The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
Reconnecting & Reclaiming Identity During Mercury Retrograde
My take on the current energy is that this Mercury retrograde has been a beautiful portal of reclaiming identities or dreams you have had to let go of due to life doing life—the sacrifices you made to catalyze the changes you had to make.
Change is never easy and the bigger your vision, the more changes you will have to make. The more identities you will grieve. I talk about all of this and share my personal stories of BIG changes, the sacrifices made, and the identities left behind.
One of the biggest sacrifices has now come back into my life and I got to reclaim it this weekend.
We are in a portal of deep clarity, but clarity is not always so enlightening. Clarity without action means nothing. The actions you will be asked to take could mean big changes. This is all about tapping back into your authenticity-- and by this, I mean what parts of you have you sacrificed out of fear of change. Sacrifice that ties into your big vision (love, life, business, purpose, values, ethics, etc...) is authentic. Which one are you choosing?
Register for "The Catalyst" here ($77)
A masterclass for the women who desire spiritual wealth embodiment.
The Catalyst
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IG: @raechelleembrey
Through the end of January, you can grab your first month in The Temple Collective for only $55!
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Even if you cancel, this is still a pretty damn good steal!
the first 5 people who become annual members within that first month will receive a 45-minute 1:1 Astro Activation session with me (valued at $350).
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This is the space to recalibrate, align, and expand, and I can't wait for you to step in and start this journey with me.
Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey, so together, we can become untamed. Welcome, welcome. And, I don't know how everybody's feeling right now. I'm enjoying like drop in. Let me know how you're feeling during this retrograde season. We got some pretty amazing energies. And if you're new to my world, the one thing is I'm not a typical astrologer. I don't share transit to transit to transit. I. share what feels very powerful and what feels very potent for me at the time. What I feel feels very potent for the collective at the time. So, you know, just so you know, I was like, I'm going to talk about some energies that are happening here, but this is not because I, I hopped on a full moon chart and read it word for word. Cause that's not how I work with astrology. I literally, I'm a, it's a transmission. It downloads through my channel and then I share it. There have been some really unique energies that I know I've personally moved through that I know many people are moving through and we've been in sort of this like whirlwind like over the last few months. I still will say I feel so strongly that Cancer and New Moon back in June really propelled these shifts and changes. And I do feel like these are frequency changes and shifts in our identity and the way that we identify with ourselves and the world outside of us. And just so you know, I am showing up here. We're all like, I, I have been traveling all weekend. I got in late last night. I was at, for, for just a side note of my like alter life, I. Show dogs. So this has been a passion of mine that I've been in the dog show world. I have competed in agility and obedience. I'm herding. I show my dogs. We get their championships and the Australian shepherd world for Two decades. It's been a big part of my identity and there's a reason for this story to further perpetuate because with the energies that we've been in, there's such a big, I just feel like this reclamation over this retrograde season. Of the parts of our identity that we let go, but we're actually dreams of ours. You know, that we say that that's just not going to happen, or I can't do that. Or I'm not sure how that's going to end. It's like, I want to say like parts of us that we kind of gave up on. You know, and maybe these were things that played out in our life that we deeply miss. We wish that we could have that back. We wish that we could bring that back. And, you know, you'll know this because like there's, there's sort of this, feeling and the body when we feel this of it, it feels like a piece of a heart, a piece of literally a piece of a heart. Was left in that dream within that identity. And maybe we had to give it up because of life, life changes, things that happened, you know, that, you know, just weren't conducive to supporting that particular dream or that part of us that we really identified with that time. And so there has been this rekindling of that flame of that fire and this opening back up of that energy. And, if you're just hopping on, I was sharing about my, my alter life as, you know, I, I show and train dogs and I compete in agility and herding and confirmation. And, I had to give it up for the last three years. And this, this, this was a big, Big thing for me because I feel like for me, I've created a legacy in that world. You know, I have five generations of dogs that I've bred. I have friends that I've been with for, you know, decades in this, in this realm. And, you know, four years ago, I had to make a hard decision to move. I was very called at a soul level to relocate off of the East coast. I was living in Lancaster, PA. I was born and raised in Maryland. And I always knew I was, it was meant to get off the East coast. I actually thought I'm a Colorado girl and Colorado had the mountains. That's where I thought I was going to go. But, as I explore that, I just couldn't find anything in a state that at the time I could afford. And so I got in my car and I, Got in a row with my two oldest dogs. You know, animals have always been a huge part of my journey. They have been a huge, huge part of my evolution, of my healing, of my soul's growth. And I truly, truly believe in the power of their energy and our energy together to create really big, change within ourselves, you know, and within them too. And so my two oldest dogs got in the car with me. They're really used to traveling all over the place because of everything that I've done with them. We get in the car and we just go, I had a couple places, a couple destinations in mind and Northwest Arkansas came through because my ex, who we were separating at the time. Got out to our magazine and he said, you ought to go check out this place called Bentonville and Northwest Arkansas. And he's like, it's just an up and coming community. Look at it. It's so cute. It's, it's all this outdoor stuff, blah, blah, blah. I'm like really outdoorsy. I was like, well, I will go check it out. but I think I'll just vacation there. I'm definitely not moving to Arkansas. Like, I was like, no way. I had it in my mind what Arkansas was, and I was just like, no way. And, you know, this is just a, a story and trust, because I trusted in this. Vision. And when I, when I got into Arkansas, my energy shifted. And so everything started to open up. And even though at the time, you know, I knew moving to Arkansas, there wasn't a big doc community with the things that I competed in and trained in with the agility. I knew there was no hurting out here. at least not that would welcome me with all season. And that's a different story of its own. there, there just wasn't much here to, to train and, and cultivate that. And also I knew moving here as a single person with, at the time, gosh, what did I have three businesses running? Like my life was just going to be a lot, you know, I was having to readjust after being in a long term relationship and moving to a completely different part of the country. country, 18 hours away and establishing roots. It was just like, I knew I was going to have to let this part of me go for a bit, you know, and I get emotional just thinking about it because that was a huge, huge decision. You know, this was a big part of my identity I had to let go. And but I landed here and I just, the doors opened up, you know, they just did. actually the Airbnb that I stayed at, she ended up becoming one of my best friends. She's still one of my best friends, which is amazing. And, you know, when you trust, this is what happens. And sometimes, you know, I think it's glorified, in the spiritual world and the entrepreneurship world, all over the place that like you will make these changes and you'll trust your intuition. And when you do that, it's just going to be easy. It's not going to come with sacrifice. It's not going to come with. Big emotional, turmoil with a mixed bag of emotions of grieving what we have to leave behind, you know, to move into of this next phase or these new chapters that we're called to move into. And so I was being called to this big new chapter and, you know, I was also losing my best friend to lung cancer. And she was like a mother to me. She was a bit older than me. And, truly like my own, my real soul mother will say that. I mean, my biological mother had already passed away, whatever. lots of turmoil there. We're healed in spirit. She's in spirit. We've got a great relationship there, but, you know, Let's just say that this woman, Martha was my soul mother, and this diagnosis came on very quick. So not only did I make the decision to end a relationship that wasn't not bringing me, it was not aligning with the values that I had for the depth of connection that I wanted in this lifetime. this man was never going to marry me. he was not interested in building a life with me. I was still basically going to be an independent woman inside the dynamic, creating her own legacy. And that is just not what I wanted. It felt very unfulfilling. I didn't feel seen. And so, you know, it wasn't that the relationship was horrible. There was a lot of passion, but I had to make the decision because I knew overall, if I didn't. Parts of my soul would die in that relationship, parts of me, my heart, my, my devotion would die and slowly fade in that relationship. And so, you know, that's how it went. And, and, you know, finding out this, this diagnosis with my friend, Martha, and knowing this, this was just so much change happening for me. You know, Martha lived in a different, different state altogether. And so when I got here to Northwest Arkansas, my business with what is currently radiant vibes, was doing really well. I was, I was making a pretty good amount of income, but I was also being highly supported by a dog grooming salon that I had, that I ran multiple businesses off and that dog salon. worked really hard for years to get it sustainable, to get it, to basically sustain itself so that I did not have to work in that business because I truly, I was a brilliant groomer, but I didn't love it. It was in my heart's devotion. But I spent two and a half decades building that business that cost me 12, 000 and ended up having a complete net, like total net of over 400, 000 a year. And so not all of that came to me. Right. I had employees that I generously paid. They all made six figures. And if you know anything about the grooming industry, that is like nearly impossible to find. But I really am a person that prides herself on, I believe nobody in this world should ever make less than that truthfully, because it's really hard to do that. So I wanted that business to be what it was so that I could generously pay the people that worked for me. Also knowing that they were sustaining this business while I was, you know, moving, I, yes, I was still involved, but not in the day to day, you know? And so I, I built it to that. And that business held in the background for over four years while I built radiant vibes. And that was a lot of work. And I don't think that people Really share these things like the reality. It's not just like, Oh, I have this dream. I have this vision. I'm going to go out and create this business. And magically I'm going to quant leap in a year to create, you know, 300, 000 or multiple seven figures. It just does not work like that. Maybe for some people it does, I have seen some certain astrological charts that are just wired a certain way and they go out and they do it and they aim and they go. And typically these are people that don't have a lot of karmic baggage, a lot of things that they, they're here to work through in this lifetime, we'll call that life experience, the mother, one, the father wound, the sister wound, the witch wound, all the other BS that may be a lot of us. If you're listening to this, if you're here in my world, you probably relate to this, there's, there's a lot of karmic wounding that some of us. Do have to move through and a lot of emotional baggage. And we didn't come here with the easiest experience. So it's a little harder to shift these, you know, limiting beliefs and drop into complete belief in the unknown and trust in the unknown and walk with fear because our traa and our body tells us otherwise, and so there's, there's more in our work to do some for some of us and, you know, this, this, I just think there needs to be like a reality check on like what Yes, anything is possible. And I truly do believe that because of the things that I've moved through. But also this does come with a bit of effort. Nothing brilliant is ever created without. Being brave, getting down and dirty and doing the things that you may not want to do for a bit to get something sustainable to support you and where you want to go. Whether that is like a big change in a relationship or a business, whatever it is, it's like nothing happens without getting down and dirty with it. You know, it just doesn't. And so That business was, was functioning on the side. I land in Arkansas doors just start opening up. I'm losing my best friend to cancer and having to know that I'm dropping this whole massive identity of all of the dog stuff that I did. That was just, I mean, I, y'all, I would go out every Wednesday and I would just spend time, what you just hanging out with, with the cows and my dogs and horses and. Friends and, you know, just no cell phone, just completely detaching. And it was amazing. And weekends were spent trialing and agility with my dogs and just having so much fun and bonding with them and, and showing my dogs. And, and, and we'd create these accolades together and just have these journeys together. And the depth of relationship that forms when you're doing that with an animal is like, it's just so deep, you know, and not that it doesn't get deep in other ways, but the bonding happens by doing stuff with our animals. That's really like the big bonding really happens. I truly believe that because our animals open up and they, they, they want to do stuff. It doesn't matter if you're, you have a little dog or a big dog or a horse, whatever, like. They want to explore and they've come here with their own life purpose, you know. And so, and, and I truly believe that's how like so much gets expanded when we're connecting with that. So I had to leave this behind knowing that that wasn't opening up here in Arkansas. But what happened is when I trusted this, all of this, I, I grieved a lot. I moved through a lot. I, I bought my first house. It was actually August 10th, four years ago on my own. And I'm just sharing like real details here. I had saved up enough money. I had an investment with that other relationship that I was leaving that came through and I had saved up enough money. And as an entrepreneur, if you know this, you cannot get a house without having a pretty big down payment. it just doesn't happen. So I had 50 grand. I put it down in this house. I got the offer. It was between two other people and I actually got it and was like, Oh my God, I can't believe it. You know? I searched high and low for this house. It had to have a flat outside. It had to have lighting and windows and be in the hills. And it was a beautiful area, a little bit more secluded, which I needed. I wanted to heal. You know, I wanted that seclusion to heal. And so after that, I drove up to Minnesota, nine hours North of here, visited my friend who was dying. And well, we didn't know she was dying at that point. We thought she had a little bit more time. but I got up there and I spent the week with her. It was a beautiful week. Cause it was a good week for her. It was a good, good week for her. She was so excited for me. I mean, I'll get a little emotional. She was just so excited that I was leaving the relationship. Cause while she thought he was a good person, she knew he wasn't the person for me that I bought this house that I worked so hard, you know, all of the things, and, you know, she really just saw me like a mother would. And so. I left there and I came back home and the day that I got back home, I got a call that she really went downhill and, was just really struggling, find out two days later, nothing else to do. She calls me and she says, Ray, I'm dying. It's just a matter of time. I don't know when, but I'm dying. So this really postponed the move. Right. I couldn't move with this happening because I was going to have to fly back and forth to Minnesota. I needed the help of my ex to watch the dogs while I was going out there saying my goodbyes, doing things. And so, you know, again, like I just wanted to get out. I wanted to leave. I wanted to build my own life. I just bought this house. I didn't want to have to live with my ex for like two and a half months. We just, we already had to live through COVID while being broken up, we broke up one week before COVID. So then this was in March. We're fast forwarding all the way to August. Now I just wanted to get out. I wanted to break free. I found my home. I was ready. I was just so excited. So ready and here, this, this was happening and we thought she had another year and she, she just didn't, she was ready. And so I had to rely on him. I was flying out there. It was so hard, you know, all of this change, all of it, it was so, so hard, but I will tell you what happened because I still was moving through everything and trusting the process and moving through all of this, my business, actually tripled an income within three months. Three months, literally three months. And while I was ending this relationship, while I was moving across the country with the biggest move I've ever made in my life, while I was losing my best friend to cancer, while I couldn't even move to my house that I bought, I had to still live with the ex moving through all of that. It was insane, you know? And so, but this still happened, right? It all still happened. And so. This is how we have to really trust and also remember I'm leaving this identity, this identity behind with my dogs, right? This is massive. And so, you know, go up with Martha. I'm out there. I get to spend some time, say goodbyes. And I come back in between. And she passed, she passed in that time. So from that moment, the moment that she passed, it was within two weeks. I had the moving truck out, got the truck, got everything loaded, was selling all my crap, you know, just unloading anything that just didn't belong to me. Nothing that I wanted to bring. And then got my car, drove all four dogs and me out there, had the moving stuff delivered to my house. So this was two months after I bought the house, almost two months. It was October 3rd of 2020. Okay. So I got my car in June, drove to find place, you know, and then didn't find the house till August. Or sorry, found the house July 10th, closed on the house August 10th, but I found the house July, and then it was not until October 2nd and 3rd that I drove out here of 2020. That's a lot of time, a lot of what ifs. A lot of trust in the unknown. A lot of how in the fuck is this ever going to work? Am I making the biggest mistake of my life? A lot of being in my car, driving and exploring these places until I found Northwest Arkansas, my home, until I found that. A lot of what am I doing? I'm making a mistake. I can't tell you how many times I called my friend who was dying, Martha, my sister, I mean, even my ex, you know, saying I've made a mistake. I've made a mistake. And they just kept saying, no, you trust, you know, this, this is for you. This is for you. And, and I just kept trusting in it and trusting in it and trusting in it. And those doors opened and they opened and it was really, and you know, the first three months living here was like, hell, it was awful. Like, honestly, I thought it was going to be all liberating. Things were falling through. Electronical things were breaking. my, my washer and dryer kept rupturing. I just was like, nothing was working. My vacu was breaking. I'm like, this is, I had this massive reaction to the ecology out here. I don't even have allergies, but it was having this reaction. I couldn't speak. Like it was crazy. I wasn't sleeping. I mean, I had no furniture in my house. Like this is real life, you guys like change and shifting identities and, and leaving relationships and trusting what you have to do. It does not come without a lot of this other stuff. And it's not that I want to stop. I don't want to scare anybody from like making the changes that you know that you need to make. But what I want to say is just know, like, it's not going to be all rosy peachy as you move through it. Sure, there are moments of liberation and clarity, but so much of it is just trusting in the unknown and, and walking with fear, truly walking with fear and walking with the notion that. It's going to be fucking uncomfortable. It's just going to be, and you will grieve parts of yourself that you never thought existed that you never thought like grief would happen in those ways. We only think that grief happens when we lose a loved one and that's not it. We grieve over identities that we've had to. Push aside. We grieve over identities that we have said, I'm no longer that person anymore. I'm not that relationship anymore. We grieve over things we've had to give up. I had to leave, you know, In my first marriage, I've only been, this is my second marriage, but my first marriage, when I ended that relationship, I had to leave three cats behind, I had to leave one of my dogs behind, because we had this family together of animals, you know, that was heartbreaking for me. Within six months, my first cat died, and I was so hoping that she would come with me. She died mysterious, I think it was a blood clot. you know, two years later, another cat passed and another cat passed, but they were too old for me to take with me anywhere. And I was having to make big sacrifices in the places that I lived to make this happen until I found permanent residency. Again, like that was so hard. It was so hard for me to grieve those losses and to know I had to move into a friend's basement, you know, that was one bedroom. With four dogs and make this work right but it was a temporary thing and I knew that I knew it was all temporary and I knew I knew that that was a decision that I had to make and sometimes like we just that's the way that it is. It's like people get into this. We think oh, we're going to have this aha moment. I'm I'm I'm a healer. I'm a Spiritual guide. I'm here. I'm going to like, go have this entrepreneurship journey and it's going to be so liberating. I just got to put it out there to the universe. And then all of a sudden I'm going to have clients buying. And it's like, no, no, you got to get down and dirty. You got to learn, like go to college for business essentially. And you're going to learn, you got to learn how to, I mean, and my God, like the entrepreneurship or making big decisions when you're ending relationships and moving across country and losing loved ones and like letting parts of your identity fade and die. Like. You're going to have to learn who you are then. And then there's just this whole trust. You have to detach from anything outside of you and like, get into it. You got to get into the mixed and redefine all of this. And it does not come without going through process in between. But I will tell you the other side is where the reward is. And these, these pieces in between that, that we move through, they're beautiful initiations. For us to really return to ourselves. And I truly don't believe that anything that we've left behind that was a part of our soul. So, is it doesn't, it will come back to you if it's a part of your soul. It will. And why I believe this is because it's happened to me time and time again, there are sacrifices I've had to make to make these big changes, you know, to decide that I was going to do radiant vibes. The sacrifice that I had to make to get the grooming salon up and running when I did not want to be there a single day. And I had to get there every single day. I had to put my heart and soul into mentoring girls for years to, to run it the way that I did. And it was a lot of turnover because like, A lot of people, they just, when you're working in the realm of brick and mortar and employees, they don't treat the business like your business, you know? And then not only that, I had to deal with some backlash even that when I sold that business, I had to deal with some things around that, which I'll go into a share another story like, you know, and I could have let all of these things. Sit there and say, well, that's just too hard, but my vision, my devotion to my vision of the life that I wanted that divine counterpart, that person that I knew existed. And I knew he existed in the place that I was going to move to. I knew it. I knew he was going to exist here in Northwest Arkansas and I would meet him at some point. But I wasn't attached to when I didn't know when I would meet him. I just knew he was here. I just felt it. I felt that pull, right. I trusted that, you know, I knew eventually like that, all the hard work that I did at the grooming salon would amount to something, you know, I knew it would bring me into the vision of radiant vibes and to what I wanted to create. It would be there. It would, it would come out. I was so excited. So devoted to that vision of that relationship of the life that I wanted, the experience that I wanted, the business, the impact that I wanted within the business. I was so committed to that, that I was willing to do anything it took without sacrificing my, my morals, my ethics, and my values. And in the interim, I was determined that I was going to impact so many people in the process. And if I wasn't doing that, it wasn't worth it. None of it was worth it. So as I moved through it, as long as it was doing those things, I kept moving forward in it. If it wasn't doing those things, I let it go. It was just like, it's not for me. You know, it's not for them. It's not what's best for everybody. Right. And so. I made the move out here and things did open up and a lot of things happened within two years that it just can't even divulge in one episode here, but you know, let's just fast forward in June this year, I did get married. I met my soulmate two years ago, in April of 2022, and we did get married and there was a lot of change in that time. Get married at this age. I mean, he's 52 I'm 46. We have a whole life that we had to blend in lots of things. And that was a lot to move through as I stepped into this other identity, you see, and a lot of things I had to like, let go of me and in supporting a marriage like that and supporting this connection. But I also knew that was part of my vision. You know, it was, it was all going to impact my total vision. And which was the relationship, which was, is the business and having that solid foundation for what I'm here to do and create in this lifetime. And so, you know, yes, I lost my friend and yes, I moved and I grieved a lot of things, and then I just feel like. In this mercury retrograde, what has happened and what I'm noticing is people are getting to reclaim parts of their identities that they've had to leave behind. I went to my first dog show in three years this weekend. I pulled up to the site. And I was reminded that this is the site that I met my best friend, my soul mother, Martha at 16 years ago, I welled up with tears and probably going to now, it was like, holy cow. And I just felt her energy was behind it. I was just like, I can't believe I'm here. I thought I was going to have to give up on this dream. That was such a big part of me. I mean, I was doing this all the time, you know, maybe at times a little unhealthily obsessive, you know, but it was such a big part of me. And I pulled up and I was like, I'm doing it. I'm doing it now with two new dogs, you know, getting to spend this time and bonding. I reconnected with so many people of my past. This is what I think retrograde seasons can be so powerful. So amazing at, at reconnecting from energies of our past that really lifted us up, that really propelled us forward, that really were like on our path of alignment. And we get to pull that in and bring it back into our identity. And this one in particular is so powerful for that. And it just became so clear. I'm like, I'm just so excited to be back in this. I have a different perspective around all of it. I have such a deep connection with the animals through the other realm of my business, which is animal communication. So if you're not following me at the animal dot, the animal Oracle, it's, you can find me there. I share a lot about animal communication there. And, I haven't been because life was lifing and I had to mix different identities and let go as I moved into this other level of business and with my marriage and now that side of it is starting to open back up and come back in again. I'm getting that clarity and this retrograde season and this is what happens you guys when you trust. And you do the difficult things and the challenging things. It doesn't, and you just trust it's so hard. People think it's so hard to trust in the unknown, but what this comes down to is trusting in your inner compass is always guiding and directing you and moving you. And if you don't know how to do that, then I suggest you work with somebody that can help you do that because that will be the best investment you could ever make in your life. Literally hands down. I've been told within an hour, within one hour sessions with me, that what they got out of that was better than 12, 20 years of therapy. Literally the activation, the shift and changes. I have been told after 90 minutes of sessions that people have gone out. They write me six months later and they say, I just found my soulmate. I have to tell you this, like within a week of, of your session. Yes, it was about business, but I also realized through that session that there were other desires I was denying. And I met my soulmate like one week later, you know? And so there's a beautiful thing about when we do trust. In what needs to be done. And sometimes it's not always what we think, like we're so attached to like the, the business or that perfect relationship that we don't, we're neglecting all the parts in between that we have to move through that create that resiliency, that create capacity, that create leadership, that create strength, that really get us into where we have to go. And sometimes that does come with sacrifice. But the beautiful thing is if it's for your soul, if it's for your heart and soul, it will come back to you just like this is done with me. And even with Martha, you know, she left my world, way too young, you know, way too young. And again, another lesson in trust one year after she left this world and here I am in Arkansas. I found out it was a one eighth beneficiary, she didn't have any kids and she left her entire trust to eight hans who she deeply loved. And I was one of the top two beneficiaries on that. And I had no fricking clue, no clue at all, no clue at all. And even when I met my now partner, you know, when I met him within two months, I found out my dad was dying. So my dad was in ICU dying for the first six months of our relationship. He saw me at my worst. And as my dad was leaving this world, here is this man who literally saw me at one of my worst moments, you know, and supported me through that. And we're married. So nothing comes with just like, It's just like, I think there's just this idea and this retrograde season and what's happening. We have this Mercury conjunct the sun, this Kazemi happening where we're getting this clarity and these ideas and these aha moments. And, and I just want you guys to use this energy and trust it so deeply because what's happening now is you're getting these aha moments. And sometimes it's going to feel really scary, like scary as fuck. And you're going to be like, I don't know if I can do that. I really don't know. I just don't know if I can do it. Handle all that. If I can even like, I don't even know what's on the other side of that. Like, how am I going to do that? Some of you guys know you need to end relationships that are not fulfilling you. Some of, you know, that you've been sitting on this, this business idea or this business venture or playing it small in your current business, or, you know, maybe you're like at that multiple six figure mark or seven figure mark. And you know that you need to pivot and turn things around, or you're denying that, like, Truly, you want to show up as a spiritual badass and leader and, and, and shift the way that you've even been speaking, but that feels so scary of like coming out of that spiritual closet and saying, this is who I am, you know, it's like, how, how is that going to happen? Like, listen, you guys, you're going to get the clarity here. You will, you'll get the clarity, but that's not going to come without the clarity is going to require you to take action, aligned action. And that aligned action is not always going to come without difficult choice and. Sometimes sacrifice. It doesn't always, but I'm just here to tell you, like I haven't built anything great without some sacrifice in between. And every time I've done it, every time I've done this, it's always been amazing for me to witness the amount of cap capacity that I hold. And taking you into this day now, I also have a rental business that I never thought I always dreamed of having one and I have it. I have two current properties that I've bought since I've been in Arkansas and I'm hoping to add a third one by the end of this year. And my goal is by the time that I'm 50, I would love to have 10 different properties bringing in some passive flow and real estate. And that's going to come every time I buy a property, it's going to come with some effort. It's going to come with some things and some risk. And I'm not going to be sure, but like, I'm going to trust the nudge and I'm going to go in because the first one I brought, bought was a bit of a mess. I had to learn a lot of lessons in that. It was really didn't bring in much revenue for the first year because there was just so many ways that I tried to do it. Airbnb short term midterm, you know, long term I'm now like a little bit of midterm long term deal. And that could change in any given time. And now it's bringing in revenue. But it was a little messy at first and I was losing money on it, you know, in the interim, but I also knew I was going to make it work. So these are just ways, if you want, if you are the person that really aspires to have more in your life, to lean into your bigger vision and this Aquarius full moon, this big vision, the Aquarius energy. It's so beautiful leaning into that big, big vision, it's also really good at discerning what is for us and what is not for us. And Aquarius energy in its highest octave is really good at walking away from things. that deplete its vital energies that deplete its source energies that deplete its like almost self concept is what I want to say. So using this energy to know, like you might be shown things that are happening around you that, I I'm not available for that anymore. And you might have to close the door,? And This is a really good time to exert that because this Aquarius full moon will give you the power to tap into that. Because if you have to close the door, just know it's for your biggest vision. It's for that soul knowing vision. It's for that to come through. And, and if you're like sitting there going like, I just don't know if I can do the hard thing. Trust me, you can, and this is giving you the energy. We're coming into a season here over the next few months where it's going to be, get up and go. It's a, get it season. It's a, get it done season, this energy all the way through when we start coming into eclipse energies. And, you know, I'm not going to speak to every single transit, cause that's not what I do. That's not what I'm here. I'm just being told by, you know, my channel. My, my spirit team, whoever comes through for me, whatever, speaking to me through this whole thing, you know, to share, to speak is literally coming through. And it's saying like, we are in a season we're coming into, it's going to be a, get it done. It's going to be a get up and go. So whatever big change you've been sitting on for the last few years, you know, last six months, last month, maybe it's last week. You know, maybe you're a quick mover. You're just like, I'm ready. I'm freaking ready. I have the clarity. So let's go. Just know like, this is the season to bring that. You're going to get that clarity. And then if you get that clarity and you act on that clarity, the universe can say, thank you for having clarity because now I can open up the doors for you. Just like when I had the clarity to move here. The doors opened for me because I had the clarity to move. It was done. It was sealed in the sound. It was done. It was like, I'm moving here. This is what's happened. You know, it was just like, thank fucking God I can give to you. You've made the decision to end that relationship. You've made the decision to move across the country. You've made the decision to do all the hard work with your last business. And there were things I had to give up. There were things I had to let go massive amounts of control. Like I'm a Capricorn moon. I had lots of things. I had to let go of and, and release and surrender to lots. And that was not easy for me, but I did it because I was so, so convicted to my bigger vision. And the more that I continue to act on that, my vision expands, it gets bigger. It just grows and grows and grows. And the vision isn't just business, the vision is like, Oh my God, what is my relationship going to look like in a year from now with my husband, Ryan and I, you know, what is going to happen now that I am able to tap back into this identity that I leave behind. In this dog community, in this dog world, like what is the potential, you know, like what's going to happen now? It feels exciting for me. And this is where we get to start to trust. It's like, once we make that, it's like, yeah, it might be hard. Things might be hard. And we have seasons of that. Right. But it's like, it's a beautiful thing when we move through the hard and we realize how fucking strong we are, how much capacity we have. How resilient we are. Like it is a beautiful thing to see that you are an amazing leader when you lead yourself through these, or if you don't like, if you need help, you get the help, right? So I just want to share that if this piques your interest, I have an upcoming masterclass. I have not decided on the date because I haven't gotten the clarity yet. I suspect. getting it in the next two days of the when, but it's going to be in September. I do know that, you know, probably mid to end September. It's a, it's a masterclass called the catalyst. And this was a part of my identity that I really wasn't claiming. Okay. And, I'm just pulling up the page here because it's, it was, At first I thought it was going to be about fearless self expression. And again, when you just lean into something and you trust, then it came down to, it's a masterclass for the woman who desires spiritual wealth embodiment and wealth to me is not just about money. Wealth to me is about every energy in your life that creates impact that brings in and flourishes you and nourishes you. And also it's like your ability to move through these big changes. And my desire for this masterclass and this, that came through with the soul of my business and tapped into this mission, like nothing comes through for me just because I'm like creating it. I'm like, what, you want me to create a masterclass called the catalyst? And it's about, you know, Women who desire spiritual wealth embodiment and to know what that is and what that feels like. And, and I'm going to be talking about what I went through last year, which was the biggest dark night of the soul that I've been through. You know, I've already been through all these changes that I shared with you. Years ago. And this one is going to be the raw, completely uncut version of what my true dark night of the soul. When I decided I was pivoting my business in early 2023 is when I decided this. And then what continued to unveil from the time that my father died, through my and Ryan's depth of relationship, the evolution of that, what we had to move through, the identity shifts I had to create, the belief codes I had to drop, the freaking things I had to pull in, the people I had to let go. You know, the stories and also, you know, where that ended me, like where that ended me, which was come full throttle to this July, which ended up being catalyzing all of this catalyzing. I lost a lot of money in this process. Like my income was dropped in half. There was a lot of things that happened that were scary as fuck. Okay. A lot of outsourcing of my energy, a lot of things that I had to push out there to create this. And then fast forward to July, which ended up being my highest income month ever. Ever. And this isn't to push about income. This masterclass isn't about like here, make your fucking million dollar month or a hundred K month. It's not about that. It's literally about coming in to your own spiritual wealth embodiment and what that looks like for you. And maybe I feel like with this, you know, in, in essence of this Aquarius, like full moon energy of like, you know, where we're not being authentic to ourselves. Which also means when we're authentic to ourselves, we do the things that we know that we need to do, despite how hard it might feel or what we'll go through. And that's true authenticity. That's true authenticity. And so anyways, the catalyst. I have the link in my bio already. It's 77. And the reason why is 77 to me is the nber of strength and resilience. It is truly that. And that is what this masterclass will share. It is going to be deep is going to be completely raw. I'm not hiding anything. This is like no gatekeeping here. I don't believe in that completely authentic truth of everything that I went through to catalyze into that product. Point. And my hope is that it will catalyze you into the transformation and the change that, you know, that you are here, that you know, that you need to make, and it's going, you're going to get that clarity. You're going to get more of that with this current energy right now. And I just can't wait to share it. So I love this. I love coming on and talking about things like this. I love you guys. Thanks for hanging in there to the end of this and feel free to shoot me a DM of anything that really landed for you through this of anything that you might be experiencing with this current energy of like clarity that you're getting the aha moments that you're receiving because we're in it. We're in a really beautiful portal, but it's not going to come without some sacrifice without some letting go. It's just not. And sometimes I hate to break it to you. That's just like good things just don't happen like that. We have to like, be willing to step into the unknown of what is there to catalyze into our true soul frequency and pull that in. So, all right, you guys love you. Hey, untamed listeners, I am so appreciative that you took time out of your day to spend with me. I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as I did, and I would love your support for this podcast. I would be so appreciative of a positive review. This helps promote the podcast. and push up the algorithm. So more people can find me as a special thanks. When you leave a review, take a screenshot of the review and send it to me to at Ray radiant vibes on Instagram. I will send you a 20 percent coupon code that is good for any single session or a 200 discount for my clarify and embody mentorship containers. Yep, that's right. You heard it right here. Thank you so much for being a part of my world and I'll see you next time