It would rabbit hole. It would spin. And this took years. of witnessing myself and like really truly witnessing this and like in setting such a boundary, you're not doing that anymore. You cannot do that anymore. I had to literally like get up and just do something else, you know, and whether that was going for a walk or just listening to a song, I had it, but it felt like force almost like I have to force myself to remove myself from going there. And then that stopped happening. But then it was like this, this thought or this fear that I was going to be stuck in looping in these. It's deep, intense experiences because, you know, it was so much of my life, you know, and some of that's being a three profile, some of this means some of it's just the karma that I'm here to come through and heal as a human, but it's like, I couldn't liberate myself from it because I was just so like. Like, I can't see my way out here. I can't even feel the support outside of me, you know? And so I just like your, the way that you started to even bring in God and, and the frequency of that and tapping back into that, and that's been a huge part of your journey. I know that like, it's like something that you're, you've really healed through as well. And reconnecting with that. I'm so curious. Like from your lens, more for you to share with people listening, as I know I've heard this from you. For somebody like myself that has this, you know, that, that intense intensity in them where these experiences do happen. I do have a Capricorn moon. It's the way that it's even aspected in my chart. It does call forth a lot of these, but I also know there's deep power in this. of leadership and, and, and in my intuitive abilities, even the way that I even am working with the feminine and the masculine in my world. So that's beautiful, but like, how do you like when somebody is in it, when they feel like I just can't get out of this and this feels so hard and you're somebody that you can see the truth and you're like, okay, that doesn't get to be in my world. You know, and, and you do it quite easily. I mean, maybe that's gotten easier over the time. But like, how, what do you say to somebody in that? Well, I do want to say that, like, I feel like a lot of people who know me and, like, would say, like, I'm, I have a lot of intensity in me as well. Oh, yeah. And so. I think, um, I just wanted to share that because, because earlier when you talked about like the intensity and like the bigness of your energy, I just really feel called to share this. I think sometimes we have this idea that if you, if you're in your feminine energy and leading from your feminine, it's just like soft and flowy and peaceful all the time. And like, I feel like fire in the feminine as well. so sharing that to begin with, but for me, it's been such You know, and this has been a journey for me as well. But just really coming into this, like what I would say for me feels like this true knowing of like who I am, who we are, who we're all here to be. One of my like deepest beliefs is that we are here to be the fullest expression of who we are. We are here to be the truth of who we are. And so when we're in these experiences where it's intense and where that fear comes in or that thought or that belief, when we can't see the other side, can I, I want to say, zoom out from this space of like, can I see and trust and not see with my human eyes, can I come back to this knowing like there's things that are That I can't see here. There's things that I can't see from my limited human lens, because what we can see through our human eyes is limited in terms of like what our soul knows. So can I have this invitation to come back into this remembrance that I'm a human and that I'm a soul and I have very human moments that feel very intense and everything in this experience is here to serve my soul's agenda. And so if I'm in service of my soul's agenda, what do I choose here? And I feel like coming back to choice is like us. Again, we can come back to choice once we've harnessed our personal power. But like, I get to choose what I believe here. I get to choose what comes next. I, I create like I am the creator. So I create with my thoughts. If I choose to feel, you know, within this experience. To only look at the downward spiral, all the things that could go wrong to focus on the shit, like the worry, the, you know, the fear of, I, Choose to I mean, essentially, right, it feels like right now, as we're talking like to collapse, like, I'm going to experience that in my reality, if I choose to look through a different lens, if I choose to look through the lens of possibility, if I choose to Really trust and know and believe and feel like it's all working out for me. And that even means when it looks like it doesn't. That means even when there's heartbreak, you know, when you said this experience that you had with a partner and it was, you know, heartbreaking and it was, you know, crushing, it's like, well, there's also things that really served you within that, like your growth as a human, your growth as a soul. And so at the time, you know, I think at the time, one of the most annoying things to hear is like, don't worry, this is happening for you. Like, Ooh, but like, truly, if it's like, I can't see, I do not see how this is happening for me. And like, Like, I just want to say like, fuck you, God. Like, I do not see how this is happening for me. But there were many moments where I said that. You know? But it's like, and then come, and then come back into the like, okay. Like, I can't see right now, but can I also trust? Because like, if I'm here, and I know I'm here to grow and evolve as a human and a soul, like there is gonna be something for me on the other side of this. Yeah, and it's like extracting the magic. And as you were speaking, it was like just kind of even where I'm at now is just back into that magic, into that mystical, into the space that's just like, so fuels my inner child and my inner world. It's playful. And, um, You know, an energy I have a hard time expressing is the Leo in my chart, but yet it's so there and prevalent and it needs to be expressed. It's, it's like so wanting to be expressed. And I feel like tapping into that Leo energy of that self expression and that truth. And we were talking about that with your North node and bringing that as like, that is the Leo energy is like, you get to, you get to do it for you, you know, and that's okay. And you get to lead for you. And one of the things, like when you're, Speaking back, circling back to that relationship. Yeah. The, the magic out of that, the wisdom out of that was actually being able to, um, he elevated my standards of masculine in my life, because until I knew that, and even then he was very good to me. He was the most chivalrous man. That I'd ever dated. He prioritized me like nobody else ever had. He treated me beautifully. I mean, I was treated like a goddess, you know, and I had never experienced that in any relationship, you know, and also I had to look at like, The things that I was looking at and projecting onto men, they're going to save me. I don't have to work as hard. I don't have to step into my personal power. Then I, you know, somebody comes in and saves me. Then like I'm, then I don't have to do that hard work. I don't want to push through. And it was right. Maybe like, I took some time out of dating during that time. And it was maybe about seven months later. And I was down at actually a client's, a birthday party in Scottsdale and driving up to see another client in Flagstaff. And when I was making that drive up to Flagstaff, my friend that was traveling with me said, what do you really want in your life? And I said, well, I really want to do this rental stuff, but I feel like I need a partner. And she said, Ray, you are so freaking powerful. You can go create a rental empire. Go do it. And I was like, she's like, stop waiting for the partner. And I was like, Okay. So I go and I do it. I start doing this with the rental business. And I, I made the decision at that time not to buy, but it was for my personal reasons. And within like one month later is when I met Ryan. It's just wild. Like, I just get chills. It's like, how did you do that? You know, that was the way through to just go do this and explore this on my own. And even since then, I've bought several runner properties. They were on my own, even though I was in relationship, it was me that did that, you know, I just, yeah, it's so cool. And you can see the pieces light up. Well, often something I'll, Um, and it's also like fully about me like it's not about me and it's fully for me and so what I mean by this is like, we tend to make everything mean something like somebody else chose this and we make it mean something about us whether it's A mentor, a client, a partner. So somebody, you know, a client leaving, we make it mean something about us. And, you know, a partner, like whatever it is, it's like, we make everything have so much meaning and we take everything so personally. And it's like, well, what if it's not about me, but then also what if it's for me? Like, is there something within it, within this for me, where I get to grow, where I get to look through a new lens, where I get to harness. My personal power where I get to choose. Like, so in this example for you, it's like, Hey, what's in it for me? I can see where like, I get to recode things where I get to stand in my power, where I get to like, go out and say like, yes, and do, and not wait for that savior to come. Yeah. It's like, and looking at it in the business, do you feel that the business itself, like the energy of the business for us to. Like in our feminine, do you feel that that is more of the masculine as we're talking about? This is like, it kind of like sparked this question because it's, cause for us, I feel that there's so much that we have to be in that feminine, but not the suppressed, like, like you said, the soft girl, this or that, you know, you get to, It's like, I don't know. I always feel like my business is like out there, you know? And it's like, what is. You know, for women, for us, because I feel like when women are in force and when I've gotten forced, when I've gotten into that chasing, when I've gotten to that, like, I need this to work, I need this to work. Or even like, I remember asking you when it, how do you know? Can you just tell me when it's going to like, make it like miracle break, you know, Yeah. It's interesting because. I felt confused when you asked the question if I'm being honest and then what I just feel like, as you said, like, and I didn't even really recognize this till you asked. So we're just going to see where it goes with this. But like, when you say like your business feels out there, like my, my business actually feels part of me. Okay. Yeah. And interesting in the fact that my business use, like my previous business felt like it was out there and consumed me. But now that my business feels a part of me, it doesn't feel like it consumes me. At all. Like it feels like my business is just, it's literally me being the expression of who I am. Like my business is just me and my truth. My business is me sharing the lens in which I see the world, experience the world. Like my business a lot is my line six role model energy. Like just, this is my lived wisdom. This is what I experienced. This is what I know. This is what I see. And so I'm almost experiencing this right now. As we talk, it's like every time I've brought But I've thought outside of me within me, there's a next level unlocked. So another example is I used to view God as outside of me. And I didn't even realize I was like, giving my power away to God in the sense is like, there was a God outside of me. And so like praying, and I went through like some weird energy with this. Cause it was like, Hey, praying to a God outside of me feels very different than praying to a God within you. And it was like, again, it was like, so God outside was like on this, like Place of power, like on this pedestal business outside felt like, again, things I had to do in order for the business to be successful. But as I tuned into like the wisdom within the divinity within with the God within as my business, I feel like comes from, like, it feels part of me. It's like, I'm just feeling no separation, to be honest. It's like, I'm one with God. I'm one with my business, but my business is essentially. Like just who I am and money comes in and is attracted to me because of who I am and because I'm willing to like stand in conviction in that and like, I'm not wavering, like I'm not seeing anything as separate. So money responds to my energy. Yeah. That is like, yeah, that is amazing because it was just like. Coming through me and I'll ask this and I don't know. I was in, and that makes so much sense because as I've made these shifts, like even what I've been birthing out is so much a part of me, you know, it's like this, the black moon, the list stuff and the dark fam is like, that's been so much. Me is like coming to peace with anger, coming to peace with bigness and, and not rejecting myself and my emotions or my, my, my, what I like, what, what my magic is to share with the world, you know? And then what I feel for you is also what I feel for me. Like, I feel like then it feels like you can't not have conversations of black, about black men live. Like, I can't not have conversations about transcendence. I can't not have conversations about God and my spiritual beliefs. And like the truth, like, like that is just who I am. And an interesting, if I saw my business as outside of me, I don't even know that I'd be so willing to like go to the depth of in these conversations that I do. Yeah, yeah, I feel that so much because I feel that shift have, you know, through these months and like I said so much integration even since then of like how that's happened and other experiences that have come up that were, you know, again with feminine in my life and and co creating these experiences where, you know, I literally just wouldn't see me in my power and it would all, I would get so hurt and, and I'm angry. I think a little bit, you know, bitter and just cut it out versus like, no, let's play with this energy. What happens when you breathe through the difficulty of like, Being in your bigness, you know, breathe through the difficulty that you're having of truly being yourself in this moment of being free and yourself, because that, that feeling it's in the body, and it's a really hard feeling to move through. You know, it's like in that moment, I guess that would be the trigger, whatever you want to call it. And it can, the, Trigger. It's like, if we can just be the calm in the storm, and this is what I've been learning is like, even though that's happening, can you just be the calm in that trigger, the calm in that storm so that you can start to shift your energy and those moments. And then it's like no longer co creating these experiences. And it's in it. I love how you brought, like we're saying with the business. Yeah. You can't, I can't not talk about Black Moon Lila. She's such a powerful, like force of energy that is really beams through every woman, you know? And to me, and I feel like she's such a powerful force of leadership is like denying these things is like denying a part of who you are. Exactly. Right. And like, this is where I often say like my growth in my business and my success has been from that willingness to do not that willingness to not deny my soul. And part of that is like my willingness to not deny who I am. Yeah. Oh my gosh. So then for somebody who's not like say they're not in business, cause there's people in my community that are not entrepreneurs, you know, but they're very driven, you know, powerful women. And they're on like spiritual journeys in their world. And so a lot of women I find struggle with Energetic boundaries though, like good at maybe setting boundaries here, you know, the, the mm-Hmm, here's the boundary. I can verbalize it however it is, but then energetically there's still like, enmeshed in it. Yeah. So for me, this is like bringing everything in through like the lens of frequency first and like my frequency first. So it's like, how does, how does. This affect my energy field? How does it affect the energy field around me? How does it affect my frequency? Does it expand me? Does it collapse? Does it shrink? Like how does this thought affect my frequency? How does this choice affect my frequency? If I follow this thought, Say yes to this thing. Cause I feel like I should or need to, or have to, like, if I'm people pleasing, if I do it because it's like, well, I'm a mother and I should put my children for like, you know, all of it. It's like, if I look at my frequency first and knowing that like, when my, when I put my frequency first, like it's, it, it ripples into everyone around me. Anyway. So wherever I'm sacrificing right now, I'm actually, what I feel is like when I sacrifice, I'm actually doing harm to those around me. Yeah. Totally. Cause that's where like the resentment, the bitterness as women, for sure. I mean, we will get resentful and I think men experience it too, but I really noticed this with women. It's like, that's where they get, they just, they're just angry. They're just pissed off. And frequency first is going to ultimately allow you again, this like piece of harnessing your power and standing in your power. And so I really, you know, especially when I was in a stage where like really harnessing this and working on this for myself, like I probably asked myself the question. Like 400 million times a day, like, how does this affect my energy field? How does this affect my frequency? Does it feel expansive to me? No, then, then it doesn't get my time and my energy. Yeah. And I feel like one of the things that helped me with that is like looking at that and I'm glad you met, I'm glad you mentioned, like when you were doing this, you had to look at this like 400, 000 times a day, because I think people will think, okay, I can move through this. I'll just choose not to believe this belief or choose not to believe this truth. But if it's so hardwired in you through your conditioning or experiences or whatever has brought that into you. You can't just change it in like one observing thought it's, it's gotta take like deep contemplation, witnessing one thought at a time, one belief at a time. And that's where I was trying to like almost change all of it, all at once versus like, let me just go to like whatever's alive right now. And let me spend some time with this for like, A week or two or sometimes it's, it's, some of this has been months. Like the standing in my power, like truly freeing me up and that, that has been lifetime. And I feel like I just like the last layer is finally like liberated, you know? Yeah. And I would say for myself, like, this was like, I made a deep commitment, like a deep devotion to harnessing my personal power. And this is why at the beginning of this podcast, I felt called to go there first. It's like, once you've like had this, like, Deep commitment, you know to harnessing your personal power once like you're really in a place where your power isn't based on anything outside You it's not based on circumstance like everything the cool thing about this is like then everything else actually happens very quickly It's like, you know Like the other things can shift the belief codes can shift in an instant when you're again operating from within when the things outside You aren't you know Controlling you aren't controlling your power. Yeah. Yeah. It's wild. I mean, just like even having this, it's like how the business is shift being able to like reclaim myself as the spiritual leader in that way, however, that plays out, whether it's business, you know, relationships, abundance, more self love, like, so, and, and even more so sharing so much of what I know about frequency and how I can. The energy work that I do. And that's even like at the download I got the other day, I was like, I'm going to be teaching this. I'm going to be teaching this light frequency to people to do like, I mean, I do it all the time in my business. I do everything. Love it. I love it. I love it. I love it for you on. Yeah. And it gets to be really fun and expansive. And even in that time, it's like, one of the things that I love that. Like I didn't even realize I had this belief, but you helped me see that I actually had this belief, which is a good belief. And sometimes I, then I realized I kind of deny these good beliefs about myself because I'm just always focused on this other stuff. Right. But, uh, uh, a belief that I've always had is that money does come to me easily and it doesn't just come to me outside of my business, inside my business. It can come to me in all different ways. I have been a person who has manifested. Lots of money from very unknown ways that it's just like, and it's kind of fun. It is in my chart a little bit, you know, it's not a lot. It's is a big expression in my chart and like my money houses. And it's kind of fun to know that that actually gets to be a realm and not that I need my chart to give me permission, but it gets to be a realm of energy that I get to play with. And that's when you were like teaching me. And even since then, it's like, now Ryan and I've got married and he's starting to get activated in this. And he had a property that. Was deemed unsellable, unbuildable, whatever. And literally like, like three days after we got married, he got a call out of nowhere saying that they wanted to buy his property and just like, here you go. Here's the property. And he closes on it on Tuesday. It's just a while. Oh my God. I love it. I love it. I love it. And like this for me, it's also like. Like, and again, this is probably feels maybe more, I was going to say directed to the entrepreneurs here, but maybe not, it's like, can we just bring more like faithfulness back in, like move from a place of like our choosing and like leading with pleasure and play and, you know, this is the part that I'd say, especially, I think for the entrepreneurs here, like. I know that for most like myself and for most people that I know who are entrepreneurs, like they want to experience freedom. Like freedom is a strong value. If you're an entrepreneur, likely for you and like, remembering that, like you came, you started your business to feel free and like, look at all the ways that you're not allowing yourself to be free, where you're not allowing yourself to be free in your expression, free in your voice, free in the way that you do things. Cause you're following like the sheds you're, you're buying into some lie that you. Told yourself or that somebody else has told you. The fear is keeping your voice hidden, like whatever it is. Like can you move into a place like of true freedom? Yeah. I feel like that's for everyone because there's so many women that you know, and this is not to invoke shame, it's more to it be an invitation to like. Look at where you are suppressing, even your emotions that you feel in relationships, you know, like so many women are, are repressing so much of like their needs, their wants, how they want to be loved and, and receive love. And it's like, they're so afraid to, to share it. You know, they're so afraid to speak, like even this upsets me when you do this. You know, this, this, this hurts. And I, like, I don't want to have this pain. You know, I don't want to have this with you. I want to love you, but it's like, they're so afraid, but I think like, I love that you mentioned it with the entrepreneurs, but, and I also just feel there's so many women that are healing through that as well. Truth, truth, truth, truth. That's what we say. And like you said, through my chart, it's like, I heal through. And then I bring in, for me, I bring it very much in like the healing often happens in my personal life and my relationships and then I bring it through in my business as well, the experience, the lessons, the learning. So it's all like, I mean, it's all connected. It's all this very connected, very much connected. This is freaking awesome. I love this. I mean, this stuff I could just talk about all day long, but I know we kind of have. I know you guys, we've been on like, we did hers right before this, that was over an hour. And then we're here. I was like, I honestly was just thinking, I'm like, Oh, I love that. We just spent the last, like that we've spent the morning together in the last, like two, almost two and a half hours together. Like these, but cause this is what we're saying. Like, I feel like these are just like, these are the conversations that my soul is going to have. Like, these are conversations that I'm going to have. Like, we can't not. Yeah. And you're so, I mean, we talk about embodiment so much and I think it's just an overused word and a lot of people really aren't, but you are truly so embodied in this. So it's effortless to talk with you about it because it is so from truth. It is so it's, it truly is like your connection to your soul, your purpose, your what motivates you in this life. And And so I feel like that, like when we share it from, like when you're sharing it from that lens and sharing it in that way, that's where it really does activate other people and really does give them power just even through conversations like this. Yeah. And one thing I'll say, just to like wrap up here within this, cause this actually came up at the very, very beginning of the conversation. And then I didn't share, we went another direction, but it's coming back again. Like for me being able to just like drop into my own truth and trust in what I experienced and trust in what I know was. I mean, it has been a really powerful experience for me, but I remember in the beginning, like, even as I was, like, opening up, like, truly to the connection with the God within, like, opening up, like, to channel, I really, I, I kept kind of looking again for something outside of me. I was like, well, other people, Have this relationship with their spirit guides and other people see this and other people hear this and it was like, I just have to trust in what I know, like, what, like, but I was really like, what, like, no, I want to be but I can see for myself, like how that would have, again, taken that power outside of me if it was like, if it because I would have, I would have connected that it's not Me, I would have connected to, it's like something else I could put on a pedestal outside of me. And so it was really part of my journey was like fully trusting in who I am, like trusting in how I receive, you know, divine guidance, how I receive divine downloads, how like I feel frequency. I got like, it was a journey for me to trust in like the energy I felt and the frequency I experienced in connection with other people. And like, To trust in that soul voice inside me like was my voice of truth. Yeah. Yeah. And your Mercury in Aquarius. I mean, it's just like, it is an inner knowing and you know so much once you access it because you're so connected to other realms. I mean, so many different realms of energy with the, that Mercury in Aquarius. So it's like, as soon as you open up, it's like, wow, I'm, I like, I didn't know I even knew this, but I know this, you know, in the wild. So thank you so much for coming on here. I know this was just going to like, I think just bring some really cool activations to so many people and aha moments and just even shift energy in them from hearing your words and your, your magic in this. And, um, I know you have the belief codes that people can purchase. And I, I believe I saw it. 144. Yeah. So currently, currently, I mean, it's, it's incredible. It's, it's two full trainings on belief codes. It's, um, an energy clearing and activation. And then there's like 10 hours of audio riffs on like, that are just, yeah. So it's, it's a very powerful body of work for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, all of you guys listening, go get that. And then you're also in, what have you got going on right now? You've got, obviously you've changed, you've shifted into the transcendence mastermind, which is formally devoted what I was in. Yeah. Yeah. So transcendence and really like the pivot in transcendence is mostly with the name, like just the name, the shift in energy that I felt there. And like I said, what I feel like you, and as well as like all the other women in that space, it's like really was like in this like transcendent. Energy and transcending, like beyond, you know, what we were willing to see and experience in this human realm. And so transcendence mastermind is definitely for me. It's like my, well, I, like I said earlier, it's like, so it's just like a sacred energy and sacred space for me. It's really ready. It's really the space for women who are like here for like female entrepreneurs and leaders who want to be having conversations about. you know, God and deep spiritual truths and using this type of energy. It's like, you know, your next move in business, your next level is going to be unlocked through the energetics. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So, so that's belief codes, transcendence. And then my in persons that'll be coming up in Costa Rica next year. Cause I live part time in Costa Rica and I do one VIP experience there. Every year, which is like an intimate four day VIP experience where we, you know, go deep in nature. And then next year, I'm going to be hosting my first silent retreat, which I'm really excited about. Oh my God. That's good. That would be so hard for me. I really, I'm not, I can be within, I mean, I'm a really good observer. But yeah, at some point it's like, I need to share what I'm getting. I need to look at it. It's been a deep calling of mine for a while. And I thought, and I just like found the perfect place to do it. And so it's, yeah, that's gonna, that's, that's a new thing for me that, that I can't wait for. Yeah. And I'm just gonna like share a couple other things that I know. Um, you're writing some books, so it's like, just go follow her. I'll have all the links on here so that you'll get. Notified of that because I just feel like these books are going to be amazing. They're just going to be so like so connected Into the channel when I saw that picture of you out in the woods like writing i'm like, oh my god She is like why like I could just see the wild feminine in you and just coming out like wolf energy I said that to you and I didn't show the other room. I saw a lot of hawk medicine around you I was like, oh, this is gonna be so good. So Um jack is always evolving always always podcast is that it's just moving in through and sharing her experience and her wisdom. So, um, go find her on Instagram so you can stay tuned and I'll drop all the links for her podcast, which is amazing. I'm actually pretty much the only one that I listen to these days, truthfully. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Oh my gosh. Thank you for this conversation. Thank you for our day together. It has just been fabulous and I love you and you're extraordinary and gosh, I just can't wait to see and continue to watch and witness and see what comes next for you and all of the unfolding. Yeah. Thank you so much. Love you too. And till next time.