The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business

Manifest with Your Unique Astrology Blueprint

Raechelle Embrey

This episode is long overdue! It’s a topic I’m super passionate about and one I’ve really gone into full-force over the last couple years.

Today, I’m sharing how to manifest with your unique astrology blueprint.

Each chart, just like each person, is quite special! The degrees of planets, the make up of the houses, the chart ruler, etc. are all personalized to you.

So it makes sense that getting familiar with and learning how to make sense of your natal chart would assist you in manifesting and co-creating with the Universe on a much deeper, more powerful level!

…and yet it’s something really no one is talking about.

In this episode, you’ll learn how to work with this missing link of manifestation—your astrology chart. You’ll hear the steps to access your destiny timeline, the wounds your chart reveals and how to work with them to clear your energy field, and the importance of capacity with manifesting and co-creating.

I can’t wait for you to crank up your manifestation practice from so-so to whoa, holy quantum leaps with this practice!

Full show notes here!

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Welcome to the untamed soul podcast. I am your host, Rachelle Embry, the founder of radiant vibes. I am a spiritual mentor and intuitive energetic alchemist for you, your animals and your soulful business. This is a podcast devoted to soul activation and embodied entrepreneurship. It is an exploration of inspirational humans who are leading the path to a new earth. Along the way, I will share intuitive insight and practical wisdom to inspire infinite potential in every area of your life. I am so excited to have you on this journey so together we can become untamed. Hello. I have a long, very long overdue episode to share with you today. And it's one that I'm really passionate about speaking to. And this topic is something that I don't feel is really talked about enough, something I'm going to be sharing a lot more. And it's A lot about manifesting with your personal astrological blueprint. And this is something that in the manifestation world, this is like a big missing link to really truly co creation. And you know, a lot of people get really stuck and they're doing the scripting, they're doing all the manifesting, the rituals, all the things. And they're feeling like they're still hitting these like plateaus and what they're trying to call in their destiny timeline. Isn't actually happening. And it is often because of this biggest, like what I have found, I've experimented for 30 years with different types of manifestation. And I have found that this practice here alone is the number one thing that can really take you from manifesting like, so, so to taking you into quantum. Leaps, like truly helping you, leading you, guiding you into accessing your destiny timeline, which to me, your destiny timeline is truly like your most abundant, expansive timeline. And so I'm going to get into a lot here. And what I want to say is that first I want to talk about. What wealth is and how so many of us are literally basically, I'm just going to say cock blocking our wealth because we look at wealth as something outside of us and truly wealth is inside of us. It is a feeling. It is a place of expansion within us. And I really referenced this as spiritual wealth, because to me, that is abundance within that touches every corner of our lives. So when we think about it like this, this means it's not just money. I am going to talk a lot about money today. In particular, but these concepts and principles really are meant with astrology to be expounded out into health, love, your relationships, your connection within, your home, this goes into your connection to higher consciousness, God, quantum, universal, your connection to how you are perceived with others, your identity, et cetera. And so to me, this is spiritual wealth. And ultimately, when we think of manifesting, we really need to think about every single area of one of these, every single area of our life. How are our routines? How is our health, our body? How is our vision really expanded? How are our subconscious beliefs fears are wounds. What are we walking with? And how are we really leveraging these imprints within us that, you know, could really keep us from manifesting, whether these are imprints from this lifetime past lifetime, childhood energetic imprints and how are they. Actually keeping us in a sort of distorted illusion of who we think we are right and not actually stepping into a very expanded space of who we actually truly are and this is where I feel like my friends that astrology is such a beautiful and unique tool and helping us see what we can't quite see because we Are our own worst critic, our own worst enemy, when it comes to transcendence and transcending the humanity within us, the ego within us. And when we can look at astrology as this cosmic DNA, which is DNA, it's our own DNA blueprint, and we can leverage our chart in ways that it shows us where those deeper wounds are, our deep fears, where the restrictions are. You know, in our lives and where they come from karmically, where they've come from generationally, where they've come from in our past and this past experience and also, how we can alchemize them. So it shows us through these different, and if you listened to my last episode on navigating difficult transits, you'll have a little bit more understanding. If you haven't go listen to that, because it's going to teach you a lot about navigating difficult transits, yes, they can bring difficulty into our lives, but really what they are doing is supporting us to alchemize. That's really keeping us from truly having that, next level timeline, our destiny timeline from coming into our current reality. Like it shows us the gap of who we are being now and who we need to be in order to pull that in. It shows us. The actions to take as shows us timing of actions to take, which is huge because a lot of the times people are so focused, manifest, manifest, manifest, create this, create this, create this well, if like one of the things you're trying to create is more business, but yet your chart is showing you, you know what, this is actually a time that you need to go in and focus on your health, focus on your daily routines, 000 energy. Yeah. You know, maybe have a lot of activity going on there with transiting planets, and it's telling you focus on your health, focus on your daily routines, focus on, you know, what is the incongruence between the way that you view work and the way that you could have more work life balance in here, how are you taking responsibility for the work that you bring out and like, Balancing that, are you not taking enough responsibility? Are you taking too much responsibility? And when we focus on these, like that particular area, say, it's like really asking us to go into our health and we actually invest in our health, that's actually how more money will come to us. And this is interesting because if you didn't know astrology, you would say. Nope, it's only going to come by forcing more, creating more, hustling more, trying to get more clients when really it's not. That's just not how it works. And astrology can give us these really big clues to why we're getting resistance and what we're trying to co create and manifest and bring in. And so I want to really relate this to money because I feel like this is a topic that everybody could relate to, right? Why most people are stuck at a particular financial set point. And this is what I would call like an energetic money ceiling where you're like at a ceiling where you're like sitting here and you're like, I just can't get out of this state. Maybe you have cultivated a lot of debt. Maybe you are just at a very strong income plateau in your business. Maybe you're making a pivot inside your business. And that's slowing things down and, you know, it's taking a minute for everything to catch up and you're in that sort of void space in between. Maybe you're in your career and you've been stuck and plateaued for a while and you really want like the promotion or some sort of increase in pay. The thing is, is like a lot of people think that. They just need to work harder and do more or shift my mindset or tell myself a bunch of affirmations of I am the wealth magnifier. I am the money amplifier. And it's like our body and our mind is so much smarter than that. Like we really have to go deeper than this and we have to go in and truly recode our frequency. We have to expand our frequency to really hold that next level of abundance. And if we're not energetically recoding and this isn't nervous system work, this isn't breath work. This isn't somatic. Those things are wonderful, wonderful tools. But here's what I say is until you have really healed it in your energy field of like, what is the thing that's keeping you from really tapping into that frequency of money? And getting into like any of the core wounds that you have around money, because oftentimes people don't realize like we're projecting our mother wounds onto money, our father wounds onto money. And it's like, there's a lot of unworthiness, a lot of, I'm not good enough. A lot of money only comes to me if I work hard, if I chase it, if I hustle. And there's like these programs that we have that will literally say, this is like the only way that we can get money. Versus getting all this energy out of our energy field, the mother wounds, the father wounds going into our chart and seeing how is that really playing out? Because like my version of the mother would plays out very different than your version of the mother wound. And if you were to look at my chart, you would see this, like my mother wound comes through deep sisterhood wounding, a lot of favoritism in my family, a lot of judgment in my family. And it's played out. You could see this, you could really see the struggle that was there. You know, I didn't get recognition as a child. So I overachieved and I over strived to get that recognition and it was never like I was never actually seen in the spotlight. So one of the things I had to really work with was a lot of 10th house energy in my chart of how do I activate my public, image, like in a way that. I know it's safe to be seen because when I was seen in childhood, I was actually really projected on. I was put down when I was really rising. My mother didn't even support me. She didn't even come to like big sports events or things to celebrate me. And, you know, so those things I was projecting a lot onto my money, onto my business, which slowed down the income of money tremendously. So when I actually healed what was underlying in there, in my energy field, it made it safe to expand, really expand invisibility and like. Really recoded my energy field through that help of my chart, because in those same imprints, even though they were harsher aspects, they offered a lot of valuable information to me. They let me see where I needed to really leverage stand in my power, where I needed to create more confidence, where I needed to alchemize fear around visibility. And in my visibility wound was really very different. It was about that Deeper, deeper set point of rejection and not everybody's going to have a fear of rejection. You know, some people might literally have a fear of being seen, but my fear of being seen had to do with if I'm seen and I'm actually putting myself out there, putting my offers, putting myself out there and talking about what I really want to talk about, that people are going to reject me. They're going to cancel me. And this would literally be behind every frequency that I would create with. And I didn't know it for the longest time. And it would invite experiences into my life that would basically like ask me to alchemize it until I finally just was like, I'm no longer going to participate in this like karmic imprint. And I healed that mother wound, which ultimately was coming down into a lot of sisterhood wounds. The way that you can tell, like when you shift, this is that all of a sudden, like experiences will come to you that feel more flow. I don't have them coming in and projecting on me. I don't have people being jealous, but I had to also regulate my energy field in that too, because there was this trust factor. And if you were to look at my chart, you could see that Capricorn, my Capricorn moon is on my IC and my immune coli, which is the very bottom of the chart, which is where a lot of our ancestry, our generational karma comes from. And my moon is right there, which has to do with my mother. It also has to do Capricorn energies, my father. And what you could see is that I'm actually here to really break the cycle of a lot of generational, emotional imprints that are happening. And what happens is I also have a square, which is a harsher aspect between my moon and my natal Pluto in my first house. So in my natal Pluto is also squaring my Mars in my 10th house, which is in the sign of cancer. And so what's interesting is if you look at Pluto, it's in the first house, it's around the self, it's around the identity. Mars in the 10th house in their square. So it brings a lot of. Fear around power around holding power because there was a lot of power struggles in my life. There was a lot of, of like my mother wanting a lot of power, like cancer, cancerian energy really works with like mother energy in our charts. The moon energy is mother and lineage and ancestry in that way as too. So she had a lot of, like, she wanted power and she would try to grab it and take it and then abuse it in a lot of ways. And then she was never really like, I don't know. She couldn't even hold the power, right? She just couldn't even have enough emotional capacity or resiliency to be in a position of power, to be in a place of power. But yet she was always trying to demand it and grab it and take it. So I just had, I developed this relationship with power, with visibility. When you're being seen visible, like she projected a lot onto me. She, You know, would try to manipulate my father into thinking not good things about me. Even my younger sister did not think good things about me. So there was just this big sense of like, it's not safe for me to be in a position of power yet. It was always a really powerful creator. I got, I mean, all, all the way through grade school, all the things. I mean, I was just really, really good at things that I did. So what it did is it made me dim my light. You know, because when I stood out, there was manipulation, there was gaslighting, there was no support and it wasn't seen in love. And so that was really detrimental for me. The beautiful thing is that I had to with Pluto also squaring my moon. It was like. Having to alchemize those fears to such a deep degree in my emotional body, because the moon itself rules our emotional body, our inner world. And so I had to learn to dismantle and disconnect. It gave me information when I understood it, because it really led me to understand that I had such a deep sense of, my worthiness was literally tied to everything external of me. And this was father wounding here, a lot of father wounding. And so I had to really look at how that was playing out with my money, you know, that my worth, my self worth was not tied to the number of my bank account, to the amount of money that I made that I was inherently lovable, that love would filter and flow through me, regardless of those things of success or anything. And the Capricorn energy gave me a lot of information around that. The Pluto frequency gave me a lot of information. And then with that awareness, I was able to alchemical like. Alchemize that transmute it, essentially, and bring it into something that was actually really potent and powerful, which is a big, big, huge thing that I do in my business today, which is help people to feel safe in expansion, help people to feel safe in their heart. Subconscious help people to feel safe being seen being known for what they do to feel safe creating money, you know, to feel safe, regardless of their external programming, anything outside of them. If they have debt, they're still safe. If they have a lot of money in the bank account that they feel safe with that so that they don't go just spend it all and let it all go because that's a problem to a lot of people don't realize that. The opposite end of the spectrum is maybe one has debt and, and their struggle with bringing in money, or maybe one actually brings in a lot of money, but they struggle with holding it. And so they can still have a lot of debt, or maybe it's just like transmuting the energy that debt does not mean that I'm not safe, you know, so it's really dismantling our sense of inherent worthiness of, of. Us being worthy of our desires of what we want to call in and being able to like, allow, create the space that people can rewrite this at the emotional level, at the subconscious level of the, of the moon. This is what I do, right? It's the Capricorn moon to really feel safe and expansion and, and safe with holding money, being with money and knowing that money is not their identity. You know, and so with Pluto being in the first house, it's all about identity. So you can see how, you know, in a low octave, it's like this, just, just, just like, as I'm always carrying around this heaviness of, I'm not valued, I'm not good enough. And the Pluto frequency is just amplifying it. And it creates like an obsessive thing. And then it's always bringing in these experiences that are like. Making me question my worth, right? But then we alchemicalize that and then Pluto gives me leadership. It gives me power. It gives me wealth. It gives me safety and wealth, and it helps transform my psyche, my emotional body, and then I lead, I lead in that because Pluto is leadership and wealth expansion and leading other people to feel. It's expanded in wealth, but not just like in the money. It's that spiritual wealth. It's like the abundance that touches every area of our life, which is that first house. My Mars in the 10th house is literally about how I'm seen. And so the way to that, I have basically rewritten that story is really. Transmuting the way that I saw power, not as manipulation, that power does not mean it's manipulation, that power does not mean that bad things are going to happen to me. That I'm not my mother, you know, I, I'm not that same energy and I can be safe in a space of leadership. I am safe to lead and I'm a powerful leader. And when I listened to my intuition, because Mars and cancer is very much about intuitive flow. And I cultivate emotional resiliency, which is Pluto and that Mars aspect that I can face any criticism that comes my way. I can face any rejection that comes my way. I can face any adversity because Mars can sometimes bring adversity, whatever house Mars is in and you're tired, it can bring adversity in that area. So it would bring that I could face that adversity and then transmute that. And the more that I rose in my leadership, the more that I owned my own personal power and my truest desires and trusted my intuition about what I saw in other people and just got really good at setting good boundaries. Cause that's Mars and cancer. Pluto would only give to me more, give to me more visibility, more, More energy in the public eye, which is that 10, 000 energy where Mars is. So this is how we really work with this. But I had to go in and I use these because Pluto is a powerful, powerful transmuter. When I referenced Pluto in our chart a lot, the other one, that's a really powerful alchemical transmuter in our charts, our Saturn. Chiron and, Uranus in our charts. Also the south node. Neptune can be as well. I always look at houses like powerful alchemizers are your 12th house, your 4th house and your 8th house. Really, truly. And so we can look at what's happening in those areas, whether it's transit wise aspects in your natal chart and like, what is happening with these planets and what do we need to really work with? Oh, Jupiter, Jupiter is the other one because Jupiter, even though it's a benefit, meaning it's a really, really expansive planet like Venus in our charts, we do have to really understand what Jupiter is doing in our chart because it is expansive So if it's in a place that is activating something in our psyche and our unconscious, that is a wound that is like an old past version of us, it's going to expand on that if that's what we focus on. But if it's something that, you know, where it's like saying, okay, it's bringing it to the surface and our chart to say, this is still here in your energy field. Let's like get rid of this and rewrite this and recode this. Then that's how you can start to use Jupiter to like expand you into your most abundant your destiny timeline. These are planets that I do believe are really big. Like they just have this ability to create this alchemical process in us that when we truly tune into them and work with them inside of our charts, where they're going. In the sky transit wise, talking to the specific planets in our chart, and then also where they're at in our natal chart, this can really transmute a lot of energy. We can recode so much in our energy field. And what they do is they give us deeper. Clues that we might not have otherwise had. So we can look at like, what are the house that these planets are in? Because the house that a planet is in is the energy that that planet is expressing itself. It's like holding it all up, saying, here's the energy that I'm expressing to you. And then if that planet is talking to other planets in your chart, either through trines. Positive flow or squares, which would be like harsher opposition, sometimes conjunctions, you know, whatever aspect it's communicating, we can get the energy to it, to, from those two planets, the house from any other planets it's communicating with. And that's how we can really extract the energy of like, Oh, I see this. This is where we're moving with this energy. It sounds complicated, but it's actually not when you work with a really good astrologer who understands this beyond. Basic astrology and they know how much these energies really work with our energy field. And this process can really be transmuted quite quickly. I work with people all the time in my quantum astro recoding sessions. And those are about two to two and a half hour deep dives where We go through what is going on in the emotional body. And we're already transmuting that through that. We go through this in our charts and work through this together through the chart of the client. And then we speak to the planets and the planets speak to the client and that chart, the whole thing is just moving together synergistically. And then we use that to go into higher consciousness and we use higher consciousness to come into our energy field. And that recodes it. And the reason why I use higher consciousness and talk about this so much is that when we use our chart, it is an activation of our higher consciousness. And when we are activated in our higher consciousness, the messages we receive, the energy recoding that we receive, what happens there truly sticks because it is us, it's not me telling you as a psychic, this is what I see though. I might. guide you to it if you're stuck, right? It's like, this is what I'm picking up. How does this resonate? I will guide you. But where the, the, this really sticks is because one, I'm really good at helping you move energy. And I'm a gifted energy healer and worker and recoder. This is why I have this process and know it works and can work with it. But also too, I am activating you to be in pure divine alignment. with your unique astrological DNA, which is the vehicle to your higher consciousness. So this is what happens. And then we activate power in our charts and we start to show up differently. We start to co create with our world differently. And suddenly things that felt like they were on a really far away timeline, like the money that we wanted. It starts to come in and then we're not blocking it because we're not so focused on it coming in one specific way. We're just open and ready to receive it in any which way that it's ready to come to us through our destiny timeline. And so there's so much here that we could really dive into, but I want to talk about what I feel like are some big quantum shifts that we all need to make. One is identity shifts. We don't go in and fix money wounds or wounds held in our subconscious. We don't go fix them. We literally explore them. And through that awareness, we shift it in our field and we use light activation and different frequencies to shift this in our energy field. And then we embody a new. wealth identity, money identity, timeline identity, but you have to know what your destiny timeline is. I use the North Node so much in our MC, tremendously. Jupiter and Venus, also our biggest sisters, and helping access this. When we, and also I'll look at 11th house, 2nd house, and 8th house energies in this as well, to really activate this. Because a lot of people think that they are plugged into their destiny timeline and they're actually playing so freaking small. And so no wonder the universe isn't giving you, you're not manifesting because you're like manifesting way small. It's not even in vibrational alignment with who you are meant to be, with who you need to be. So like the identity that you have to embody is. Is so much bigger and expansive. And I also talked about energetic expansion. Like we have to actually create wealth capacity. We have to create capacity to hold all of this. This does not come from strategy. This does not come from force. This does not come from those wounded masculine places. This comes from how much our energy field can actually hold. And when we do those things, that's when these brilliant tools, like spinal energetics. Somatics breath work, and these things can really anchor in that abundance, but it starts with our energy field first. And when we do these things, that's when we started to take more aligned action. And again, this isn't through going out and searching for the right strategy to create or manifest. This is literally letting your, higher consciousness, be the vehicle for putting your energy out there and clearing those visibility wounds, those power wounds, these legacy wounds, clearing whatever in you is keeping you back from truly leading and feeling comfortable leading, you know, whatever's there that we're fearing, whether that's rejection, not being enough, like, abandonment. There's so many different wounds held in our energy system through these, you know, These, these experiences, mother ones, father ones, sister ones, which ones, all the things that it's like being, we have to go in and like recode them and then be consciously knowing when they are driving the vehicle, which is us. So, so much, so much happening here. I hope that you find this resonant because this to me is truly like other. This to me, it just takes manifestation and co creation to another level. And to me, it's really exciting to have this awareness and I have been experimenting with this very, very intimately for the last two years. And how, of course I've been an astrologer for decades and working in the quantum and manifestation and all the things for ages. But combining the two is what has really brought this together. Other worldly level of expansion for me. And I'm so passionate about bringing this out to the collective, because what people don't realize, like the energy of wealth has nothing to do with mindset or strategy or grasping or trying harder and forcing. It really truly is about expanding our frequency, healing our frequency, recoding our energy field, which ultimately is our frequency. And money, abundance, love, the things that we crave the most that bring us the most freedom in life operate at a frequency bandwidth. And so if your field is coded, your energy field is coded to only hold a certain amount of love, a certain amount of money, a certain amount of expansion, a certain amount of visibility. That's where you'll stay. And no matter how much effort, no matter how much mindset, no matter how many affirmations you say, it's just not going to change. This is why a lot of people will have months where money really flows very effortlessly. And then suddenly it just like dries up. This is because your energetic wealth. Capacity. Your, your energy is not coded to really fully hold that. And also you're not flowing with the cycles of your astrology because sometimes we are meant to have slower cycles because we have to go in. We have to go within. We have to constantly calibrate. Are we in alignment? And we can't just go hustle all year long, without ever taking a pause and really reflecting and saying, Where's my energy asking me to expand because we're always expanding. We're always being asked to grow and expand. And we have to know where we're being asked to calibrate to. If we don't know where we're going to calibrate to, we're going to stay in the old energy and the old frequency. And that's when things start to slow down. So we have to look at like, where am I really being called to expand and calibrate and grow and move into, and then we get that clarity. And that's when like the quantum leaps and the quantum shifts really happen. Our astrology holds big keys to this. Our natal blueprint holds our financial blueprint as well. When you are working with second house energies, eighth house energies, 11th house energies, I do believe 10th house energies. And you understand. How those energies are all working together, what the planetary rulers are, where they're at and else and your chart, because it's not just about that house itself. It's like where the rulers of each of these houses that are pertinent to your chart. How are the planets speaking to each other? Where are the plans and planets in the sky moving through your chart and activating? This is a whole different conversation. Gives you so much clarity. I'll give you an example of this because one of the things that I have is in my natal chart, I have Jupiter in Gemini and it's in the 9th house. Jupiter in the sky has been in the sign of Gemini which means that Jupiter in the sky is also traveling through my 9th house. Well, for a good part of that transit I was still trying to be really tactical, strategic. 9th house energy is not tactical and strategic. It's just not, and was really scattered in my energy, which Gemini and Jupiter can be. Nine Hells energy is around really tapping into your higher consciousness. It's really, expanding in your belief systems. It's about recoding your belief systems, what you believe to be possible and, and truly tapping into like God frequency. It is a really great house to go write the book, you know, really get the book out, get it published, leverage podcasting, long term leveraging. This is like for long term visibility at a way. Right. And it's like by doing these things, by the time that Jupiter gets into your 10th house, it's like, okay, hitting your mid heaven peak visibility. So ninth house is around creating the things that are going to lead up into that 10th house expansion, most. What do I need to really focus on in this? Well, that was. Not putting so much content on Instagram and really leveraging my podcast through longer form content, getting YouTube going, getting video content going, because this is like longer form. This is 9th house energy going deep, going deep into this visionary energy. I also was not sharing anything about these quantum concepts between astrology and manifestation. In the quantum field and energetic recoding. This is all Ninth House shit. This is really, really beautiful Ninth House. Really amazing stuff to be sharing with everybody about tapping into these frequencies. Also, Ninth House is about travel, going foreign travel a lot of times. I have many other activations in my chart. But one of the things that I wasn't doing was foreign travel. I wasn't traveling. I was like, I gotta travel. So I'd travel and I would expand, expand my mind, expand my body, expand my field, my world, like my, the way that I resonated with life. It would just make me feel so expansive. I booked a retreat that is in Costa Rica because that is going to expand through those things. Because Jupiter is a planet of expansion and it often will bring us money where it's traveling through, by aligning with the themes of that house through those things as where I got the clarity, where I got the expansion and also many other activations in my chart of working with, but I'm just giving you a very like tangible example of how this works through doing that and following my Jupiter codes and what was being activated, not only natally, but in my Jupiter return, because when Jupiter comes around to the sign that it was at in your natal chart. That is where so much expansion is coming in, activating my highest timeline, activating my destiny timeline, believing and knowing with full conviction, this is Jupiter in the ninth house. Okay. It's that optimism that it's there. It's that expansion in there and bringing that in. So, you know, these are all really ways that we can. Start to align with that abundance and I feel like exciting and fun expansive ways That manifestation tells us focus on the money focus on that what you want, you know Focus on the love call in the love what you want call in soulmate It actually does us a disservice because the more that we hyper focus on something the more we create resistance Whereas if Jupiter was going through my seventh house Which is does happen to be when I got engaged, by the way, I would probably be leveraging going out and dating and, and, and really monetizing that, but more in my feminine way, like more in the way of I'm receiving this right now, going out and getting it because Jupiter is all about receiving that, right? Not going out and trying to just go get it, get the thing. If I was going through that again, Jupiter in my seventh house, I would really be focusing on that. And through that is how money would come in. When I got engaged, I had the most abundant financial year of my life. Jupiter was going through my seventh house. So do you see what I mean? It's not always about focusing on that, which is there like that. What we think is like, Oh, I need to get the love, you know, because sometimes like. To pull in love, we have to go through something else within us. Maybe Jupiter's in your fifth house and it's not quite ready for love, but it's ready for you to activate full self expression and really create that self, that self identity of self. That's like, I'm free and who I am, you know, going and enjoying creating. Being in sexual like desirous energies because that's what fifth house is. It's actually a very sexual energized house and it's a great house to go out and date and explore and just see how you feel and like really tap into who you are and express who you are being which ultimately by that authenticity by the time Jupiter gets into your seventh house, you know, you're like I'm so authentic to who I am that you're calling in those aligned connections. And then of course, working with these, what we quote unquote say, these tougher planets, the darker planets, you know, and alchemy, like using them to help us alchemize those wounds, the fears, what we see as restriction, but really it's propelling us into our destiny timeline. It's propelling us to release the. Energetic frequencies, the emotional restrictions and limitations that really don't, they don't withstand time. They're not, they're not activating us on our destiny timeline. So if this really excites you, there are a couple of ways that you can work with me on this. I'm going to say, grab an astro recoding session. Number one, I mean, that is where you're going to really like jump into the quantum. You're going to expand your energy field. We're going to get to the of everything. that is currently at this moment needing to be recoded. You know, not everything in your whole life is going to be recoded in one session, but I promise you, you will have a lot, a lot of momentum that is created where you will start to interact with your external world. You will start to step into your wealth identity, your spiritual wealth identity, the identity of your destiny timeline. through these sessions. You can also book an astro activation session, which is a nice gateway into my role to just get a feel for how to work with astrology in a way that's not complicated. I am really good at not complicating astrology. Like I have no desire to, I literally don't want to teach you astrology. I want to guide you. I want to lead you to embody who you are destined to be. And that's what astrology does. I have a beautiful offer, which is called the temple. And this is exactly what we do. I'm in this container. I am leading you through Astrological wisdom. I am sharing these frequencies to you which recode you just by hearing them. You are getting Workshops master classes. I just did one on how to channel your higher consciousness for manifestation. This is truly a Manifestation portal it is an energetic immersion in which you shift timelines This is not for beginners. This is not for those who need hand holding. None of my offers are. This is really for women who know that they're meant for financial power, for true love abundance, for activating, like, powerful connections in their life and truly tapping into that spiritual abundance, that abundance that just goes out into every area of their life. This is for those Who are really ready to step into their next level version of themselves, who commands more from the universe, who commands more for this life. So if this feels activating to you, the links are all in my show notes, grab them, book them, send me some DMS. If you have questions, happy to connect. I love to talk about any of this. If you have questions and I'd love to see you inside any of those portals, have a beautiful day.