The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
This podcast is an exploration of inspirational humans who are paving the way to a New Earth, embodying integrity, and elevating consciousness on this planet.
This podcast is a space where astrology, spirituality, entrepreneurship, energetics, and animal communication converge to ignite a spark into the power of the unseen world!
Along the way, I’ll share practical insights and intuitive wisdom to help you unlock your potential in life, love, leadership, money, business, and animal communication.
Here, you’ll meet exceptional souls who stand for more—raw, unfiltered conversations filled with truth, fun, and loaded with all things taboo.
As the creator of Radiant Vibes, my practice focuses on Embodiment for Entrepreneurs & Emerging Entrepreneurs. I’m an Intuitive Energetic Strategist specializing in Spiritual & Business Alignment, Animal Communication, and Frequency Attunement.
Through my unique blend of intuitive gifts, astrological insight, and energy-clearing modalities, I guide transformations that align your soul, business, and relationships with higher frequencies.
This podcast is your invitation to lead, heal, and create from a place of authenticity and soul connection.
To learn more about my offerings, head over to my website at https://www.raeradiantvibes.com/
You can find me on IG @raechelleembrey
The Untamed Soul | Soul Activation, Spiritual Healing, Animal Communication, Spiritual Business
Find Safety in the Unknown with the Total Lunar Eclipse
We’re diving into the Virgo Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse happening March 14th. 🌕
This has been an episode I've been sitting on for a few weeks of how and what am I going to say about this? Because I feel like we’ve been in eclipse season this entire year, to be perfectly honest.
This start of 2025 for many of us has been a few months where we’ve cleared out a ton, been put on our path, taken off our path, and put back on again. We’ve experienced so many course corrections with Mars retrograde in Cancer, which is now direct.
But—we’ve got more retrogrades that are active or approaching, as well as some really interesting aspects happening to this Full Moon.
You’ll want to tune into this episode to hear how to flow with this eclipse season, understand how to bring forward the lessons from that Mars retrograde, review what clues the Pisces transits have been giving us, and get a sense of the themes of this total lunar eclipse.
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Hello. Hello. Here we are with our eclipse episode. This has been one I've been sitting on for a few weeks of like, how, what am I going to say about this? How am I going to say it? Because in truth, I feel like we have been in eclipse season this entire year, to be perfectly honest. I feel that we, this start of 2025 for many of us has been A few months where we have really cleared out so much been put on our path been taken off our path been put back on so many course redirections with Mars retrograde and cancer, which is now direct, you know, a lot more clarity. And, I feel just like the energy of how we really want to move forward, though. It's still very intuitive, still very internal, still very much, not like a fire energy. It's a much more balanced energy to me as it has gone direct. And we also are now in a Venus retrograde, which, you know, when Venus goes retrograde, it's, When Mars and Venus go retrograde, they don't happen as often as a Mercury retrograde, first of all, and so they really are bigger portals to go in and reassess. And I don't feel like Venus retrograde has as many implications on our body as say, Mars does, which really drives our action, our fuel, our clarity. It helps us move in the direction, right? And so when it's retrograde, it's really this Re evaluation of how are we taking action? And is it an ultimate alignment with what our higher consciousness, what our destiny timeline truly has in store for us in this lifetime. And so it's a time to evaluate, like, how have you been taking action for a couple of years, two years, usually is, somewhere in that window that Mars goes retrograde. And so when Venus goes retrograde, Venus is about our values. That's how we feel about ourself. It's what we value in the world. It is creativity. It is beauty. It is goddess energy. It is that feminine within us, all of us, male or female, that we have of like what we love, what we want to create, What do we value in the way of the money that we receive? So, and I feel like what Venus Retrograde is doing for us right now is helping bring us back into alignment with how we take action forward now that Mars is direct and How that is in alignment with what we value about ourselves, our life, you know, I think of Venus and I think of that feminine freedom, you know, this like freedom energy that says, I'm free to create and do whatever that I want, they are going to experience Venus in very different ways, depending on where she's placed in your chart, what sign she's in, what house she's in, but as a collective energy, this is what I'm speaking to right now, she is retrograde and the sign of Aries, and, by her Typical astrology that would say this is not, it's at a faulted placement here. It's not in its illumination of Venus, right? Venus is not super happy in Aries. Like Aries is very masculine, very just like, let me go, let me make shit happen. Let me like force my way through life. And Venus is much more in the feminine flow. But I actually really like this because I feel that it is giving us this bold initiation to basically say. Fuck it. I'm going to do life on my terms, you know, and what are those terms? And Venus is giving us this portal, this time over this next month, to really say, what are the ways that you want to take bold action in this life that you want to travel ways like, how have you been truly holding back? How have you been dialing yourself down, dimming your light, playing small? How have you been holding back your words, your expression, and fear of what people might think, how they'll judge you, what, you know, fear of being wrong, fear of perception. And when she's in, in Aries, Aries doesn't think about those things, right? But here, Venus is saying, Here we are. We are thinking about those things actually. And so I feel like this is just a beautiful time that we are experiencing this during this eclipse cycle because eclipses are seasons that happen twice a year that basically put us on the track. Help us course correct, you know, and the thing about eclipse seasons is you can not predict them You can look up the planetary ruler of an eclipse. You can look at where they are in your house know the signs and all the things and the trines and the oppositions Truly look at this as a full on map. You can get the energetics of it, which is what I'll share with you today. And as I'm sharing that with you is about the energetics, but you just can't predict what is going to be eclipsed out, meaning ending purged release and what's going to come in. And the thing that we have to do is just trust that eclipse seasons are really happening for us to help us be put to the test. In better, more alignment into our destiny timeline. And the interesting thing is that we as human beings, we don't always see that because we have our ego. We have our experiences. We have our past, you know, past experiences. We have all these things, even the codes in our birth chart that could be of detriment to us because there are. codes that do need to be recoded in our birth chart so that we can really use them as powerful, energies to support us and alchemize those so that we are using those into power. So we have all these things that really kind of limit us because we will form these beliefs, these thoughts, these stories, and they stick in our subconscious. And this is what I love about this particular eclipse season, because The moon is in Virgo, first of all. So this first one coming up on, it's going to be, I'm recording this in central time. So I am in Arkansas. And for me, this is happening at 2 26 AM on March 14th. So it's going to be March 13th. To March 14th, depending on where you are in the world. Okay. So just know that and allocate the date and time to where you live in the world, but it's going to be March 13th to the 14th. And so what is really interesting to me is with the moon. In Virgo. I want to just go back to the subconscious and the body, because the moon in Virgo is giving us this chance, the full moon, because it illuminates, it really shines a light on what needs to go, what ultimately needs to be purged. So when we're in the cycle, approaching to any full moon, Between the new moon and the full moon, we are in a cycle of release. We're in a cycle of evaluating what worked, what's not working based on the intentions that we plant like planted out there to the universe at the new moon. So it's like we get, we're in this phase building, especially the week before a full moon of release and purge and clear and all of that. To bring us into the timeline of our destiny timeline. And so what I find really interesting about this full moon in Virgo and knowing about our experiences that really, truly shape our thoughts, our beliefs, what we think is possible. And it's that energy gets stored in our body and the subconscious and that is either creating a safe place and our nervous system to expand or an unsafe place to expand. We are being given this beautiful illumination because not only is the moon in Virgo, but the moon is conjunct, meaning exact with the South node and the South node is a point of clearing. It's a point of karmic release in our charts. It's also where we're really super comfortable in our patterns, our habits, when the South node is in Virgo, it truly is habits, patterns, what we think and feel in our body. It's like, what is fueling and propelling that in our body? And, you know, Virgo is very body based. It's very, it has so much to do with our nervous system. And to me, when our nervous system doesn't feel safe or it's stuck in old karmic imprinting, it doesn't allow our subconscious programming to really rewire itself. And then what happens is our energy field gets stuck with all this This baggage, this emotional baggage, these thoughts, these beliefs, these stories that truly keep us stuck. It keeps us, keeps our energy field contracted and we're not in our full on receiving mode, which is what the opposite of the South Node of Virgo is, is North Node in Pisces. And we're in this nodal access. for 18 months. We just started this cycle in January. And so we're in this nodal axis for 18 months. And if you want to learn more about this, go listen to the episode that I did with Vika Bradford, because we did a deep dive into South node and North node Pisces Virgo axis. It's going to give you a lot of insight to this. What we're actually working with over the next 18 months and the eclipse cycles are going to be all in that except for the solar Eclipse at the end of this month, which I will create another episode on because that's gonna be much more of a calling in and that one's gonna be good. So right now we're in this release of what Is truly held in our energy field that is contracting us because the North Node in Pisces wants us to go to hope it wants us to go to belief it wants us to go to infinite potential it wants us to play in the quantum and literally dream big and not only just dream it because when we dream it is just out there this energy is supporting us and To bring it into our body, to bring it into our vessel, and truly create it. The full moon in Virgo is like, let whatever needs to go, go. Die, decay, be gone. That is truly keeping you from creating that which you desire. And if you don't know what, like, here's the thing is, I feel like we've been giving lots of cues and clues around what we desire to create because we have been in the Piscean energies. We have had Saturn in Pisces. We've had Neptune in Pisces. And since I believe it was like the end of January, we have had Neptune in the sky conjunct the north node in Pisces, which is truly a portal of divine receiving from higher consciousness and the quantum. So you have been giving, been given all sorts of clues, tons of clues of if you've been open and aware and receiving them. And if you haven't, you've probably been contracting, you've still been getting those nudges, those intuitive nudges, because this is truly tapped in to your destiny timeline. This is truly like what you've been receiving over these last few months. Your energy field is expanded. You feel safe in your body because your nervous system is balanced. You're like, okay, I feel really safe in this expansion. I'm ready. I'm ready to do the difficult things that activate this change because change, no matter what. And this is kind of the thing about Virgo, is that it can get really stuck and not want to change. Whereas like Pisces is like, yes, we're here to change, we're here to evolve, where this This full moon and Virgo's like conjunct the South. No, where have you been stuck? Where are you resisting change? Where are you resisting the positive change that is truly the best for you? This could be Habits that you need to kick. I mean truly this is a great time if you're struggling with anything like addictive numbing out to set the, the intention to say, I'm ready to kick this because this is not supporting my body. This is not supporting my life that I want to create. And one of the things about Virgo also is that it can really get stuck in perfectionism and, control and rigidity. But when it's in It's really illuminated space. It knows how to create the systems, the structures, the things to support your body so that you can truly feel safe and expanding. And it's really beautiful at communicating this. This feels so grounded to me, this feels so safe to me. And when we're tapped into higher consciousness, like the things that we're receiving are for us. If you were trying to go to your guides and go to sources outside of you, it's not always going to feel super safe for you to go to that place because it needs to feel in alignment with your body. And the only thing, I say this time and time again, like I use my guides and I Share this with people in my quantum mystic collective, all my clients, use your guides to help you clear the pathway. Use your guides to help you clear your energy because that's what they, they want to be told what to do more than having to guess work for you. And you ask them to go help you create and do and clear obstacles and work on your energy field. That is like. where they just love to expand and help you and guide you and assist you, but get your clarity through your higher consciousness, get your clarity through your intuition. We're not meant to outsource that to other sources of energy. We're literally here to be a vessel. And this is what that North node conjunct Neptune is doing for us. And Pisces is showing us like truly connecting into that quantum field of Infinite potentiality, letting this divine stream of your higher consciousness come down, pour through you, letting it using this Virgo energy to really regulate our nervous system so that we can rewire these thoughts, these beliefs, these stories, the untruth, the illusions. That have really kept us safe in the same, and it's just time to really change. We are really being activated in this portal to change. And one of the things that's happening is that we have Uranus in the sky forming a trine to the moon. And Uranus trining the moon is a positive flow of energy, but it can still feel like, oh, really unsafe in the body because Uranus right now is in the sign of Taurus, the moon is in Virgo, both earth placements, and Uranus is very high octave. It's not held in the body essentially. So, but Uranus is the awakener. It is the change maker. It is like, it's like, it's saying, I need you to shake shit up and go do what you know you need to do. Go share, go let all of this stuff that you're receiving, activate you and let this visionary, let this futuristic aspects of you come in and be in your body now, whereas like Taurus is like, I don't know, that feels really scary to me because we've got to remember that all change is going to, whether it's good or bad, is going to feel unsafe to our body as human beings. Good change or bad change? We fear it. And so it is really easy to mistake, for us to mistake, change, like the positive change is something that's really bad for us because we fear that unknown, we fear that uncertainty. And Uranus and Taurus has been alchemizing that. And showing us how to feel safe in uncertainty to feel safe, walking alongside fear to feel safe, truly paving that path forward in our body. And I feel like this is just giving us an extra boost and it's going to feel probably a little shaky in your body. It's going to feel nervous, like a little nerve wracking and receiving this very high frequency energy through Uranus. That's saying you, this is where you really need to change. I'm here supporting this change. I'm here activating, I'm opening up this divine portal, for you. Like literally here it is. Let me just. Blast it right into your, into your crown chakra, into your third eye. And then using tiresome Virgo, this full moon to help integrate it into the body. So what I'm going to say to you around this energy, because Uranus is all wet. Also, it has a sack sextile to Saturn in the sun in a sextile. Again, as a positive flow of energy, sextiles, like an action oriented energy to, it's time to go. It's time to move. Right. And so Uranus is giving this like, it's time to go. It's go time. It's time to move. Like let the South node do its clearing. Let the full moon shine a light on what needs to be cleared, what needs to end, what really needs to die and decay in your subconscious, in your energy field. That is. Keeping you stuck in same because same is not good. We are here to grow and evolve. We are here to do really amazing things in our lives. We are here to experience a full spectrum of emotions of energy of experiences. And one of the things that I feel like is really being shown to many of us with this Full Moon Embargo on the South Node is where we have basically cocked black our joy, where we have said, I actually don't even know how to truly experience joy. And that is a huge, big block to receiving, because if we can't experience joy, we can't receive. So if you've been one that you felt like money has been slow, maybe even lacking intimacy in your relationships with yourself. There's probably a really big indicator here that you do not know how to fully receive joy. And it's the irony is how many people actually think that they can receive and experience joy, but they're really disconnected from it. We have been conditioned to feel so safe in the discomfort, in the chaos, in, you know, the craziness. And especially those of us who have come from really strong backgrounds of trauma, we have a lot of mother wounding, a lot of father wounding that we are here alchemizing, transmuting, breaking generational curses and patterns and karma. Like if you're listening to this podcast, chances are you are that person because I don't attract anybody that's not that person, but we're powerful. We're like breaking these cycles. The people that come into my world are the people like breaking these cycles, truly making, just transcending what they ever thought was possible. And so that is what this energy is really helping us feel safe and seeing that where we've been programmed to almost. the joy, because here's what's coming through around us, because if we're going to experience joy, we've also got to be able to be experienced, experience anger. We've got to experience grief. We've got to let ourselves experience a full spectrum of emotions. And one of the things that's been happening that's leading up to this actual eclipse is in the sky. Mars has been squaring Chiron and it's forming meaning It's not totally at an exact square yet, it's forming, and when energies in the sky are forming, they're really intense. When they get to the actual, actual degree of the exact square, conjunction, opposition, whatever, it almost feels like a I'm going to give you a little bit of a breath of fresh air, like, oh, thank God that's done because it'll feel like a boiling point. So Mars in cancer, very intuitive, very feeling, very in the motion, emotions, which Mars doesn't really love to do, but we've all been learning this, right? Because we've been experiencing Mars in cancer since October. We've been feeling this, we've been working with this. We know how to do this now. We're all getting pretty good at this Mars and cancer thing by this point. And if you're not, there's some work to do and that's okay. That's why I'm here. Get in touch and we can, we can work with that. But when it's squaring Chiron, Chiron is like all the wounds that you've been suppressing that are impeding you, that are stuck in your energy field, that are making you feel unsafe in your nervous system, that are just like lingering in that subconscious programming in your body. That are keeping you from truly making that change from stepping over just like it's like you feel like you're so ready to cross that line. And here comes Chiron. Here comes Mars squaring it that says, wait, it's not safe to take action yet. Or we think this right in our body. It's not quite safe to take action yet. Because I have this fear and this thing and this wound and this thing impeding me. And it makes us really flippin angry. It will piss us off. And many of my clients, including myself, have been experiencing this. The trick to working with this, if you've been feeling this boiling point with N and just sort of this, like, heaviness of, what the fuck, I'm so pissed off. I just want to rage at the universe. This is how I felt last week and several of my clients, I literally raged at the universe at God. I ran into my closet and I'm screaming into a pillow. I'm so fucking angry. Why? You know, I can feel almost as if you're on the wrong path. And why am I, if I'm really supposed to be doing this, why the fuck are all these obstacles coming in my way? Why is this happening? Why can't I get this to happen, right? And what this is showing us is where we're in this I need this to happen in order to feel safe feeling because it's our wounds coming up We don't need anything to happen to feel safe We literally just need to go into our body and say I am safe just as I am now I am safe just as I am now. We need to scan our environment our world for safety We need to scan our world in our environment for what we've already manifested that is really amazing and really big. We need to scan for what is going right. And that's what this, this square is helping us alchemize so that we can actually lean into seeing what's right. And then also it's helping us alchemize feeling really comfortable. In these feelings that most of us want to avoid. And here's the interesting thing is if we avoid rage, if we avoid anger, if we avoid grief and like disappointment and frustration, and we're going like in this toxic positivity of like, I can't feel that because if I feel those things, I can't manifest, you know, like the North note and Pisces is like, no, you can feel it all. Like you can feel it all and still manifest really amazing things. And that's what I feel like is happening right now. And so if we're stuffing those things down, it's think of it like a really full trash can, and then you're stuffing anger down and you're saying, I can't even face that. What, what's wrong with me? Because I feel so fucking pissed off. Why? Why am I feeling this feeling again? I thought I've transmuted this. I thought I optimized this well, you know, because you're about ready to go through a massive upgrade and up level, not even an upgrade to me, this is stepping over, we've been through the upgrades, we've been through the Ascension to me, this is about stepping over that line and taking the plunge and taking a leap and saying. Okay, I'm doing it. I'm just doing it. I'm just going to make that quantum leap in my emotional landscape that says I'm safe. And so what happens is if we stuff all of these, what we quote unquote think are negative emotions, it's like this trash can that we're just pushing more trash, on top of the trash, and then it just gets so full. And that's when these negative frequencies start to manifest in our reality. If you feel these frequencies. And allow yourself to just cry out the grief to feel the pain. These frequencies actually move really, really slow. They don't move as fast as joy, as gratitude, as love. But we have to feel them so that we can release them so that we can receive more joy, more love, more of this higher vibrational alchemy. That is truly what is going to help us manifest. Okay, so this square Mars square and Chiron if you're feeling this and you're like, oh, yeah, I've been feeling so Off kilter over the last week. This is what's happening. It's preparing you for this release So I really suggest that you take time to feel whatever needs to be felt within you and just empty out the garbage can You know empty it out because That is the way to truly transmute any discomfort inside of you. And that's the way to stop numbing out from joy, to stop numbing out from love, to stop numbing out from receiving what is actually for you and here for you. So in all of those things, like all equal, the things that we truly want, which is money, we want more. If you're a business, more clients, more money, more, you know, visibility. All of those things. We think we want those things, but actually what we want is the feeling that that brings to us. Which is freedom, which is alignment, which is, safety, satisfaction. So we can't feel those feelings if our garbage can is full of anger, grief, frustration. You know, things like that, we have to literally allow our bodies to feel it. And just remember, like, if you feel those things, you're not blocking your manifestation. What's blocking them is you stuffing them down and not ever feeling them. And then eventually you will start co creating experiences in your external reality that continue to trigger those. Those feelings that are actually full fueled by thoughts and beliefs in your, in your energy field. And that's when they start to actually create an external reality that validates to you, oh, I can't receive money. I can't receive love. This won't happen. Whatever the story is. You know, money isn't safe, power isn't safe, leadership isn't safe, visibility isn't safe. Whatever the story is that you could be telling yourselves, which there's so many stories and. You know, I really truly believe at looking at your moon to look at these stories and Chiron and your chart to look at these stories because they're both very powerful placements and your 12th house is going to tell you so much about your subconscious programming. Those are the two things that really tell us a lot about our subconscious programming. per our unique energetic blueprint. So that has been an interesting energy that we've all been feeling this Chiron square to Mars, but it's prepping us as preparing us. And we have a chance to alchemize this so that we can truly be put on this path and work and flow with this eclipse season. And so when we flow with these energies during eclipses or Uranian energy, which is just going to add just extra shake up to this whole cycle. What happens is it allows us to be more in flow. In these changes, they don't impact us as much. They end up being more of a beneficial change that we're like, Oh yes, thank you. This is such a breath of fresh air. I've been waiting for this, you know, but we have to go in and do the dirty work, you know, essentially that a lot of us avoid doing because we fear what that will look like. We are conditioned to think that the dark femme within us, these, these racial feelings, these. You know, things that speaking our truth and really getting to the crux of what's within us is dark, you know, and that's just societal conditioning and it's just not true. So I want to go back and talk about what is also happening at this lunar eclipse because we have Uranus in a sextile. to Saturn and the Sun, what is interesting, Saturn and the Sun is conjunct, meaning they're, they're exact. And what happens when any planet comes up to the Sun, the Sun like burns it out. The Sun is so bright. It's, it's like literally the brightest planet. it is the brightest. And so whenever anything comes up and is in conjunct with the sun, the sun is literally going to burn that, that energy out. What I love about this is because we've been working with Saturn and Pisces for almost two and a half years, and it's going to shift into Aries in just a few months. And we're ready for this. Okay. We're ready for the ship. So, but if you have been working with your Saturn lessons and Pisces, I feel like the changes that are happening with this eclipse are only going to be like a well warm welcome to your body, to your world. Because if you, Saturn has been asking us all, all to really. Integrate, higher consciousness, intuition into our body, into our daily routines. Yeah, it's been this total transformation of purging and releasing what has been stagnant in our bodies, working with health, working with, gosh, there's so much nervous system. I can like where we're in really rigid. Daily routines. How to create systems. That sustain us in our businesses, in our lives, how to create daily habits that are much more, where it's like prioritizes us in our body, in our mind, in our spirituality. First, it has been allowing us this opportunity to create our life first and then let work career business structure itself around our life, around our joy. And if you've been in flow with that, you've probably been burning down many things inside your business. You know, it's like this really big course correct inside your business that can feel scary and uneasy, and it can feel like things really aren't flowing in. Yeah, but this is a time that I feel that the limitations that have been placed on you from Saturn with the sun conjunct it are going to burn away. And it's going to happen all this week, and I believe through the 14th, it's going to then come off of it, off of the sun. But what I see this happening is like, the sun is so much of our identity. It's like who we be when we go out into the world. And Saturn is the restriction in that. And I truly believe that the sun is going to say, let that restriction burn down. It's not needed anymore. We're here to go and be this energy. That what we like be the energy of our higher self of our higher consciousness of the exaltation of our birth charts of who we know we are destined to be in this timeline. I also see this with Uranus forming the sextile is Disintegrating timelines that aren't actually for us almost disintegrating time because Saturn can very much rule time and we can think we don't have enough time. It can make things move slow or it makes us think we have to work so hard to get what we need. It actually puts us in a do this to get this type of result. It can put us in when I get X, Y and Z, I will make the plunge. I'll invest in myself. I'll go do what I know what I need to do, even though this is thing that I want to do is like really on my heart and I know I fricking need it, but I'm just going to resist it and stay back because I know that when I do that thing, it's actually going to accelerate change and it's safer to be right here. It's a tricky self sabotage. Like that is a tricky thing. And self sabotage isn't bad. It's really been created for us to stay, to stay safe. But what's happening here is Uranus, sextiling Saturn in the sun is. It's like burning away those limitations and just saying go do the freaking thing that you know you need to do go invest in that, that mentor that coach that you know that you've been eyeing up for a while like we can do it. Just go do it. Don't go invest in new because like if you don't know this person Venus and retrograde you could get like googly eyes or Thinking that something is really for you. This is a great time. If you have known somebody was for you for a while, you know, something that was really going to activate you. And you've known this, you've been in their world for a while, but you've had this resistance because maybe it costs too much. Maybe, well, that's what you're thinking. It costs too much or you don't know how. You'll, you'll make up like that investment. You're like too in the mind and the how and the doing, and it's putting this fear on you. This is, this is like the energy that says, no, just go do it or can do it. You've been thinking about it too long. Just go do it. Like make it happen. This is the time. It will dissolve that limitation. And what I love about. Saturn energy is like when we transcend that limitation, that, that karma that's there with Saturn, it gives us a lot of reward. And I truly believe that it's going to provide us with the stability to really anchor into the new timelines that are opening up for us and disintegrate our sense of what time really is because in the quantum time just doesn't exist, you know, and it's really a big. It's just a, it's a program that's been instilled in us. And so I just see this as like, be able to truly bring the visionary timeline, We've been receiving it. But maybe we've been stuck in the in the mind too much of like, how are we gonna make that work? How's that gonna happen? The second you're in that, that means your nervous system is just dysregulated. That means that there are thoughts, beliefs, stories, illusions, lies that you were telling yourself about what is possible and you're stuck in the how. So what this says to me is You know, the North node in Neptune. It's like destiny timeline. We also have Venus conjunct Mercury, which is like receiving more clarity, receiving more insight, even though Mercury is going to go retrograde. But it's, this is, we're in receiving energy with this of How we're going to do and be and move forward in this identity, in this evolution of our identity, we have Uranus sextile, Saturn, sun, beautiful energy, futuristic timeline coming in. We have the South node and Virgo and the moon and Virgo. That's like giving us the guidance and help to feel safe in our body so that our energy field can expand and stop being in this contracted energy. of the mind when we allow ourselves to be a vessel of that which is opening up. The image that's being shown to me is like we're right here and there's a door that's been half open and we've been seeing what's through that door and it's like man that feels so good. I cannot wait to get there but we keep closing the door and then opening the door again and then we close it. And then we open it and then we close it because our subconscious is making us think it's better to stay where we're at because we don't know how it's going to work out. We don't know if that's even possible, but the truth is if it's being shown to you right now, it is possible and it is for you. And what I see in this energy is if we just open that door all the way, and we finally just. Walk through it. It's going to feel like this most nourishing meal that you've ever had that just tastes so juicy and delicious and good. And it just, it's like, man, it's like we put this food into our body and suddenly our bodies lit up and our cells are changing. And it's like rapid transformation happening at a cellular level that. Starts to reprogram those beliefs and they come up to the surface. It's like, I don't need you anymore. I don't need you anymore. Oh, hi, bye. You're not running the show anymore. And then we can truly follow in line with our intuition, with our higher consciousness and trust in the knowing that as I take a step forward and continue to do that, I will get the knowing of what steps to take next or how this will happen, but it's not through sitting here in force and contraction and trying to figure out how right now it's about taking the leap into this. Trusting, calling in deep trust in yourself and knowing that you can trust yourself. You can detach from anything in your past that has told you that you cannot trust yourself. Because the truth is most of the time we go into mistrust of ourselves because we think we made all these mistakes and we failed but that is truly a perception that you can choose to believe or you can say. No, what did I learn from those things? I learned a great deal from those things and let's focus on all the times that I did trust myself. And it really worked out. It was really fricking amazing. Like this energy is about transcending lack of trust. It's about moving beyond that. In truly reconnecting with what trust feels like to us as individuals, trusting ourselves, trusting that we will know at exactly the right moment, as long as we are in an expanded, not a contracted energy field. And when that happens, it's we're like magnetic and truly tapping in to gratitude of receiving that in the moment. It's like, they're showing me this image of a penny and finding it on the ground and going, Oh, it's just a penny. But it's like, no, I just received fricking money. I just received a penny. Oh my God, this was amazing. we get so attached to thinking it's always got to be the big manifestation, the 10k month, the, 100k month, whatever it is. that we forget that it's those little findings, those little serendipitous moments in the everyday that truly is where we find that gratitude. That's where we find that joy. That's how we receive. And we start to receive just these tiny things. That we think are tiny, but they're actually big things that are pings that are opening up and expanding our energy and field and truly bring us into the trust factor. So I'm going to sum this up with this one thing I really encourage you to do right now, along with be with whatever's coming up. Know whatever change that is happening for you is truly happening for you. It's going to open up doors. Let what needs to go, go. This could be some really challenging things that you might have been struggling with for months now. And it's like, you know, this is just not good for you. It's time to go. It's time to just let that go. Whether that's a habit. a toxic relationship, just anything that's just weighing your energy field down because you're going to feel it and the second you just say that's not for me, I release you with the higher octave of Pisces, North Node, Neptune there, I release you with love, may you be happy, be free, like go do your thing, not with anger and resentment. It's going to feel really freeing. And then from there, start playing with some manifestation things around this. What if, what if this got to happen for me? So an interesting way that I'm playing with this is this weekend. We went to a university basketball game here, and our team is going great, and we were playing a pretty big team. And it just felt so exciting, the whole game, like what if they won, it was a tie game, and Like the whole time I just knew they were going to win. I was like, they're going to freaking win. And it was crazy. And so it's like, I have two units, rental properties that are vacant and ready to be rented. And I was like, what if by the end of this weekend, they got rented? What if that happened? Well, you know, it's not happened yet, but I know it will happen. And the interesting thing is, is that I did have a showing on one of them. So it's like by playing in this, what if energy, what if. I had two new clients booked today. What if I followed and did that one thing that I know I've been holding off on doing because I'm not sure how it's going to go, but I just did it. And what if that resulted in 10, 000 extra dollars? What if I let that thing go that I know, maybe it's like, I'm out on too much alcohol or smoke too much weed or whatever. What if I just let that go and all of a sudden I start receiving the beauty and the alchemy and in the love in this life? What if I felt that anger I've been suppressing, and then on the other side, I get out of it, and I feel it, and all this, like, truly feel it, like, scream, bitch, roar, rage, let it fucking come out, and don't fear it, don't judge yourself, but what if I did that, and then on the other side, all of a sudden, I'm like, so much lighter the next day, all that energy I've been carrying around, and all of a sudden, it's just like, transmuted like that, What if I did that and suddenly I'm so madly in love with my partner again? What if I did that and suddenly I see all the joy around me and the beauty? This is the energy we get to create in and expand in right now. It truly to me is really beautiful energy that we have. We can't predict it. We don't know how it's going to happen, but I encourage you to be in flow of releasing. This is more of emotional releases, and sometimes these can be karmic releases. Karmic relationships that you know you need to let go of, but you can do this with love. It doesn't have to be a full blown debate or anger or anything. It's just like, I release you. I release you from my energy field. I release you from my body. I do this with love. I do this and you go find yourself happiness. You go find yourself peace. I do this with that. So I love you guys. And as always, I'm here. You can book an astro activation, a quantum energetic recoding session, the astro activation is going to give you all the juicy details about what's coming up for you in the next few months. Really helpful to plan out life, to plan out things, to know what is coming up for you right now. What are you really meant to hear? Be here and purge and release so that you can activate what is the destiny timeline that you're really ready to activate? What are the things in your chart that you're resisting that are actually powerful imprints that are going to propel you forward and bring in the clients, the magnetism, finding your voice, it's like clearing the confusion, essentially bringing in clarity there that's aster activation. And then the quantum energetic recoding is What is alive and active in your chart that is triggering whatever it is that you're feeling that you're needing to clear that you know that you need to clear, but you can't quite put that finger on. Well, I'm a psychic channel, so I go in as you are expressing, we connect into your higher consciousness, and I share that imprint, that energy. We go through it and then we clear it and we recode it in your chart. We recode it from your past. We clear it. We bring peace to it. We recode it in your energy field and you walk out with clarity and ease and you start receiving like crazy. Both are really powerful portals to step into my world. And I also have the quantum mystic collective, which is formally the temple. And this has formed into such a beautiful creation. If you've been following my journey. Over the last six months, the temple has been in evolution and it was time for it to go in this portal. But what is in alignment with me is bringing beautiful, mystical women together to manifest amazing, massive wealth, trust in the unknown and creating these amazing lives that they know they are destined to create. And the women in this container are extremely powerful. Manifesting, creating, we're in flow with the energetic currents of astrology. I am always sharing in ways like I've shared in this podcast around the energies, how to work with them, how to alchemize them, how to transmute them. I am always talking about energetics around all manifestations, and this isn't just like fluffy shit. This is like really, beautiful ways to expand your energy field so that you just feel so sexy and alive with life. So that is happening as well. And all the links will be here in this podcast episode, and I cannot wait to connect with you.