The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
Pluto in Aquarius: Energies and Themes
I'm so excited about this transmission today of Pluto and Aquarius! I feel like my soul has been waiting for this final departure of Pluto out of Capricorn—moving into this Aquarian energy.
We have been dancing collectively between Pluto in Capricorn and Pluto in Aquarius since March of 2023.
And now, as of November 19th, Pluto has finally moved into the sign of Aquarius!
There is truly great power in Pluto transits because what it does is it pushes you to rise into your power. To be a leader in your own life. To have energetic sovereignty.
It gives us this ability to hold life's capacity for the darkness that happens, the loss, the grief.
When Pluto touches a planet, it asks us to give up—to release—whatever we thought was giving us power outside of ourselves.
That can be incredibly uncomfortable because it challenges us to harness the power from within rather than from external sources.
This feels like such an incredibly potent time. We’re in the old paradigm and the new paradigm is upon us—and it’s going to move quick. Buckle up!
Pluto in Aquarius is going to help catalyze each of us into becoming our own sovereign leaders and innovators in our lives.
In this episode, you’ll:
» Learn the medicine of the Leo-Aquarius axis.
» Uncover the energetics and themes of Pluto and Aquarius.
» Discover what Pluto reveals about money, success, and worthiness.
» Uncomfortable experiences and opportunities Pluto brings
» How Pluto supports our energetic sovereignty
» The energetics and themes of Aquarius
» Who will feel this Pluto transit in Aquarius the most
» The shadow side of Aquarius
To see where and how this Pluto in Aquarius transit will be impacting you, start here:
And for more personalized guidance, book an Astro REcoding Session.
Additional Resources:
The Catalyst
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IG: @raechelleembrey
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This is the space to recalibrate, align, and expand, and I can't wait for you to step in and start this journey with me.
Hello, beautiful people here. We have so much happening in the collective right now. So many big transients astrologically, so much big energy that we're all moving through. This is a transmission that I shared inside of my community called the temple and the temple has truly just been my birth of like this beautiful community that I have cultivated that the women inside are just really here supporting each other through all of the many facets of life together and I share astrological downloads that are intuitively channeled and Every single week, usually one to two times a week.
And inside this community, there's so much that you get and receive
as far as support. I feel like this is the one thing that really sets this community apart from so many other. We'll call them memberships because essentially it's sort of a membership community, although it truly is a connective community. It's so much more than a membership. And I feel like this is the one thing that sets the temple apart is that there is a lot of Personal proximity.
I always have everybody inside the temple, their astrological charts up. So when people ask questions inside of the community, I can reference their chart and see what's alive and active for them personally. And I always, always tune into their energy field and intuitively download what needs to come through for them.
So we have every month group calls,, that you get to actually get personalized guidance on everything. Any topic you want. So whether that's business, whether that's love relationships, maybe it's worthiness. Maybe it's just like, what the heck is going on with me? I'm just feeling a certain way in my, in my life.
And I don't understand why this is the type of guidance that you can receive inside here. I also do monthly soul activations, which are energy. Clearing healings, frequency activations that awaken the dormant parts of your soul. They clear emotional and energetic imprints, dissolve limiting beliefs so that you can elevate your frequency and call.
And, and the beauty about this is it's not just clearing out the old. It's actually guiding you into alignment with your higher consciousness for your next level. So you can become an energetic match for those desires. You truly, those soul desires, you truly want to call in. So along with that, there's intuitive guidance, astrological insights, energetic transmissions also as an annual member, get all my masterclasses for free. They are included in the membership. And every month I do a live Q and a, this is, Unbeatable. Like this is thousands of dollars worth of insight, of guidance, of bonuses. And upon joining you'll get access to several different courses, , including the journey for animal communication.
Liberate, which is about Black Moon Lilith, Persephone, and Hecate, the Dark Femme, Reclamation, Energy Healing with Your Animals, and what I love about this community is like, naturally, everybody that comes into my world is so attracted to animals,, and really, the animals, I feel like, pull the people to me, and so, we're all in there supporting each other, one of the girls lost one of her animals, This last week.
And so we've been just holding that intention with her and for her animal, for just a peaceful transition into spirit. And this is what I love about it is it's such a beautiful connection. If you are interested, you can drop in. In below and there is a link included so you could read more about the temple.
Send me an email if you have questions. If you want to hop on a call and just learn more about it and just understand, is this for me? And also if you leave a review, you can get a 50 credit to your first month on the temple. You can join monthly at 2. 20 to a month, or if you become an annual member, which is really where all the exclusive bonuses, Are where you get discount sessions with me, exclusive discounts on my courses, free access to all live masterclasses throughout the year.
That really is where the juice and the nuggets are as an annual member. That's only one 86 a month. Get in touch if this is of interest to you, if this feels online for you, I'm just super excited. I feel like in this. Donning of Pluto and Aquarius. This is where community is so important. And so many of us have felt sort of lost.
It's like, where is my community? Where's my tribe? Where are my people? This is a place where you find your people. This is a place where true connection is really held and met. So I invite you in, I call you in and reach out if you have any questions.
Enjoy this beautiful transmission on Pluto and Aquarius. It is powerful and potent and channeled deeply from my soul and my heart just for you.
Hello and welcome. I'm so excited about this transmission today of Pluto and Aquarius. I feel like my soul has been waiting for this final departure of Pluto out of Copper Corn moving into this Aquarian energy for quite a while. And we have been dancing in the collective between Pluto and Capricorn and Pluto and Aquarius for quite some time since March of 2023 to be exact.
And now Pluto has finally on November 19th moved into the sign of Aquarius where it will be until 2043. So it's going to be there for a very long time. And if you want to know where it is, Where in your chart, you will be specifically activated by Pluto and Aquarius right now. Pluto is at zero degrees of Aquarius.
The very beginning degrees of, of every sign is zero degrees. And it's sitting there at zero degrees of Aquarius right now. So go to either astro. com or. Astro seek, uh, com and pull up your chart for free and take a look and see where zero degrees of Aquarius is. This is the energy that you will be working with.
The house that Aquarius is in, in your chart is holding the frequencies and holding the energies that you personally will be working with, with this. Powerful, magnetic, , just transformative planet of plutonium energies for these next I don't know, 20 years or so. , so let's get to it because I want to talk about Pluto is really one of my most favorite planets to work with.
And I don't know if it's just because I have Pluto on my ascendant. So I'm very familiar with Plutonian energy in my life. It is right on my rising conjunct within just a few degrees in my first house. So it is a part of my identity, essentially, it is a part of who I am. And it really is this planet that comes in and it's very much spoken about about death and rebirth and transformation and going to the depths of the psyche.
, and really finding the shadows in every which way. So Pluto will expose the shadow and it will basically like whatever is in the shadow that needs Is decayed. That is sort of like dead. That needs to die off. It's like Pluto gives us this ability to go into that depth, into the underworld, into the trenches of our unconscious, of our deepest psyche, and be able to reveal what is blocking us from really standing in our true power.
And so, you can imagine as I say that, that sounds all exhilarating, but let's think about what happens when we have to go into the depths of our unconscious. When we have to face our own shadows, we're going to face things like that. We don't really want. To necessarily always face. And if you're not somebody that is really comfortable with shadow work, that's not comfortable with seeing things in your own personal identity that aren't in alignment with you, that might not be of integrity, that might not be, , In alignment with your, your soul values, with your spiritual values and of the person that you are, you probably are going to really like your Pluto energy.
It's going to feel really dismantling and really uncomfortable because what happens is when Pluto comes into our world, it does strip away anything that is basically that we are tying our sense of worth, value, power, , the way that we lead ourselves through the world. It will basically strip away anything that we are tying all of these things externally to us.
And it, and it says, That's not really where power comes from. Power comes from within. And so this could look like sometimes stripping away relationships. This could look like losing loved ones. Unfortunately, um, it is the, the planet that holds the death cycle. Um, And so this could look like death of identities, uh, death and endings of relationships.
Um, when I have been in my personal Pluto conjunct my natal mercury, which means that Pluto has been conjunct my natal mercury, which is at zero degrees of Aquarius. And so I personally have been experiencing this quite intensely because, um, Where my natal mercury is in my chart is in the fifth house, which is all about self expression and freedom and expression and being authentically seen as myself and being able to show up as myself inside my personal relationships, inside my business.
And of course I have a strong sense of authenticity and myself. So many of you might look at me and go, That's not the case, but there, I couldn't even see you as hiding, you know, you've always been out there and, and speaking your truth, which this is true, but then there were parts of myself that I was tying my sense of success externally.
, for example, thinking that I needed to collaborate with other people in order to be successful. , thinking that I could only like that my, that my value was. Based highly on the number in my bank account or the number of clients that I had or the number of likes that I had on a post and really giving my power away to these external things around visibility.
When truly the, the, what, what Pluto was asking me to do is go within and see my own power, see who I really was outside of all of these things. So in essence, Pluto came through and, and as it was in this mercury coming in and out of my natal mercury. And over this last, since March, 2023, I have had a lot of endings of, of relationships of friendships, um, that were purged that ended, uh, there was a lot, uh, Pluto will show a lot of hidden, hidden things, hidden patterns, hidden truths about people.
So there was a lot of revelations of people who I really trusted, who I thought were really on my side. And all of a sudden I was seeing. That they weren't, you know, I was being, it was, it was as if things about them were being revealed to me of like, Whoa, this person actually does not have your back. Or this person is really projecting on you.
Or it was showing me, I actually had a couple really, , art experiences where I had to face somebody. You know, basically on social media blasting me and, and, and saying some pretty negative, nasty things about me that were just not true. And so I had to face that. And so these things, like, it was very uncomfortable, but again, it's like, I could have gone into, This deep sense of victimhood, which can often happen with Pluto transits.
If they're, if Pluto is hitting a personal planet of yours or any other planet, really in your chart, but if Pluto is hitting those, it can often bring these uncomfortable experiences. Like somebody blasting you on social media, it can be very easy to fall into victimhood. I can feel helpless, especially if you're in a plutonium cycle where you've had a lot of loss, you know, um, and experience that it can feel really, really hard and challenging.
And so it can easily bring us easily into a sense of victimhood or a sense of helplessness. Um, and some people just really fall fragile during some harsher planetary Aspects to Pluto and the transits, or if they have that in their natal chart, but there is really, truly great power in this because what Pluto does is it says, no, I want you to rise in your power.
I want you to be a leader in your own life. I want you to have energetic sovereignty. I want you to see how beautiful, how amazing you are in even the most darkest of times, you know, and it, it really does give us this ability to. I'm going to say hold life's capacity for the darkness that happens. So it's in essence, like for all of the, like the things that we, the traumas, the tragedies, um, the things that we might experience in some deeper, uh, plutonium.
Aspects or transits, it's, it's almost like the power in this is to reveal to us the capacity of which we have to hold love to hold the most deepest, profound amount of love for oneself, no matter what has been handed or dealt to us. And I know that might sound sort of cliche. It's like, Oh, whatever. But that truly is what it is.
And Pluto will ultimately bring us to this space where it will crack us wide open to feel right. And so it wants us to feel the depth of our emotions, to understand the human experience and the emotional spectrum. In such a broad range so that we can walk out of these harder times and, and become more emotionally intelligent and have emotional capacity.
And by when I say emotional capacity, it doesn't mean that we don't have emotions. It means that we Hold more without feeling fragile, without feeling that will crumble. And that creates a strong sense of leadership of self led energetic sovereignty. And I think one of the beautiful things about Pluto is it really does show us where we are in our energy.
Are we latched onto other people and holding onto toxic patterns, toxic relationships, toxic addictions, you know, that we think are actually keeping us safe or that are numbing us from experiencing what we're meant at a soul level to experience in our evolution. And Pluto will, will really. Like, I'm going to say, bring those to the surface.
It's like, you can't not see it anymore. If, if you have this really hitting a planet and, or aspecting a planet or transiting a planet, it's like, it will bring it up to its fullest expression that you just can't see. You, you can't ignore it anymore. Let's say that it's like, it's coming up because it's here to help you.
Right. It obviously doesn't want you to stay in the toxic relationship, nor do you, or your soul. Right. But so it might create a certain circumstance or scenario in essence that That relationship could end, or perhaps that addiction comes up to the surface and it comes to a culmination where maybe there's a health crisis or something like that, that says, okay, it's time to quit this.
It's time to end this because this is not for, it's not helping you and your energy. It's not bringing you energetic sovereignty, which is basically it's not helping you. Where you, when we have energetic sovereignty, we are not dependent on anything outside of us for our sense of safety or sense of wellbeing, our sense of power, our sense of trueness.
And when I think about those of you in my world that are entrepreneurs, this also means like your sense of success, you know, your sense of satisfaction in life, right. And it's an especially success. I also love Pluto and the sense of money and energetics and money, because I actually feel like it is so powerful because when we're, especially in like career business, when we're in our shadow, when we're dependent on things outside of us to validate our sense of worthiness, or our sense of success and what that looks like to us, or we're doing things out of Integrity and maybe perhaps using manipulative tactics or when we're like really dependent on our clients giving us constant feedback or validating their experience to us, again, we're dependent on them.
It's like we show up because we're hearing I did good. I was enough. And so I can then keep going. And so what happens when nobody says that to you? Can you keep going? Do you still feel enough? Do you feel that innate worthiness inside, you know, and then also like manipulation is a really shadowy frequency of Pluto.
And it's manipulation for control for power, for people to look at you as a leader. And so it can almost be the sneaky way of, , Thinking that you're, you're doing these things to help others when in reality, it's like doing things inside of business. This could even be relationships in order to hold control and power.
And so Pluto will reveal where there's lack of integrity. It will reveal these things to us and ultimately strip them away until you gain that sense of sovereignty within and can hold control. All of this without basically depending on anything outside of you or your own sense of value and worth and to feel safe within.
And so it really, you can see how this just packs a punch, right. And, you know, going back to my experience with Pluto conjunct my natal Mercury and dancing there for the last, you know, year and a half, you know, it really did. Strip away a lot. And for those of you that did catch the catalyst, I shared very much about this story.
And for me, this was very much around where I was tying my sense of worth externally. And also again, to where I felt I needed other people and collaborations in order to be successful. It also on a shadowy side, which I really haven't spoken about revealed to me, I think my darker desires for money. And not that I use money to You know, for control to other people, but it was my darker desires of money and a sense of like, when I have money, I feel powerful when I have money, I feel safe and money gives me power, which is just not true, right?
And money does give us freedom for sure. Power always comes from within. And so there was so much that was revealed to me for this, through this transit, and maybe at some time I'll share it personally, but for the sake of this transmission, I want to stick with Pluto and diving into now Aquarius here.
You know, the energy of Aquarius is It's at its most highest expressed frequency as that is that of belonging. It's that of connection. It's that of communication. It's that of humanitarian activism. It's committing to a cause. It is truly like, um, looking at the overall big picture. It has this beautiful ability to rise above the human emotion and see the bigger picture and not get caught in the trenches of the emotional spectrum and hold it down and weigh it down.
Right? So in the contrast, that can almost be like emotionally aloof to emotionally disconnected. So you can see if Pluto coming into Aquarius, I really get the sense that for many of us, that we're going to start to have this blend. Aquarius is to me like the most intellectual of the Zodiac. I mean, it's just got this beautiful, Broad spectrum experience to really see the world, the collective patterns, um, to tap into other layers of energy, other realms of energy, other timelines, other dimensions.
It's got this beautiful imagination, this innovation, which is why when we have these big Aquarius. Timeframes where planets are in Aquarius, we see a lot of innovation and technology. We see a lot of innovation in, um, I, I, I see it in the energetic realms and the energetic worlds. I do believe that we are going to see spirituality take a whole new threshold.
Um, and for those of you that have Mercury in Aquarius, Aquarius sun or other, um, personal placements like Venus in Aquarius. North node in Aquarius, South node in Aquarius, Aquarius rising, Aquarius on your IC, your descendant, your MC. Let's see, am I missing anything? Aquarius and Saturn, even I'm going to say Uranus and Neptune and Chiron.
If I missed anything, I hope I didn't, but I'm, I'm really in this download here. So I don't want to get too intellectual here and you're going to feel this, um, tremendously. And I, as, as a spiritual evolution, almost like this, What we know of spirituality today. We're going to look back, I feel like even one year from now and go like, holy shit, where's all this coming from?
Where are people getting this information from? Because it Aquarius is truly a channel. It's a channel for divine wisdom. It's a channel for the unseen. And it has this beautiful ability to bring new information, paradoxical information that Other people just could not tap into and it's like, here comes Aquarius and let me bring it down here.
You think about the biggest innovators and inventors in the collective, oftentimes have big Aquarius placements. And these are when technological advancements. really happen. AI since March of 2023 has boomed and it's only going to get more exponentially powerful. And it's how are we using this artificial intelligence, not to artificiate, but how can we use this to advance our own intelligence?
You know, I was at the airport coming home yesterday. I saw robots cleaning big, huge robots going down airport hallways, cleaning the floors. I saw a wheelchair going down in a straight line saying, I'm reserved for who needs this. And they just had to tap a coin. It was automatically going in a straight line.
All I could think was, holy cow, Aquarius. You know, Pluto and Aquarius and Pluto, because it is a slower moving planet. It is a collective impacting planet. It's not a personal planet, like your Mercury, your sun, your Venus, Saturn, these planets here. Um, I do believe Saturn to be a personal planet. So, you know, it really does.
affect the collective overall. So we're going to see more of this innovation in so many different ways. And in a personal way, wherever Aquarius falls in your birth chart, whatever house it falls in is where I do believe you're going to see the most innovation, the most powerful expansion in these areas.
And so Aquarius is also about expanding in communities and finding its own sort of tribe, so to say. Um, one of the biggest shadows of Aquarius energy is this feeling of not belonging. And people often don't realize this because Aquarius is so social often. Um, I have so many Aquarius friends, right? And it's like, you can look at most Aquarians and you can be like, they know so many people.
They know so many people all over the world. You know, it's really wild to me. This is a pattern. I mean, I see this in, in really strong Aquarius placements. With with nearly everybody. I can't even, I can't even think of one person that I know of that has a lot of Aquarius energy that doesn't have a huge social network, but I'm going to call it a network, right?
One of the shadows can be, it's not really community. It doesn't feel a part of any which community. It has a lot of, you know, Networking a lot of connections, a lot of friendly acquaintances, very well liked often, but does not have this true sense of, I belong here. They, Aquarius energy is very much not from earth.
You know, I don't, I always say this, like I truly, like when another Aquarian finds another Aquarian, it's like, Oh, you speak my language. Thank you. I feel at home because we are so intellectual and we have so many different ideas and often what we say. When it lands down into the ethers, it just it's farther ahead of the collective.
It doesn't always land with people around us. The beautiful thing in Pluto and Aquarius is it's going to land. And I equate this to like my business being such a transformative evolutionary. Business. It's like people that come into my world, they come in here when they are really ready to catalyze.
They're really ready to change. They're really ready to face themselves, go into the deepest transformation of their life. And often people come to me when they are in the deepest transformations of their lives, when they moved through lots of loss, you know, and they've moved through so much of the death and rebirth internally, externally, that they're really ready to transform.
Um, And to their most highest timeline. And so I typically do attract a lot of people with a lot of Plutonian energy or that are going through big Plutonian transits. And I do believe that's because I Pluto my ascendant. So it's this like, because I'm always in that process of my life, it's a never ending process.
It's a never ending process for me of death and rebirth. And so I feel like I, I know very well, the alchemical process of plutonium energy and how to transmute that. And so what's beautiful is that, you know, those of you that have been experiencing this in these, as, as it's been going back and forth into Capricorn and Pluto, as it's been in those last degrees of Capricorn, there has been a lot of.
I'm going to say loss, deep loss for many people. Um, there have been losses, you know, there's been loss of identity. There has been big revelations, loss of friendships, loss of, um, maybe revelations of what is so outdated within you habits and patterns and energies that are so outdated, so exhausted within you that it's just like, it's gotta go.
You know, um, it could have given you also a lot of power to break free from addictions because Pluto and Capricorn brings that structure. First, it's going to show the shadow and all the structure, which we've seen in the government and all the things that we've experienced of what is not working. We've all experienced that personally.
Um, Pluto and Capricorn is not the easiest because it is literally showing us the shadow of what is not working and the Foundations of what we have created our, our lives, our businesses, our money, um, you know, our homes, our relationships, all the things that showing us like where those structures were weak or false, were not true to ourselves, to what was next.
In this collective evolution. And so it's really not been an easy process for many of us as it's been, you know, in Capricorn and as it's been in that last degrees, I think we're all just feeling the tiredness of it. You know, planets get exhausted when they're at the last degrees of a sign, especially when it's a slow moving planet like Pluto, it's like they get.
Tired too, like, we're tired of this. Let's just clear it out. Let's be done. Let's move on. I'm ready. And so, you know, when, when they get to those last degrees, They really do get a lot, very exhausted. So you might've been feeling this more powerfully. If you have Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn at 28 or 29 degrees.
And then where you're going to feel this the most, those of you, as it's an Aquarius of zero degrees is Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, zero to one degrees right now. I, I really think conjunctions to me, especially with a powerful planet like Pluto. I look at a three to five degree orb, meaning if say you had, um, Aquarius at five degrees, you might already be feeling this, even though it's at zero degrees, you know?
And so, Even it's zero degrees when Pluto gets to five degrees, we still will be feeling some of that effects. If you have a Aquarius at zero degrees. Okay. Um, but look at those signs, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, all the fixed signs, you know, we'll be feeling this quite a bit. It's like a complete overhaul.
And the thing is, we can't predict what Pluto is going to do for us. We can talk about the cycles and the death and rebirth and, and all of these things that Pluto brings, but we just cannot predict what Pluto will bring because it really depends on where each of us are at in our psyche and our inward energy in our own autonomy inside.
And from there is where we can sort of know, is this going to be really hard to move through? Also different houses. Pluto's making aspects to your eighth house or in your eighth house, you might, or your 12th house, you might actually experience death, actual death, not of yourself, but of others, or sometimes of the self.
So anyways, um, you know, and when we descend to that underworld, it's like, we're really shown what works and what doesn't work. And when Pluto touches a planet, it asks for whatever, whatever. Whatever we thought was giving us power outside of ourselves, it really will ask us to give it up. And that can be incredibly uncomfortable because it strips where we tie the power to the world outside of us.
And with Aquarius, this is so much around, I feel, our sense of belonging, our uniqueness, our sacred expression. Aquarius is the opposite sign of Leo. And so if we look at what Leo is and we look to the opposites. Right. I always feel like it's really powerful to look at the opposite signs to bring in, you know, the, to sort of alchemize, you know, an archetype like Aquarius, right?
And so when you think about the Leo Aquarius access, it is authentic self expression, you know, it is, um, experiential wisdom of these energies and how to shine, how to feel at home in the heart and Leo in its highest manifestation is the king or queen who fully expresses themselves in leadership with their hearts and vulnerability and courage and creativity.
And Leo shines because it's the most natural thing in the world to be who you are. That inner child and the sun is ruled by the sun. So it gives us that light, that warmth of life. However, when most people, most of us walking in this earth have traumas, we have wounds, we have conditioning, societal conditioning, and the shadow of all of this, which hides our authenticity.
It's thinking about how many times women, you know, we have been conditioned to be the good girl, to not disrupt, to not rebel, you know, and here Aquarius is, is very rebellious. When Aquarius feels trapped, when this part of us feels trapped inside, when it gets shamed, punished, ostracized, sometimes it can overly repress and hide, or it can actually rebel and push out, right?
And so the Aquarius energy is ultimately at its highest manifestation. One who knows themselves and through that knowledge is able to contribute to the good of all. It's the good of the collective and the most meaningful, beautiful ways. Um, it's sort of this genius out of the box thinking freedom loving.
It's like the quantum. I've talked about that, this quantum channel humanitarian, and they genuinely want to give themselves to communities. It's donating, you know, it's like for whatever cause really brings them this sort of heartfelt connection, right? This truly heartfelt connection. And so this is where I feel like what is going to come up for many of us is we're going to be shown.
Where we're not in alignment with our own personal values, our own uniqueness, our own authenticity, where we're sort of hiding, where we've been dialing back in our relationships, in our businesses, in our desire. Cause Pluto is desire is truly like the desire of the body of the, of the soul, like that streams through us, the desire of money, of sex, of this liberation of this freedom.
That those things bring in the creative forces, the power of that. I also feel like it's Pluto when it speaks to me, it's, it's often referred to as more masculine energy, but I see it as sort of this like true balance of the masculine and the feminine, because when we have this emotional regulation, this emotional spectrum and capacity to feel it all, our intuition increases.
Plutonium energy with Aquarius energy. I just feel like our psychic awareness and power is just going to amp up the way that even I know I use energy and my business. in the way that I channel. I felt it so powerfully shift as it's been on my natal mercury here. It's like who I was in March 2023 and who I am now are so freaking different, you know, so, so different.
And there's so much clarity that Pluto will give to us. And I feel like with this Aquarius energy of this, Knowing, you know, and when Aquarius is tapped into its highest vibration, it's this, I know, I know because I know. And so it's aligning ourselves with that truth of what we know to be true for our own selves and our own choices.
And that means even if it means making mistakes or failing as you're, as you're moving along, it's, you know, the, we've, we like the, the old way when we were in Capricorn Pluto and Capricorn was perfectionism was comparison was not thinking we were enough. You know, those are the shadows that were brought up to us where Aquarius is like taking that and really innovating that of like, no, I am enough because I am.
And so therefore I belong, I belong in this earth. I belong in this collective. I belong here. And so it gives, it's going to give us this really big ability to break out of the patterns of the past and sort of rejuvenate ourselves in a very, using that Capricorn power in a very structured way. Where these divine truths that Aquarius can access, it's like we'll be able to bring it down into the earth into the collective and amplify the overall impact, not, not just within ourselves, but also within all things.
Right. And so another shadow of Aquarius is not knowing who we are. Like it can feel like so in the mind. That it doesn't even know who it is. Right. And so it can sometimes be easily controlled by groups and authority figures, group think, um, feeling emotionally detached and separate from oneself and life and not being authentic to that divine spark that we were incarnated to be.
And this is really sort of interesting because most people will think. Well, Aquarius, they are, they love freedom, of course. They don't want to be trapped by anything. But when we don't have a sense of this, I know, I know who I am. I know who I authentically am. We are susceptible to being controlled. And when we're not being free to express ourselves fully and authentically, not able to have the control over our mind and not be able to live a life of our own choosing, that's not an integrity to our deepest values, our beliefs.
And so one of the things that I do believe Pluto is really good at is showing us the illusion of that, sort of like where that's not in alignment. And I truly believe that this is going to be a evolutionary, innovative time. And it's, Pluto still packs its punch, right? But I welcome Plutonian cycles and especially Pluto and Aquarius.
I just feel that for so many of us, we've been waiting for this evolution of the self, this sort of time to rebel against the status quo to whatever we thought was possible to expand into. This exponential belief system of what is truly possible for us what we want. It's also going to really show us where authority outside of us where we're giving this power to authority where the structures that are using their authority.
Um, in misaligned ways, I truly feel like it's, they're going to be dismantled and what will come out of it, the newness, because Aquarius is the innovator. It's the change maker, you know, and Pluto and Aquarius is going to change a lot. You will experience a lot of change. And especially if you have those fixed signs, Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, if you have those very alive and active in your chart, you will experience this.
And it's almost one of these things where change is going to happen so quick. That it can feel unsettling. We'll have to take more time to ground, to connect with our body, to really, you know, notice what we're eating, what nurtures us, what keeps us connected to the earth. And because there's going to be so much activation of new knowledge and new era of the spirituality, energy, light language, new dimensions of reality.
I'm really excited for this. And it just feels like we're the old order. And the new order, the old paradigm and the new paradigm. We've been seeing the separation for quite a while, and now it's going to become even more prevalent and it's going to challenge our comfort zones. It's going to challenge us to what we really want.
Where we really want to expand and the comfort zone of where we are now and it's going to break down What was once felt safe and easy because it's going to want to catalyze us with Pluto and Aquarius It's really gonna want to catalyze us into This most I'm just I just feel like the way that I see it is like the quantum field how we know it Is going to become so multidimensional, almost as if in this earth, we could walk on earth, we don't even have to go to the quantum, it will just stream through us.
And then if we're willing to let the changes happen that are necessary, both within and outside of us to catapult us, I truly believe that each of us as individuals will create beautiful communities, beautiful connections. And for those of us that have spiritual businesses, like there's a mass awakening happening right now.
And this is going to be happening. And this is your time. Like, this is your time to get as authentic in what it is that you offer and you do, so that you stand out. This is your time to really clear those witch wombs. Pluto. Bringing them to the surface of where you're hiding. What's hiding. What are you not revealing to people?
What are you not letting people see? Where are you just doing things because it's been the old way of being, but yet you're being asked to really catapult into this new way of being, but it's like, what will people think if I say this, if I share this, if I do this, and how will that happen? Well, that's just not Pluto and Aquarius.
And so if we stay same. That's when Pluto comes in and makes it it's it's harder. It's just harder I do think this is going to be really an amazing time I think it's gonna be unsettling for many people especially as we're all adjusting in these baby new degrees you know the very beginning new degrees of what is ahead and We're also navigating such uncertain times Collectively in the government and different things.
So it's like how this is all going to play out You I don't know, but these are some themes that I really feel like are going to shake us up, wake us up, and help catalyze each of us to becoming our own sovereign leaders and innovators in our lives. So I leave you with this and. I love you, and I hope this really activates something in you that really catalyzes you into aligning with these new frequencies and energies of Pluto and Aquarius that you will be working with for almost 20 years.
Hello, I hope you enjoyed this transmission and I'm just going to drop in here one more time and say, if you have any questions about the temple and the community, please do not hesitate to reach out. I would love to answer your questions or just connect. Simply, if you have feedback about the podcast, anything that really resonated with you, anything that you're really feeling that really touched you and your heart and your soul, I would love to hear from you.
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