The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

The Nodes of Fate & Past Life Hypnosis w/ Vika Bradford

Raechelle Embrey, Vika Bradford

Vika Bradford is no stranger to this show! In fact, our last conversation continues to be one of the most popular episodes of The Untamed Soul Podcast. (If you haven’t heard it yet, in that episode we get into the power of karmic astrology.)

Today, Vika joins me to share about the Nodes of Fate shifting into the Pisces/Virgo axis. Everything from how long this will last, what you may notice in your body, and the types of downloads she’s already seeing with this transit.

We also dive into past life hypnosis—what that is, how these regressions can be helpful, and what you need to do in addition to the hypnosis sessions to get the most out of this powerful modality.

It’s always fun to see where our conversations go especially since we’re both line 6’s in Human Design!

I can’t wait for you to tune in to this potent episode! And if you find you want to journey deeper, the links for everything we mentioned is below.

Get the full show notes here!

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Hello everybody. I have Vika Bradford here. She's been on the podcast before. Many of you already know her, have heard of her, and have probably caught that episode because I think the date, it's one of my, top Two downloaded episodes. Vika is a karmic astrologer that I have personally worked with many times and been in her orbit, been in her classes, her courses, done past life regressions with her, which we're going to talk about today, through hypnosis. And she's also just like a really cool. Woman that I'm just super excited to have back on the podcast today. So welcome Vika. What's going on in your world right now? Thank you. I'm gonna receive my coolness badge I was watching something this morning that was like do you have issues with not being the popular girl and I was like I do I will take the Aquarian stamp of approval Aquarius will always boost you up, right? So, yeah, happy to be here. Happy to, just be back in your world and I just love the way we kind of interweave in each other's lives in different ways. Yeah, it's so much fun. So cool. So we're kind of talking about where we're going to take today's I was just on your podcast and we, that's not out. It'll probably be on a month or so, but we went into all types of fun, transitory talk. That was just all over the place. Very Uranian, Aquarian, as we're in Aquarius season right now, which was like perfect. And I would love for you to talk about your perspective with the nodes because I feel you have a masterclass for one coming up on that February 21st, you said? Yeah, so, I'll drop the link here for anybody that wants to register for that. That'll be really just jam packed. I know it, but I would love for you to riff on your, like, take on this North Nodal, like, sorry, then I still got COVID. Like I'm getting over Covid and I'm not editing this out, you guys. So it is what it is in the Virgo Pisces nodes and the shifts that we're experiencing with that, because it's still pretty fresh. It just happened January 11th, right? Mm-hmm Yeah. We're moving on, right? We have 18 months with this ride. And so I think when we are looking at the nodes right now, it's like, we really can tap into how much potential can. Be harnessed within 18 months because we have so much time to work with this energy. So I'm excited to expose, at least, you know, our thoughts on what this could bring for everyone listening, the collective, the potential that's there. Yeah. And it's in your 12, it's in both of our 12th house. Self node is in 12th house. I find it interesting because for everybody listening, Vika and I are both labor risings and so when you're a labor rising, you're going to experience very similar transits throughout the houses, especially when it comes to the bigger. You're not going to experience the aspects necessarily, but when it comes to the actual outer planets transiting and where they're in, in your chart. And so I always find it interesting how much Vika and I experience that are so similar and a lot of other Libra risings. I feel like what we were just talking about for us is there's actually been a little bit more illumination of health. And like, even though I got COVID, it's like slowing things down, everything's been very slow, and of course I'm like put in bed to literally like slow down and be with everything that's in my subconscious, in my mind, in my body, and really listen to it. But it's also been like you were talking with you. It's like kind of getting this illumination a little bit and easing some of that Yeah, that's literally it right because we as we were rising just had the south node rocking our first house. Well Saturn rocked our sixth house. So like for everyone listening that essentially means our body in two different areas was being impacted by In medical astrology, we'll call the malefic Okay. So like Saturn is the greater malefic and I'm not, I don't really adhere to that so much when I'm looking at karma, but when I'm looking at the medical stuff, I'm like, okay, this makes sense. And then the South node leaks, it drains, it purges. Right. And so it can be very intense. It's the south node moved into the 12th house for me. It was all of a sudden these big hits and illuminations they had been building. Don't get me wrong for the last year as I've, for anyone listening, I've been going through quite a health crisis for a year and it has been very Piscean. And when I say Piscean, I mean, psychosomatic. There's no reason or rhyme. It's a phantom. The doctors are like, nothing's wrong with you. Your blood works fine. This is great. Like, which can also be a health system issue, which is very south node, Virgo. But, you know, Pisces, when there's stuff in Pisces, things can feel very elusive and we can't put our finger on it, right? Whereas Virgo, we tend to be able to put our finger on something. And so, as the shift happened, yeah, it was like all of a sudden, all the rumination thoughts, downloads, information that had been guiding me this way, that way, this way, that way, suddenly was like, oh, maybe it's this. Like, maybe it's this dental infection that you've had for two years and didn't even know was happening because there's actually no pain. And it's Quote unquote, elusive, very Piscean, right? It's hidden. It's actually like a hidden thing in the metal. It's elusive. In the gum. You can't see it. You can't feel it. And that's so 12th house. That's so Pisces. It's just, I laugh when all of these things happen. Cause I'm like, it's like the common statement with my students and I were like, I can't make this up. I can't make this up at all. Yeah, yeah, and I mean bringing up the health is kind of one of the things that goes along with this. You know, transit, I feel like, so it's not even about necessarily, like if you're a labor rising, you know, it's in general, I feel like there is a lot of awareness and I'm, I don't know about you, but I'm kind of expecting there to be a little bit more rise in some unique modalities or like even some shifts that I'm having for myself personally. And of course it's transit, but also I think with this. It's South Node and Virgo kind of clearing out this, you know, working and working and doing and doing and doing at a disservice to our spiritual, you know, Piscean, our spiritual world, whatever that might look to you, like your spiritual practice that could look like it, you know, spirituality can look so different for so many, many people, but coming at a sacrifice to that. And for me, it's like almost this wake up call of. Whoa, you have been doing things completely against your body, against, you know, your, like, what brings you pleasure and joy, what, you know, gives you spaciousness in your life, and how can I completely, like, flip that? And I feel like, for me, it's almost like flipping it upside down in a way. Yeah, and I love even the description of flipping it upside down because essentially when we're working with the axis of Virgo and Pisces and we're looking at, the North node being somewhere and the South node being somewhere, we're like flipping the energy from one to the other, right? Where the South node in Virgo It's gonna prompt all of this, again, detoxification, purging, leaking, things that are misaligned in order for you to literally flip yourself over into the Piscean. But we don't want to go too far, right? Like, it's like, there is a balancing point. But when you talk there about the overworking, it's like, So Virgo right to push yourself till you bleed to literally just keep grinding, keep going to the point where you burn your nervous system out, you burn your adrenals out. I mean, adrenals are more of an area thing, but Virgos can like put themselves in such a state of working service, like doing, doing, doing that there becomes a point where the body will quit, right? The body will literally say, you can't. do it anymore. And the only way I can get ahold of you is to crash your physical health into oblivion so that you have to now do a very Piscean thing, which is to convalesce, go to bed literally. So for everyone listening, I have a big Virgo stellium that I have been annihilating myself my whole life, you know, in and out of awareness in what I do as like. Taking care of my health and then pushing myself too far. And then what happens is my sixth house Pisces goes, now you got to go to bed. Those extended periods of going to bed are going to get longer and longer and longer the less you listen to the Virgo Medicine and the Pisces medicine saying stop pushing so hard stop trying to control so much Stop trying to fix everything like this is not your job and Yeah, when we look at this, it's like, they actually are medicines for each other. Even though that Piscean convalesce sucks. And you're like, what am I gonna do now? I can't work, I can't do this, I can't make money, oh my god, it's terrifying. There's fear. But if you don't hit that point, you are going to burn yourself to a crisp, essentially. Yeah. And I guess like the point maybe is, that surrender to what is ultimately, I surrender to this, I surrender to what is, and, and in that surrender, it's, is like acceptance of this is how it is. And I have the space to really tap into my higher consciousness, to my higher self. And what is ultimately like moving through me, what needs to move through me as I clear all this out. And I look at this for me because I'm like doing so much detoxification through my liver and support of my liver because I have been an avid drinker for, you know, the last 10 years for sure. Actually, ironically, I've never drank in my twenties. It wasn't until my thirties and I know it's so wild it's like I really don't actually like to get drunk, but it's more of a social thing or just at the end of the day, let me have a glass of wine. Let me do this. I used to love sipping on good bourbon, the taste, the flavor. But what I noticed for me is that as my hormones started shifting, perimenopause that 46, 45th year, now I'm going on 47 is that my body actually was not. able to detoxify itself as well. And so it was putting a lot of inflammation into my body. And so it was cutting out more and more different types of alcohols, but still like, Oh, but I want a drink. I need the drink. I need that to just like chill the fuck out, you know, essentially or whatever it is. It was sometimes it was just like habit, like, Oh, let me just pour a glass of wine because. That's what I did at the end of the day, and so for me, it's like almost like detoxifying that liver, which I feel like in the liver in our body, it really gives us a lot of clarity. And so when our liver is all clogged up with all kinds of stuff, it's like blocking that clarity. And so we could take it for anybody listening is like, maybe it's not that, but it's like, what is actually clogging up your body that is keeping you from having that like really crystal clear path forward like you know you had with the aha moment of the tooth or that this is the thing and of course you don't know for sure but it's like definitely feels pretty like Yes, this is it, you know, imminent that it's like the path forward and then it's thinking like if your body's all clogged up like that and then you're just forcing and trying to control and having Expectation or like I'm trying to control and do so I can control this outcome and to actually happen I almost feel like what we're in right now is like I know I'm personally experiencing. I know you're experiencing is like, that's not working anymore. That definitely worked for a long time. I feel like you could just, you know, money's not coming in. So what's the next thing? What do I got to do? Like, let me get this out there. And then boom, it would take off. And it's like things that we're putting out there, things that we're doing, they're just not working anymore. And, and it, as I'm saying that, it's like, Oh yeah, duh. Like it's not working. So like, Now it's kind of coming back into this like completeness in the body, spirituality, that connection, that true spiritual connection, and what that means for us and letting that sort of be more of the driver's seat of life. And then the other things will come, the answers, the, the movement forward, whatever it is will come. Yeah, and this is powerful because a lot of things you said in there were just like so The axis right like Virgo is a purifier, right? It is naturally a purifying energy It rules a piece of the liver. There is a section of the liver by Virgo. Yeah Both house the subconscious. So like there, there's obviously in, in medical astrology, the liver is typically ruled by Jupiter. And then, but there's also a piece that's ruled by Virgo, right. And Virgo is like this purifier, purifier in our body. And then, like, the drinking is so, it's Pisces, it's the escaping, it's the, I mean, Pisces, Neptune, they rule, like, the, narcotics, these substances, that take us, to another world, So the spirits, right, Pisces rules that so it's so interesting that you'd be having these downloads. I mean, they were already dropping in for you And then it's like confirmation in the moment of like this is not working. This is not serving you Another piece of that is like that Virgo does real service. I was listening to I can't remember what Yearly, it was kind of a year look at all the transits coming in and one of the astrologers again I cannot remember what I think it was on astrology hub Can't remember what astrologer said it but she was like it'll be interesting to see what happens to the service industry Particularly the people in service whatever that means, right? So that could mean you and me and our one to one clients, but that could also mean people doing, aesthetics, people working on people's hair. Like you're in the service industry in some way, right? You're of service to someone. And she was like, yeah, like it'll be interesting to see what happens if there's going to be struggles in those industries. Because the South Node just kind of rewiring. What service means and purifying, right? The cell phone's going to do this purification work of how we've been in service. And when we look at, the last time the nodes were swapped. So when the North node was in Virgo, that was 2016 to 2017. Let's just take that time period. That time period seemed to ramp up, like, The coaching industry and we also had the final degrees of Pluto and Capricorn happening there too. So the coaching industry is like really begins to be a big thing at this point. Service. And so I think it's interesting to see how this online becomes such a huge focus. So what will be interesting to see? You know, as Pluto has shifted energies as well, it's radically changing us. All the other planets are changing this year radically changing us. And then the South notes focused on our service and how we've been working and how we've been, being of service and how we've been burning ourselves out. Yeah. Right. Working so hard in an industry, which a hundred percent, most women specifically, we talked about this on my podcast have been burning themselves to a crisp right to achieve. And Virgo is so connected to the achievement, right? It's very much the analysis paralysis. I'm going to do great. And if I can't do great, I'm not going to do anything at all. I'm just going to freeze. And. When we lean into this, what I've been really like having a download, I get like words that will come through for the themes that are, I'm particularly tapping into. And so the one that's been really coming through for the Pisces North node is like becoming the muse, right? Like taking everything you've learned and crafted.'cause Virgo Iss also the crafter and the, is about, really becoming. Proficient at your work. So it's like everything you've learned to become proficient at. How are you going to take it and weave it into your artistry, right? It's like we can't make this mundane anymore. Even if we look at AI, AI is everything delivered for you. Yeah. Every question, they're not all going to be right, 100%, it's flawed inherently, but if you have a question, you can genuinely, genuinely go to AI and like ask that question. So okay, the mundane logical analytical piece has kind of an outlet right now, right? I go to AI when I'm like, is this antibiotic going to work for me? I literally was Googling, I'm like, is this a symptom of this antibiotic? I'm like, should I switch antibiotics? No, no, I use AI for all kinds of things. So, okay. So we have like the mundane covered, but what AI can't do is the Piscean it, you know, it can't take what you have mastered and become proficient in and all the work you've done learning something and weave it into this. The context of the art you want to put into the world. I mean, AI can make art, let's be honest, but is it true, soul formed, heart moving, earth shattering art? I love how you said that. I have like full chills because I mean just thinking about that it's like how much we are truly the creators of our life and The we are the artists of our life, you know We do create that and I feel that you know for a long time. There was this focus on so much like manifestation and then a lot of that kind of got outdated and really was It's a little superficial and then it's, you know, I feel like we're all taking that to another layer and deeper. It's just not quite called manifestation. And to the point where even a lot of people are like, I don't even want to think about I don't want to call anything manifestation. I'm a co creator with the universe. I'm not manifesting. It's like almost like, you know, it's like, I don't even want to associate with that word, you know, which I don't know is necessarily the right thing either, it makes me feel like with the Piscean energy, like what you're saying is, yeah, it's like taking that, taking sort of our personal power around this, but I also see it very collective too. And what are we truly? What are we co creating with ourselves individually? And I love what you said about, you know, all the things that we've learned. Like I know for me, it's just been, Pluto has been on my Mercury, Scoring Chiron, I've had all kinds of shit happening with my Pluto, like my natal Mercury in there. So it's just so much coming in and expansion over the last two years. I feel like at first it was such a disintegration and then it was just like all the expansion and even this is a great. Segway to go into the past life regressions and the hope and hypnosis that I did with you is like very much you know, I've the Piscean axis of going into the quantum field and and and really like tapping into that and what I experienced through that and Also, just even what I know what I do with my own work and not really layering it to what it really is And that's been something I've been sitting with is like, you know, this really is Almost like aligning people to their own, like their, their sacred, like co creation, their, their own sacred manifestation or artistry, whatever you want to call it, and it's actually bringing us back to some very fundamental, I think, Like premises for manifestation that are, I maybe at this point a little bit more body based, not so much like all the way out there, but it's like, what do we feel in our body? Like, how can we activate this feeling in our bodies and like helping clear these energetic imprints from our bodies, you know, and bringing that more aligned to earth energy being here on earth, literally grounding ourselves into the earth whilst also topping into these other timelines and other portals to really accelerate that manifestation. Yeah. Yeah. And it's so potent because like stoma, the body has become such a big conversation, right? Somatics is like huge. And I remember I did my yoga teacher training in 2016. And I remember like learning about Semantics, and I didn't exactly know what it was, but there was something that was like this, like there's something here, you know, there's so many things we could latch on to, if I could study everything I wanted to study, my brain would break, I'd need thousands of years, so semantics was one of them, as far back as 2016, and now, It's everywhere. Everything is, you know, about somatics and Virgo, you know, is part of the body. It's part of the earth. It's part of the physical, tangible thing, but it's more that preventative, like how do we take care of our health with what we do every single day? When we're looking at this, I just love like the idea of what has really been dropping into my field deeper and deeper and deeper for a year now is psychosomatics, right? Which is where we land in Pisces, like how our emotions impact our soma or our body and how literally things we've been storing can make us. Sick, and make us, experience dis ease. And I say dis ease, I separate them for everyone listening, the word dis and then ease instead of dis ease. Because our, there's the psychosomatic connection of the emotions connected to the physical response. And that's where we find Virgo and Pisces meeting. Of our emotional realm, and even like the Unconscious collective and everything that's like, we're picking up on things all the time. Everyone has Pisces in their chart. Everyone has a Neptune in their chart. Everyone has these signatures, right? Whether you feel psychic or not, you are essentially an electromagnetic psychic being. Yeah, even if you don't think you are, you are right. And so you're feeling things all the time and they, whether you, you know, have never had trauma or not, you're having experiences that can teach you psychosomatic experiences. And therefore your body can start reacting to things that you don't understand because they actually aren't in the physical. Yeah, yeah, totally. And of course, you know, you know this when I came to you for the past life regressions and why I knew it was because of a very that exact same experience what happened when I was on a retreat. Back in June and it was a very like, I mean, there was parts of that that were looking back. I didn't realize at the time that my, I was traumatic for my body and I was reliving past life experience that were kind of bleeding into this timeline. And, and not kind of, they were, they were bleeding into this timeline. And it was wild because I was having like visceral GI reaction, temperature increases like in my body. Then I would detach and go away and go to bed, and I would completely restore and replenish, and then I would wake up and get around certain, the environment and certain people, and it would just start, and I'm like, what is going on? But the whole time I was in a very like, Where I was having to really regulate myself. I was really having to do a ton of nervous system regulation and talk myself through things, and then within days I was having this crazy rash that was all on my neck, and it was exact. The rash wasn't just like, blotch here, blah, blah, blah. It was like, exact pattern, side to side, on my wrist. both my wrists, down my legs. I mean, nobody could not see it at, like nobody could not, not see it. It was so blasting there and it took weeks to go by. And when I got back and I was in, meditation and I just, Healing one of my healings meditations and it was I heard very straightforward like you need to go clear This is this past life stuff and you're gonna keep repeating this Karmic loop with women and these types of patterns until this is clear and I was like, okay All right. Who do I go to and I'm like, I didn't even know that you did this and so I happen to like see a post that you wrote and then you said something about Doing past life regressions. And I was like, and my guys literally said this, the person's right under your nose. And I'm like, okay, great. Like, I remember you saying that you're like, they said you're right here. I just didn't know you did this. And then like, I saw a comment that you posted on one of your posts and I reached out to you immediately and I was like, do you do this? And you're like, yeah. And I was like, okay, I'm in. And I did a month and I ended up doing a full another two months after that. So in total three months, week to week to week. But for the most part back to back to back and because I just there was so much that came up in those first sessions around this that it was really a psychosomatic experience for me that my body was experiencing these traumas in past lives that weren't really here in this lifetime. But it was fully expressing it because that was so traumatic, like, what had happened. And it was just insane, like, what came through and that, and it's like. So, like, cool to hold space for them. Like, holding space for you was, for me, I'm like a little explorer inside of your world. And, you know, having them done as well, it's just the power of hypnosis, the power of regression. You know, every time I go into a regression, I think. I know where we're gonna go every time. I'm like, we're gonna go here. No. No, every single time we actually go to the same place with me. It's this one life I have as a Nigra Templar. I know his name. I know, like, everything. And I'm always going back. I would go to the same place every damn time and I'm like, okay, there's clearly so much I need to learn about. His name is Jacques, that I need to learn about Jacques, but, you know, being in them, it is a psychosomatic experience because, and you witnessed this as well, you have physical, visceral reactions to what's happening. So, for an example, in my very first past life regression, with Lily, the quantum guide, which you just, yeah, she's amazing. So when I had my first session with her, I was convulsing, like not in a scary, I'm dying way, but in a, my body was literally like shaking. My hands were shaking. My voice, you can hear in the video starts like shaking. And so I'm in it and. My guides are like, this is good. They're telling her, they're like, yep, she is releasing right now. And it happened several times in that session where I would have, you know, I'm in it and my body just starts like convulsing and I'm like, okay, all right. And I'm moving out the trauma, right? If anyone's ever looked into, there's something called shaking medicine, which is the same idea where literally a shaking trauma out of your body. Even with you, you know, you had moments where you were like, I felt what was happening in that experience. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I would, I would have moments where I was crying. I mean, one of the lifetime, actually a few at first were with my father. Which were really deeply healing because I have personally dealt with a lot of, favoritism growing up and there was just a lot of comparison and it left me with deep sister wounds in general. And then, you know, having just that, Lilith energy and cancer in my chart too, how the way that it expresses is like in the 10th house is every time I'd step up into my power, there'd be somebody there that I thought was like my sister, you know, my soul sister. That's like. Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. But it really, it was always there for me to like step up and be in my power. And even at that retreat experience, like at the last day, it was like, nobody's going to see you in your power until you do. So this is your chance. Stand up in your power and just freaking claim it. And of course get home and do some healing and clear your energy field. So, you know, I'm like done with that karma, right? It's like, no, I'm not going to repeat this karma anymore. I'm done with this story. Yeah, like just bring me integrated women like, that are like, here zone, no competition, like here for the, what the fuck ever, you know what I mean? And so, and, but those helped complete that. Yeah, well, and I love what you're saying because the hypnosis the past life regression can do one but like you have to be the other piece to you know actively say this cycle is is complete we are done here right because i feel like very piscean to say let the hypnosis fix me let the past life regression fix me instead of let it show me illuminate release And it does. It clears, it can clear physical ailments, like again, not a doctor, but it can like do these things. And then you have to go into your life and continue the work. So for you, you went through this experience, you were shown all the things. And then, you know, even before you went to the regressions, you were like, I'm done with this cycle, found your tools. And then you continued the work right to say, I'm not allowing people in that. Are a violation of my boundaries. And it's like trusting that sort of the red flags, you know what I mean? It's like, I've been so open to everybody, everybody's perspectives, nonjudgmental, like, even though I have my own things that I'm like, More but with when it comes to other people like very open. I mean Ryan when he met me is like you're the most open person accepting person i've ever met but It really came at a cost to me and I think that that's one of the things that these really cemented and helped me see why this was always happening and like to the degree of like what I experienced, you know, where in what experience with my father and what these past lives and what came out and even like, you know, A lot of my life has been very much alone, lo like loner, you know? I have a lot of friends, you know, typical Aquarius, friends all over the fucking place, you know, acquaintances and this thing and this thing and I text with so many, it's like, it's wild to me, as far as like that, the core connection, you know, within is always been a little bit of a loner, maybe you can relate to this or people listening to, I think the more that you're called to do things like this and lead others and be on this path, sometimes it can be lonely, you know, it really can. I don't think people see that of like, oh, well. They're out there doing this shit. How cool. I want to be doing that. It's so amazing and it's like this path can be really lonely because you do have to really like, I guess the thing is, you do have to be super protective of your energy, of your field, of who you are in a way that Yeah. You know, you wouldn't normally. And also just the amount of things that we go through to be in this space and hold space for others is like, like we have intentionally nominated ourselves to go through a whole lot of fucking shit. And it's like, the reason why is big is because like we're, we. We do move through it, you know, we let it go and we learn through it. And then we go and share that awareness with others, and so it's just kind of a natural process for many of us that are in this space. And so I feel like I can feel really lonely. And it was wild to me to see how many of the lifetimes, pretty much all of them. And then even when I did it with Lily, And there were many, like, with Lily I had one that wasn't a lifetime, it was just a reflection of my subconscious, which was interesting to see that with me. And, but how many of them I was very much a loner, loner, just off, like, with my gifts, and You know, and then there was a lot of lice that I had a lot of sacred gifts too, but yeah, doing all kinds of crazy shit. You had your invisibility cloak, like, yeah. And I fully agree. And I like that you brought this up because like, just this reminder that when we're in Pisces energy, it can feel super isolating. So For anyone listening, you might not feel like this your whole life. And yet you might be in a period right now where you're like, I do feel very alone. Like, right. We have Saturn in Pisces. We've got the North node in Pisces that can be very isolating, you're having a 12th house transit isolation. Like that is a feeling that, that happens. And beyond that, there are so many other signatures we can look at. And then we look at the soul to say, okay, well. Yeah, when leaders are often very so low, people who are willing to go to uncomfortable places to go through the hero's journey, it's Not a high percentage of the population is doing that, and so to be in spaces where people are not doing that can be extremely difficult for someone who is attempting or working on raising their consciousness or healing or Trying to find joy in life. It's it can be extremely hard and triggering to be around people who are unwilling to meet all of their shit So I do find Has this like lone wolf energy. It makes so much sense because I have an extremely hard time being in spaces with people who are not doing the work. It just, it's not it for me. They're like, you think you're so much better. I don't, I just, I don't have the time or the energy to hold space for people who aren't doing the work. And if that makes me an asshole, it's fine. Well, and that's what it is. It's like you become a space holder, you know, and I, and I do believe like six lines in human design, even more so end up taking that on. And it's like a lot of my clients, they have a six line and you do, I do many of you. And it's like, we end up being a really big space holders for people without even. Justly like nominee. It just happens. It's just a way that it does. I don't, it's just an energetic thing, right? It's both the wisdom, right? Like people are drawn to wisdom and they're drawn to people who are somehow gracefully going through the madness of life. It's like a moth to a flame. Gracefully quote unquote. I know like externally people like you're doing great. And I'm like, I haven't gotten out of bed in a year. Like I'm not great. Yeah. I was just thinking about that too, because as you were talking about, the loneliness, like how we're on this path and it can feel very isolating a lot of leaders doing that But one of the things that's come through for me and it came through in the last with Lily's hypnosis Quantum session is coming through so strong more and more and more like every time I'm writing and journaling It's just coming out and I really do believe this Is a lot of Piscean influence here too. It put it on Aquarius as well, probably a big part of it as well, but where it's like, that doesn't have to be the case anymore. And I just keep being called to create these collaborative opportunities where, you know, there is more connection in that. Like we don't have, that's like old paradigm. Like we actually don't have to do this alone anymore. And we do get to get to like rise and really safe spaces and also. Bringing communities together, like bringing like, you know, your community, my community, like bringing them all together and sharing in like how we did on your podcast last week and this week, it's like not really any one person's expertise or, you know, wisdom. It's like sharing all these perspectives and. Having space for many shared perspectives in those ways and it just feels really uplifting to me And it definitely feels like it's gonna be a big part of like what unfolds for me over this year. I love this because Two things that I've been thinking about that are so linked to this. I've been thinking about So much of like, I want to be in person with people again. I miss that, like, right? I was a yoga teacher. I was with people all the time. We went, every Sunday we had what we called church. Like, so 10 a. m. Sundays, people, we had about 30 people in the class every Sunday that I would teach. And we were like, we're going to church every Sunday, right? The community, the feels, the like, smiling faces, and COVID really rips that away, right? And I know everyone's been feeling isolated regardless of what's happening in your chart, which is very Neptune finishing its ride in Pisces anyway, but I've been feeling this call of like, okay, how do I get back into spaces with people? I don't know what it looks like yet, if it's retreats, if it's events, and that obviously triggers so much in me of like, I'm terrified because I don't know how to do that. I've held a couple of retreats, but I've never held like a physical space where I have to plan an event and plan, you know, the big things. And then like, just thinking about how it's going to be so important for people to be back in each other's gravity and feel, because we've become so isolated on our computers in our houses alone and what it means to actually like get out, and go. The other thing was, It's funny the timing of me being initiated into my women's circle, so there's 11 or 12 of us, I think there's 12 of us, and we meet every Monday, and we cry together, and we scream together, and we feel together, and we just talk, and then sometimes we have, ceremonies, and we do different things, and we'll hold, one modality, like, I'll teach something, and then someone else will teach something, and it has been the friendships I've been seeking my whole life, like, they have come out of this circle, right? When I'm with them, I'm like, this is it. And we had, a sleepover planned last Friday for whoever wanted to come right now, like hold space, have the sleepover. And I'm like, okay, I really wanna go. I have my migraine. Okay. Right? And then there's another piece of me that's like, I want to be in my own bed though. And I want to be with my husband. I want to be with my dog. And I want to be in my space. But I really want to go. So I'm like texting Josh and I'm like, I have FOMO and I have JOMO. Because I want to go, but I'm also elated to just stay home and like rot in my bed. But the rotting in my bed is something that has become so natural to me and everything that I'm moving through. So I'm sitting there and Josh is like, well, like, what are the pros and cons? And I'm like, well, the pros are I go and I Build new neural pathways, because I'm uncomfortable with the idea of sleeping over. I'm uncomfortable with the idea of pushing myself past a certain limit. And like, I didn't even want to go that night because I had this migraine. Now I didn't, I will call myself out. I didn't end up sleeping over, but none of the girls did at the end of it. But I still went when I was in discomfort. I still went when I was doubting myself and I had the best time with my women, right? And I feel like. So many people. Men, women, children, everyone needs that they need groups, communities, your people. We need to come back to that. And I think Pluto is going to continue to usher us back into a spaces together. After so much time of isolating ourselves, it'll be interesting to see what happens when Neptune steps out of, Pisces for a second. See if maybe we feel a little less isolated. But I think this aquarium piece is huge. Yeah. Yeah, it is. And that's so cool. I mean, and when I was in Maryland, we would have like this goddess night and very Capricorn moon vibes. Everybody was like twice as old as me, you know, I love it. They still do it. And, I've missed that so much, you know, because I moved to Pennsylvania and didn't quite have that spiritual community there. And then here, I really don't have that. You know, I have a couple of women, again, much older than me, like Aquarius birthday bash planned in two weeks because several of us are all like back to back birthdays. I love it. It's a bunch of Aquarians. It's the weirdest room ever. Yeah, pretty much. And, so that'll be a ton of fun. But it's, it's that, like, what you're talking about with the spiritual stuff, you know, and it doesn't always have to be spiritual. It isn't always. It's like whatever you want it to be. But yeah, and I love this too, because the, the soul sister that initiated me into this was a friend I had made here years ago. We had moved away for a year, came back. And I, you know, the whole time we have been here in Kelowna, we did feel very isolated. We love it here. Like, I love this place. I cry every day at the scenery. I'm like, I live here like in this real life. But there was a loneliness, right? We had One like group of friends that we were with and there was just like another couple and we were really alone here. Like if anything happens, there's no one to catch us. And so this other friend that initiated, she initiated this whole circle with another woman. And I'm like. Yeah, this needs to happen. So anyone listening, if you're resonating, sitting here being like, I want that, you might be the person who has to initiate it. Yeah. I'm sorry. I'm probably going to have to do something that I've been thinking about. And I'm like, I have the perfect setup in the house for it, but I'd have to kick Ryan and his son out for the night, you know, and it is a really great setup that if nobody else could, it's just, you know, yeah, but it is that sort of. Creating the neuropathways to go do that to go initiate that, you know, and it's like comfortable. Yeah uncomfortable And I too have been thinking about like, you know Short little retreat burst and things like and then I go into like, oh, well, what would I do and I'm like, oh my god like You're, like, your world is, like, so, like, What wouldn't you do? You know, like, just come in and come play. Literally. Oh, Fifth House son, I hear you. Deeply. Cause it's, again, whole signs. I can't remember what house your son is in in Placidus, but whole signs, Fifth House. Yeah, Fifth House. That is so needed. And that's actually an energy. I have decided I am moving into this year as I've been looking at my own North node being in the fifth house and Aquarius and I'm like, Oh, I'm here to actually experience pleasure. The fifth house is pleasure and joy so we're booking concerts, and like, we're doing the things that I have been very Virgo about. Like, oh no, there's no time for that, there's no money for that, there's no this for that, that's not important. But it actually is important for particularly my signature. But everyone needs to come back to joy. Everyone needs to come back to play, and Without it, what is life without it? We've all dialed it down so deeply to sit here on a computer and like stare into the void and try and seek external validation which is the lowest octave of the fifth house. Seek the external validation on our little device that's driving us all mad and crazy and I say this as a person who is guilty. But like Versus, it's like we're looking for the pleasure in the little device versus going out and okay, so here's my list of things for the year. I want to belly dance this year. I want to what is it called? Pole dancing. I want to go pole dancing. I want to make clothes. I'm like, I'm going to make some clothes because I hate everything, so I'm like, I'm going to make my own clothes. What else is on that list? There's just so many things and my husband and I came up with a term where I was talking about my emotions I've been crying a lot And he goes babe. You just feel Spicier than other people and I was like, I have spicy joy and he was like you have spicy joy So my word for the year is spicy joy Love it. That's awesome It's like that difference of being a little like what You might feel like too much. No, it's not. It's enough. It's perfect. It's like needed very much to like turn on our play or joy and be with people. And this isn't to say be with people who suck because honestly, a lot of people suck. Yeah. I think we've all like Been through that, which is with the South node and Libra. You know, it's like, oh my God, people have been purging. Yeah, we have all like purged through all the shitty people and all the shitty things. And anybody that's had like major Pluto Transits or whatever, I mean, vicke and I have both had them. And I know many people listening, many people inside my communities have had them. And it's like we're all like ready. You know? I love that you brought that up with the north. No, too, and the fifth house, and. Because I'm thinking like I have a lot of clients with fifth house energy and one of the hard things sometimes Why Venus in the fifth and whole sign I have Mercury Sun and Venus But always always Venus is there which is like definitely like pleasure, you know play pleasure and pleasure Yeah on top of it and it's Aquarius and it's like all freedom and that is what I've realized like in my life It's like I've let So much of that freedom go, you know, through my voice, through my, you know, the expression through play, through hiking, through just being wild and going out and taking off for a whole day and like running on the trails with my dogs, like a crazy person and collecting quartz because we're on like one of the biggest quartz mines in the world, you know, the second largest ones and I'll come home all the time with quartz. And I'm like, where has that gone? Like jumping into the hot tub in the middle of the day, you know, just letting myself just go be and play more in the quantum, play more in just like my, my world. And when you're talking about that, I think a lot of times when we have these placements in the fifth house, even though it's like, Oh, it's joy and pleasure and creativity. It's also, we have been so conditioned as a society to not experience that that we've gotten away from that and almost pushing it away, you know, and with you having the North Node there, it's like, I don't think a lot of people were told, follow your North Node, it's really uncomfortable, like your North Node is, for me, it's in Libra in 12th house, First house in Holstein, but twelfth house Placidus. And for me, it's really uncomfortable, believe it or not, to share all these far out concepts that I have and come out and say, Yeah, I'm kind of like a timeline traveler, and You know what I mean? But that's also what I need to lean into, because that's what's going to bring the right people to me. And even though I have a lot of Libra energy in my chart, it's a little hard for me to collaborate, because I've given my power away to those. I've been burned in those things, even when I didn't give my power away. I've been burned really deeply at Pluto right there. So there's a lot of energy happening there. But one of the things is, is like creating that capacity to trust again and trust myself, trust the discernment that I've learned, that we've all learned collectively over the last few years through this purging of these karmic, you know, relationships and people and experiences. And it's like leaning more into that. And, you know, your North node being there. It's. That definitely is like, yeah, that's gonna feel like, what? Go, hold, I mean, although you do do a lot of creative things, like with your Lilith and photography with Josh, but it still has a very serious context to it, you know? I turned all of that off. And I just, I love what you were saying, because I had this thought the other day. I was walking and I was like, If I don't, like, really step into my North Node, I'm gonna have to do this fucking life again. Ha ha ha, yeah. Thank you for reminding me of that. Karma. I was just like, shit. If I, like, cause I'm sitting there being like, do do do, work work work, money money money. And I'm sitting there and I'm walking and I'm like, If I don't experience the pleasure of life, how dare I, like, I'm literally going to have to learn this again, which means I'm going to have to feel the pull to do work over pleasure at the same time. And I was like, I better get to work. Reminded me of my nephew. He's 13 and He's a terror. He loves the astrology. He loves like tarot pulled some tarot a couple weeks ago and he goes, I pulled the tarot and I got lover. I asked the terror, what is my purpose in this life? And I got two of cups and I got lovers. And so I take that as like, I'm here to learn through relationships. And I was just like, he's a Libra. Sun. He's very smart. He's gonna be like, he's all in his 10th house too. And I'm like, you're going to be Jupiter, Libra, like all this Libra stuff. And I'm like, yeah, you're going to be famous for what you do. I'm sure. Jupiter and Venus in the 10th. And I'm like, yeah. So, and he's like, yeah, I'm here to learn through relationships. I'm like, yes, we all are. But it's like this whole thing. Cause he, his, his father recently died and he was like, I don't want to repeat this life again. I don't want to learn through relationships. I feel like I, like, how can I activate you more in my, in my life, you know, and really move towards you. And those are the things that were coming through. And as you're saying this and like, Yeah, I don't want to repeat this again. No, I don't do this again. No, like there's obviously beauty and good and like deliciousness, but like, I don't want the exact same lessons. I want to evolve. I want to upgrade. I want the next thing. Like, okay, let me get through learning how to be in the enjoyment and pleasure. Oh, wow. What a hard life that that is to learn. Enjoy life, which actually is so hard for humans. But I don't want to do it again. I don't want to not feel safe in my fifth house again. Right? Like, whereas the same thing, whether it's 12th or first, it's like, you want to feel fully embodied there, because that's what we came here to do. Yeah. I love this so much. It's so much fun to talk all this stuff and just kind of like get out there in these conversations and bring this stuff down to earth. And it's always so much like always, always. Always interesting to see where we go with our combat. Yeah, two six lines, like, no chance. North node, lots of Aquarius here, like all the shit. Like 12th house things, and like. Yeah, it's just there was no chance that this conversation wasn't gonna get quantum. It always does. So what is going on in your world right now? You have the master class, which I'll drop a link to. I do, yeah. So there's the collective karma master class. I've do it, I've done it every north node shift, for three rounds. I think this is the fourth. For the third, I can't remember, but yeah, I made it like the early bird is 47. The non early bird is only 97. It's a two hour master class. You get workbook, like everything you need is in there. And basically we're going to decipher how it impacts you individually. Right. Everyone is having an area of their life shift. Everyone is having activations in their chart. Like when we're going to look at the aspects, it's not just that if you have stuff in Virgo or Pisces, there's so much more to it. So it's going to be a lot of fun. Very. I just love teaching this stuff so much. Yeah, she's an amazing teacher. I mean, she's really, I mean, all her Virgos, she just puts words to things so well. I've been personally in her It's Karmic 2. 0, and then, I don't, which, I've been in both. Yeah, 1 and 2, 1 and 2, yeah. Really, really amazing at breaking things down and helping things land. And obviously you guys can tell her perspectives are really awesome. And she's just such a genuine person. Like you will feel so safe, like hop into that because I feel like this is the, the nodes, I think they're getting more, more accreditation for their impacts. You know, but yeah, people don't look at them as much as they should. No, they don't. And it's something that I've been really looking at how I plan out. Cycles along with my chart ruler and things like that. Things that I, you know, in my progress moon, I've had a Virgo progress moon for almost two and a half years. I'm almost out of that. I'm like, thank God. Almost done. I'm just sad. And, you know, these cycles, when we, when we look at them and we understand where we're going, how it's going to be, I will be honest with you, every single person I've talked to. The Virgo Pisces axis is a hard time. And no matter what their chart looks like, every single person I've talked to has been like, that was a really like rough period in my life, whether it was the North node in Virgo or the South node in Virgo, because it, it does, it impacts our body and impacts our mind Pisces as well as our mental health. Right. I will say the two hardest moments of my life were these nodes. And so if we can use. all transits in, co creation, as we talked about, to say okay, I understand this is what's possible, but I also understand this is also what's possible and I can work with this. For instance, both times this transit has happened in my life, I've had a mental health break and a physical health break. So I'm going into this aware that those possibilities exist. And yet I'm sitting here before the nodes even switched and wasn't even thinking about this. I was like, I think I'm going to get a psychotherapist. Like, I think I want to work with a Jungian psychotherapist and analysis. Then I was like, Oh, of course. Because my consciousness is like, yeah, that's what you needed both of those times I was in therapy, both of those transits. The masterclass is going to be really fun, super affordable, and it will be available for the replay purchase as well if you don't. I'm going to just make it exist for the next 18 months for anyone who needs it. Are you getting activated by the eclipses over the next two years? Right. That's going to be huge in the nodes. For me listening, it's not just like, Oh, here's the shift. And we tend to just talk about these when they first go on, but where I'm diving more into Jupiter and Gemini right now, I want to hear other perspectives around it, you know, because Jupiter and Gemini have it in my placement and my chart and I'm native to it. So it's like, you're always in your fucking head. And we're only halfway through it. So yeah, you've got all this time to still meet it before it like your return or in your return. Yeah, it's so it's so potent. So I am going to make that available. And at some point in the spring, I'll be opening my past life regression, the regression sessions, I'll be opening those back up after. The dental surgery is done. And, it's also past my progressions readings. I open. Parsley, depending on how my energy is. I'm a manifestor. So things are unpredictable inside of here. Vamping my entire website. So most of my courses will be able to purchase for self study. Almost everything I've taught so far will be available for self study. So if you want to learn, there's that. And then I will be opening mentorship for It's Karmic this year. You'll be getting a year of mentorship with me if you want to study astrology. Yeah. Oh, I love that. That's hopping into it. I'm like, I just love mentoring and being in one to one mentorship spaces. So I was like, okay, so this needs to be like a self study with me. Yeah. That's what we're doing. Love it. Awesome. Well, thank you so much for coming in and spending a couple hours with me. It's always so much fun. I know everybody's going to love this episode and I'll drop all the links and you're on Instagram. Right. Astrology. Yeah. All of her other links are there, but I'll drop everything in here. So awesome. Thank you for having me. It's such a pleasure to just have these conversations and get to the nitty gritty of things. It's always so much fun. Thank you.